420 research outputs found

    Efficacy and safety of transdermal diclofenac patch versus intramuscular diclofenac injections in postoperative patients of inguinal hernia

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    Background: The aim of this study was to compare the efficacy and safety of diclofenac transdermal patch with intramuscular diclofenac injections in postoperative patients of inguinal hernia.Methods: Sixty male participants scheduled for surgery of inguinal hernia were equally randomized into two groups. A transdermal diclofenac patch 100 mg was applied to the participants in the study group 3 hours prior to surgery. In the control group, 2 doses of 75 mg diclofenac sodium injections were given intramuscularly, first dose 2 hours after the surgery and second dose after 12 hours. Pain was assessed postoperatively after an interval of every six hours for 24 hours using visual analogue scale (VAS) and verbal rating scale (VRS). Tramadol 50 mg slow intravenous injection was administered as rescue analgesic. Patients were withdrawn from the study when they asked for rescue analgesia, or when the VAS score was >5 and VRS >2. Data were analysed using unpaired student’s‘ t ’ test.Results: Both diclofenac patch and intramuscular injections produced effective analgesia. A gradual increase in pain score was observed for diclofenac patch as compared to intramuscular injections 18 hours after the surgery. Diclofenac patch was well tolerated without any significant side effects.Conclusions: Transdermal diclofenac patch can be considered as safe and effective method of pain management in postoperative patients of inguinal hernia. But diclofenac intramuscular injection provided better pain relief compared to diclofenac transdermal patch

    Lipid Inclusions in Mycobacterial Infections

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    Metalloproteinases as mediators of inflammation and the eyes: molecular genetic underpinnings governing ocular pathophysiology

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    There are many vision threatening diseases of the eye affecting millions of people worldwide. In this article, we are summarizing potential role of various matrix metalloproteinases (MMPs); the Zn (2+)-dependent endoproteases in eye health along with pathogenesis of prominent ocular diseases such as macular degeneration, diabetic retinopathy, and glaucoma via understanding MMPs regulation in affected patients, interactions of MMPs with their substrate molecules, and key regulatory functions of tissue inhibitor of metalloproteinases (TIMPs) towards maintaining overall homeostasis

    Evaluation of Polyherbal Anticancer Tablets: A Review

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    Cancer is a malignant abnormal growth of cells, one of the most dreaded and complex diseases. It concerns with several tempo spatial changes in cell composition, which finally lead to neoplasia. Various types of cancers have been reported. Chemotherapy, radiation, and/or surgery may cure them. Herbal remedies are supposed to be harmless as they cause fewer complications and are less likely to habitual. Antioxidant compositions of therapeutic plants show the anticancer activity and therefore, use of different proportions of the active components to formulate various standardized preparation with single or multiple components for their synergistic effects play a crucial role in curing cancer. Evaluation parameters to assess the in vitro anticancer activity includes Caspase-3, Caspase-9, alamar blue, LDH assay, XTT assay, sulforhodamine-B assay, MTT assay, DNA fragmentation assay, neutral red uptake cytotoxic assay, tryphan blue assay. Evaluation of dried extract or granules includes bulk density, tapped density, Carr’s index, Hausner’s ratio, angle of repose while the tablets evaluated by drug-excipient compatibility study by FT-IR, stability studies, hardness, thickness, weight variation, friability, disintegration time and dissolution test

    Congenital Anterior Urethral Diverticulum in Children: A Case Report and Review

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    Congenital anterior urethral diverticulum (CAUD) is an uncommon condition in children. We describe 2 patients of CAUD who presented with ventral penile swelling; in one, the site of swelling was just proximal to corona which is quite rare. The diagnosis was made on USG and MCU. Both patients had normal renal function. Open diverticulectomy and primary repair was done in both patients

    Hacia las intervenciones tecnológicas y sus implicancias sociales. Similitudes entre Chandigarh y Lima

