22 research outputs found

    Analisis Pengaruh Profitabilitas, Likuiditas, Leverage, CSR, GCG terhadap Nilai Perusahaan Bei 2020-2022

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    Nilai perusahaan merupakan salah satu bentuk pencapaian yang diperoleh perusahaan dari kepercayaan publik setelah menjalankan operasional dan kinerjanya dilihat dari laporan keuangan seperti melalui rasio-rasio keuagan profitabilitas, likuiditas, leverage. Tujuan penelitian adalah untuk memperoleh bukti empiris mengenai pengaruh profitabilitas, likuiditas, leverage, CSR dan GCG terhadap nilai perusahaan. Penelitian ini dilakukan di perusahaan sektor Pertambangan Batubara yang terdaftar di Bursa Efek Indonesia. Sampel perusahaan adalah 16 perusahaan dengan 3 tahun pengamatan, maka diperoleh 48 data amatan. Metode penentuan sampel yang digunakan dalam penelitian yaitu non-probability. Data dikumpulkan, kemudian diuji dengananalysis Statistical Productdan Service Solutions (SPSS). Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa profitabilitas, likuiditas, CSR dan GCG tidak berpengaruh positif terhadap nilai perusahaan serta leverage berpengaruh positif terhadap nilai perusahaan

    Effect of aerobic and resistance exercises on body composition and quality of life in overweight and obese women: a randomized control trial

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    Background Obesity has become a major health issue in the world and directly reduces the quality of life. The aim of this study was to compare the effect of aerobic and resistance exercises on body composition and quality of life (QoL) in overweight and obese women. Method An experimental study involving 90 overweight/obese women aged between 20-45 years participated in the study voluntarily and were randomized into control (n=30), aerobic exercise (AE) (n=30), and resistance exercise (RE) (n=30) groups. Either AE or RE groups performed exercise for 60 minutes per day for 10 weeks, whereas the control group did not perform any exercise. The body composition and QoL of the women were measured before and after the exercise. Results Body weight, BMI, fat mass, and waist and hip circumferences decreased significantly in both AE and RE groups after the exercise intervention compared to the control group (p<0.05). In addition, quality of life sub-dimensions including physical health, psychological health, social relationship, and environment sub-dimensions improved significantly in the AE and RE groups compared to the control group (p<0.001). Post hoc Tukey test showed that AE was as effective as RE for improving body composition parameters and QoL sub dimension compared to control group. Conclusion This study demonstrated that both AE and RE were effective in improving body composition and thereby increasing the QoL in overweight and obese women. Both AE and RE programs are effective and should be considered within any multicomponent therapy program in overweight and obese women

    Hidrojen sülfürün prostat kanseri patolojisindeki rolü

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    Son yıllara kadar tehlikeli toksik gaz olarak bilinen hidrojen sülfürün (H2S) vücut içerisinde endojen üretiminin gerçekleştiğinin keşfedilmesiyle mekanizmasını aydınlatmaya yönelik çalışmalar artmıştır. Bu çalışmalar sayesinde hidrojen sülfürün birçok düzenleyici rolü ortaya konmuştur. Ardından farklı kanser türlerinde değişik ekspresyon seviyelerine sahip olan H2S üreten enzimler, sistationin β sentaz (CBS), sistationin γ liyaz (CSE), merkaptopirüvat sülfürtransferaz (MPST), üzerine yoğunlaşılmış ve H2S'in kanser üzerindeki etkisi gözlemlenmeye çalışılmıştır. Çalışmamızda ise prostat kanseri hücrelerinde artan H2S üretiminin inhibisyonu sağlanmaya çalışılarak antikanser bir etki ortaya koyup, geleneksel prostat kanseri tedavisine alternatif bir tedavi yöntemi üzerine yoğunlaşılmıştır.Although it is known that the H2S is a toxic gas, after it has been discovered that the H2S has an important role on production of endogens, studies aimed to clarify the H2S mechanism on cell regulation increased significantly and these studies showed that H2S plays various roles on regulation mechanism. Recently, to indicate the effects of H2S on cancer studies focused on enzymes such as cystathionine-β- synthase, cystathionine-γ-lyase, and 3-mercaptopyruvate sulfurtransferase producing H2S on different expression leves in different types of cancer. The aim of this study was to evaluate the inhibition of H2S production as an alternative way on treatment of prostat cancer

    Tertiary teaching and learning in Papua New Guinea – building effective intercultural learning and teaching relationships

