65 research outputs found

    The Gut Microbiota Influenced by the Intake of Probiotics and Functional Foods with Prebiotics Can Sustain Wellness and Alleviate Certain Ailments like Gut-Inflammation and Colon-Cancer

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    The gut microbiota is composed of several microbial strains, with diverse and variable combinations in healthy and sick persons, changing at different stages of life. A healthy balance between host and gut microorganisms must be maintained in order to perform the normal physiological, metabolic, and immune functions and prevent disease development. Disturbances in the balance of the gut microbiota by diverse reasons initiate several health issues and promote the progression of certain diseases. This review is based on published research and reports that describe the role of probiotic microorganisms in the sustainability of health and the alleviation of certain diseases. Information is presented on the GRAS strains that are used as probiotics in the food industry for the production of fermented milk, yogurt, fermented food, functional foods, and probiotic drinks. To maintain a healthy microbiota, probiotic supplements in the form of freeze-dried live cells of probiotic strains are also available in different forms to consumers. The health benefits of lactic acid bacteria and other microorganisms and their role in the control of certain diseases such as gut inflammation, diabetes, and bowel cancer and in the safeguarding of the gut epithelial permeability from the invasion of pathogens are discussed

    Waste Management by Biological Approach Employing Natural Substrates and Microbial Agents for the Remediation of Dyes’Wastewater

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    This article aims to provide information on two aspects: firstly, waste management of residual biological agro-industrial materials generated from agriculture, and secondly, for the sustainable remediation of textile wastewater. Annually, huge amounts of solid renewable biomass materials are generated worldwide from agricultural and farming sectors. The generation of these vast amounts of solid wastes could be utilised as a valuable and renewable natural resource for various applications. The goal of promoting sustainable development has increased the interest in recycling wastes economically and in an eco-friendly way. This article reviews the published research on this topic and discusses the usage of these solid substrates in the remediation of a major environmental component, textile dye-contaminated water. The purpose of this article is to discuss an integrated and cross-disciplinary approach to sustainable solid and liquid waste management and remediation of environmental components and to report the biological approaches and their efficiency in a chemical-free and economically viable bioremediation process for large volumes of dye-contaminated water resources

    Probiotics, Prebiotics, Synbiotics, and Fermented Foods as potential biotics in Nutrition Improving Health via Microbiome- Gut-Brain Axis.

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    Biological, social, and psychological practices greatly affect the dietary intake of people; as a result, health-related complexities occur. Functional food and supplements have become popular due to their nutraceutical benefits, which make different choices of fermented food and beverages available to people. This review describes the characteristics of probiotics, prebiotics, post- and paraprobiotics, and their role in nutrition and in the sustainability of health. Currently, several synbiotic supplements have attracted consumers in the nutraceutical market to offer a number of health benefits, which are complementary mixtures of selected characterized probiotic cultures and prebiotic substrates. Traditional fermented foods consumed in different cultures are different than probiotics and symbiotic preparations, though these could be considered potential biotics in nutrition. Fermented foods are part of a staple diet in several countries and are cost-effective due to their preparation using seasonal raw materials available from local agriculture practices. Intake of all biotics discussed in this article is intended to improve the population of beneficial microbiota in the gut, which has proved important for the microbiome–gut–brain axis, influencing the activity of vagus nerve

    Dextran Used in Blood Transfusion, Hematology, and Pharmaceuticals: Biosynthesis of Diverse Molecular-Specification-Dextrans in Enzyme-Catalyzed Reactions

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    Dextran is an exopolysaccharide synthesized in reactions catalyzed by enzymes obtained from microbial agents of specific species and strains. Products of dextran polysaccharides with different molecular weights are suitable for diverse pharmaceutical and clinical uses. Dextran solutions have multiple characteristics, including viscosity, solubility, rheological, and thermal properties; hence, dextran has been studied for its commercial applications in several sectors. Certain bacteria can produce extracellular polysaccharide dextran of different molecular weights and configurations. Dextran products of diverse molecular weights have been used in several industries, including medicine, cosmetics, and food. This article aims to provide an overview of the reports on dextran applications in blood transfusion and clinical studies and its biosynthesis. Information has been summarized on enzyme-catalyzed reactions for dextran biosynthesis from sucrose and on the bio-transformation process of high molecular weight dextran molecules to obtain preparations of diverse molecular weights and configurations
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