92 research outputs found

    Novel in vivo targets of ΔNp63 in keratinocytes identified by a modified chromatin immunoprecipitation approach

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>p63 is a transcription factor that plays an important role in skin epidermal development and differentiation. The p63 gene encodes for two major protein isoforms, those containing an amino-terminal trans-activation domain (TAp63) and those lacking this domain (ΔNp63). Both the TA and ΔN transcripts are also alternatively spliced at the 3' end producing proteins with unique C-termini that are designated as α, β and γ isoforms. Recent research has suggested that ΔNp63 is the predominant isoform expressed and active in keratinocytes.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>To better elucidate the biological role of p63 in regulating gene expression in keratinocytes we performed chromatin immunoprecipitation (ChIP) experiments with ΔNp63-specific antibodies. We included an additional step in the ChIP procedure to enrich for ΔNp63 targets by screening the library of immunoprecipitated DNA for its ability to bind recombinant GST-ΔNp63. Cloning of ΔNp63-ChIP-derived DNA fragments identified more than 60 potential ΔNp63 target loci that were located close to or embedded within known or predicted genes. Identity of these target genes suggests that they may participate in a myriad of cellular processes including transcriptional regulation, signaling and metabolism. Here we confirm the binding of ΔNp63 to several of these genomic loci both by EMSA and replicate ChIP assays. Finally we show that the expression of many of these target genes is altered when ΔNp63 levels in keratinocytes are reduced by siRNA, further confirming that these are bona fide targets.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>This unbiased genomic approach has allowed us to uncover functional targets of ΔNp63 and serves as the initial step in further analysis of the transcriptional regulatory mechanisms that are governed by p63 in keratinocytes.</p

    Ovol1 represses its own transcription by competing with transcription activator c-Myb and by recruiting histone deacetylase activity

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    Ovol1 belongs to a family of evolutionarily conserved zinc finger proteins that act downstream of key developmental signaling pathways such as Wnt and TGF-β/BMP. It plays important roles in epithelial and germ cell development, particularly by repressing c-Myc and Id2 genes and modulating the balance between proliferation and differentiation of progenitor cells. In this study, we show that Ovol1 negatively regulates its own expression by binding to and repressing the activity of its promoter. We further demonstrate that Ovol1 uses both passive and active repression mechanisms to auto-repress: (1) it antagonizes transcriptional activation of c-Myb, a known positive regulator of proliferation, by competing for DNA binding; (2) it recruits histone deacetylase activity to the promoter via an N-terminal SNAG repressor domain. At Ovol1 cognate sites in the endogenous Ovol1 promoter, c-Myb binding correlates with increased histone acetylation, whereas the expression of Ovol1 correlates with a displacement of c-Myb from the DNA and decreased histone acetylation. Collectively, our data suggest that Ovol1 restricts its own expression by counteracting c-Myb activation and histone acetylation of the Ovol1 promoter

    An Active Role of the ΔN Isoform of p63 in Regulating Basal Keratin Genes K5 and K14 and Directing Epidermal Cell Fate

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    BACKGROUND: One major defining characteristic of the basal keratinocytes of the stratified epithelium is the expression of the keratin genes K5 and K14. The temporal and spatial expression of these two genes is usually tightly and coordinately regulated at the transcriptional level. This ensures the obligate pairing of K5 and K14 proteins to generate an intermediate filament (IF) network that is essential for the structure and function of the proliferative keratinocytes. Our previous studies have shown that the basal-keratinocyte restricted transcription factor p63 is a direct regulator of K14 gene. METHODOLOGY/PRINCIPAL FINDINGS: Here we provide evidence that p63, specifically the DeltaN isoform also regulates the expression of the K5 gene by binding to a conserved enhancer within the 5' upstream region. By using specific antibodies against DeltaNp63, we show a concordance in the expression between basal keratins and DeltaNp63 proteins but not the TAp63 isoforms during early embryonic skin development. We demonstrate, that contrary to a previous report, transgenic mice expressing DeltaNp63 in lung epithelium exhibit squamous metaplasia with de novo induction of K5 and K14 as well as transdifferentiation to the epidermal cell lineage. Interestingly, the in vivo epidermal inductive properties of DeltaNp63 do not require the C-terminal SAM domain. Finally, we show that DeltaNp63 alone can restore the expression of the basal keratins and reinitiate the failed epidermal differentiation program in the skin of p63 null animals. SIGNIFICANCE: DeltaNp63 is a critical mediator of keratinocyte stratification program and directly regulates the basal keratin genes

