37 research outputs found
Forearm shaft fractures in children
There are previous reports of an increasing incidence of childrenâs forearm fractures in the last few decades. Their surgical treatment is evolving. The present study was aimed at determining the incidence and background of these fractures and their treatment. It was also aimed to analyse the short- and long-term outcomes.
A comprehensive population-based study (N=168) among 86,000 children in Oulu University Hospital District over a decade (2000â2009) was performed to analyse the incidence of middle-third forearm fractures. Further data (N=291) covering 1997â2009 was achieved in order to study monthly variation and backgrounds of all both-bone forearm fractures in the distal, middle or proximal thirds. An age- and sex-matched case-control study (N=94) at Vaasa Central Hospital District in 1995â1999 with approximately 11 years of follow-up was performed to evaluate long-term morbidity. The relationship between summer weather and outdoor fractures was based on daily weather readings of all summer days (N=1989) in 1997â2009.
There was a 4.4-fold increase in middle-third shaft fractures in the last decade (2000â2009) and a 3.1-fold increase in all forearm shaft fractures (proximal, middle and distal) in 1997â2009. The increase in the middle-shaft fractures was still accelerating towards the end of the study period.
Trampolining was increasing as a reason for the injuries. At the end of the study every third fracture was caused by a trampoline injury. The fractures caused by other recreational activities increased absolutely, but they were stable in relation to trampoline injuries. There was a clear monthly variation in fracture incidence. During the long study time, August was repeatedly the most usual month for the fractures. School terms and summer holidays did not explain the varying fracture risk. The incidence of the fractures was 50% higher in dry vs. rainy days in summer. Temperature and wind speed did not affect fracture risk.
Not only were the number of childrenâs forearm shaft fractures increasing, but also their operative treatment in 1997â2009. The increase was mostly connected to elastic stable intramedullary nailing (ESIN), the incidence of which changed from 10% to 30% during the study period, compared with other types of treatment. Non-operative treatment showed poor short-term outcome in the form of worsening alignment and a relatively great need of re-operations. Operative treatment showed excellent primary results. In the long run, the outcome of non-operative treatment was excellent.TiivistelmĂ€
Lasten kyynÀrvarren diafyysimurtumat ovat lisÀÀntyneet viimeisten vuosikymmenten aikana. Samalla niiden kirurginen hoito on muuttunut. TÀmÀn tutkimuksen tavoitteena oli selvittÀÀ murtumien ilmaantuvuutta ja murtumien taustalla olevia tekijöitÀ sekÀ hoidon kehittymistÀ. Tavoitteena oli myös tutkia lyhyt- ja pitkÀaikaisia hoitotuloksia.
Ilmaantuvuuden mÀÀrittĂ€miseksi kerĂ€ttiin vĂ€estöpohjainen aineisto (N=168) kaikista niistĂ€ lapsista (<16-v.), jotka ovat olleet hoidossa Oulun yliopistollisessa sairaalassa kyynĂ€rvarren keskialueen murtuman vuoksi 2000â2009. Taustatekijöiden selvittĂ€miseksi aineisto laajennettiin koskemaan kaikkia kyynĂ€rvarren kahden luun murtumia (proksimaaliset, keskialueen ja distaaliset murtumat) 1997â2009 (N=291). PitkĂ€aikaistuloksia arvioitiin tapaus-verrokkitutkimuksella (N=94), jonka potilasaineiston muodostivat Vaasan keskussairaalassa vuosina 1995â1999 hoidetut lapsipotilaat. IkĂ€- ja sukupuolivakioidut vertailutapaukset poimittiin vĂ€estörekisteristĂ€. KesĂ€sÀÀn ja ulkona tapahtuvien murtumien vĂ€lisen yhteyden tutkimiseksi kerĂ€ttiin sÀÀtila-aineisto kaikilta vuosien 1997â2009 kesĂ€pĂ€iviltĂ€ (N=1989).
