11 research outputs found

    Scales of water injustice: a case study in Ilhabela - North Coast of São Paulo

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    This article sought to understand how the rescaling strategy is used to influence sociopolitical and power relations and means of promoting certain interests that produce water inequities at local scale, starting from the case study in Ilhabela (North Coast – SP/Brazil). This research is in the field of Political Ecology of Water and employs concepts of ‘creation of new scalar configurations’ and hydrosocial territories. It was possible to verify that in the local hydrosocial territory, the water injustice that leads to the restriction of access to water by certain social groups is not determined by the water availability, but by socio-political and economic aspects, being strongly influenced by the reorganization of the organizational and administrative structure after the formation of a metropolitan region.Este artigo buscou compreender como a estratégia de reescalonamento é empregada para influenciar as relações sociopolíticas e de poder, bem como meio de promoção de determinados interesses que acabam produzindo injustiças hídricas em escala local, tomando como base o estudo de caso em Ilhabela (Litoral Norte - SP).  Esta pesquisa se insere no campo da Ecologia Política da Água e emprega conceitos de ‘construção de novas configurações de escalares’ e territórios hidrossociais. Foi possível verificar que no território hidrossocial local, a injustiça hídrica, que leva ao cerceamento de acesso à água por determinados grupos sociais, não é determinada pela disponibilidade hídrica, mas sim por aspectos sociopolíticos e econômicos, sendo fortemente influenciada pela reorganização da estrutura organizacional e administrativa após a formação de uma região metropolitana

    Towards intersectoriality: the foundations for environmental territorial governance at the São Paulo Macrometropolis

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    Based on the critical analysis of the issues of water security, risk, and ecosystem services, the article aims to present the foundations for territorial environmental governance through intersectoriality, relational character, and spatial integration, concepts that underpin territorial planning. Starting from the case of the São Paulo macrometropolis, the existing gaps in current management and planning practices were discussed in the face of the governance proposal presented in this article. Among the challenges and transformations to promote territorial environmental governance, it is necessary to recognize the relational interactions between actions, spaces, and dimensions, their impact on the territory, and consider local characteristics and their integration on a regional scale. Key to the transformation of governance practice is the recognition of territory as a produced space that results from socio-environmental relations and is mobilized by flows of power. Finally, territorial environmental governance is presented as a new point of departure and reflection that integrates policies, deconstructs the sectoral vision, and advances in producing a fairer, safer, and healthier territory for all, humans and non-humans.A partir da análise crítica dos temas de segurança hídrica, risco e serviços ecossistêmicos, o artigo se propõe a apresentar os fundamentos para uma governança ambiental territorial por meio da intersetorialidade, do caráter relacional e da integração espacial, conceitos estes que embasam o planejamento territorial. Tendo como caso empírico a macrometrópole paulista, foram discutidas as lacunas existentes nas práticas de gestão e planejamento atual diante da proposta de governança apresentada neste artigo. Entre os desafios e as transformações para promover a governança ambiental territorial, é necessário o reconhecimento das interações relacionais entre ações, espaços e dimensões, seus impactos sobre o território, assim como considerar as características locais e a sua integração em uma escala regional. Chave para a transformação da prática de governança é o reconhecimento do território como espaço construído a partir de relações socioambientais e mobilizados por fluxos de poder. Por fim, a governança ambiental territorial é apresentada como um novo ponto de partida e reflexão, que integre as políticas, desconstrua a visão setorial e avance na produção de um território mais justo, seguro e saudável para todos, humanos e não humanos

