32 research outputs found

    Cosmological Perturbation Analysis in a Scale Invariant Model of Gravity

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    We consider a model for gravity that is invariant under global scale transformations. It includes one extra real scalar field coupled non-minimally to the gravity fields. In this model all the dimensionful parameters like the gravitational constant and the cosmological constant etc. are generated by a solution of the classical equations of motion which breaks scale invariance. In this paper we demonstrate the stability of such a solution against small perturbations in a flat FRW background by making a perturbative expansion around this solution and solving the resulting equations linear in the perturbations.Comment: 9 pages, 1 figur

    The Real Time Hardware Design and simulation of moving message Display System Integrated with PLCC Modem

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    This paper serves as a general and technical orientation on the one of application of  "Power line Carrier (PLC) Communication Systems" with scrolling message on LED/LCD with keyboard facility in real time with the presentation of a widespread and detailed analysis on the standards, characteristics, technologies, products and development associated and currently being deployed in the PLC communication systems. Since the developments and research on the subject had been relatively new in India and information scattered, the lack of collective information had been the primary Initiative behind this research. Power Line Carrier (PLC) is still widely used to provide real-time communications for protection of high voltage transmission lines. This PLCC module provides bi-directional half-duplex communication over the mains of any voltage up to (220-250)V AC and for frequency 50 Hz or 60 Hz. Usually modules is in receiving mode all the time attending to incoming communication on the power line. This application gives serial data to transmit on its RX-IN pin, it switches over to transmit and transmits the data through power line. Once transmit process is complete it switches back to receive mode. During transmission of data by Red LED indicates user that data is transmitting. At the receiving end receipt data  indicated by Green LED which is on TX out pin itself. Data communication of the modules is clear to user’s data terminals and protocol self-determining; as a result, multiple units can be connected to the mains without affecting the operation of the others. In this we can connect the PLC modem to the Atmega 16 controller and then program it and simulated with ISP connector and then at last connect PLC system to the AC power plug.   Keywords :  PLCC Modem ,LED Panels, Keyboard decode

    Mobile Robotic Platform to Gathering Real Time Sensory Data in Wireless Personal Area Network using Zigbee Transceiver Module

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    Robots are intelligent and obedient but impersonal machine which perform functions according to their own intelligence. Now days monitoring and control plays very vital role in every sectors .we can able to provide wirelessly controlled robots using Wireless personal Area Network (WPAN) interface with the help of Graphical User Interface (GUI) of MATLAB, which are capable of detecting  the gas contents and temperature and send it back to the control room. Now the data which is now available in the receiving end determines the further action of robots. The whole process is cost effective and economically sound. Further these wireless robots have broad applications like in wireless home security applications, coal mining, spy and war robots as they can make through in enemy areas just to track their activities. Other applications  like in Nuclear Power Plant we can send them in Radioactive area toanalyze things which is normally not possible for humans. Keywords:Wpan, Zigbbe, Matlab Gu

    Quantification and comparison of Halo-acetic acids formation potential in Ganga River Water Samples with diluted waste water samples using Gas Chromatography

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    Treated drinking water supply systems in the world rely on natural water bodies like rivers and ground water which are continuous sources for raw water. The natural water from these sourcescontains a complex mixture of natural organic matter (NOM), pathogens, different types of ions etc., which when react with chlorine while treatment for potable drinking water has the potential to generate carcinogenic disinfection by-products (DBPs) such as Halo-acetic acids (HAAs). The main objective of this study is to investigate the formation of the nine major Halo-acetic acids (HAAs) viz. monochloroacetic acid (MCAA), dichloroacetic acid (DCAA), trichloroacetic acid (TCAA), monobromoaceticacid (MBAA), dibromoacetic acid (DBAA), tribromoacetic acid (TBAA), chlorobromo acetic acid (CBAA), dichlorobromoacetic acid (DCBAA), dibromochloroacetic acid (DBCAA),in Ganga river water. In this present study; formation potentials of nine HAAs in Ganga water was investigated and compared the same with diluted waste water samples.Liquid-liquid extraction method, followed by qualitative and quantitative estimation by gas chromatograph (BUCK GC 990) equipped with electron capture detector was used for the experiment. From the results obtained and the results observed in the literature it could be concluded that the organic matter present in the Ganga River water is mostly of anthropogenic i.e., effluent origin organic matter (EffOM);which directly indicating the possibilities for presence of large quantities of carcinogenic disinfection by-products (DBPs) in supplies from drinking water treatment plant at Kanpur, UP, India and also traditional water treatment techniques like alum coagulation and chlorination is no more a viablesolution for safe health

    Cosmological Implications of Unimodular Gravity

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    We consider a model of gravity and matter fields which is invariant only under unimodular general coordinate transformations (GCT). The determinant of the metric is treated as a separate field which transforms as a scalar under unimodular GCT. Furthermore we also demand that the theory is invariant under a new global symmetry which we call generalized conformal invariance. We study the cosmological implications of the resulting theory. We show that this theory gives a fit to the high-z supernova data which is identical to the standard Big Bang model. Hence we require some other cosmological observations to test the validity of this model. We also consider some models which do not obey the generalized conformal invariance. In these models we can fit the supernova data without introducing the standard cosmological constant term. Furthermore these models introduce only one dark component and hence solve the coincidence problem of dark matter and dark energy.Comment: 18 pages, no figures, major revisions, substantial changes in analysis, results and conclusion