Lasten kyynĂ€rvarren keskidiafyysin murtumat lisÀÀntyivĂ€t 4,4-kertaisesti vuosikymmenessĂ€ (2000â2009) ja kaikki diafyysimurtumat lisÀÀntyivĂ€t 3,1-kertaisesti (1997â2009). Keskidiafyysimurtumien ilmaantuvuus kasvoi kiihtyvĂ€sti. Trampoliini aiheutti yksinÀÀn joka kolmannen murtuman, ja trampoliinimurtumien ilmaantuvuus kasvoi tutkimusaikana. Muut tapaturmatyypit pysyivĂ€t vakioisina. Murtumien ilmaantuvuus vaihteli kuukausittain, mutta 13 vuoden seurantajaksolla ne olivat selvĂ€sti yleisimpiĂ€ elokuussa. Koululaisten kesĂ€loma ei vaikuttanut murtumariskiin. Murtumat olivat 50 % yleisempiĂ€ kuivalla sÀÀllĂ€ kuin sadesÀÀllĂ€. LĂ€mpötila tai tuulennopeus eivĂ€t vaikuttaneet murtumien ilmaantuvuuteen.
Lasten kyynÀrvarsimurtumien operatiivinen hoito lisÀÀntyi. Joustavien ydinnaulojen kÀyttö kasvoi 10 %:sta 30 %:iin suhteessa muihin hoitomuotoihin. Kajoavan hoidon lyhytaikaiset tulokset olivat erinomaiset. Kajoamattoman hoidon tulokset olivat heikot, ja hoitoon liittyi paljon asennon huonontumista ja myöhempÀÀ leikkaustarvetta, erityisesti asennon korjaamista. PitkÀn ajan seurannassa kajoamattoman hoidon tulokset olivat kuitenkin erinomaiset.Sammanfattning
Barns underarmsfrakturer har ökat under de senaste Ärtiondena och deras behandling Àr under förÀndring. Syftet med den hÀr forskningen var att undersöka underarmsfrakturer: förekommande, bakgrund och behandling. Meningen var ocksÄ att bedöma resultat av olika frakturbehandlingar pÄ kort och lÄng sikt.
Totalt 168 barn undersöktes. De behandlades pĂ„ UleĂ„borgs universitetssjukhus Ă„ren 2000â2009 p.g.a. en underarmsfraktur i mellersta tredjedelen av skaft. DĂ€rtill inkluderades 291 barn med en underarmsfraktur i hela skaftet Ă„ren 1997â2009. En fall-kontrollâundersökning innehöll 47 barn med en underarmsfraktur i Vasa centralsjukhus Ă„ren 1996â1999 samt en köns- och Ă„lders standardiserad kontroll grupp med 47 medlemmar (N=47). Relationen mellan sommarvĂ€derlek och frakturer som skedde utomhus analyserades pĂ„ basis av uppgifter om vĂ€derleken pĂ„ alla sommardagarna Ă„ren 1997â2009 (N=1989).
Frakturer i den mellersta underarmen ökade 4,4-faldigt och accelererande pĂ„ ett Ă„rtionde (2000â2009) och alla skaftfrakturer 3,1-faldigt (1997â2009). Trampolinen tillfogade var tredje av dessa frakturer och sĂ„ledes ökade trampolinens betydelse. JĂ€mfört med trampolinen höll sig andra bakgrundsfaktorer stadiga.
Det fanns en klar variation i förekommande av frakturer mellan mÄnaderna. Mest förekom frakturer i augusti. Skolperioden eller sommarlovet pÄverkade inte risken för frakturer. UppehÄllsvÀder ökade risken 1,5-faldigt jÀmfört med regniga dagar. Temperaturen eller vinden hade ingen effekt pÄ frakturer.
