3,737 research outputs found

    3D model električne aktivnosti srca

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    The aim of this study is to develop a new, computationally-efficient, anatomically-realistic 3D bidomain cardiac electrical activity model using widely available software and standard low-cost hardware. The model incorporates whole-heart embedded in a human torso, spontaneous activation of sinoatrial node and specialized conduction system with heterogeneous action potential morphologies. The model is capable of generating realistic body surface electrocardiograms (ECGs) and is proposed as a useful tool for investigating some major issues in heart pathophysiology and in stimulation; such as simulating and optimizing synchronized electrical cardioversion, defibrillation and pacing stimulation.Cilj studije je razviti računalno efikasan, anatomski realističan 3D model električne aktivnosti cijelog ljudskog srca na Å”iroko dostupnoj računalnoj opremi. Model uključuje cijelo srce okruženo plućima i postavljeno unutar ljudskog torza, sa spontanom aktivacijom sinus-atrijskog čvora i specijaliziranim vodljivim putevima s heterogenim morfologijama akcijskih potencijala. Model omogućuje simuliranje elektrokardiograma (EKG) realističnog oblika te ga je moguće koristiti za istraživanje srčanih patofiziologija, simuliranje i optimizaciju sinkronizirane električne kardioverzije, defibrilacije ili simulacije različitih srčanih stimulacija

    QT grafičko korisničko sučelje u Pythonu

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    U ovome radu opisana je biblioteka Qt, viÅ”eplatformski radni okvir otvorenog koda za izradu grafičkih korisničkih sučelja računalnih programa. Pruženi su uvid u povijest nastanka Qt-a, njegova svojstva, tri osnovne značajke (apstrakcija od izrade grafičkog sučelja, signali i slotovi i metaobjektni prevoditelj) i jezična poveznica koja omogućuje koriÅ”tenje Qt biblioteke u programskom jeziku Python. Primjenom jezičnih poveznica programer ne mora poznavati programski jezik u kojemu je biblioteka izvorno napisana jer poveznica sadrži objekte i metode ili funkcije biblioteke napisane u programeru poznatom jeziku. Predstavljene su tri druge Å”iroko rasprostranjene viÅ”eplatformske biblioteke otvorenog koda za izradu sučelja računalnih programa: GTK+, Kivy i wxWidgets. Pritom su istaknuta svojstva po kojima se te biblioteke razlikuju od Qt-a i ona koja su im zajednička. Na kraju je predstavljen primjer programa napisanog u Pythonu pomoću Qt biblioteke koji omogućuje učitavanje i prikaz slika, njihovu obradu koristeći skriptirane filtere te pregled i pohranu izmijenjene slike. Filteri obrađuju slike primjenom OpenCV biblioteke.This paper describes the Qt library, an open-source, cross-platform framework used for developing graphical user interfaces of computer programs. An insight is given into the history of creation, features, three principal properties of Qt (abstraction of the graphical user interface, signals and slots and the metaobject compiler), and a language binding which allows the usage of Qt in Python programming language. Language bindings relieve the programmer of the need to learn the language in which a library is originally written as the binding contains objects and methods or functions of the library written in a language known to the programmer. Three other widespread open-source cross-platform libraries for graphical user interface development are presented: GTK+, Kivy, and wxWidgets. Features which differ Qt from these libraries are emphasized as well as features which Qt has in common with them. Finally, a program example written in Python using Qt is demonstrated, which allows loading and viewing images, their manipulation using scripted filters, previewing and saving the altered image. Filters perform image processing using the OpenCV library


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    Tourism is one of the most important sectors in the Republic of Croatia. It plays a significant role in its economic development. This research investigates whether the macro-variables have an impact on the stock returns in the hospitality industry. The focus of the work consists in causality relationship between four macro variables (consumer price index, industrial production, exchange rate and number of tourist arrivals) and a stock index composed of Croatian hospitality companies. After applying Granger-causality tests based on the VAR methodology, results suggest that only consumer price index Granger-cause stock returns in the hospitality industry in the observed period from July 2008 to July 2018. Further analysis through impulse response function indicates that the impulse responses of inflation meet expectations in terms of the direction of impact. In the second month, stock prices react negatively to shock, implying that higher inflation causes negative stock price returns. After applying the variance decomposition method, a very low explanatory power of consumer price index on stock returns in the hospitality industry was revealed. This paper contributes to the existing literature on the topic of the impact of macro-economic variables on hospitality stock returns by extending the scope to Croatia and by testing a different set of variables compared to those from previous studies.Turizam je jedan od najvažnijih sektora u Republici Hrvatskoj, te ima značajnu ulogu u ekonomskom razvoju zemlje. U radu se istražuje imaju li makroekonomske varijable utjecaj na dioničke povrate kompanija u hrvatskom ugostiteljstvu. Cilj rada usmjeren je na testiranje kauzalnosti između četiri makrovarijabli (indeksa potroÅ”ačkih cijena, industrijske proizvodnje, tečaja i broja ostvarenih turističkih dolazaka) i dioničkog indeksa sastavljenog od hrvatskih ugostiteljskih kompanija. Nakon primjene testa Grangerove uzročnosti bazirane na VAR metodologiji rezultati sugeriraju da indeks potroÅ”ačkih cijena utječe na dioničke povrate kompanija u ugostiteljstvu u promatranom vremenskom periodu od srpnja 2008. do srpnja 2018. godine. Primjenom testa impulsnog odziva ispunjava se očekivanje negativnog utjecaja inflacije na kretanje dionica u hrvatskom ugostiteljstvu, naime, u drugom mjesecu cijene dionica negativno reagiraju na ā€žÅ”okā€ od jedne standardne devijacije. Kako bi analiza bila detaljnija, proveden je test dekompozicije varijance na temelju kojega se može zaključiti da varijabla CPI-ja u vrlo niskom iznosu objaÅ”njava prognostičke pogreÅ”ke dioničkih povrata u ugostiteljskoj industriji. Rad pridonosi novim spoznajama u postojećoj literaturi na temu utjecaja makroekonomskih varijabli na dioničke povrate kompanija u ugostiteljstvu, proÅ”irujući opseg na Hrvatsku te testiranjem različitog seta varijabli u odnosu na varijable iz postojeće literature


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    Based on Paul Feyerabend\u27s distinction between guided and free exchange, the author argues that the accession of the post-communist states to the European Union took the form of the former kind, i.e. the form of communication where all participants in the process voluntarily embrace the meaning of law developed through inter-institutional discourse within the European Union. However, due to the nature of European law which does not apply to the purely internal situations in the Member States, a completely guided exchange between the EU and candidate countries is not possible. The author holds that the unity of, and loyalty towards, the European constitutional framework in an enlarged European Union is best served by the discoursive construction of the meaning of constitutional choices, principles and rules
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