    Testing Unimodular Gravity

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    We consider models of gravitation that are based on unimodular general coordinate transformations (GCT). These transformations include only those which do not change the determinant of the metric. We treat the determinant as a separate field which transforms as a scalar under unimodular GCT. We consider a class of such theories. In general, these theories do not transform covariantly under the full GCT. We characterize the violation of general coordinate invariance by introducing a new parameter. We show that the theory is consistent with observations for a wide range of this parameter. This parameter may serve as a test for possible violations of general coordinate invariance. We also consider the cosmic evolution within the framework of these models. We show that in general we do not obtain consistent cosmological solutions if we assume the standard cosmological constant or the standard form of non-relativistic matter. We propose a suitable generalization which is consistent with cosmology. We fit the resulting model to the high redshift supernova data. We find that we can obtain a good fit to this data even if include only a single component, either cosmological constant or non-relativistic matter.Comment: 14 pages one figure, significantly revised with several new results adde

    Coastal development and precipitation drive pathogen flow from land to sea: evidence from a Toxoplasma gondii and felid host system

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    Rapidly developing coastal regions face consequences of land use and climate change including flooding and increased sediment, nutrient, and chemical runoff, but these forces may also enhance pathogen runoff, which threatens human, animal, and ecosystem health. Using the zoonotic parasite Toxoplasma gondii in California, USA as a model for coastal pathogen pollution, we examine the spatial distribution of parasite runoff and the impacts of precipitation and development on projected pathogen delivery to the ocean. Oocysts, the extremely hardy free-living environmental stage of T. gondii shed in faeces of domestic and wild felids, are carried to the ocean by freshwater runoff. Linking spatial pathogen loading and transport models, we show that watersheds with the highest levels of oocyst runoff align closely with regions of increased sentinel marine mammal T. gondii infection. These watersheds are characterized by higher levels of coastal development and larger domestic cat populations. Increases in coastal development and precipitation independently raised oocyst delivery to the ocean (average increases of 44% and 79%, respectively), but dramatically increased parasite runoff when combined (175% average increase). Anthropogenic changes in landscapes and climate can accelerate runoff of diverse pathogens from terrestrial to aquatic environments, influencing transmission to people, domestic animals, and wildlife

    Surface Plasmon Resonance Biosensor Chip for Human Blood Groups Identification Assisted with Silver-Chromium-Hafnium Oxide

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    Chromium (Cr), silver (Ag) and hafnium oxide (HfO2) are used in a surface plasmon resonance (SPR)-based biosensor with an optimized design for measuring blood groups at a wavelength of 633 nm. A buffer layer was placed on the SPR active metal in this investigation to avoid oxidation and contamination of blood samples. A theoretical model based on experimental data considered the refractive index of blood samples. The BK7 prism is the optimum substrate material for blood type identification analysis using a combination of Ag and Cr as an SPR active metal. The sensor’s performance is carefully researched in terms of its angular shift and curve width to predict the design aspects that provide precise blood-group identification. The SPR dip slope, detection accuracy and figure of merit (FOM) have been investigated concerning the subsequent generation of biosensor applications

    Effect of Exercise on Secondary Sarcopenia: A Comprehensive Literature Review

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    Background: Sarcopenia has been recognized as an inevitable part of aging. However, its severity and the age at which it begins cannot be predicted by age alone. The condition can be categorized into primary or age-related sarcopenia and secondary sarcopenia. Sarcopenia is diagnosed as primary when there are no other specific causes. However, secondary sarcopenia occurs if other factors, including malignancy or organ failure, are evident in addition to aging. The prevalence of secondary sarcopenia is far greater than that of primary sarcopenia and requires special attention. To date, nutrition and exercise have proven to be the best methods to combat this disease. The impact of exercise on subjects suffering from sarcopenia with a specific morbidity is worthy of examination for understanding and prevention. The purpose of this review, therefore, is to summarize recent research that has investigated the impact of exercise in patients with secondary sarcopenia, specifically with one comorbidity. Methods: Pubmed, Web of Science, Embase and Medline databases were searched comprehensively with no date limit for randomized controlled trials. The literature was specifically searched for clinical trials in which subjects were sarcopenic with only one comorbidity participating in an exercise intervention. The most visible comorbidities identified and used in the search were lung disease, kidney disease, heart disease, type 2 diabetes, cancer, neurological diseases, osteoporosis and arthritis. Results: A total of 1752 studies were identified that matched the keywords. After removing duplicates, there were 1317 articles remaining. We extracted 98 articles for full screening. Finally, we included 21 relevant papers that were used in this review. Conclusion: Despite a strong rationale for using exercise to improve muscle mass, quality or physical function in subjects with cancer, type 2 diabetes, kidney disease, lung disease and many more, baseline sarcopenia evaluation has been reported in very few trials. The limited number of studies does not allow us to conclude that exercise can improve sarcopenia in patients with other comorbidities. This review highlights the necessity for wide-ranging research initiatives involving secondary sarcopenic patients