Operativa kirurgiska behandlingar ökade i stĂ€llet för ej-operativa behandlingar Ă„ren 1997â2009. Ăkningen berodde mest pĂ„ tilltagande bruk av flexibla mĂ€rgspikar, vilket ökade frĂ„n 10 % till 30 % jĂ€mfört med andra behandlingsmetoder.
Ej-operativ vÄrd visade gott om komplikationer under den korta uppföljningen. Operativ vÄrd var framgÄngsrik pÄ kort sikt. DÀremot visade ej-operativ behandling utmÀrkta resultat efter den lÄnga uppföljningen
Clinical considerations of anatomy and magnetic resonance imaging in pediatric meniscus tear, with imaging-based treatment options
Background: The incidence of meniscal tears in children has been increasing. Early sport specialization, more intense training activity, and increasing participation in competitive sports may have affected to that increasing trend. Diagnosing acute menisci tear in children is based on suggestive clinical and magnetic resonance imaging findings. There are special particulars in immature menisci, due to relatively good vascular supply. Furthermore, growing skeleton makes differences in injury pattern, and a clinician needs to recognize not only meniscus but also potential injuries in growth plates and ligaments, which are usual in connection with pediatric meniscus leasion. Clinical and imaging investigation prior to treatment is crucial, because non-operative care is considerable, to achieve spontaneous healing, especially in peripherial tears of younger children. Second, repair is preferred always as possible, in spite of resection due to high rate of long-term sequelae after partial meniscectomy. High standard preoperative imaging aid in preparing to the meniscus sparing arthroscopic intervention.
Methods: In this current concept article, the clinical considerations of imaging the injured pediatric knee with a suspected meniscus tear and the treatment options by the imaging findings are reviewed.
Level of evidence: level III
Current concepts in the treatment of first-time patella dislocation in children and adolescents
Background: Lateral dislocation of the patella is a common injury in children. It can occur in previously healthy and anatomically normal knees, but there are several abnormalities that predispose to patellar instability. Magnetic resonance imaging is an essential part of assessing for associated injuries and risk of further instability. Treatment aims to prevent redislocation, residual instability, osteoarthritis, and allow return to previous activities. The purpose of this review was to assess evidence for management of first-time patella dislocation in children and adolescents.
Methods: Literature review was performed, accompanied by the current best practice by the authors.
Results: Non-operative treatment is preferred, except where there are associated injuries such as osteochondral fractures that would benefit from surgery. The exact method of ideal non-operative management is not clearly defined but should focus on restoration of range of movement and strength with bracing as indicated. There seems to be a trend toward operative intervention that may well be inappropriate.
Conclusion: Further prospective studies are required with focus on the younger patient to fully understand if there is an at-risk group that would benefit from early surgery.
Level of evidence:: level III
Retrograde intramedullary nailing of the radius in children:a pilot magnetic resonance imaging study of soft-tissue findings
Purpose: Unstable forearm shaft fractures in children are preferably treated surgically using elastic stable intramedullary nails. The radius is nailed retrograde from the distal metaphysis. There is a risk of surgery-related soft-tissue complications during the operation. Close evaluation of occult surgery-related soft-tissue lesions has not been possible previously, due to the titanium alloy hardware used in the process. The aim of the present study was to evaluate the potential findings in the surrounding soft tissues after intramedullary nailing of the radius, by using magnetic resonance imaging.
Methods: The study population comprised 15 pediatric patients with forearm shaft fractures treated by polylactide-co-glycolide biodegradable intramedullary nails and postoperatively evaluated via magnetic resonance imaging. The main outcome was signal abnormality in any tendon at the entry point postoperatively. Secondarily, other changes in the soft tissues related to nailing were determined. Furthermore, the precise location of the entry point and the anatomic characteristics of the soft-tissue tunnel were described.
Results: In total, 5 of 15 patients (33.3%) had transient signal pathology in a tendon postoperatively. Edema around the superficial radial nerve was detected in 13 of 15 patients (86.7%). The most common surgical approach was between the extensor pollicis brevis and the extensor carpi radialis longus tendons, which was applied in 10 of 15 patients (66.7%).
