550 research outputs found

    Impact of Analytics Applying Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning on Enhancing Intensive Care Unit: A Narrative Review

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    Introduction. The intensive care unit (ICU) plays a pivotal role in providing specialized care to patients with severe illnesses or injuries. As a critical aspect of healthcare, ICU admissions demand immediate attention and skilled care from healthcare professionals. However, the intricacies involved in this process necessitate analytical solutions to ensure effective management and optimal patient outcomes. Aim. The aim of this review was to highlight the enhancement of the ICUs through the application of analytics, artificial intelligence, and machine learning. Methods. The review approach was carried out through databases such as MEDLINE, Embase, Web of Science, Scopus, Taylor & Francis, Sage, ProQuest, Science Direct, CINAHL, and Google Scholar. These databases were chosen due to their potential to offer pertinent and comprehensive coverage of the topic while reducing the likelihood of overlooking certain publications. The studies for this review involved the period from 2016 to 2023. Results. Artificial intelligence and machine learning have been instrumental in benchmarking and identifying effective practices to enhance ICU care. These advanced technologies have demonstrated significant improvements in various aspects. Conclusions. Artificial intelligence, machine learning, and data analysis techniques significantly improved critical care, patient outcomes, and healthcare delivery


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    Objective: Malaria is the deadliest infectious diseases affecting millions of people worldwide. Several strategies have been under extensive research since decades including chemoprophylaxis and other disease antimalarial interventions like malaria vaccine. The vaccine development is more difficult to predict than drug development and presents a unique challenge as already there has been no vaccine effective against a parasite. For development and screening of malaria vaccine, a suitable animal model is the prime requirement. Non-human primate models are considerably a good choice to mimic human malarias, but due to various reasons like ethical, cost effective, maintenance and relative ease of conducting experiments. Rodent's malaria vaccination models remain the preferred choice. Methods: To develop such model we required 100% lethal host/parasite system that would be an ideal system for experimental vaccination studies. Such a rigorous model is particularly required for the identification and development of suitable adjuvant/co-adjuvant(s) for future human malaria vaccines. Results: Because, P. yoelii nigeriensis invariably causes a 100% lethal fulminating infection in Swiss mice, so in present studies, we vaccinate Swiss mice with P. yoelii nigeriensis total P. yoelii nigeriensis - Soluble antigen (Pyn-SA)and saponin as adjuvant, following 100% lethal study homologous challenge and then followed by passive transfer of experiment. Conclusion: P. yoelii nigeriensis caused a fulminant 100% lethal infection in mice (as saw in the control groups). The protection observed in the vaccinated group of mice can be unambiguously ascribed to vaccine-induced protective immunity only

    Priority queueing model with balking and reneging

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    This investigation deals with two levels, single server preemptive priority queueing model with discouragement behaviour (balking and reneging) of customers. Arrivals to each level are assumed to follow a Poisson process and service times are exponentially distributed. The decision to balk / renege is made on the basis of queue length only. Two specific forms of balking behaviour are considered. The system under consideration is solved by using a finite difference equation approach for solving the governing balance equations of the queueing model, with infinite population of level 1 customer. The steady state probability distribution of the number of customers in the system is obtained

    Skill Acquisition and Transfer in a Simple Algebraic Task

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    Speelman\u27s (\999) finding that performance of a skill is based to some extent on the conter.t in which it is performed, rather than simply on the acquired skill itself, is not accounted for by the basic skill acquisition theories like ACT -R Theory or Instance Theory. The purpose of the current experiment was to examine whether the degree of change in context influences the degree of reduction in transfer. Forty participants were trained on an algebraic task and then tested in two different transfer conditions. Condition one included one new item and condition two included two new items in the transfer phase. Reaction time, the dependent variable, was measured to find out whether the performance of a learned skill was influenced by the number of new items incorporated into the transfer phase. The results showed that, with an increased number of items changed in the task, the transfer of the previously acquired skill decreased. The findings, along with those of Speelman\u27s (1999), challenge some of the basic underlying assumptions of current theories of skill acquisition and transfer


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    The aim of the present study was to develop oral multiparticulate pulsatile drug delivery system for hypoglycemic agent ‘glipizide'. Time dependent rupturable system was selected for delivering glipizide in a pulsatile pattern. In the present study, two types of particles were prepared i. e. Type 1 (immediate release type) and Type 2 (delayed release type). Extrusion and spheronization process was selected to prepare particles, wherein lactose and microcrystalline cellulose mixture (2:1) was used as processing aid. Various parameters of extrusion and spheronization process were optimized in order to meet desired particle size distribution, shape and flow properties. Immediate release Type 1 particle was optimized to achieve more than 80% drug release within 30 min for which surfactant approach was employed to overcome the dissolution rate related issue of the glipizide. Delayed release pattern of Type 2 particles was achieved by coating hydroxypropylmethylcellulose and ethyl cellulose. Various coating parameters were optimized to attain efficient coating of the particles. Different concentrations of hydroxypropylmethylcellulose (5 and 3.5% w/w E-15 grade) and ethyl cellulose (5 and 3% w/w) were studied for release pattern for Type 2 particles. Final formulation was characterized using for particles size, flow properties and surface morphology. To examine the drug release, dissolution studies were performed. Pharmacokinetics studies in Sprague Dawley rats reveal improved oral bioavailability of glipizide following oral administration

