4,694 research outputs found

    A two parameter ratio-product-ratio estimator using auxiliary information

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    We propose a two parameter ratio-product-ratio estimator for a finite population mean in a simple random sample without replacement following the methodology in Ray and Sahai (1980), Sahai and Ray (1980), Sahai and Sahai (1985) and Singh and Ruiz Espejo (2003). The bias and mean square error of our proposed estimator are obtained to the first degree of approximation. We derive conditions for the parameters under which the proposed estimator has smaller mean square error than the sample mean, ratio and product estimators. We carry out an application showing that the proposed estimator outperforms the traditional estimators using groundwater data taken from a geological site in the state of Florida.Comment: 13 pages, 2 figures, 4 table

    London Schools Excellence Fund: Self-Evaluation Toolkit. Final report

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    What Factors are Responsible for Higher Prevalence of HIV Infection among Urban Women than Rural Women in Tanzania?

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    BACKGROUND: Tanzania is the country hit the hardest by the HIV epidemic in Sub-Saharan Africa. The  present study was carried out to examine the factors of HIV infection among women who lived in an urban area in Tanzania.METHODS: The Tanzania HIV/AIDS and Malaria Indicator Survey (2011-12) data was used. The sample size for urban and rural women who had been tested for HIV and ever had sex was 2227 and 6210 respectively. Bivariate and multivariate logistic regression analyses were used.RESULTS: The present study found that rural women were significantly less likely to be HIV-infected compared to urban women (OR = 0.612, p<0.00). About 10% urban women were HIV-infected whereas 5.8% women in rural areas were HIV positive. Women who had more than five sex partners were significantly four times more likely to be HIV-infected as compared to women who had one sex partner (OR = 4.49, p<0.00).CONCLUSION: The results of this study suggest that less-educated women, women belonging to poor or poorer quintile, women spending nights outside and women having more than one sex partner were  significantly more likely to have HIV infection among urban women as compared to rural women. There is an urgent need for a short and effective program to control the HIV epidemic in urban areas of Tanzania especially for less-educated urban women.KEYWORDS: Women, Urban, HIV/AIDS, Tanzania, Africa, Monitorin

    The prevalence of dust on the exoplanet HD 189733b from Hubble and Spitzer observations

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    The hot Jupiter HD189733b is the most extensively observed exoplanet. Its atmosphere has been detected and characterised in transmission and eclipse spectroscopy, and its phase curve measured at several wavelengths. This paper brings together results of our campaign to obtain the complete transmission spectrum of the atmosphere of this planet from UV to IR with HST, using STIS, ACS and WFC3. We provide a new tabulation of the transmission spectrum across the entire visible and IR range. The radius ratio in each wavelength band was rederived to ensure a consistent treatment of the bulk transit parameters and stellar limb-darkening. Special care was taken to correct for, and derive realistic estimates of the uncertainties due to, both occulted and unocculted star spots. The combined spectrum is very different from the predictions of cloud-free models: it is dominated by Rayleigh scattering over the whole visible and near infrared range, the only detected features being narrow Na and K lines. We interpret this as the signature of a haze of condensate grains extending over at least 5 scale heights. We show that a dust-dominated atmosphere could also explain several puzzling features of the emission spectrum and phase curves, including the large amplitude of the phase curve at 3.6um, the small hot-spot longitude shift and the hot mid-infrared emission spectrum. We discuss possible compositions and derive some first-order estimates for the properties of the putative condensate haze/clouds. We finish by speculating that the dichotomy between the two observationally defined classes of hot Jupiter atmospheres, of which HD189733b and HD209458b are the prototypes, might not be whether they possess a temperature inversion, but whether they are clear or dusty. We also consider the possibility of a continuum of cloud properties between hot Jupiters, young Jupiters and L-type brown dwarfs.Comment: Accepted for publication in MNRAS. 31 pages, 19 figures, 8 table

    Seasonal variation of Pneumocystis jirovecii infection: analysis of underlying climatic factors

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    AbstractPneumocystis jirovecii causes severe pneumonia (PCP) in immunocompromised patients. Seasonal changes of PCP incidence may be associated with climate changes. In this first study using multiple linear regression statistics to assess monthly climatic data and Pneumocystis, PCP incidence was positively correlated with mean temperature, but not with rainfall or wind strength

    Possible human-to-human transmission of toxigenic Corynebacterium ulcerans

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    AbstractToxigenic Corynebacterium ulcerans is an emerging cause of diphtheria. In contrast to the classical diphtheria pathogen C. diphtheriae, human-to-human transmission of this primarily zoonotic pathogen has not been clearly documented. Here we report on a two-person cluster suggesting an initial zoonotic and a subsequent human-to-human transmission event

    Heat capacity of the quantum magnet TiOCl

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    Measurements of the heat capacity C(T,H) of the one-dimensional quantum magnet TiOCl are presented for temperatures 2K < T < 300K and magnetic fields up to 5T. Distinct anomalies at 91K and 67K signal two subsequent phase transitions. The lower of these transitions clearly is of first order and seems to be related to the spin degrees of freedom. The transition at 92K probably involves the lattice and/or orbital moments. A detailed analysis of the data reveals that the entropy change through both transitions is surprisingly small (~ 0.1R), pointing to the existence strong fluctuations well into the non-ordered high-temperature phase. No significant magnetic field dependence was detected.Comment: 4 pages, 2 figure

    A new look at NICMOS transmission spectroscopy of HD189733, GJ-436 and XO-1: no conclusive evidence for molecular features

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    We present a re-analysis of archival HST/NICMOS transmission spectroscopy of three exoplanet systems; HD 189733, GJ-436 and XO-1. Detections of several molecules, including H20, CH4 and CO2, have been claimed for HD 189733 and XO-1, but similarly sized features are attributed to systematic noise for GJ-436. The data consist of time-series grism spectra covering a planetary transit. After extracting light curves in independent wavelength channels, we use a linear decorrelation technique account for instrumental systematics (which is becoming standard in the field), and measure the planet-to-star radius ratio as a function of wavelength. For HD 189733, the uncertainties in the transmission spectrum are significantly larger than those previously reported. We also find the transmission spectrum is considerably altered when using different out-of-transit orbits to remove the systematics, when some parameters are left out of the decorrelation procedure, or when we perform the decorrelation with quadratic functions rather than linear functions. Given that there is no physical reason to believe the baseline flux should be modelled as a linear function of any particular set of parameters, we interpret this as evidence that the linear decorrelation technique is not a robust method to remove systematic effects from the light curves for each wavelength channel. For XO-1, the parameters measured to decorrelate the light curves would require extrapolation to the in-transit orbit to remove the systematics, and we cannot reproduce the previously reported results. We conclude that the resulting NICMOS transmission spectra are too dependent on the method used to remove systematics to be considered robust detections of molecular species in planetary atmospheres, although the presence of these molecules is not ruled out.Comment: 17 pages, 28 figures, accepted in MNRA