Conclusions: One in three patients exhibited transient and occult surgery-related intraparenchymal signal pathology in a tendon, after forearm intramedullary nailing. Caution with surgical prepare of the soft-tissue cleavage is recommended
Biodegradable polyâLâlactideâcoâglycolide copolymer pin fixation of a traumatic patellar osteochondral fragment in an 11âyearâold child:a novel surgical approach
Treating displaced patellar bone fractures in growing children remains a challenge for orthopedic surgeons. Removal of loose bone fragments may prolong healing time and result in early onset osteoarthrosis. Therefore, primary fixation of osteochondral fragments is preferred. Metallic pin and screw implants are typically used for fixation, as there is little evidence available regarding the use of modern biodegradable implants in traumatic patellar fractures of a premature skeleton. The present report describes a novel operative technique using headless polyâLâlactideâcoâglycolide (PLGA) pins in treating an 11âyearâold girl with a patellar fracture from a cycling injury. The surgical technique of this procedure is described in detail in the current report. Excellent subjective outcomes were achieved from this surgery, with superb bone healing according to followâup radiographic and computerized tomography scans. In conclusion, the results of this case indicate that, similarly to osteochondritis, intraâarticular osteochondral fractures in children may be fixed using biodegradable PLGA pins. Randomized clinical trials should be performed to confirm this finding and evaluate the use of PLGA pins as a treatment for adolescent osteochondral fractures
Abusive head trauma in small children:a single-centre experience in Finland
Shaken baby syndrome (SBS) is a challenging condition from both a medical and legal perspective. The path of the patients differs significantly from those with noninflicted traumas. While treating these cases, it is essential that all history, information and treatment are comprehensively documented. This article describes the investigations and interventions necessary as soon as SBS is suspected. The Oulu University Hospital protocol for suspected child abuse is described. Authors also give an overview of the SBS path in Finland from the police and prosecutionâs point of view
The association of metal frame construct of ESIN and radiographic bone healing of pediatric forearm fractures
The gold-standard surgical procedure of both-bone forearm shaft fracture repair is elastic stable intramedullary nailing (ESIN). Disadvantages effects of ESIN have suggested to be a consequence of inappropriate surgical techniques, while recommendations are not always followed. The purpose of the study was to analyze the effect of inadequate metal frame construct on impaired fracture healing, refracture and changing alignment.
Materials and methods:
It is a population-based study including all consecutive patients, aged less than 16 years, who had been treated for forearm shaft fracture by ESIN during the ten-year period 2009â2018. Altogether 71 patients were included. Non-union, delayed union, and re-fracture during the following 12 months were taken as the main outcome, while inferior metal frame construct of ESIN and the surgical technique characteristics were taken the explanatory factors. Radiographic loss of reduction was a secondary outcome and a change >5° in alignment at any postoperative follow-up exam was recognized.
Two out of 71 fractures (3%) failed to unite, and ossifying operation was needed. Five cases (7%) showed delayed bone healing, but they ossified in five months without any intervention. These seven patients (10%) had been treated more often with larger nails (> 0.7x MCD) (pâŻ=âŻ0.027) and by open reduction (pâŻ=âŻ0.02), compared with thinner nails and closed reduction, respectively. Two (3%) patients had a second fracture; however, they happened 2 years after the initial injury. Other surgery or fracture related factors didnât associate with impaired ossifying.
Regarding the secondary outcome, altogether 24 (35%) of the analyzed 67 patients showed >5° change in alignment during the postoperative follow-up but only one patient had clinically significant instability that required re-reduction. The alignment changed more usually in distal-third fractures, compared with middle or proximal third fractures (pâŻ=âŻ0.019).
