94 research outputs found

    Economic Implications of Peste des petits ruminants (PPR) Disease in Sheep and Goats: A Sample Analysis of District Pune, Maharastra

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    The paper has reported a cross-sectional sample survey conducted across six villages severely affected by peste des petits ruminants disease to assess the nature and extent of loss in small ruminants. The study is based on the data pertaining to disease incidence, production losses, costs incurred and impact on farm productivity collected though personal interview method. The incidence and mortality rate have been found slightly higher in sheep than goats. The total losses due to disease have been found to range between Rs 918 in sheep to Rs 945 in goats. Reduction in the market value of animals has been recorded as the major loss component as appearance of the animal changes drastically after the illness, costing Rs. 404 (44%) in sheep and Rs 408 (43%) in goat. It is followed by losses in production yield. Expenditure on medicine and infertility has been found to cause more than 80 per cent of the total cost, followed by veterinary and labour services. The study has suggested that timely vaccination could be the best and low-cost preventive measure to control such deadly disease outbreaks.Agricultural and Food Policy,


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    Enterprises and industrial centers need current decision for making products in fast changing market. Uncertainty and yield defined goals make decision making more difficult. In this situation fuzzy logic is used for coping surrounding environment. This paper deals with a fuzzy linear programming model for a problem of food industry. The different types of achievement function such as compensatory and weighted compensatory form&nbsp

    Usunięcie przemieszczonych stentów z pnia lewej tętnicy wieńcowej w trakcie przezskórnej interwencji wieńcowej techniką trappingu

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    Dislodgement and embolisation of the new generation of drug eluting stents is a very rare but recognized and potentially serious complication of percutaneous coronary intervention (PCI). Various methods from including tangling wire, bioptome, and goose neck snare to surgical removal have been described. Here we report a case of successful retrieval of a deformed coronary stent from left main coronary artery by trapping technique.Przemieszczenie stentu nowej generacji wydzielającego lek i związany z tym zator to bardzo rzadkie, lecz znane powikłanie przezskórnej interwencji wieńcowej, które może się wiązać z poważnymi następstwami. Opisywano różne metody chirurgicznego usunięcia stentu z życiem rozmaitych narzędzi endoskopowych, w tym narzędzi z końcówką w postaci splątanego drutu, szczypczyków biopsyjnych i pętli. W niniejszej pracy przedstawiono przypadek skutecznej ewakuacji zdeformowanego stentu wieńcowego z pnia lewej tętnicy wieńcowej techniką trappingu

    Analysing social attributes of loan default among small Indian Dairy farms: A discriminating approach

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    The study examines the socio-economic factors discriminating defaulters and non-defaulters of credit repayment. Multi-stage sampling design was adopted for selection of farm respondents. The data were collected through structured questionnaire by personal interview method. A linear discriminant function considered to examine the relative importance of different factors in discriminating between non-defaulters and defaulters. The result revealed that per capita income from crop and milk production, expenditure to total income, earning adults and off-farm income explained major share in discriminating the non-defaulters from defaulters. The mean discriminant score for the non-defaulters (Z1) and defaulter (Z2) were found to be 0.316 and -1.322, respectively. The critical mean discriminant score (Z) for the two groups was found to be –0.503. The high value of Z corresponds to non-defaulter and low value to defaulter. Later the derived classification analysis was observed that 50 out of 83 defaulters and 32 out of 37 non-defaulters were rightly classified in Z function. Thus, grouped cases classified correctly as 68.33% as factors of default. Hence, the model is found to be valid to predict whether an unknown borrower is likely to be defaulter or non-defaulter more precisely


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    As we all know our automobile industry is expanding day by day and is working continuously in increasing the efficiency of fuel economy. With limited room for improvement, automobile manufacturers have begun full scale development of alternative power vehicles. Still the manufacturers are not going with those alternate options, knowing the market of IC engines and related infrastructure, and also, it’s not feasible to scrap the IC engine tech with a “success not sure” option. Thus, the only option which is left is the set of attempts, to increase the efficiency of concurrent IC engines. One potential solution is the Continuously Variable Transmission (CVT

    Nietypowy elektrokardiograficzny zapis zaburzeń przewodzenia po zastosowaniu chlorochiny — opis rzadkiego przypadku