    Challenges to Promote Sustainability in Urban Agriculture Models: A Review

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    Urban agriculture (UA) can be used as an action to promote sustainability in cities and inform public health policies for urban populations. Despite this growing recognition, its implementation still presents challenges in countries in the Global North and Global South. Background: In this context, this systematic review aims to identify the development of frameworks for the implementation of UA as a sustainable action and its main opportunities and shortcomings in meeting urban socio-environmental demands. Methods: In this review, using the PRISMA protocol, we evaluated 26 studies on the interplay between UA and sustainability surveyed on the Web of Science to provide an overview of the state of the art. Conclusions: In summary, it was possible to identify many key challenges in UA adoption, which regard air and soil contamination, availability of green areas, layout of urban infrastructure, food distribution, among others. Due to numerous socio-economic and environmental contextual factors in cities, especially when comparing realities of the Global North and Global South, there is a need to develop a model that can be adaptable to these different contexts. Thus, it is recognized that the concept of sustainability does not present a universal understanding and that in its search it could be argued that one of the most important gaps is still to address social issues in relation to environmental ones

    O instrumento de outorga e os limites ambientais : uma investigação sob a perspectiva da Economia Ecológica

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    A outorga de direito de uso de água é o principal instrumento utilizado no Brasil para efetuar a alocação deste recursopara múltiplos usos. Apesar de sua centralidade, a atual degradação dos recursos hídricos e o aumento da demanda têm desafiado a efetividade deste instrumento de governança. Nesta perspectiva, o presente artigo buscou avaliar se há aderência dos critérios de concessão de outorga de direito de uso nas Bacias Hidrográficas dos rios Piracicaba, Capivari e Jundiaí (PCJ), no estado de São Paulo -Brasil, aos limites ambientais previstos pela Economia Ecológica. Foi empregada análise documental a partir de dados referentes ao período de 2013 a 2017, obtidos na Agência das Bacias PCJ. Os dados sobre o uso de água nas Bacias PCJ foram comparados ao volume permitido pelas outorgas concedidas na época. Por sua vez, as outorgas foram comparadas aos parâmetros Q7,10 e 50% de Q7,10, que representavam limites legalmente estabelecidospara os volumes máximos outorgáveis nas bacias. Os resultados indicaram que os órgãos de gestão das Bacias PCJ concederam outorgas e permitiram uso além dos parâmetros máximos de extração, estabelecidos científicae legalmente no período, em importantes sub-bacias, especialmente Atibaia e Jaguari, que abastecem a Região Metropolitana de São Paulo.El otorgamiento del derecho al uso del agua es el principal instrumento utilizado en Brasil para destinar este recurso a usos múltiples. A pesar de su centralidad, la actual degradación de los recursos hídricos y el aumento de la demanda han desafiado la eficacia de este instrumento de gobernanza. En esta perspectiva, este artículo buscó evaluar si los criterios para otorgar el otorgamiento del derecho de uso en las Cuencas Hidrográficas de los ríos Piracicaba, Capivari y Jundiaí (PCJ), en el estado de São Paulo - Brasil, se adhieren a la normativa ambiental. límites previstos por la Economía Ecológica. Se utilizó un análisis documental con base en los datos del período de 2013 a 2017, obtenidos de la Agencia de Cuencas del PCJ. Los datos sobre el uso del agua en las Cuencas del PCJ se compararon con el volumen permitido por las subvenciones otorgadas en ese momento. A su vez, las donaciones se compararon con los parámetros Q7,10 y 50% de Q7,10, que representaron límites legalmente establecidos para los volúmenes máximos otorgados en las cuencas. Los resultados indicaron que los órganos de gestión de las Cuencas del PCJ otorgaron subvenciones y permitieron el uso más allá de los parámetros máximos de extracción, científicamente y legalmente establecidos en el período, en importantes subcuencas, especialmente Atibaia y Jaguari, que abastecen a la Región Metropolitana de São Paulo.The permits of water use are the main instrument in Brazil to allocate this resource for multiple uses. Despite its centrality, the current degradation of water resources and the increase of demand have challenged the effectiveness of this governance instrument. In this perspective, this article sought to assess whether there is adherence between the criteria for granting the permits of use in the hydrographic basins of the Piracicaba, Capivari and Jundiaí (PCJ) rivers, in the state of São Paulo -Brazil, and the environmental limits recommended by Ecological Economics. Documentary analysis was undertaken on data obtained at Agency of Basins PCJ for the period from 2013 to 2017. Data regarding water use in the PCJ Basins was compared to the volume allowed bythe permits at the time. In turn, the permits were compared to the parameters Q7.10 and 50% of Q7.10, which represented legally established limits for the maximum permits in the basins. The results indicated that the management instances of the PCJ Basinsgranted permits beyond the maximum extraction parameters, established scientifically and legally in the period, in important sub-basins, especially Atibaia and Jaguari, which supply the Metropolitan Region of São Paulo