    Going sideways: The poetics of queer-becoming in India

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    Liberation movements based on identity present themselves with enormous challenges regarding rights and inequalities. The Indian public health response to HIV/AIDS resulted in foregrounding the existing identity ‘Kothi’ and adopting a behavioural category called ‘MSM’ to designate the main beneficiaries of aid. This underprivileged part of the population was consequently provided with victim narratives which explains why it is impossible to render its stories without pathos. Linked to a quest for emancipation, identity is a complex category especially in post-colonial nation-states like India. Here identities are unavoidably entangled with other modes of governance such as religion, caste, class, and the law. The socioeconomic and geopolitical realities of the Kothis confine them to HIV/AIDS discourse, where they continue to be labelled as subaltern queers. Failing to embrace the specificities of identities, this discourse erases differences and inevitably undermines the very creative and liveliness of what can become queer. Going Sideways is a practice-led inquiry that problematises the neo-liberal, neo-colonial approaches to identity politics, while resisting the sense of concerted queerness that occurred in the form of already-known prescriptions to assimilate all subjects of desire in India, thereby discounting historical and social inequalities. Going sideways offers a threefold framework which builds its artistic resistances through critical fabulation and storytelling as minor forms of literature that in-turn demand a listening-encounter which enables a queer possibility, a leap into the future. The threefold braid consists of stories that function as an auto-collective-biography of the Kothis, a glossary as a non-closed, living-breathing archive that politically and conceptually binds this thesis, and a moving image work which helps to visualise this project empathetically, but also creates a political bent. This project seeks creative ecstasy through storytelling which prepares for an encounter to happen. Together these aphoristic approaches create a gentler ‘knowledge-system’ as a ‘rehearsal,’ invoking the essence of becoming. It allows a queer-wisdom to be shared, and its orality enables us to hear the mumble of the unvoiced. Sideways thinking has an erotic energy which brings us to life in a queer way, without being categorised. This work also marks an urgency to rethink identity politics subversively, by inhabiting a path that is always-already sideways. It is a work of love and friendship, that calls for radical and ethical equality. This resituates the poetics of Queer-Becoming in the field of emergence, where one can imagine new ways of encounters in a queer multiverse

    Klippel Trenaunay Weber syndrome with unilateral polycystic kidney disease: a rare presentation

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    Klippel Trenaunay Weber syndrome (KTWS) is a rare disease characterized by hemihypertrophy, variceal enlargement of the veins, and arteriovenous (AV) malformations. Renal involvement in KTWS is not known except in rare case reports. Herein, we present a case of KTWS with unilateral polycystic kidney. A 52-year-old male was admitted due to pain left lumbar region for the last three months. The physical findings were increased diameter and increased length of the left leg compared with the right one, diffuse variceal enlargements on left leg, portwine stain on left side on neck, thorax, abdomen, left upper limb and left lower limb and a few hemangiomatous lesions on the left leg. Radiographic findings were cystic lesions in the left kidney, varicose veins in left leg, and hypertrophy of the soft tissues of the proximal left leg. Color Doppler of left lower limb showed incompetence of the saphenofemoral junction. He was diagnosed to have KTWS with these findings. Renal function tests of the patient were in the normal range. Patient’s only complain was left lumbar region pain, mild in intensity. Patient was managed symptomatically

    Economic Growth and Credit in India

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    The interdependence between credit expansion and economic growth has been a subject of some debate. While some economists contest that the development of the financial system is a byproduct of economic growth others assert that credit expansion is critical for growth itself. India’s impetus on expanding its banking reach and recent changes in the way transactions are being done begs the question whether such changes directly affect the growth trajectory. This paper aims to examine and understand the relationship between credit and growth in India in the last few decades. Different metrics for credit and output is used to test the relationship at an overall as well as sectoral level. The findings indicate a strong relationship between the two variables

    Hepatoprotective agent tethered isoniazid for the treatment of drug-induced hepatotoxicity: Synthesis, biochemical and histopathological evaluation

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    AbstractThe aim of the study was to investigate the protective effect of isoniazid–curcumin conjugate (INH–CRM) in INH-induced hepatic injury by biochemical analysis and histology examination of liver in Wistar rats. The biochemical analysis included determination of the levels of plasma cholesterol, triglycerides (TG), albumin content, and lipid peroxidation (MDA). INH–CRM administration resulted in a significant decrease in plasma cholesterol, TG, and MDA levels in the liver tissue homogenate with an elevation in albumin level indicating its hepatoprotective activity. Histology of the liver further confirmed the reduction in hepatic injury. The hepatoprotective with INH–CRM can be attributed to the antioxidant activity of curcumin. The conjugate probably stabilizes the curcumin molecule, preventing its presystemic metabolism thereby enhancing its bioavailability and therefore, its hepatoprotective activity. Thus, the novel INH–CRM has the potential to alleviate INH-induced liver toxicity in antitubercular treatment

    Saving Lives Under Fire: The Extraordinary Efforts of ICU Health Professionals in the Ukrainian War

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    Amid the Ukrainian War, the heroes of the intensive care unit (ICU) - doctors, nurses, respiratory therapists, and many others - valiantly confront unprecedented challenges, showcasing resilience and dedication in the face of adversity. Despite limited resources and electricity backup issues, these health professionals worked tirelessly to provide life-saving care to critically ill patients, including those with gunshot wounds, shrapnel injuries, burns, and traumatic brain injuries. The article highlights the need to denounce attacks on medical personnel during conflicts, and strategies for supporting ICU health professionals in war zones are suggested, including hazard pay, comprehensive insurance coverage, safety training and equipment, support networks and mental health services, and ongoing education and professional development. The heroic efforts of ICU health professionals during times of war highlight the crucial role they play in healthcare systems worldwide
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