ESIN resulted in good radiographic bone healing in the vast majority (90%) of the patients and completely perfect metal frame construct was not required
Ontuva lapsi vastaanotolla:mikÀ syynÀ?
Tavallisesta poikkeava askellus voi johtua kivusta, heikkoudesta tai rakenteellisesta poikkeavuudesta. Lapsen ontumisen taustalla voi olla lukuisia syitÀ, ja olennaista on tunnistaa toimintakykyÀ tai terveyttÀ uhkaavat syyt. Huolellinen haastattelu ja tutkiminen auttavat rajaamaan vaihtoehtoja ja kohdentamaan diagnostiset tutkimukset oikein. Lonkkanivelen tulehdus ja muut ohimenevÀt tulehdukset sekÀ vammat ovat yleisimpiÀ lapsen ontumisen syitÀ
Increase in surgical fixation of pediatric midshaft clavicle fractures since 2008
Background: Clavicle fractures in children have traditionally been treated non-operatively. In adults, a great increase in operative treatment has been reported. We aimed to analyze the respective trend and potential explanatory factors in children.
Methods: This is a single-institution retrospective study in a subregion in Northern Finland. The ICD-code S42.0 was used to identify the cases in the hospital registry. Altogether, 214 children, aged <â16, with consecutive clavicle fractures were first enrolled in the area during 2008â2019. Hospital journals and radiographs were reviewed. After lateral and medial fractures and patients living outside the area were excluded, final study population was 172. The respective population at risk was extracted by Statistics Finland. Predictive factors and annual rates of operative treatment as adjusted for 100,000 children at risk were determined.
Results: The rate of the surgical treatment of clavicle fractures increased from zero in 2008 to 10.8 in 2019 per 100,000 age-adjusted children (ÎČâ=â0.864, 95% confidential intervals (CI) 0.4 to 1.4). There was a rise in the rate of surgery from 2.6% (2014â16) to 16.1% (2017â19) (diff. 13.5, 95% CI 1.7 to 23.3%). A displacement >â15âmm and a shortening of >â15âmm were associated with the increased risk of surgery but did not change during the study period. Ageâ>â9âyears increased the risk of surgery; the mean age increased from 5.5âyears (2008â10) to 8.5âyears (2017â19). There was a 3.6-fold increase in sports-related fractures (95% CI 7.4 to 26.4). The severity of the fractures did not change.
Conclusions: There has been an increasing trend in the surgical fixation of pediatric middle shaft clavicle fractures since 2008. The available literature does not support the trend
Biodegradable biomaterials in orthopedic surgery : A narrative review of the current evidence
Background: Biomaterials are routinely used in orthopedic surgery to fill bone defects, improve bone healing, and as degradable fixation material. A wide range of materials are currently in use, and the materials are chosen according to their bioactive properties. Osteoinductive materials stimulate bone healing by promoting osteogenesis. Osteoconductive materials facilitate bone growth on the surface of the material. Despite the many materials in use and an increasing number of published studies, randomized controlled trials on the subject are scarce.Methods: This review aims to summarize the history of biodegradable biomaterials and also the published level I evidence currently available on orthopedic biomaterials.Results: Most of the studies have been superiority trials with non-significant differences compared to conventional treatment options, confirming that several biomaterials are suitable treatment options for multiple indications including bone and/or tendon fixation, filling bone defects, and spinal fusion. Biomaterials help to avoid donor site complications associated with autogenous bone grafts and often eliminate the need for implant removal. However, the surgical technique may in some cases be more demanding than with conventional methods. Careful consideration of the pros and cons is therefore recommended in clinical practice.Conclusion: Biodegradable biomaterials complement the range of available treatment options in several fields of orthopedic surgery. However, some biomaterials performed worse than expected and were not recommended for clinical use, emphasizing the need for high-quality randomized trials. It is also noteworthy that several trials included only a limited number of patients, rendering the interpretation of the results of these underpowered studies challenging.Peer reviewe