    Identifying Priorities through the Problem Structuring Method to Reduce the Dependencies on Ecosystem Services in Electricity Distribution

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    Abstract Electricity distribution is a fundamental activity for society. However, mitigating actions on risks and dependencies of this activity still need to be discovered concerning Ecosystem Services (ES). This fact can negatively influence its prosperity, especially in the long term. Within this context, this paper aims to identify actions that mitigate the risks and dependencies on ES associated with a company in the electricity sector in Brazil that performs electricity distribution services. The identification was based on the collection, analysis, and interpretation of stakeholders’ perceptions of the activity through an adaptation of the Strategic Options Development and Analysis (SODA) problem structuring method. As a result, a structured vision of actions that mitigate ES risks and dependencies of electric power distribution, enabling management focused on the longevity of both the ES and the economic activity


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    Os ecossistemas são responsáveis por sustentar a vida humana e suas diversas atividades econômicas através dos serviços ecossistêmicos. Apesar disso, estão sendo seriamente prejudicados por uma ampla variedade de atividades humanas, o que traz impactos para todos os componentes do bem-estar humano. A valoração econômica dos serviços ecossistêmicos é vista como capaz de dar subsídios para sua adequada gestão. Mas por que a valoração pode auxiliar a adequada gestão do ambiente? Este artigo se propôs a identificar e discutir as principais razões que justificam a valoração econômica dos serviços ecossistêmicos. Para seu adequado entendimento, a discussão foi feita à luz da Economia Ambiental e da Economia Ecológica, as principais correntes da Economia do Meio Ambiente. Esse esforço é importante para entender como a valoração econômica pode efetivamente auxiliar na adequada gestão do ambiente e, com isso, ajudar no refinamento das propostas de gestão que consideram a valoração ambiental. Para isso, é importante considerar críticas ao seu uso, o que também foi abordado neste artigo. De forma geral, as principais razões que justificam a valoração econômica são: a internalização das externalidades; a criação de mercados para os serviços ecossistêmicos; sua utilização no processo educativo para mostrar a importância do ambiente; sua contribuição nas tomadas de decisões envolvendo intervenções nos ecossistemas; sua utilização em cálculos de compensação ambiental; e na integração dos serviços em estimativas da riqueza econômica. As críticas ao uso da valoração centram-se em sua visão utilitarista do ambiente, que pode orientar tomadas de decisões com riscos à conservação da biodiversidade. Para diminuir esse risco, é importante a consideração dos valores socioculturais e ecológicos dos ecossistemas

    Challenges to Promote Sustainability in Urban Agriculture Models: A Review

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    Urban agriculture (UA) can be used as an action to promote sustainability in cities and inform public health policies for urban populations. Despite this growing recognition, its implementation still presents challenges in countries in the Global North and Global South. Background: In this context, this systematic review aims to identify the development of frameworks for the implementation of UA as a sustainable action and its main opportunities and shortcomings in meeting urban socio-environmental demands. Methods: In this review, using the PRISMA protocol, we evaluated 26 studies on the interplay between UA and sustainability surveyed on the Web of Science to provide an overview of the state of the art. Conclusions: In summary, it was possible to identify many key challenges in UA adoption, which regard air and soil contamination, availability of green areas, layout of urban infrastructure, food distribution, among others. Due to numerous socio-economic and environmental contextual factors in cities, especially when comparing realities of the Global North and Global South, there is a need to develop a model that can be adaptable to these different contexts. Thus, it is recognized that the concept of sustainability does not present a universal understanding and that in its search it could be argued that one of the most important gaps is still to address social issues in relation to environmental ones

