691 research outputs found

    Impact of Marketing Mix Elements on Satisfaction: Mediating Effect of Brand Awareness

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    Satisfaction of the consumer has been an extremely important focus area for researchers, academicians and business professionals. This study examines the impact of marketing mix elements on brand awareness and satisfaction. It also studies the effect of brand awareness on satisfaction. It further explores the mediating effect of brand awareness on the marketing mix elements and satisfaction. The state of Punjab (India) comprises the universe of study. Convenience sampling has been used to collect data from 350 consumers of durables market. Regression analysis has shown a positive relationship between marketing mix elements and brand awareness. It has been found that marketing mix elements predict satisfaction. Brand awareness has also been seen to be significantly related to satisfaction. A mediating test has shown that brand awareness partially mediates the effects of marketing mix elements on satisfaction. Keywords: Brand, brand awareness, consumer satisfaction, mediation, product, price, promotion, plac


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    in trees solar energy is used in the process of photosynthesis .In photosynthesis Green leaves of trees convert this solar energy into different forms of energies for the growth of tree. As the law states that energy can neither be created nor destroyed. Same thing is happen in trees. Solar energy is in the form of light rays which consists electrons .These electrons are used by the tree and provides them sufficient nutrients for the growth of tree. These electrons are cyclic electrons and provide energy to trees. These electrons are flow in trees and produced very small amount of electricity which lies in the range micro voltage. The amount of flow of electrons is different in different types of trees and environmental conditions. Flow of electrons at the night time slow as compare to day. In trees we are using only one electrode to generate electricity which also reduces the production cost of electricity, but in lemon and potatoes we are using two electrodes to generate electricity. We can also generated sufficient amount of electricity from trees by using custom made voltage booster by using nanotechnology


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    Our Project proposes a two or more vehicle collision warning. Emerging infrared / ultrasonic technologies for vehicle detection are promising to dramatically reduce the number of road accidents by providing early warnings. One major technical challenge addressed in this our project is to achieve low-latency in delivering emergency warnings in various road situations. Basedon a careful analysis of application requirements, we design an effective hardware, service differentiation mechanisms and methods for emergency warning. Simulation results demonstrate that the proposed hardware achieves to delivering emergency warnings and efficient usage in different road situations. It is designed for low -power consumption allowing batteries to essentially last forever. The distance measurement process by using Ultrasonic / Infrared sensors. Our project will provide three different messages that are safe, careful and warning on LCD display with audio message

    Enhanced Photon Routing Beyond the Blockade Limit Via Linear Optics

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    Directing indistinguishable photons from one input port into separate output ports is a fundamental operation in quantum information processing. The simplest scheme for achieving routing beyond random chance uses the photon blockade effect of a two-level emitter. But this approach is limited by a time-energy uncertainty relation. We show that a linear optical unitary transformation applied after the atom enables splitting efficiencies that exceed this time-energy limit. We show that the linear optical unitary improves the splitting efficiency from 67\% to 82\% for unentangled photon inputs, and from 77\% to 90\% for entangled photon inputs. We then optimize the temporal mode profile of the entangled photon wavefunction to attain the optimal splitting efficiency of 92\%, a significant improvement over previous limits derived using a two-level atom alone. These results provide a path towards optimizing single photon nonlinearities and engineering programmable and robust photon-photon interactions for practical, high-fidelity quantum operations.Comment: 14 pages (including appendix), 4 figure

    A LabVIEW based Power Converter design for Time Domain Electromagnetic System

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    In geophysical survey industry, helicopter time domain electromagnetic systems (HTEM) are used widely due to their better spatial resolution and ability to conduct surveys in difficult geographical areas. However, these systems are limited in terms of the exploration depths achieved due to the constraints on the overall weight of the system that a helicopter can safely tow. There is a scope to develop a compact yet high power system that is light in weight, fast in response and able to control high current pulses to achieve deeper exploration depths. In this thesis, a new LabVIEW based power converter is proposed and implemented to achieve flexible and faster control of the TEM system. The current control is implemented with hysteresis current control logic and a constant ON-Time current control logic. Proposed topology and current control helps to achieve the targeted fall-time (100 ÎĽs) at the end of current pulse. An optimized LabVIEW code and constant ON-Time current control scheme is implemented to achieve sampling times as low as 2 ÎĽs. The comparison of experimental results with MATLAB simulation results validates the effectiveness of the control scheme. To reduce the switching power loss in the converter, the same hard switching power converter, working with constant ON-Time current control is modified to simulate a zero current switching scheme by designing the required resonant elements

    A study of knowledge, attitude and practices regarding biomedical waste management among health care providers in a tertiary care Institute in Punjab