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    Papua New Guinea is in the process of nation building. Integral to this national development is the building of a successful vernacular-based early years education program for children aged 6 to 8 years. The program is a new initiative in a country which formerly provided schooling only from the primary years and conducted in English. The system is being implemented by village-based elementary teachers supported by district trainers. These trainers require skills in early years education, with qualifications and expertise to match their various roles and responsibilities. The PNG Department of Education, in conjunction with AusAID, chose the early childhood program at the University of South Australia to upgrade the qualifications of 36 trainers to degree level. This was achieved using a two year, mixed-mode delivery, including four two week in-country intensives. From late 2002 to early 2004, early childhood lecturers traveled to meet their students in-country. In the aftermath, three lecturers and one student reflected on their experiences, both personal and professional, on teaching and learning in one of the most culturally diverse countries on earth. Six strategies for building reciprocal relationships in cross-cultural teaching and learning contexts are identified, with the key theme of the teacher as learner

    Określenie uzależnienia od Internetu wśród studentów Wydziału Nauk o Sporcie i Wydziału Nauk o Zdrowiu oraz jego związku z aktywnością fizyczną

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    Background. The aim of this study was to determine the Internet addiction level of university students and to investigate if there is an association between the Internet addiction and physical activity (PA). Material and methods. A total of 1419 participants studying at the Faculty of Sports Sciences (n=609) and the Faculty of Health Sciences (n=810) volunteered in the study and filled in the Personal Information Form. Data for the Internet addiction and PA level was collected by using Young’s Internet Addiction Scale and the International Physical Activity Questionnaire (IPAQ), respectively. Results. According to the results of the study, the Internet addiction level of university students was mainly asymptomatic (90.3%), and only (9.7%) of all students showed limited symptoms. None of the students fell into the category of pathological Internet users in both faculties. The results revealed that 64.8% of the participants were found to be inactive, whereas only 35.2% of the students were physically active. According to the results, 92.3% of students who do high levels of PA were asymptomatic, and only 7.7% of them showed limited symptoms. Conclusions. Although it is believed that young adults use the Internet very actively and are prone to addiction, the results of the study showed that the rate of the Internet addiction symptoms in students is quite low, and none of the students suffer pathological symptoms of using the Internet.Wprowadzenie. Celem niniejszego badania było określenie poziomu uzależnienia studentów uczelni wyższych od Internetu i sprawdzenie, czy istnieje związek między uzależnieniem od Internetu a aktywnością fizyczną (AF). Materiał i metody. Łącznie 1419 uczestników studiujących na Wydziale Nauk o Sporcie (n=609) i Wydziale Nauk o Zdrowiu (n=810) zgłosiło się do badania i wypełniło formularz danych osobowych. Dane dotyczące uzależnienia od Internetu i poziomu AF zostały zebrane za pomocą Skali Uzależnienia od Internetu wg Kimberley Young i Międzynarodowego Kwestionariusza Aktywności Fizycznej (IPAQ). Wyniki. Zgodnie z wynikami badania poziom uzależnienia od Internetu wśród studentów był głównie bezobjawowy (90,3%), i zaledwie (9,7%) wszystkich studentów wykazywało ograniczone objawy. Żaden ze studentów któregokolwiek z wydziałów nie mieścił się w kategorii patologicznego użytkowania Internetu. Wyniki pokazały, że 64,8% uczestników było nieaktywnych fizycznie, podczas gdy zaledwie 35,2% studentów było aktywnych fizycznie. Zgodnie z wynikami, 92,3% studentów, którzy wykazują wysoki poziom AF, nie miało żadnych objawów, a tylko 7,7% z nich wykazywało ograniczone objawy. Wnioski. Chociaż uważa się, że młodzi dorośli bardzo aktywnie korzystają z Internetu i są podatni na uzależnienia, wyniki badania wykazały, że odsetek objawów uzależnienia od Internetu wśród studentów jest dość niski, a żaden ze studentów nie cierpi na patologiczne objawy użytkowania Internetu

    Wpływ treningu zumby na skład ciała i zachowania żywieniowe u kobiet z otyłością w okresie pandemii COVID-19