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    This article presents the possibilities and social impact that technological interventions have in our cities. Common bases for these technological implications include, for example, the fields of IoT solutions, artificial intelligence, smart mobility and integrated waste management solutions. The common foundations of social impact are a powerful tool for the formation of intelligent communities, which can demonstrate equity and accessibility. Therefore, there is a need for spaces for community creators that can help others not only to keep up with technology and use it efficiently but also to connect them with new communities and adapt different solutions to various physical conditions.Este artículo expone las posibilidades y el impacto social que las intervenciones tecnológicas tienen en nuestras ciudades. Las bases comunes de estas implicancias tecnológicas comprenden los campos; por ejemplo, soluciones IoT, inteligencia artificial, movilidad inteligente y soluciones integradas de gestión de residuos. Los fundamentos comunes del impacto social son una herramienta poderosa para la formación de comunidades inteligentes, que pueden demostrar equidad y accesibilidad. Por lo tanto, existe la necesidadde espacios para los creadores de la comunidad que puedan ayudar a otros no solo a mantenerse al día con la tecnología y usarla de manera eficiente, sino también para conectarlos con nuevas comunidades y adaptar diferentes soluciones a diversas condiciones físicas

    Influence of Maternal Gestational Treatment with Mycobacterial Antigens on Postnatal Immunity in an Experimental Murine Model

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    BACKGROUND: It has been proposed that the immune system could be primed as early as during the fetal life and this might have an impact on postnatal vaccination. Therefore, we addressed in murine models whether gestational treatment with mycobacterial antigens could induce better immune responses in the postnatal life. METHODS/FINDINGS: BALB/c mice were treated subcutaneously (s.c.) at the second week of gestation with antigen (Ag)85A or heparin-binding hemagglutinin (HBHA) in the absence of adjuvant. Following birth, offspring mice were immunized intranasally (i.n.) with the same antigens formulated with the adjuvant cholera toxin (CT) at week 1 and week 4. One week after the last immunization, we assessed antigen-specific recall interferon gamma (IFN-gamma) responses by in vitro restimulation of lung-derived lymphocytes. Protection against infection was assessed by challenge with high dose Mycobacterium bovis Bacille Calmette-Guérin (BCG) given i.n. We found that recall IFN-gamma responses were higher in the offspring born to the treated mother compared to the untreated-mother. More importantly, we observed that the offspring born to the treated mother controlled infection better than the offspring born to the untreated mother. Since the gestational treatment was done in absence of adjuvant, essentially there was no antibody production observed in the pregnant mice and therefore no influence of maternal antibodies was expected. We hypothesized that the effect of maternal treatment with antigen on the offspring occurred due to antigen transportation through placenta. To trace the antigens, we conjugated fluorescent nanocrystals with Ag85A (Qdot-ITK-Ag85A). After inoculation in the pregnant mice, Qdot-ITK-Ag85A conjugates were detected in the liver, spleen of pregnant females and in all the fetuses and placentas examined. CONCLUSION: The fetal immune system could be primed in utero by mycobacterial antigens transported through the placenta

    Enhanced Anticancer Activity of Gemcitabine in Combination with Noscapine via Antiangiogenic and Apoptotic Pathway against Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer

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    BACKGROUND:The aim of this investigation was to evaluate the anticancer activity of Noscapine (Nos) and Gemcitabine (Gem) combination (NGC) against non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC) and to elucidate the underlying mechanism of action. METHODS:Isobolographic method was used to calculate combination index values from cytotoxicity data. In vitro antiangiogenic and apoptotic activity of Nos, Gem and NGC was evaluated. For in vivo studies, female athymic Nu/nu mice were xenografted with H460 tumors and the efficacy of Nos, Gem, or NGC was determined. Protein expressions by immunohistochemical staining were evaluated in harvested tumor tissues. RESULTS:The CI values (<0.59) were suggestive of synergistic behavior between Nos and Gem. NGC treatment showed significantly inhibited tube formation and increased percentage of apoptotic cells. NGC, Gem and Nos treatment reduced tumor volume by 82.9±4.5 percent, 39.4±5.8 percent and 34.2±5.7 percent respectively. Specifically, NGC treatment decreased expression cell survival proteins; VEGF, CD31 staining and microvessel density and enhanced DNA fragmentation and cleaved caspase 3 levels compared to single agent treated and control groups. CONCLUSION:Nos potentiated the anticancer activity of Gem in an additive to synergistic manner against lung cancer via antiangiogenic and apoptotic pathways. These findings suggest potential benefit for use of NGC chemotherapy for treatment of lung cancer