199 research outputs found


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    Aim: The effluent discharged from sugarcane molasses based distilleries causes environmental pollution due to its large volume and dark brown colour. The effluents also acifidys soils and causes harmful effects on agriculture crops. The objective of this work was the decolourization of molasses waste water from Doiwala sugar industry, Dehradun was done using different microbial consortiums. Methodology and Results: The microbial strains used in this study were obtained from IMTECH, Chandigarh. They were designated as A is E. coli, B is Pseudomonas aeruginosa, C is Staphylococcus aureus, D is Serritia odoriferae, E is Proteus vulgaris and F is Candida albicans. A total of six combinations were prepared using these strains i.e A+B, C+D, E+F, A+B+C, D+E+F and A+B+C+D+E+F. These consortiums were subjected to decolorization experiment of molasses waste water from Doiwala Sugar Factory, Dehradun, India at regular time interval by measuring the optical density. It was observed that at 7th day incubation in each case all consortiums showed maximum decolorization after which the percentage of decolorization was stable. It was also observed that the bacterial consortiums showed higher decolorization than the mixture of bacteria and fungi. Consortium C+D showed highest decolorization i.e. 89%. Conclusion, significance and impact study: it is recommended that industry should work with this consortium for decolorization of molasses containing wastewater to solve this environmental problem.

    Drowsiness Detection System in Real Time Based on Behavioral Characteristics of Driver using Machine Learning Approach

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    The process of determining if a person, generally a driver, is becoming sleepy or drowsy while performing a task such as driving is known as drowsiness detection. It is a necessary system for detecting and alerting drivers to their tiredness, which might impair their driving ability and lead to accidents. The project aims to create a reliable and efficient system capable of real-time detection of drowsiness using OpenCV, Dlib, and facial landmark detection technologies. The project's results show that the sleepiness detection method can accurately and precisely identify tiredness in real time. The technology is less intrusive and more economical than conventional sleepiness detection techniques. The system is based on a 68 facial landmark detector, which is a highly trained and effective detector capable of recognizing human face points. The detector aids in assessing whether the driver's eyes are closed or open.  The system analyses the data collected by the detector using machine learning methods to discover patterns associated with drowsiness. When drowsiness is detected, the system incorporates a warning mechanism, such as an alarm or a vibration in the steering wheel, to notify the driver. A variety of studies with different drivers and driving conditions were used to evaluate the performance of the real-time driver drowsiness detection system. The results show that the technology can detect tiredness properly and deliver timely warnings to the driver. This method can assist in preventing drowsy driving incidents, enhancing road safety, and saving lives. The results indicated that the algorithm had an average accuracy rate of 94% for identifying tiredness in drivers

    Vesico-vaginal fistula as a complication of total laparoscopic hysterectomy: a case report and literature review

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    Complications are possible in all type of surgeries including hysterectomy irrespective of the route of surgery, experience of the operating surgeon or the associated risk factors present. If the surgeon is careful from the beginning of the surgery and follows all the preventive measures complications like urinary tract injuries and vesico-vaginal fistula formation following hysterectomy can be avoided. Here we are presenting a case of vesico-vaginal fistula formed following total laparoscopic hysterectomy (TLH) and reviewed literature regarding incidence, preventive measures for this complication

    Formulation and Evaluation of Colon Targeted Oral Drug Delivery Systems for Metronidazole in Treatment of Amoebiasis

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    The aim of present study was to develop colon targeted system for metronidazole using guar gum and xanthan gum. Matrix formulations containing various proportions of guar gum and xanthan gum were prepared by wet granulation technique using 10% starch paste. Later on, multilayer tablets were prepared by using 50 mg and 100 mg of guar gum as release controlling layer on either side of (M5) guar gum matrix tablets of metronidazole. All the formulations were evaluated for in-process quality control tests. The in-vitro drug release study was undertaken at 37±0.5°C in 0.1N HCl for 2 h; followed by pH 7.4 phosphate buffer (3h) finally in, simulated colonic fluid pH 6.8 phosphate buffer containing 4%w/v rat ceacal content for 15 h. Results indicated that guar gum was alone failed to control drug release. M5 (GG: XG, 0:100) formulation seems to quiet promising for colonic drug delivery and only 12.3% drug is released in first 5h wherease, other matrix tablets released 12-33% of metronidazole in physiological environment of stomach and small intestine. When studies were continued in colonic fluids, matrix tablets released almost 100% drug. whereas, metronidazole multilayer formulations did not release drug in stomach and small intestine, but delivered drug to the colon resulting in slow absorption of the drug and making drug available for local action in the colon