    RNA-seq based transcriptomic map reveals new insights into mouse salivary gland development and maturation

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    Heatmap depicting the hierarchical clustering of the 45 genes that are conserved between the mouse adult salivary gland gene signature and the RNA-seq data obtained from the Human Protein Atlas. The values reported represent Z-scores of the conserved genes in their respective datasets. (PDF 737 kb

    A global analysis of the complex landscape of isoforms and regulatory networks of p63 in human cells and tissues

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    Expression database. Column A contains the names of the 1099 TFs in humans. Columns B–BC provide the expression of the TFs in FPKM (fragments per kilobase of transcript per million), as calculated by Analysis Pipeline 1, across the 40 cell-types (52 experiments). (CSV 553 kb

    Genome-wide search identifies Ccnd2 as a direct transcriptional target of Elf5 in mouse mammary gland

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>The ETS transcription factor Elf5 (also known as ESE-2) is highly expressed in the mammary gland and plays an important role in its development and differentiation. Indeed studies in mice have illustrated an essential role for Elf5 in directing alveologenesis during pregnancy. Although the molecular mechanisms that underlie the developmental block in Elf5 null mammary glands are beginning to be unraveled, this investigation has been hampered by limited information about the identity of Elf5-target genes. To address this shortcoming, in this study we have performed ChIP-cloning experiments to identify the specific genomic segments that are occupied by Elf5 in pregnant mouse mammary glands.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Sequencing and genomic localization of <it>cis</it>-regulatory regions bound by Elf5 <it>in vivo </it>has identified several potential target genes covering broad functional categories. A subset of these target genes demonstrates higher expression levels in Elf5-null mammary glands suggesting a repressive functional role for this transcription factor. Here we focus on one putative target of Elf5, the <it>Ccnd2 </it>gene that appeared in our screen. We identify a novel Elf5-binding segment upstream of the <it>Ccnd2 </it>gene and demonstrate that Elf5 can transcriptionally repress Ccnd2 by directly binding to the proximal promoter region. Finally, using Elf5-null mammary epithelial cells and mammary glands, we show that loss of Elf5 <it>in vivo </it>leads to up regulation of Ccnd2 and an altered expression pattern in luminal cells.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>Identification of Elf5-targets is an essential first step in elucidating the transcriptional landscape that is shaped by this important regulator. Our studies offer new toolbox in examining the biological role of Elf5 in mammary gland development and differentiation.</p

    Ets1 and IL17RA cooperate to regulate autoimmune responses and skin immunity to Staphylococcus aureus

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    IntroductionEts1 is a lymphoid-enriched transcription factor that regulates B- and Tcell functions in development and disease. Mice that lack Ets1 (Ets1 KO) develop spontaneous autoimmune disease with high levels of autoantibodies. Naïve CD4 + T cells isolated from Ets1 KO mice differentiate more readily to Th17 cells that secrete IL-17, a cytokine implicated in autoimmune disease pathogenesis. To determine if increased IL-17 production contributes to the development of autoimmunity in Ets1 KO mice, we crossed Ets1 KO mice to mice lacking the IL-17 receptor A subunit (IL17RA KO) to generate double knockout (DKO) mice.MethodsIn this study, the status of the immune system of DKO and control mice was assessed utilizing ELISA, ELISpot, immunofluorescent microscopy, and flow cytometric analysis of the spleen, lymph node, skin. The transcriptome of ventral neck skin was analyzed through RNA sequencing. S. aureus clearance kinetics in in exogenously infected mice was conducted using bioluminescent S. aureus and tracked using an IVIS imaging experimental scheme.ResultsWe found that the absence of IL17RA signaling did not prevent or ameliorate the autoimmune phenotype of Ets1 KO mice but rather that DKO animals exhibited worse symptoms with striking increases in activated B cells and secreted autoantibodies. This was correlated with a prominent increase in the numbers of T follicular helper (Tfh) cells. In addition to the autoimmune phenotype, DKO mice also showed signs of immunodeficiency and developed spontaneous skin lesions colonized by Staphylococcus xylosus. When DKO mice were experimentally infected with Staphylococcus aureus, they were unable to clear the bacteria, suggesting a general immunodeficiency to staphylococcal species. gd T cells are important for the control of skin staphylococcal infections. We found that mice lacking Ets1 have a complete deficiency of the gd T-cell subset dendritic epidermal T cells (DETCs), which are involved in skin woundhealing responses, but normal numbers of other skin gd T cells. To determine if loss of DETC combined with impaired IL-17 signaling might promote susceptibility to staph infection, we depleted DETC from IL17RA KO mice and found that the combined loss of DETC and impaired IL-17 signaling leads to an impaired clearance of the infection.ConclusionsOur studies suggest that loss of IL-17 signaling can result in enhanced autoimmunity in Ets1 deficient autoimmune-prone mice. In addition, defects in wound healing, such as that caused by loss of DETC, can cooperate with impaired IL-17 responses to lead to increased susceptibility to skin staph infections

