166 research outputs found

    Causes and Impact of Labour Migration: A Case Study of Punjab Agriculture

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    In Punjab, the influx of migrant labour particularly in agriculture sector started with the green revolution and picked up subsequently. Due to monoculture in the cropping pattern, the state has become largely dependent on migrant labourers for various agricultural operations. The influx of seasonal as well as permanent labour from outside has led to various socio-economic problems in Punjab. In the wake of this, the present study was purposively conducted in the Central Zone of Punjab for the year 2011 to find the causes and impact of labour in-migration in Punjab. A total of 105 respondents belonging to the states of Bihar, Uttar Pradesh, Jharkhand, Madhya Pradesh and Nepal constituted the sample frame. The results have revealed that better income and employment opportunities at the destination place were the major factors responsible for migration. About 64 per cent of the respondents earned less than ` 20000 per annum at their native places and 60 per cent of them had less than 200 days of employment in a year, whereas 23 per cent of the labourers were unemployed at their native place. However, after migration 63 per cent of the migrants could earn from ` 20000 to ` 50000 per annum and 34 per cent earned more than ` 50000 per annum in Punjab, leading to a major share (60% of total income) as remittances sent back to their native places. On the other hand, the flip side of the influx of migrants in the study area increased the drug menace by 37 per cent, social tension by 45 per cent and crime by 43 per cent. The state government should maintain a demographic balance by regulating the migrants and should help in verification of credentials of migrating labourers to Punjab.Labour migration, Long-term migration, Short-term migration, Remittances, In-migration, Agricultural and Food Policy, J61, J62, R23,

    Chromaphilia in Dementia: Psychological Factors Contributing to Colour Influence in Diagnostic Tests.

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    This study examines the phenomenon of colour-preference in sorting tasks exhibited by dementing patients, comparing their performance with that of young and elderly normal adults, and patients with depression and focal brain damage. Twelve experiements explore the role of selected variables in producing colour-dominated behaviour in demented patients factors which predispose the subject to select the colour mode for solving classification problems include the personality trait of extraversion, mental rigidity, interference from irrelevant stimuli in both one and two dimensions, perceptual difficulties produced by integral dimensions of the stimuli, the training effect from previous experience, the nature of the verbal instructions given prior to the task, the number of categories employed and the cognitive complexity of the form stimuli. Factors expected to influence colour dominance, but proved not to do so, included colour salience and inequality of sorting categories (unless the difference was gross). In a separate series of studies, the value for differential diagnosis in psychogeriatric patients of a number of verbal and non-verbal psychometric tests, namely, the Graylingwell Information test, Gresham Ward Questionnaire, Weigl Colour-Form Sorting Test and the Organic Integrity Test, is examined. Multifactorial analysis enables a more efficient modification of the verbal tests to be made, and new sorting systems applied to the non-verbal tests achieves the same ends. The theoretical and psychometric considerations of this work are discussed, and some practical implications for psychogeriatrics are mentioned


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    The aim of this study was to assess the effect of short-term Chandra nadi pranayama on Hematological Parameters. Thirty, university level girls of Department of Physical Education (T), Guru Nanak Dev University, Amritsar between the age group of 21-26 years volunteered to participate in the study. The subjects from Group-A: Experimental, were subjected to a 3-week Chandra nadi pranayama. Statistical analyses were performed using the Statistical Package for the Social Sciences for Windows version 10.0 software (SPSS Inc., Chicago, IL). Data is expressed as the Mean ± SD. Student t-test for Paired Samples was utilized to compare the means of the Pre-Test and the Post-Test. To test the Hypothesis, the level of significance was set at 0.05. To conclude, it is significant to mention in relation to Hemoglobin (Hb), Total Cholesterol (TC), Low Density Lipoprotein Cholesterol (LDL-Cholesterol), High Density Lipoprotein Cholesterol (HDL-Cholesterol) and Triglycerides (TG) that results of Paired Sample t-test were found statistically insignificant (P >.05).  Article visualizations


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    The purpose of this study was to compare Emotional Maturity among sub-junior level, junior level and senior level Hockey Players. To obtain data, the investigators had selected Ninety Nine (N=99), Female subjects between the age group of 12-28 years (Mean ± SD: Age 16.90 ± 3.80 (yrs), Body Height 161.41 ± 4.97 (cm), Body Mass 52.36 ± 5.35 (kg)). For evaluating the levels of Emotional Maturity among subjects, Singh and Bhargava’s (1988) Emotional Maturity Scale (EMS) was used. This scale consists of five parameters namely: (Emotional Unstability, Emotional Regression, Social Maladjustment, Personality Disintegration and Lack of Independence). The Statistical Package for the Social Sciences (SPSS) was used for all analyses. The differences in the mean of each group for selected variables were tested for the significance of difference by One-way Analysis of Variance (ANOVA). For testing the hypotheses, the level of significance was set at 0.05. To conclude, it is significant to mention in relation to Emotional Unstability, Emotional Regression and Social Maladjustment that results of Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) among Hockey Players were found statistically insignificant (P > .05). Furthermore, in relation to Personality Disintegration and Lack of Independence that results of Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) among Hockey Players were found statistically significant (P < .05).  Article visualizations