    Performance Analysis of Dairy Farms Transitioning to Environmentally Friendly Grazing Practices: The Case Study of Santa Catarina, Brazil

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    The conflict between food production and environmental conservation demands alternative agriculture practices to maintain or increase food production, protect and restore critical ecosystem processes, and reduce dependence on non-renewable agricultural inputs. Deforestation in Brazil’s Atlantic Forest, for which agriculture has been a primary driver, already threatens the biome’s impressive biodiversity and the ecosystem services it helps sustain. Many small family farmers in Santa Catarina—located in the South of Brazil—have adopted the Voisin Rational Grazing System (VRG) as an alternative to conventional and environmentally detrimental dairy activities. This article presents the results of a research project designed to analyze the economic, social, and ecological VRG impacts based on farmers’ perceptions and economic accounts. We compare farmer profitability and critical social and environmental aspects of both systems using detailed interviews and monthly accounting of revenues and expenditures on VRG and conventional farms. We found that VRG is more profitable than the conventional dairy system in Santa Rosa de Lima. However, most farmers combine VRG with some conventional practices, affecting profitability and potential ecological benefits. The adoption of VRG in Santa Rosa de Lima nonetheless correlates with reduced use of environmentally harmful inputs, compatible with a gradual transition to a more ecologically-friendly and sustainable system

    Performance Analysis of Dairy Farms Transitioning to Environmentally Friendly Grazing Practices: The Case Study of Santa Catarina, Brazil

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    The conflict between food production and environmental conservation demands alternative agriculture practices to maintain or increase food production, protect and restore critical ecosystem processes, and reduce dependence on non-renewable agricultural inputs. Deforestation in Brazil’s Atlantic Forest, for which agriculture has been a primary driver, already threatens the biome’s impressive biodiversity and the ecosystem services it helps sustain. Many small family farmers in Santa Catarina—located in the South of Brazil—have adopted the Voisin Rational Grazing System (VRG) as an alternative to conventional and environmentally detrimental dairy activities. This article presents the results of a research project designed to analyze the economic, social, and ecological VRG impacts based on farmers’ perceptions and economic accounts. We compare farmer profitability and critical social and environmental aspects of both systems using detailed interviews and monthly accounting of revenues and expenditures on VRG and conventional farms. We found that VRG is more profitable than the conventional dairy system in Santa Rosa de Lima. However, most farmers combine VRG with some conventional practices, affecting profitability and potential ecological benefits. The adoption of VRG in Santa Rosa de Lima nonetheless correlates with reduced use of environmentally harmful inputs, compatible with a gradual transition to a more ecologically-friendly and sustainable system

    Social-Ecological System Transformation and Learning: the case of Santa Rosa de Lima’s dairy system, Brazil

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    Conventional pastureland management has brought Southern Brazilian dairy farms to a financial and environmental crisis. In this context, the management-intensive grazing system (MIG) emerges as a viable alternative to conventional pastureland management. This study aims to analyze the Social-Ecological System (SES) transformation process of the dairy system in Santa Rosa de Lima, Southern Brazil, from conventional management to MIG. For the analysis, two different frameworks were combined: SES transformation process and the tripleloop learning frameworks. The analysis was based on a statistical analysis of interviews, conducted with dairy farmers. Results show that the dairy system in Santa Rosa de Lima is in the middle of a transformation process. During this phase, farmers have already reached single and, partially, double-loop learning. Among the elements needed to successfully move the transformation process forward, social learning stands out as indispensable, as well as financial capital. For this, payments for ecosystem services are suggested