35 research outputs found

    Relation between Physical Fitness and Playing Ability of Inter College Level Soccer Players

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    Sports have become an integral part of society. The coaches and trainers all over the world are aspiring for better result of their trainers. This can be made possible by conducting studies on the relationship of motor ability and level of skill of the player with their playing ability. The purpose of the study was to find out relationship of soccer playing ability with the selected physical fitness component. The study was delimited to 150 male inter college level player is age group of 19-25 year. The subject was selected from the inter college soccer matches of three university of Punjab. The data was collected during the inter college matches of soccer. The Pearson?s product moment correlation coefficient (r) method was used. The level of p?0.05 was considered significant. The result show significant relationship of playing ability with sprinting speed, agility, endurance and flexibilit

    Photo-catalytic activity of Zn1-xMnxS nanocrystals synthesized by wet chemical technique

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    Polyvinyl pyrrolidone capped Zn1-xMnxS (0 ≤ x ≤ 0.1) nanocrystals have been synthesized using wet chemical co-precipitation method. Crystallographic and morphological characterization of the synthesized materials have been done using X-ray diffraction and transmission electron microscope. Crystallographic studies show the zinc blende crystals having average crystallite size approx. 3 nm, which is almost similar to the average particle size calculated from electron micrographs. Atomic absorption spectrometer has been used for qualitative and quantitative analysis of synthesized nanomaterials. Photo-catalytic activity has been studied using methylene blue dye as a test contaminant. Energy resolved luminescence spectra have been recorded for the detailed description of radiative and non-radiative recombination mechanisms. Photo-catalytic activity dependence on dopant concentration and luminescence quantum yield has been studied in detail

    Application of synthetic polyelectrolytes in turbidity removal from water

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    One of the promising technologies for the removal of suspended particles is coagulation and flocculation. The present study is aimed to examine the effect of alum as a coagulant in conjunction with polyelectrolytes as a coagulant aid for removal of turbidity from different water samples. The tests were carried out for four water samples i.e. well water, pond water, river water and canal water having 96NTU, 189NTU, 249NTU and 333NTU turbidity respectively. A conventional jar test was conducted for removal of suspension by determining the optimum mixing intensity and proper dosage. The four different polyelectrolytes used here are magnafloc LT-31, magnafloc LT-27, accofloc A-110 and aronfloc C-510.The aim of this research paper is to evaluate the effect of these synthetic polyelectrolytes used as coagulation and flocculation aids in different turbid water and determination of their effectiveness for the treatment of water. Results of these evaluations reveal that LT-31has shown better flocculation strength than other three polyelectrolytes in pond and river water for pH values of 8.22 and 8.68. On the other hand accofloc A-110 has shown best result in well water and canal water for pH values of 7.10 and 7.65 respectively. We demonstrate an efficient approach for optimization of coagulationflocculation process which is appropriate for raw water treatment


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    This study is concerned with ship management. It starts by defining, it shows why these services are needed and what are the purposes and objective. Purpose, ethos and means are distinguished; method of taking internal and external appraisals and adopting the effective strategic plan is explained. Organization and strategy being interdependent requires the organization to suit the strategy which in turn is suitable for achieving these objectives. The point of providing the services to the requirements and standards (up to a certain extent) of the owners (and not enforcing the standards of managers) is stressed. The aim is to optimise the resources at hand and achieve the objectives of both owner and manager. Then ship management and its components are examined in detail giving consideration to both theoretical and practicl aspects. Weak areas in ship management are exposed and theoretical principles applied to achieve improved results. Important and modem techniques for controlling budgets and reducing breakdowns which in turn reduces the off-hire time are explained as is the utmost importance of having an efficient communication system to speed up the operations. Various types of shipowners and institutions who require their ships to be managed, are examined so that an effective system can be formulated to suit the requirements of individual owners. Then six British ship management companies are investigated and results are compared. This highlights the strong and weak points of ship management. Better ideas are developed in order to form an effective strategy which can attract more business even in a depressed and competitive market