    Protein aggregation of the p63 transcription factor underlies severe skin fragility in AEC syndrome.

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    The p63 gene encodes a master regulator of epidermal commitment, development, and differentiation. Heterozygous mutations in the C-terminal domain of the p63 gene can cause ankyloblepharon-ectodermal defects-cleft lip/palate (AEC) syndrome, a life-threatening disorder characterized by skin fragility and severe, long-lasting skin erosions. Despite deep knowledge of p63 functions, little is known about mechanisms underlying disease pathology and possible treatments. Here, we show that multiple AEC-associated p63 mutations, but not those causative of other diseases, lead to thermodynamic protein destabilization, misfolding, and aggregation, similar to the known p53 gain-of-function mutants found in cancer. AEC mutant proteins exhibit impaired DNA binding and transcriptional activity, leading to dominant negative effects due to coaggregation with wild-type p63 and p73. Importantly, p63 aggregation occurs also in a conditional knock-in mouse model for the disorder, in which the misfolded p63 mutant protein leads to severe epidermal defects. Variants of p63 that abolish aggregation of the mutant proteins are able to rescue p63's transcriptional function in reporter assays as well as in a human fibroblast-to-keratinocyte conversion assay. Our studies reveal that AEC syndrome is a protein aggregation disorder and opens avenues for therapeutic intervention.This work was supported by Telethon Grants GGP09230 and GGP16235 (to C.M.), ERA-Net Research Program on Rare Diseases (ERARE-2) Skin-Dev (C.M.), Italian Association for Cancer Research Grant IG2011-N.11369 (to C.M.), Fondation Dind-Cottier pour la recherche sur la peau (C.M.), DFG Grant DO 545/8-1 (to V.D.), the Centre for Biomolecular Magnetic Resonance, and the Cluster of Excellence Frankfurt (Macromolecular Complexes). P.G. is supported by a Lichtenberg Professorship of the Volkswagen Foundation. C.R. is a PhD student in molecular oncology at the European School of Molecular Medicine

    IL-17 Receptor Signaling in Oral Epithelial Cells Is Critical for Protection against Oropharyngeal Candidiasis

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    Signaling through the IL-17 receptor (IL-17R) is required to prevent oropharyngeal candidiasis (OPC) in mice and humans. However, the IL-17-responsive cell type(s) that mediate protection are unknown. Using radiation chimeras we were able to rule out a requirement for IL-17RA in the hematopoietic compartment. We saw remarkable concordance of IL-17-controlled gene expression in C. albicans-infected human oral epithelial cells (OECs) and in tongue tissue from mice with OPC. To interrogate the role of the IL-17R in OECs, we generated mice with conditional deletion of IL-17RA in superficial oral and esophageal epithelial cells (Il17ra(ΔK13)). Following oral Candida infection, Il17ra(ΔK13) mice exhibited fungal loads and weight loss indistinguishable from Il17ra(−/−) mice. Susceptibility in Il17ra(ΔK13) mice correlated with expression of the antimicrobial peptide β-defensin 3 (BD3, Defb3). Consistently, Defb3(−/−) mice were susceptible to OPC. Thus, OECs dominantly control IL-17R-dependent responses to OPC through regulation of BD3expression