1,938 research outputs found

    Bulk Viscous Cosmological Models in Barber's Second Self Creation Theory

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    Barber's second self creation theory with bulk viscous fluid source for an LRS Bianchi type-I metric is considered by using deceleration parameter to be constant where the metric potentials are taken as function of xx and tt. The coefficient of bulk viscosity is assumed to be a power function of the mass density. Some physical and geometrical features of the models are discussedComment: latex, 10 pages, submitted in Int. J. Mod. Phys.

    On a Conjecture of Kelly on (1,3)(1,3)-representation of Sylvester Gallai Designs

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    We give an exact criterion of a conjecture of L.M.Kelly to hold true which is stated as follows. If there is a finite family Σ\Sigma of mutually skew lines in Rl,l4\mathbb{R}^l,l\geq 4 such that the three dimensional affine span (hull) of every two lines in Σ\Sigma, contains at least one more line of Σ\Sigma, then we have that Σ\Sigma is entirely contained in a three dimensional space if and only if the arrangement of affine hulls is central. Finally, this article leads to an analogous question for higher dimensional skew affine spaces, that is, for (2,5)(2,5)-representations of sylvester-gallai designs in R6\mathbb{R}^6, which is answered in the last section.Comment: 13 page

    Direct Analysis in Real Time by Mass Spectrometric Technique for Determining the Variation in Metabolite Profiles of Cinnamomum tamala Nees and Eberm Genotypes

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    Cinnamomum tamala Nees & Eberm. is an important traditional medicinal plant, mentioned in various ancient literatures such as Ayurveda. Several of its medicinal properties have recently been proved. To characterize diversity in terms of metabolite profiles of Cinnamomum tamala Nees and Eberm genotypes, a newly emerging mass spectral ionization technique direct time in real time (DART) is very helpful. The DART ion source has been used to analyze an extremely wide range of phytochemicals present in leaves of Cinnamomum tamala. Ten genotypes were assessed for the presence of different phytochemicals. Phytochemical analysis showed the presence of mainly terpenes and phenols. These constituents vary in the different genotypes of Cinnamomum tamala. Principal component analysis has also been employed to analyze the DART data of these Cinnamomum genotypes. The result shows that the genotype of Cinnamomum tamala could be differentiated using DART MS data. The active components present in Cinnamomum tamala may be contributing significantly to high amount of antioxidant property of leaves and, in turn, conditional effects for diabetic patients

    Nova klasa ravninski-simetričnih nehomogenih kozmoloških modela s perfektnom raspodjelom tekućine i elektromagnetskim poljem

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    A new class of plane-symmetric inhomogeneous cosmological models of perfect fluid distribution with electromagnetic field is obtained. The source of the magnetic field is due to an electric current produced along the z-axis. F12 is the non-vanishing component of electromagnetic field tensor. The free gravitational field is assumed to be of Petrov type-II non-degenerate. We have studied three cases : (i) cosine hyperbolic (ii) linear and (ii) cosine form. Some geometric and physical properties of the models in the presence and absence of magnetic field are also discussed.Izveli smo novu klasu ravninski-simetričnih nehomogenih kozmoloških modela s perfektnom raspodjelom tekućine i elektromagnetskim poljem. Izvor magnetskih polja je električna struja u smjeru z-osi. Različita od nule je jedino komponenta tenzora elektromagnetskog polja F12. Pretpostavili smo nedegenerirano slobodno gravitacijsko polje tipa Petrov-II. Razmatrali smo tri slučaja: (i) hiperbolni kosinus, (ii) linearni i (iii) kosinusni oblik. Raspravljamo također neka geometrijska i fizička svojstva modela u prisustvu i bez magnetskog polja

    A donor hemovigilance study: evaluation of adverse reactions to blood donors at tertiary care teaching hospital

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    Background: Donor hemovigilance is an important aspect of the hemovigilance system and contributes to decrease the blood donor’s complications and improving blood donor safety and functioning of blood bank. Reporting of adverse reactions associated with blood donations has been covered under National blood donor vigilance programme. This study was carried out to estimate the adverse events in blood donors and to promote their safety.Methods: The study was conducted over a period of 6 months, from 1st January 2017 to 30th June 2017 after getting approval from institutional ethics committee at tertiary care teaching hospital. Prior informed consent was obtained and donor confidentiality was ensured. The donors were observed for adverse event during or after donation. For delayed reactions, donors were requested to contact the researcher or designated departmental staff. Data was collected in case record form. Data entry was done in excel 2013 and appropriate Statistical test (chi square) was applied.Results: During study period total 7970 donors were registered, out of which 53.27% donors have donated their blood in blood camps and 46.72% have in blood bank. Incidence of donor reactions was 1.54%. Incidence of adverse reaction was higher at blood camps (58.53%). Authors found highest number of cases of mild vaso vagal type reactions (53%). Other types of reactions observed were painful arm, hematoma, delayed bleeding, tingling and moderate type of vaso vagal reaction.Conclusions: Authors did not find any major serious events like convulsion, thrombophlebitis or arterial puncture during study period. It considers that safety of donors was maintained