    Construction and Application of a Water Quality Model for the Upper Blackfoot River Basin in the Caribou National Forest, Idaho

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    This study relates to the construction and application of a water quality model for the Upper Blackfoot River basin in southeastern Idaho to serve as a management tool for future phosphate mining and processing operations in the area. The model was developed by making suitable modifications to an existing model which had been used for the Boise River study. The Blackfoot River model is steady state, deterministic and onedimensional. It has been calibrated and verified and has been found satisfactory under the limitations of the observed data and the complexity of the ecosystem. The technique of model application has been illustrated with the help of arbitrary waste discharges at selected points in the basin. Two hypothetical combinations of inputs have been assumed. The effects of these discharges on the water quality of the streams have been simulated by the model. The model can be useful in deciding the management policies for phosphate mining and processing operations in order to mitigate or avoid their adverse impacts on water quality of the streams. The model can be adapted to the planning of these operations as well as to the planning and management of other human activities in the area with regard to their water quality impacts. Proposals for improving the data collection system in the basin include: (i) coordination of data collection programs of the various agencies, (ii) hydrologic and water quality data gathering on ungauged major tributaries and on the main stems of the Diamond Creek and the Blackfoot River, and (iii) collection of essential weather data in the basin


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    The project main goal is to develop a mobile application where users can book car e- hailing services in UTP based on the destination selected. The users will be able to see the request or booking summary after submission of request is completed. This project will act as an alternative for students to utilize the internal e-hailing service instead of relying outside based e-hailing agencies. The motivation of this project is to tackle the problems from student looking for transportation whenever they need to travel. Not only that, the price fare charged from outside e-hailing agencies is not reasonable and affordable to most of the students hence students as the user prefer a more economic approach of mobile application to book the service


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    The sprocket system is a mechanical device that is commonly used to transmit power and torque in most vehicles

    Test Strategies on the Basis of Extended Finite State Machines

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    While testing based on finite state machines has been extensively investigated in the literature, issues concerning testing based on extended finite state machines (EFSMs) have not been adequately addressed. Such a testing is complicated due to the fact that a transition in an EFSM transforms a large (sometime infinite) set of data in contrast to just one value in a finite state machine. Moreover, it is generally not possible to recognise, which transition has occurred in an EFSM. These problems manifest themselves in the relationship between function and trace test. In this paper we discuss these problems and present as solution two strategies - separate function and trace test, and combined function and trace test - for testing based on an EFSM. 1 Introduction Today software components play a significant role in safety-critical systems. Errors in such systems, for example electronic stability program (ESP) in cars, autopilots in aeroplanes, or the control software used in..

    Proton magnetic resonance in methane and its deuterated modifications

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    Proton magnetic resonance has been studied in methane and its deuterated modifications. Measurements of relaxation time were carried out at a frequency of 30 Mc/sec. using pulse techniques. The spin-lattice relaxation time has been measured in liquid and solid samples of CH₄, CH₃D, CH₂D₂ and CHD₃ between 110°K to 56°K. The simplest possible interpretation of our results in both the liquids and solids is that only one mechanism, that associated with the inter-molecular interactions, is probably predominant in causing relaxation. The spin-rotational and intra-molecular dipolar interactions do not seem to contribute appreciably to relaxation. The effect of dissolved paramagnetic ions has also been studied in samples of CH₄ between 110°K - 78°K and we have developed a very simple and reliable technique for obtaining oxygen-free samples in order to study T₁ in pure samples because T₁ has been found by us to be very sensitive to small, amounts of oxygen. The results verify the invers proportionality of T₁ to the oxygen concentration. The spin-spin relaxation time T₂ has been measured in liquid and solid samples between 110°K and 56°K. The results show that the line shape is predominantly due to inter-molecular interactions. Furthermore the resonance line has a gaussian shape at temperatures below 65°K and changes to a Lorentzlan shape at higher temperatures.Science, Faculty ofPhysics and Astronomy, Department ofGraduat