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    23-year-old man presented with Stokes-Adams attacks due to sinus node dysfunction. He was being treated for malaria with chloroquine for the last two days. Temporary pacemaker was implanted. Subsequently he developed all spectrum of atrioventricular block following recovery of sinus node dysfunction which also recovered on the fi fteenth day and was discharged. Cardiac damage, such as cardiomyopathy and conduction system disturbances, is regarded as uncommon consequences of acute chloroquines’s toxicity. Here we present a case in which chloroquine used as acute therapy for malaria resulted in conduction disorder beginning from sinus node dysfunction to Mobitz I atrioventricular block to complete heart block with recovery to normal sinus rhythm in single patient.Mężczyzna w wieku 23 lat zgłosił się do lekarza z powodu napadów Morgagniego-Adamsa-Stokesa będących następstwem dysfunkcji węzła zatokowego. Przez ostatnie 2 dni stosował chlorochinę w ramach leczenia przeciwmalarycznego. Tymczasowo wszczepiono mu stymulator serca. Po ustąpieniu zaburzeń węzła zatokowego u chorego rozwinął się pełny blok przedsionkowo-komorowy, który również ustąpił po 15 dniach i chorego wypisano do domu. Uszkodzenie serca w postaci kardiomiopatii lub zaburzeń przewodzenia jest rzadkim następstwem ostrego toksycznego działania chlorochiny. W artykule przedstawiono przypadek pacjenta, u którego po zastosowaniu chlorochiny w leczeniu ostrego napadu malarii wystąpiło całe spektrum zaburzeń przewodzenia — od dysfunkcji węzła zatokowego, przez blok przedsionkowo-komorowy typu Mobitz I, do całkowitego bloku przedsionkowo komorowego — zakończonych przywróceniem prawidłowego rytmu zatokowego

    Acute dislocation of fully deployed stent after use of non-compliant balloon: an enigma

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    Stent embolism is an established but rare complication of percutaneous coronary intervention, usually encountered when an undeployed stent unintentionally dislocates from the balloon. Published literature regarding incidence or clinical outcomes of embolism of fully deployed coronary stents is sparse. Here we report an unusual case of a 41-year-old male who had dislocation of a fully deployed stent into the distal part of left anterior descending artery following post dilatation by non-compliant balloon during percutaneous coronary intervention

    Analysing social attributes of loan default among small Indian Dairy farms: A discriminating approach

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    The study examines the socio-economic factors discriminating defaulters and non-defaulters of credit repayment. Multi-stage sampling design was adopted for selection of farm respondents. The data were collected through structured questionnaire by personal interview method. A linear discriminant function considered to examine the relative importance of different factors in discriminating between non-defaulters and defaulters. The result revealed that per capita income from crop and milk production, expenditure to total income, earning adults and off-farm income explained major share in discriminating the non-defaulters from defaulters. The mean discriminant score for the non-defaulters (Z1) and defaulter (Z2) were found to be 0.316 and -1.322, respectively. The critical mean discriminant score (Z) for the two groups was found to be –0.503. The high value of Z corresponds to non-defaulter and low value to defaulter. Later the derived classification analysis was observed that 50 out of 83 defaulters and 32 out of 37 non-defaulters were rightly classified in Z function. Thus, grouped cases classified correctly as 68.33% as factors of default. Hence, the model is found to be valid to predict whether an unknown borrower is likely to be defaulter or non-defaulter more precisely

    Percutaneous retrieval of a fractured multipurpose catheter by an indigenous snare in a 25-year-old patient: a safe and feasible approach

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    Since the first report of percutaneous retrieval of intravascular foreign body in 1964, it has become a favourite approach for intravascular foreign body removal. Snares, biopsy forceps, dormia basket or tip deflecting wires are available options for this approach. Herein, we report percutaneous retrieval a fractured multipurpose catheter by an indigenous snare in a 25-year-old patient. The patient was a 25-year-old male being admitted with ostium secundum atrial septal defect and catheterization study was planned for shunt quantification. During manipulation to right ventricular outflow tract, multipurpose catheter got broken approx. 4 cm. proximal to tip. The broken part was captured through right femoral vein by a self-constructed snare. While removal, it broke at tip of venous sheath. Smaller one was retrieved and bigger was recaptured and finally retrieved by exaggerating the curve of same snare without any complications. Use of snares for intravascular foreign body removal is frequently reported and has been successful with low complication rates.Since the first report of percutaneous retrieval of intravascular foreign body in 1964, it has become a favourite approach for intravascular foreign body removal. Snares, biopsy forceps, dormia basket or tip deflecting wires are available options for this approach. Herein, we report percutaneous retrieval a fractured multipurpose catheter by an indigenous snare in a 25-year-old patient. The patient was a 25-year-old male being admitted with ostium secundum atrial septal defect and catheterization study was planned for shunt quantification. During manipulation to right ventricular outflow tract, multipurpose catheter got broken approx. 4 cm. proximal to tip. The broken part was captured through right femoral vein by a self-constructed snare. While removal, it broke at tip of venous sheath. Smaller one was retrieved and bigger was recaptured and finally retrieved by exaggerating the curve of same snare without any complications. Use of snares for intravascular foreign body removal is frequently reported and has been successful with low complication rates