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    The present study was focused to contrast the level of Skill-Related Physical Fitness components of Kayaking and Rowing players. For this purpose, eighteen (N=18), male college level Kayaking and Rowing players of age group 18-25 years participated in the study. All the subjects, after having been informed about the objective and protocol of the study, gave their consent and volunteered to participate in this study. They were divided into two groups: Group-A: n1=9 kayaking players and Group-B: n2=9 rowing players. It is to measure the skill related physical fitness (agility, balance, coordination, power and speed) male inter- college kayaking and rowing players. To determine the significant differences between kayaking and rowing, unpaired t-test was employed for data analyses. It is concluded from the above analysis the study can be concluded that no significant difference were found among Kayaking and Rowing players on the sub- variables; Agility, Balance, Coordination and Power variables of physical fitness and highly Significant difference was found on Speed variable of physical fitness


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    The present study was conducted to construct norms for selected physical fitness test items of handball players. For the purpose of the present study, fourty eight (N=48), male Handball players of Panjab University, Chandigarh between the age group of 18-25 years were selected as subjects. The Muscular Strength was measured by Handgrip Strength Test, Muscular Power was measured by Vertical Jump Test, Muscular Endurance was measured by Pull-Up Test, Running Speed was measured by 20-Meter Dash, Running Agility was measured by Illinois Agility Test, Jumping Ability was measured by Standing Long Jump Test, Throwing Ability was measured by Overhead Medicine Ball Throw Test, Flexibility was measured by Sit and Reach Flexibility Test and Balance was measured by Stork Balance Stand Test. The data, which was collected by administering tests, was statistically treated to develop for all the test items. In order to construct the norms, Percentile Scale was used. Further, the scores were classified into five grades i.e., very good, good, average, poor and very poor. In Muscular Strength, the mean score was 49.562 and standard deviation score was 3.679. In Muscular Power, the mean score was 48.062 and standard deviation score was 2.276. In Muscular Endurance, the mean score was 6.958 and standard deviation score was 1.098. In Running Speed, the mean score was 4.6354 and standard deviation score was 0.143. In Running Agility, the mean score was 17.606 and standard deviation was 0.834. In Jumping Ability, the mean score was 2.7260 and standard deviation was 0.415. In Throwing Ability, the mean score was 13.562 and standard deviation score was 0.976. In Flexibility, the mean score was 4.625 and standard deviation score was 0.832. In Balance, the mean score was 46.354 and standard deviation score was 1.561of Panjab University, Chandigarh.  Article visualizations

    A Comparative Study on selected psychomotor abilities between male baseball pitcher and cricket fast bowler

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    The aim of this study is to find out the significant differences of selected Psychomotor Abilities between male Baseball pitcher and cricket fast bowler. A group of thirty (N=30) male subjects aged between 18-28 years, who participated in intercollege competitions organized by the Department of Sports, Guru Nanak Dev University, volunteered to participate in this study were selected for this study. The purposive sampling technique was used to attain the objectives of the study. All the subjects, after having been informed about the objective and protocol of the study, gave their consent and volunteered to participate in this study. They were further divided into two groups of 15each (i.e., N1=15; pitcher and N2=15; fast bowler). The “t” test was applied to find out the significant differences between male Baseball pitcher and cricket fast bowler. To test the hypotheses, the level of significance was set at 0.05. The results revealed significant differences between Baseball pitcher and cricket fast bowler on the sub-variables i.e. speed, agility and Cardiovascular Endurance. However, no significant differences were noticed with regard to the sub-variables i.e. strength and static balance

    Detection and Prevention of DDoS Attack Using Gateway Mechanism

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    Denial of service is one of the most terrible attacks is the cloning attack of the node, where the attacker captures the knot and extracts its secret information, create replicas and enter them in the network field other malevolent behavior. To detect and mitigate this attack, several static-based detection schemes have been proposed. The detection algorithm based on the node location speed was proposed, to detect the attack of nodes clones in the wireless network. This algorithm reduces the costs of communication, routing, overloading the entire network and improving network performance

    A Novel Approach to Mitigate DDoS Attack Using Gateway Mechanism

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    Intelligent and economical sensors, connected to the network via wireless links and distributed in large quantities, offer unprecedented opportunities to monitor and control homes, cities and the environment. In addition, sensors connected to the network use a wide range of applications within the defence area, generating new features for recognition and surveillance and various tactical applications. Denial of service is one of the most terrible attacks is the cloning attack of the node, where the attacker captures the knot and extracts its secret information, create replicas and enter them in the network field other malevolent behaviour. To detect and mitigate this attack, this paper proposed a Gateway based technique


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    The purpose of this study was to compare Physical Fitness levels among 200, 500 and 1000 Meter Canoeing Players. To obtain data, the investigators had selected Twenty one (N = 21) male Canoeing Player of 19 to 25 years (Mean ± SD: Age: 19.761 ± 2.488 years; Body Mass: 1.749 ± 7.046 kilograms; Body Height: 65.047 ± 9.286 meters) of age to act as subjects. Components of Physical fitness (i.e., Agility, Balance, Coordination, Power, Reaction Time and Speed) were taken up for the present study. Statistical analysis was performed using the Statistical Package for the Social Sciences for Windows version 16.0 software (SPSS Inc., Chicago, IL). Data is expressed as the mean ± SD. One way Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) was employed to find out the intra-group differences. To test the hypothesis, the level of significance was set at 0.05. No significant differences were found in Agility, Balance, Coordination, Power and Speed. However, significant differences were found in Reaction Time.  Article visualizations
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