117 research outputs found

    Prediction of Global Solar Radiation in India using Artificial Neural Network

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    Increasing global warming and decreasing fossil fuel reserves have necessitated the use of renewable energy resources like solar energy in India. To maximize returns on a solar farm, it has to be set up at a place with high solar radiation. The solar radiation values are available only for a small number of places and must be interpolated for the rest. This paper utilizes Artificial Neural Network (ANN) in interpolation, by obtaining a function with input as combinations of 7 geographical and meteorological parameters affecting radiation, and output as Global Solar Radiation (GSR). Data considered was of past 9 years for 13 Indian cities. Low values of error and high values of coefficient of determination thus obtained, verified that the results were accurate in terms of the original solar radiation data known. Thus, ANN can be used to interpolate the solar radiation for the places of interest depending on the availability of the data

    Alteration of cardiovascular autonomic activity in type 2 diabetes mellitus

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    Background: Diabetes mellitus (DM) is a clinical syndrome characterized by hyperglycaemia due to absolute or relative insulin deficiency. Cardiovascular autonomic neuropathy (CAN) invokes potentially life-threatening outcomes especially in poorly controlled diabetic patients. This study was to evaluate the prevalence of CAN in diabetic patients and its relationship with QTc interval.Methods: This observational study of two year duration was included total 123 patients of more than 30 (thirty) years and up to 60 (sixty) years of age who were presented with diabetic mellitus (DM) those were evaluated for CAN using four distinct clinical tests-Resting heart rate (RHR), test for orthostatic hypotension (OH), hand gripping test (HGT) and QTc interval on ECG. Data were analyzed with statistical package for social sciences (SPSS), version 23.Results: The mean age of all 103 studied patients was 48.94±8.69 years; Mostly patients belong to 50-60 years of age and the majority was males (69.0%). Out of 103 72.8% patients were reported with CAN (51 males and 24 females) and without CAN were 27.2.0% (20 males and 8 females), 36% of patients of Definite Parasympathetic neuropathy, 25% Normal and 20% of Sympathetic neuropathic patients. HbA1c level increases the danger of CAN also. QTc interval is a reliable indicator for the presence of CAN.Conclusions: Duration of diabetes is directly proportional to the prevalence of CAN. Various cardiac autonomic function tests detect CAN

    Corruption and mental health:Evidence from Vietnam

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    While there is substantial corruption in developing countries, the costs imposed by corruption on individuals and households are little understood. This study examines the relationship between exposure to local corruption and mental health, as measured by depressive symptoms. We use two large data sets - one cross-sectional and one panel - collected across rural Vietnam. After controlling for individual and regional characteristics, we find strong and consistent evidence that day-to-day petty corruption is positively associated with psychological distress. Our results are robust to a variety of specification checks. Further, we find that the relationship between corruption and mental health is stronger for women, and that there are no heterogeneous effects by poverty status. Finally, using a difference-in-difference estimation strategy, we provide suggestive evidence that a recent highly proled anti-corruption campaign had significant positive effects on mental health. Overall, our findings suggest that there may be substantial psychosocial and mental health benefits from efforts to reduce corruption and improve rural governance structures

    Assessment of heavy metal contamination in Kali river, Uttar Pradesh, India

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    The River Kali is an important surface water body in the western Uttar Pradesh (U.P). It is an intermittent river which flows throughout the monsoonal months. The present study aims to assess the heavy metal contamination in the river Kali using pollution index (PI), based on five heavy metals (Fe, Zn, Cd, Pb, and Cr) during pre and post monsoon seasons in the year 2014. The PI evaluated during pre and post monsoon seasons with respect to drinking water quality standards was found as 5.04 and 7.08 respectively, while related to inland water quality standards were found as 4.37 and 3.62, respectively. The results indicate that the river Kali was severely contaminated (PI>3) in both seasons. Therefore, water of Kali River is not fit for drinking as well as for agriculture purposes

    Can Gender Differences in Distributional Preferences Explain Gender Gaps in Competition?