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    The aim of the study was to compare the effect of 8 weeks of online Zumba exercises and walking on body composition, eating attitude and body image perception in overweight and obese women during the pandemic. Material and methods. A cohort of 150 obese women aged between 20 and 40 years old were classified as Control (n=50), Walking (n=50) and Zumba (n=50) groups. All groups received dietary counselling, while the Zumba and walking groups received 8 weeks of exercise intervention. Bioimpedance, Body Image Scale and Three-Factor Nutrition Questionnaire-Revised 18 Items Scale were used to assess body composition, body image satisfaction and eating behavior, respectively. Paired Sample T test and ANOVA analysis were used at the significance level of α=0.05. Results. Walking a nd Z umba e xercise g roups h ad l ower BMI, f at m ass, f at p ercentage a nd w aist-tohip ratio. The body image increased significantly in both walking and Zumba groups, while a decline was determined in the control group at the end of the study. Uncontrolled eating, emotional eating and sensitivity to hunger decreased in walking and Zumba groups, while there was no significant difference in cognitive restrain for all three groups. Conclusions. It can be concluded that 8-week home-based online Zumba exercise with self-monitoring via Smartphone apps was as effective as walking for improving body composition and eating attitudes of overweight and obese women.Celem badania było porównanie wpływu 8-tygodniowych ćwiczeń Zumby online i spacerów na skład ciała, nastawienie do odżywiania i postrzeganie własnego ciała u kobiet z nadwagą i otyłością w czasie pandemii. Materiał i metody. Kohortę 150 otyłych kobiet w wieku od 20 do 40 lat podzielono na grupę kontrolną (n=50), grupę odbywającą spacery (n=50) i ćwiczącą Zumbę (n=50). Wszystkie grupy otrzymały porady dietetyczne, podczas gdy grupy ćwiczące Zumbę i odbywające spacery otrzymały 8-tygodniową interwencję w postaci aktywności fizycznej. Do oceny odpowiednio składu ciała, zadowolenia z postrzegania własnego ciała i zachowań żywieniowych użyto bioimpedancji, skali postrzegania własnego ciała i zrewidowanej zawierającej 18 pozycji skali trójczynnikowego kwestionariusza żywieniowego TFEQ-R18. Test t‑Studenta dla próbek sparowanych i analizę ANOVA zastosowano na poziomie istotności α=0,05. Wyniki. Osoby w grupach spacerującej i ćwiczącej Zumbę miały niższy BMI, masę tkanki tłuszczowej, procent tłuszczu i stosunek obwodu talii do obwodu bioder. Postrzeganie własnego ciała istotnie się poprawiło zarówno w grupie odbywającej spacery, jak i trenującej Zumbę, podczas gdy w grupie kontrolnej stwierdzono pogorszenie tego wyniku pod koniec badania. Niekontrolowane jedzenie, jedzenie pod wpływem emocji i wrażliwość na głód zmniejszyły się w grupie odbywającej spacery, jak i ćwiczącej Zumbę, podczas gdy nie było istotnych różnic w ograniczaniu jedzenia dla wszystkich trzech grup. Wnioski. Można stwierdzić, że 8-tygodniowe, prowadzone w domach, ćwiczenia Zumby online z samokontrolą za pomocą aplikacji na smartfony były równie skuteczne jak spacery w zakresie poprawy składu ciała i postaw żywieniowych kobiet z nadwagą i otyłością

    Compassion fatigue among forensic medicine specialists in Turkiye: A cross-sectional study

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    Compassion fatigue explains the reduced caregiving capacity of healthcare workers as a consequence of repeated exposure to patients&apos; suffering. It is aimed to evaluate compassion fatigue and factors affecting this situation in forensic medicine specialists who evaluate cases that are victims of permanent trauma due to their profession. Data collection forms including demographic data and a short compassion fatigue scale (SCFS) in healthcare workers were filled out online by volunteer forensic experts. 113 forensic experts participated. It was determined that participants&apos; total SCFS score average was 36.86±21.01, secondary trauma sub-dimension average was 12.39±7.74, occupational burnout sub-dimension average was 24.47±14.52. The total mean score of SCFS of the participants who evaluated less sexual assault was statistically significantly higher. The total mean score of SCFS and the mean of occupational burnout sub-dimension of the participants who did autopsy were found to be statistically significantly lower. The occupational burnout sub-dimension average of those who performed autopsy above the monthly autopsy median value was found to be statistically significantly lower. Sub-dimension average of burnout of participants in the first five years of their professional life was found to be statistically significantly higher. It is noteworthy that total and sub-dimension average scores of forensic medicine specialists in Turkey are significantly lower than those of different professions, especially health workers, in different countries. While this may be an indication that occupational depersonalization has developed over the years among forensic medicine specialists in Turkey, especially those who evaluate autopsy and sexual assault cases, from a different perspective, it can be said that increasing professional experience and working in harmony with the education received have a positive effect on compassion fatigue and burnout. [Med-Science 2023; 12(4.000): 1099-106