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    The biomedical waste, if not properly managed, can harm the surrounding environment, cause various infections and injuries to the healthcare workers, patients, their attendants. Methods: This cross-sectional study was conducted to assess the knowledge, attitude and practices among different cadres of health care providers in a tertiary care institute. Expecting that 50% of the study population had precise knowledge about the rules and legislation of biomedical waste management, with an allowable error of 10%, at 95% confidence interval, and accounting for the finite population correction for 1700 participants, a minimum sample size of 426 was taken. Data analysis was done by using Microsoft excel and SPSS. Results: Out of 426 subjects, 138 (32.4%) were nurses, 35 (8.2%) were lab technicians and 253 (59.4%) were housekeeping staff. Knowledge, attitude and practices regarding biomedical waste management and handling were significantly (p<0.05) higher among the nurses as compared to other health care providers. Conclusions: Knowledge, attitude and practices regarding the collection, segregation, rules, and disposal of biomedical waste management was more among nursing staff compared to other health care workers. Hence, emphasis on adequate training is required among other health care workers for the safe handling and disposal of biomedical waste management

    Interface Redesign of an Electronic Medical Record Review System Using User-Centered Design

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    The healthcare industry in recent years has seen a rise in the adoption of Electronic Medical Records (EMRs). These EMRs have replaced the traditional paper-based records at hospitals, clinics, and nursing facilities. This transition has brought with it, numerous advantages of digitization such as improved patient care, timely reminders for checkups, and better health data tracking over time. But the EMR adoption has also come with its own set of challenges. The EMR systems are maintained by the medical coders/nurses at the hospitals. The coders are expected to gather information from different sources such as patient history logs, test results from different labs, etc. followed by entry into the EMR system. Due to the unstructured nature of the task, data entry in EMRs is susceptible to errors which lead to the poor data quality of patient records. Diagnostic decisions taken by the medical practitioners based on erroneous data can adversely affect the patient and at times, even prove to be fatal. To help address this issue of poor data quality of System X, an EMR, employs a unique data review process which allows reviewers (domain experts) to check patient records and communicate back the data entry errors to the coders for required changes to ensure high data quality. In this research, the user-centered design methodology was applied to improve the review process, with the aim of facilitating easier and quicker workflow. The usability issues faced by the reviewers were identified through heuristic evaluations, video walkthroughs, and user interviews methods. To address the issues identified, a new interface design was developed by employing low fidelity and high-fidelity prototyping techniques. Involvement of the reviewers throughout the research ensured that the design proposed was continually assessed and improved qualitatively until they were satisfied. Lastly, the Keystroke Level Model (KLM) was used to quantitatively assess the performance improvement gained from the new design. The final interface design was able to reduce the task-execution time of the patient record review process by 28.51%. This resulted in saving a significant amount of the reviewer’s time, thereby reducing their workload while improving data quality

    Impact of EHR Technology Implementation on Physicians\u27 Job Satisfaction

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    The concept of an electronic health record (EHR) has been the solicitous subject of researchers’ discussion in recent times. The impact that a successful implementation of EHRs can have on physicians cannot be overstated. Factors which are critical to successful implementation of EHR systems are commonly known as crucial technology implementation factors (CTIFs). The present study investigates the CTIFs of EHR systems and also their impact on physicians’ job satisfaction and characteristics in North Indian multispecialty hospitals. The questionnaire has been distributed to physicians of 12 hospitals that have been using EHR technology. It has been concluded that five CTIFs—organizational support, training, software attributes, acceptance to change, and computer knowledge—play a more important role than that played by other factors. The factors have not been considered separately on the basis of preimplementation scenario and postimplementation phase. The study attempts to analyze the impact of EHR systems on job operational performance of physicians

    Knowledge, Attitude and Practices regarding Swine Flu among adult population

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    Introduction: Prevention is the most appropriate measure to control H1N1 flu pandemic and awareness of H1N1 flu is ranked very high in preventive measures. Keeping this in view, study was designed to assess the awareness level and to compare it among urban and rural participants. Aims and objectives: To assess the knowledge, attitude and practices regarding swine flu among adult population, to assess whether there is any difference among rural and urban population and to assess the response generated by the media coverage and the Government efforts.Methods: This cross-sectional study was done from April to July 2015 on 300 houses from the urban area and 150 houses from rural area, chosen from study population by random sampling. Mean and standard deviation for continuous variables and percentages for categorical were calculated. Results: 94% of urban and 91.3% of the rural participants had previously heard about swine flu, main source being TV. 46% of urban and 74% of rural participants had myth about spread of swine flu by eating pork. 41.3% of urban and 8.7% of rural population thought that government measures are sufficient for controlling swine flu. Conclusion: Knowledge regarding swine flu pandemic is good among study participants but role of health care providers is minimal and requires more dedicated effort. Lack of awareness among study population regarding some key focus areas like health promoting habits, vaccination and myths regarding the spread is of serious concern and needs to be addressed by the media, health workers and the Government effort
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