Mobile Robotic Platform to Gathering Real Time Sensory Data in Wireless Personal Area Network using Zigbee Transceiver Module


Robots are intelligent and obedient but impersonal machine which perform functions according to their own intelligence. Now days monitoring and control plays very vital role in every sectors .we can able to provide wirelessly controlled robots using Wireless personal Area Network (WPAN) interface with the help of Graphical User Interface (GUI) of MATLAB, which are capable of detecting  the gas contents and temperature and send it back to the control room. Now the data which is now available in the receiving end determines the further action of robots. The whole process is cost effective and economically sound. Further these wireless robots have broad applications like in wireless home security applications, coal mining, spy and war robots as they can make through in enemy areas just to track their activities. Other applications  like in Nuclear Power Plant we can send them in Radioactive area toanalyze things which is normally not possible for humans. Keywords:Wpan, Zigbbe, Matlab Gu

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