122 research outputs found

    Glycyrrhizin: A Review

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    Glycyrrhizin is a triterpenoid saponin found in Glychyrrhiza glabra (licorice). Chemically, glycyrrhizin is a sulphated polysaccharide. It is considered to the active constituent of the drug and the standardization of licorice is based on glycyrrhizin content. The standardized extracts of licorice sold in the market contain 20% of glychrrhizin. Glycyrrhizin is converted into glychyrrhetic acid by an enzyme, glycaronidase

    Salicin -A Natural Analgesic

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    Medicinal herbs constitute important source of drugs. Treatment of diseases with medicinal herbs is called phytothrepary. The study of chemistry of plant derived drugs is known as phytochemistry. Medicinal herbs have given us a number of important drugs, which are mainstays of treatment in synthetic system of medicine. Ayurveda, Siddha, Homeopathy and Herbalism are completely dependent on plants for formulations. Salicin, a glycoside isolated from Salix alba attracted the researchers in the 19th century and it provided us with most potent weapon, Acetyl-salicylic acid for killing pain. The article highlights the historical usage and pharmacogonosy of medicinal herbs containing salicin

    Glycyrrhizin- A Review

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    The Role of Natural Products in Pharmacotherapy of Alzheimer’s Disease

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    Alzheimer’s disease is characterized by forgetfulness, disturbance in memory and loss of mental abilities. The final outcome of the disease is loss of personality and intellectual functions. Alzheimer’s disease is common cause of dementia particularly after the age of 70 years. Cholinesterase inhibitors are used for the treatment of Alzheimer’s dementia, but due to unpleasant side effect; these groups of drugs can not be used for long term treatment. Phyto drugs are being investigated for possible cure of Alzheimer’s disease. A number of constituents like Galanthamine, Huperzine, Hyperforin, & Desoxy-peganine have shown promising result. Some Ayurvedic herbs like Bacopa monneria (Bacosides) have recently gained attention because of memory enhancing activity. The article deals with latest findings in phytotherapy of Alzheimer’s disease

    Pharmacological Considerations of Tylophora asthmatica

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    Tylophora asthmatica has recently been included as one of the important drug from natural source for the treatment of respiratory diseases. Clinical studies have shown effectiveness of the drug in bronchial asthma and thus modern research withstands the ancient claims of traditional medicine. This article reviews the various scientific studies and tries to analyze the current status of Tylophora asthmatica in bronchial asthma

    Ayurveda and Drug Standardization

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    Salicin: A Natural Analgesic

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    Medicinal herbs constitute important source of drugs. Treatment of diseases with medicinal herbs is called phytothrepary. The study of chemistry of plant derived drugs is known as phytochemistry. Medicinal herbs have given us a number of important drugs, which are mainstays of treatment in synthetic system of medicine. Ayurveda, Siddha, Homeopathy and Herbalism are completely dependent on plants for formulations. Salicin, a glycoside isolated from Salix alba attracted the researchers in the 19th century and it provided us with most potent weapon, Acetyl-salicylic acid, for killing pain. The article highlights the historical usage and pharmacogonosy of medicinal herbs containing salicin

    Kutkins- A Review of Chemistry and Pharmacology

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    Kutkins are group of pharmacologically active compounds present in Picrorhiza kurroa Royle (Scrophulariaceae). Picrorhiza kurroa is traditionally known as kutki and has intense bitter taste. In Ayurveda Picrorhiza kurroa is a reputed remedy for the treatment of liver diseases. The chemical composition of the Picrorhiza has been studied and active constituents are group of iridoid glycosides known as picrosides and kutkosides. The mechanism of action of kutkins appears to the same as that of silymarin (active constituent and hepatoprotective constituent of Silybum marianum). Studies have shown that kutkins are more potent than silymarin as far as hepatoprotective activity is concerned

    Ethnobotanical Studies of Chandigarh Region

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    The aim of this study was to locate and document the medicinal herbs growing in Chandigarh and Mohali area

    Promising Phytochemicals from Indian Medicinal Plants

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    The medicinal plants find application in pharmaceutical, cosmetic, agricultural and food industry. The use of the medicinal herbs for curing disease has been documented in history of all civilizations. With the onset of research, it was concluded that plants contain active principles, which are responsible, for curative action of the herbs. Ayurvedic drugs are used in crude forms like expressed juice, powder, decoction or infusion. Ancient healers, developed formulations based on medicinal herbs, were probably not aware about the chemical composition of the herbs. But the advancement they made despite non-availability of scientific procedures is astonishing. Scientific research has proved the utility of time tested remedies. The article reviews work done on isolated constituents of rare Indian medicinal plants