    Drug price control order: the impact on pharmacoeconomics

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    Background: The objective of the present study was to analyze the prices of metformin, losartan, atorvastatin, paracetamol and aspirin for the doses which are included in the list of Drug Price Control Order (DPCO) 2013.Methods: Current index medical specialties India, 37th year, April-July 2015 issue was used for analysis. The retail prices of the drugs in INR were tabulated in Microsoft Office Excel 2013. The prices of the above listed drugs were compared with prices of DPCO 2013 for the same doses of drugs. The analysis of drugs costing more than the prices listed in the DPCO with the margin of the difference in percentage was carried out.Results: Out of 25 brands of metformin 500 mg tablet, 11 (44%) brands had price higher than listed in DPCO 2013. Similarly, prices for losartan 25 mg and 50 mg tablets, 8 (25%) out of 32 and 11 (31.42%) out of 35 were higher respectively. For atorvastatin 5 mg and 10 mg tablets, 2 (9.52%) out of 21 and 8 (13.55%) out of 59 brands had higher prices. For paracetamol 500 mg tablet, 12 (63.15%) out of 19 brands were priced higher than DPCO list. For aspirin 100 mg tablet and 325 mg tablet, 3 (100%) out of 3 brands and 1 (100%) out of 1 brand had higher prices.Conclusions: Many of the brand formulations have higher prices than the DPCO 2013 issued by government of India. The clinicians prescribing these drugs should be aware of these brand formulations to reduce the cost of the drug therapy

    Over Eight Decades Old “Young” Landslide – A Case Study

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    Shirobagad also named as Kaliasaur Landslide was developed in the year 1920 at kilometer-147 on National Highway – 58 (earlier named as State Highway - 45) at latitude 300 14’ 30” N and longitude780 53’ 57” in Garhwal region of western Himalaya. This landslide has been investigated by a number of organizations in India and a wealth of data has been generated mainly on geological aspects. Central Road Research Institute has also investigated this landslide during 2007-2011 covering geological as well as geotechnical aspects. The study area basically encompasses metavolcanis and variants of quartzite rock (e.g. pink and white quartzite) with occasional bands of shale. Frequent presence of displacement along structural planes, offsetting of beds, omission and re-appearance of the strata, and change in the attitude of structural planes illustrates the presence of a series of minor faults, it includes contact between litho units drainages etc. Having observed these geological features and many more others the study has further included micro analysis and observations based on Rock mass rating and Slope mass rating, monitoring of slope behavior through simple but reliable, especially designed steel pedestals, Differential Global Positioning System and Total station etc. The minute geological observations added with behavior monitoring and geotechnical backup has been able to decipher the most important causes of the landslide and therefore most suitable remedial scheme which shall be discussed in the paper

    Determination of Nonlinear Refractive Index of Zinc Phthalocyanine by Pump Induced Fizeau Interferometry

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    Experimental measurement of intense light induced refractive index is demonstrated using Fizeau interferometer. Refractive index is induced in a specific region of the sample with intense light pulse of a linearly polarized, Q- switched Nd:YAG laser at 1064nm wavelength. The respective change in optical path difference (OPD) is measured using Fizeau interferometer. The OPD so obtained is mapped in terms of change in refractive index in the area of interaction of pump beam and sample. The measured induced refractive index is then used to calculate thermo-optic coefficient of the ZnPc embedded polymeric sample


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    Objective: The objective of this study is to assess adverse drug reaction (ADR) profile of the drugs prescribed to treat Coronavirus Disease (COVID-19) positive patients and to determine whether ADRs are associated with any comorbidities. Methods: A cross-sectional study was done with Laboratory confirmed COVID-19 positive patients who experienced ADRs during their admission period at tertiary care center, Rajkot from April 2020 to March 2021. All the necessary information including ADRs information was obtained from patient’s case record file and filled in suspected ADR reporting form. Suspected ADRs were assessed for demographic parameters and causality, preventability, and severity using World Health Organization (WHO) scale and Naranjo algorithm, modified Schumock and Thornton’s criteria, and modified Hartwig’s criteria, respectively. Results: Out of the 100 patients there were 60 males. The mean age of the patients was 52.65±13.95 year. Fourty-six patients had comorbidities. The most common type of ADR was GI disorders. Among the single suspected medication, most common drug was methylprednisolone and among the two drugs, azithromycin was common. According to the WHO and Naranjo scale, Probable ADRs were 70% and 36%, respectively. The percentage for mild, moderate and severe ADRs were 44%, 39%, 17%, respectively. Eighty-six percent ADRs were definitely preventable. Fifty-one patients were recovered from adverse reactions. Conclusions: Seriousness of reactions is mainly associated with co-morbid conditions. This indicates that patients with comorbidity should be closely monitored to avoid harmful consequences. These ADRs monitoring and reporting program will help physicians to choose their therapy sensibly and decrease chances of mortality in this pandemic era