42 research outputs found

    Harmonisation of voluntary disclosure practices by Japanese companies

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    The harmonisation of international accounting and disclosure practices is an important policy issue. This paper investigates the extent to which voluntary disclosure practices by Japanese firms converged since the late 1980s. Convergence of voluntary disclosure suggests that Japanese firms respond to market pressures by adopting increasingly similar reporting practices. Our findings suggest that there was neither more, nor less, convergence in selected disclosure practices over the sample period, although the average level of disclosure did increase. The results suggest that Japanese firms were in 'equilibrium' in terms of scope of information voluntarily disclosed, although the quantity of disclosed information increased.voluntary disclosure; international accounting disclosure; Japanese company disclosure; accounting harmonisation; Japan.

    Extractives and Structural Components in Wood and Bark of Endemic Oak Quercus vulcanica Boiss

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    The bark and wood of an endemic oak species in Turkey, Q. vulcanica, were investigated with regard to main components, phenolics as well as extractives. About 66 % of extract free wood consists of polysaccharides, i.e. cellulose and polyoses. Heartwood was found to be rich in ellagitannins, while in bark proanthocyanidins occurred in larger amounts. Extractives soluble in cyclohexane were divided into saponifiables and neutrals. Among saponifiables saturated acids made up the majority, while sterols and nonsteroidal triterpenes were the predominating compounds of the neutral fraction