769 research outputs found

    Ionospheric plasma outflow in response to transverse ion heating

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    The transverse heating of H(+) ions and the consequent dynamics of the polar wind were investigated. Additionally, the effect of transverse ion heating was examined using a particle code

    Current collection in a flowing magnetoplasma

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    Effects of plasma drift on the current collection by a long conducting cylinder in a magnetized plasma is studied by means of a 2 1/2 dimensional PIC code. It is found that for the drift velocity (V sub 0) perpendicular to the magnetic field (B sub 0), the electron current collected by a positive cylinder is considerably enhanced depending on the drift velocity. The distributions of plasma and the potential structure around the cylinder for several relative orientations between V sub 0 and B are presented along with the comparisons of current with and without the magnetic field. Simulations with the magnetic field in the simulation plane show that the potential structures around the cylinder are two-dimensional double layers with dimension (L) perpendicular to B much smaller than the dimension (L) parallel to B. In fact, L perpendicular is found to be approximately determined by the current limiting radius given by the Parker-Murphy model. However, it is found that the collected currents in the simulations are generally higher than those given by this model

    Pressure and current balance conditions during electron beam injections from spacecraft

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    Electrostatic charging level of a conducting surface in response to injections of electron beams into space plasma is investigated by means of one-dimensional Vlasov code. Injections of Maxwellian beams into a vacuum shows that the surface can charge up to an electric potential phi sub s greater than W sub b, where W sub b is the average electron beam energy. Since Maxwellian beams have extended trails with electrons having energies greater than W sub b, it is difficult to quantify the charging level in terms of the energies of the injected electrons. In order to quantitatively understand the charging in excess of W sub b, simulations were carried out for water-bag types of beam with velocity distribution functions described by f(V) = A for V sub min approx. less than V approx. less than V sub max and f(V) = O otherwise, where A is a constant making the normalized beam density unity. It is found that V sub max does not directly determine the charging level. The pressure distribution in the electron sheath determines the electric field distribution near the surface. The electric field in turn determines the electrostatic potential of the vehicle. The pressure distribution is determined by the beam parameters such as the average beam velocity and the velocity spread of the beam

    Histopathological study of the bovine uterus

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    LD2668 .T4 1962 S5

    Ionospheric Plasma Outflow in Response to Transverse Ion Heating: Self-Consistent Macroscopic Treatment

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    During the grant period starting July 1, 1994, our major effort has been on the following two problems: (1) Temporal behavior of heavy Oxygen ion outflow in response to a transverse heating event; and (2) Continued effort on ion heating by lower hybrid waves. We briefly describe here the research performed under these topics

    Studies on equatorial shock formation during plasmaspheric refilling

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    During the grant period starting August 1, 1992, our major effort has been on examining the presence of equatorially trapped hot plasma on plasmaspheric refilling. We performed one-dimensional PIC simulations of cold plasmas expanding into a hot plasma, consisting of hot anisotropic ions and warm isotropic electrons, trapped in a region of minimum magnetic field. Simulations showed that the electric potential barrier built up by the anisotropy of the hot ion population facilitates in the formation of electrostatic shocks when the cold ion beams begin to come into contact with the hot plasma. The shock formation occurs even when the cold ion beams are highly supersonic with respect to the ion-acoustic speed. This finding is interesting because equatorial shock formation during the early stage of plasmaspheric refilling has been debated over about two decades. In the past ion-ion instability has been invoked as the main mechanism for the coupling between the cold ion beams approaching the equator from the conjugate ionspheres. This coupling occurs when the beams are sufficiently slow; the beam velocity being less than three times the ion-acoustic speed. In the presence of hot plasma, the beams slow down by the potential barrier. The slowing down and the reflection process lead to the formation of the electrostatic shock even for highly supersonic ion beams. The mixing of hot and cold plasma was also studied

    Studies on Equatorial Shock Formation During Plasmaspheric Refilling

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    During the grant period from August 1, 1994 to October 31, 1995 we have continued to investigate the effects of plasma wave instabilities on the early stage plasmaspheric refilling. Since ion beams are the primary feature of the interhemispheric plasma flows during the early stage refilling, ion-beam driven instabilities and associated waves are of primary interest. The major findings of this research are briefly summarized here. After a systematic examination of the relevant plasma instabilities, we realized that when the interhemispheric plasma flows begin to interpenetrate at the equator, the most relevant plasma instability is the electrostatic ion cyclotron wave instability. Only at later stages the ion-acoustic instability may be affecting the plasma flow. An interesting property of the electrostatic ion cyclotron wave is that it heats ions perpendicular to the magnetic field. When the ions in the field-aligned flows are transversely heated, they are trapped in the magnetic flux tube, thus affecting the refilling process. The eic wave instability is a microprocess with scale length of the order of ion Larmor radius and the corresponding time scale is the ion cyclotron period. We have attempted to tackle the problem for the plasmaspheric refilling by incorporating the effects of eic wave instability on the mesoscale plasma flow when the properties of the latter exceeds the critical conditions for the former. We have compared the results on refilling from the model with and without the eic instability effects

    Study of plasma environments for the integrated Space Station electromagnetic analysis system

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    The final report includes an analysis of various plasma effects on the electromagnetic environment of the Space Station Freedom. Effects of arcing are presented. Concerns of control of arcing by a plasma contactor are highlighted. Generation of waves by contaminant ions are studied and amplitude levels of the waves are estimated. Generation of electromagnetic waves by currents in the structure of the space station, driven by motional EMF, is analyzed and the radiation level is estimated

    Fountain-Like Flow of Heavy Oxygen Ions From the Earth's Ionosphere in Response to Transverse Heating

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    Normally the gravitationally bound heavy O(+) ions in the Earth's ionosphere are in a diffusive equilibrium. However, when energized to superthermal energies of a few eV transverse to the geomagnetic field, the combined effects of the downward gravitational and the upward electric and mirror forces produce interesting flow patterns in the vertical direction like in a pulsating fountain. This flow pattern is studied by means of a particle-in-cell code