    Formulation and Evaluation of Colon Targeted Oral Drug Delivery Systems for Metronidazole in Treatment of Amoebiasis

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    The aim of present study was to develop colon targeted system for metronidazole using guar gum and xanthan gum. Matrix formulations containing various proportions of guar gum and xanthan gum were prepared by wet granulation technique using 10% starch paste. Later on, multilayer tablets were prepared by using 50 mg and 100 mg of guar gum as release controlling layer on either side of (M5) guar gum matrix tablets of metronidazole. All the formulations were evaluated for in-process quality control tests. The in-vitro drug release study was undertaken at 37±0.5°C in 0.1N HCl for 2 h; followed by pH 7.4 phosphate buffer (3h) finally in, simulated colonic fluid pH 6.8 phosphate buffer containing 4%w/v rat ceacal content for 15 h. Results indicated that guar gum was alone failed to control drug release. M5 (GG: XG, 0:100) formulation seems to quiet promising for colonic drug delivery and only 12.3% drug is released in first 5h wherease, other matrix tablets released 12-33% of metronidazole in physiological environment of stomach and small intestine. When studies were continued in colonic fluids, matrix tablets released almost 100% drug. whereas, metronidazole multilayer formulations did not release drug in stomach and small intestine, but delivered drug to the colon resulting in slow absorption of the drug and making drug available for local action in the colon

    Sirenomelia: a case report with literature review

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    We are presenting a case of Sirenomelia (Mermaid Syndrome), which is an extreme example of the caudal regression syndrome. It invariably presents with lower limb fusion, sacral and pelvic bony anomalies, absent external genitalia, imperforate anus, and renal agenesis or dysgenesis. There are approximately 300 cases reported in the literature, 15% of which are associated with twinning, most often monozygotic. The syndrome of caudal regression is thought to be the result of injury to the caudal mesoderm early in gestation. The case encountered was a stillborn baby

    Hippo Signaling in Cancer: Lessons from Drosophila Models

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    Hippo pathway was initially identified through genetic screens for genes regulating organ size in fruitflies. Recent studies have highlighted the role of Hippo signaling as a key regulator of homeostasis, and in tumorigenesis. Hippo pathway is comprised of genes that act as tumor suppressor genes like hippo (hpo) and warts (wts), and oncogenes like yorkie (yki). YAP and TAZ are two related mammalian homologs of Drosophila Yki that act as effectors of the Hippo pathway. Hippo signaling deficiency can cause YAP- or TAZ-dependent oncogene addiction for cancer cells. YAP and TAZ are often activated in human malignant cancers. These transcriptional regulators may initiate tumorigenic changes in solid tumors by inducing cancer stem cells and proliferation, culminating in metastasis and chemo-resistance. Given the complex mechanisms (e.g., of the cancer microenvironment, and the extrinsic and intrinsic cues) that overpower YAP/TAZ inhibition, the molecular roles of the Hippo pathway in tumor growth and progression remain poorly defined. Here we review recent findings from studies in whole animal model organism like Drosophila on the role of Hippo signaling regarding its connection to inflammation, tumor microenvironment, and other oncogenic signaling in cancer growth and progression

    A socio-medical study of morphological changes in endocervix with the use of oral contraceptives

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    The present study was conducted among the oral contraceptive users to see any impact of their socialfactors on the morphological changes in the en- docervix. These changes were seen more prominantly in the advancing age, low socio-economic group multiparous and having their marital life more than 5 years period. The oral contraceptives were taken by 53.33 percent ofwomen for 7-18 months duration. The prevalence and severity of the mor­phological change increased significantly with the increase in duration 'of use of contraceptives. However no relationship was observed with the religion and nativity of the users as well as the types of oral contraceptives used. &nbsp

    Effects of Hall Current on Unsteady MHD Couette Flow of Class-II in a Rotating System

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    Unsteady hydromagnetic Couette flow of class-II of a viscous incompressible electrically conducting fluid in a rotating system with Hall effects in the presence of a uniform transverse magnetic field is studied. Both the fluid and plates of the channel are assumed to be at rest when time and fluid flow within the channel is induced due to non-torsional oscillations of the upper plate in its own plane with a velocity about a non-zero uniform velocity at time . Exact solution of the governing equations is obtained by Laplace transform technique. Asymptotic behavior of the solution is analyzed for small and large values of rotation parameter and magnetic parameter when time t>>1. The numerical values of the fluid velocity are depicted graphically whereas that of shear stress at the plates are presented in tabular form for various values of Hall current parameter , rotation parameter , magnetic parameter and frequency parameter
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