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    We design a lab experiment to specifically examine whether a preference for favorable inequality and behindness aversion, as well as egalitarian preferences, affect competitive choices differently among males and females. Using data on approximately 2,000 subjects, we find that selection into competitive environments is negatively related to egalitarian preferences, with smaller negative impacts of being egalitarian on females’ choice to compete. Further, behindness aversion and preference for favorable inequality affect willingness to compete in opposite ways. The willingness to compete is negatively affected by behindness aversion, while a preference for favorable inequality positively influences willingness to compete. Interestingly, when we disaggregate behavior along gender lines, we find that compared to behindness averse males, behindness averse females are more likely to enter the competitive environment. In contrast, there is no significant gender difference in the impact of preference for favorable inequality on competition. Our results suggest that the observed gender difference in competitiveness can stem from male-female differences in distributional preferences and selected personality traits developed during one’s lifetime

    Social Identity, Behavior, and Personality:Evidence from India

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    Hierarchies in social identities have been found to be integrally related to divergences in economic status. In India, caste is one such significant social identity where continued discriminatory practices towards the lower castes have resulted in poor outcomes for them. While there is considerable work on such divergence on many economic outcomes along caste lines, there is no work on behavioral preferences and personality traits that can also be adversely affected by such identity hierarchies, and that are important determinants of educational attainments and labor market performances. We combine rich data from incentivized tasks and surveys conducted among a large sample of university students in a Seemingly Unrelated Regression framework and find that the historically marginalized Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes (SCSTs) and Other Backward Classes (OBCs) fare worse than the upper castes along several dimensions of economic behavior such as competitiveness and confidence and personality traits such as grit, locus of control, and conscientiousness. Further, we find that parental investments only have limited compensatory effects on these gaps. This suggests a need for redesigning the structure of affirmative action policies in India as well as targeting interventions with an aim to improving soft skills among the disadvantaged

    Inequality, institutions and cooperation

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    We examine the effects of randomly introduced economic inequality on voluntary co-operation and whether this relationship is influenced by the quality of local institutions, as proxied by corruption. We use representative data from a large-scale lab-in-the-field public goods experiment with over 1,300 participants across rural Vietnam. Our results show that inequality adversely affects aggregate contributions, and this is on account of high endowment individuals contributing a significantly smaller share than those with low endowments. This negative effect of inequality on cooperation is exacerbated in high corruption environments. We nd that corruption leads to more pessimistic beliefs about others' contributions in heterogeneous groups, and this is an important mechanism explaining our results. In doing so, we highlight the indirect costs of corruption that are understudied in the literature. These findings have implications for public policies aimed at resolving local collective action problems

    Commodity price volatility and the psychological wellbeing of farmers

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    We examine the effects of income uncertainty on mental health in Vietnam. We assess this issue using volatility in the price of coffee, a key export commodity, that exposes small coffee farmers to income uncertainty. Using household panel data collected over 2016-2020, we find an increase in volatility of the international coffee price to be positively associated with psychological distress among coffee farmers. The magnitude is greater for males and the findings are robust to several checks. These results are further substantiated by corresponding estimates for related health measures and self-reported happiness. Channels include an increase in mental stress due to pessimistic expectations of future economic well-being, increased cognitive load and alcohol consumption, and reduced social capital. The results highlight the psychological toll of living with income uncertainty and provide support for the provision of social safety nets that protect farmers from frequent commodity price fluctuations

    Study to determine serum vitamin D levels in patients with congestive heart failure

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    Background: It was to evaluate the association of serum levels of vitamin D in patients with congestive heart failure.Methods: The present study was conducted in the department of Medicine at Chattrapati Shivaji Subharti Hospital among 100 patients, aged 18 years and above diagnosed as congestive heart failure on the basis of clinical and echocardiographic evidence. Clinical manifestations looked for CHF were: Dyspnea, orthopnea, acute pulmonary edema, cerebral symptoms, cheyne-stokes respiration, cyanosis, sinus tachycardia, raised jugular venous pressure, congestive hepatomegaly and pedal edema. In the present study deficiency/ insufficiency of vitamin D was considered when the presence of levels of 25-hydroxyvitamin D was 30 respectively with statistically significant difference. The Mean±SD scores of CPK MB (IU/L) was found to be 33.1±20.8 and 18.6±13.3 among the subjects having vitamin D levels 30 respectively with statistically significant difference.Conclusions: The results of the present study suggest that low levels of vitamin D may adversely affect the cardiovascular system
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