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Shear-Wave Splitting and Mantle Flow Beneath the Colorado Plateau and its Boundary with the Great Basin
Shear-wave splitting measurements from SKS and SKKS phases show fast polarization azimuths that are subparallel to North American absolute plate motion within the central Rio Grande Rift (RGR) and Colorado Plateau (CP) through to the western rim of the CP, with anisotropy beneath the CP and central RGR showing a remarkably consistent pattern with a mean fast azimuth of 4 degrees +/- degrees 6 E of N. Approaching the rim from the southeast, fast anisotropic directions become north-northeast-south-southwest (NNE-SSW), rotate counter clockwise to north-south in the CP-GB transition, and then to NNW-SSE in the western Great Basin ( GB). This change is coincident with uppermost mantle S-wave velocity perturbations that vary from +4% beneath the western CP and the eastern edge of the Marysvale volcanic field to about -8% beneath the GB. Corresponding delay times average 1.5 sec beneath the central CP, decrease to approximately 0.8 sec near the CP-GB transition, and increase to about 1.2 sec beneath the GB. For the central CP, we suggest anisotropy predominantly controlled by North American plate motion above the asthenosphere. The observed pattern of westward-rotating anisotropy from the western CP through the CP-GB transition may be influenced to asthenospheric flow around a CP lithospheric keel and/or by vertical flow arising from edge-driven small-scale convection. The anisotropic transition from the CP to the GB thus marks a first-order change from absolute plate motion dominated lithosphere-asthenosphere shear to a new regime controlled by regional flow processes. The NNW-SSE anisotropic fast directions of split SKS waves in the eastern GB area are part of a broad circular pattern of seismic anisotropic fast direction in the central GB that has recently been hypothesized to be due to toroidal flow around the sinking Juan de Fuca-Gorda slab.National Science Foundation EAR 9706094, 9707188, 9707190, 0207812Los Alamos National Laboratory Institute of Geophysics and Planetary PhysicsNational Science Foundation Cooperative EAR-000430Department of Energy National Nuclear Security AdministrationGeological Science
Abstrak – Distiribusi ikan cakalang dipengaruhi oleh kondisi oseanografi secara spasial (keberadaan tempatnya). Suhu Permukaan Laut dan Klorofil-a adalah parameter osenaografi yang digunakan untuk mendeteksi keberadaan ikan target tangkapan. Ikan Cakalang (Katsuwonus pelamis) merupakan komod- iti utama hasil tangkapan dari alat tangkap pole and line. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode observasi dan menggunakan penerapan teknologi Citra Aqua MODIS level 3 di wilayah Taman Nasional Perairan Laut Sawu. Data lapangan diambil selama 6 kali trip penangkapan terhitung bulan Juli, Agustus dan September tahun 2020. Distribusi SPL dan Klorofil-a cukup berfluktuatif pada setiap daerah penangka- pan ikan, kisaran Klorofil-aberada pada angka (0.42 - 0,46 mg/m³), dan SPL(27,22 - 28,65ºC)hal ini dapat disimpulkan bahwa sebaran kedua parameter mengalami perubahan pada setiap bulan. Hasil tangkapan ikan terendah berada pada trip I bulan Juli 3.761 Kg dan tertinggi pada trip VI bulan septem- ber 6.886 Kg, total keseluruhan hasil tangkapan ikan adalah 31.284 Kg. Hasil pengujian statistik ko- relasi berganda memperlihatkan adanya hubungan secara simultan antara SPL dan klorofil-a terhadap tangkapan ikan tuna cakalang dengan nilai Sig. F Change sebesar 0.281 dan R (koefisien korelasi) sebe- sar 0.756, sehingga disimpulkan kedalam kelas kategori berhubungan (korelasi kuat).
Kata Kunci : Katsuwonus pelamis, Suhu Permukaan Laut, Klorofil-a, Fishing Ground, MODIS Aqua
Abstract – The distribution of skipjack tuna is influenced by spatial oceanographic conditions (the exist- ence of its place). Sea Surface Temperature and Chlorophyll-a are oceanographic parameters used to detect the presence of target fish catches. Skipjack tuna (Katsuwonus pelamis) is the main commodity caught from pole and line fishing gear. This research uses the observation method and uses the applica- tion of Aqua MODIS level 3 technology in the area of the Savu Sea National Park. Field data was taken for 6 fishing trips starting in July, August and September 2020. The distribution of SST and Chloro- phyll-a was quite fluctuating in each fishing area, the range of Chlorophyll-a was in the number (0.42 -0.46 mg/m³ ), and SPL (27.22 - 28.65ºC) it can be concluded that the distribution of the two parameters changes every month. The lowest fish catch was on trip I in July 3,761 kg and the highest on trip VI in September was 6,886 kg, the total fish catch was 31,284 kg. The results of the multiple correlation sta- tistical test showed that there was a simultaneous relationship between SST and chlorophyll-a on skip- jack tuna catches with a Sig value. F Change is 0.281 and R (coefficient of correlation) is 0.756, so it can be concluded that it belongs to the related category (strong correlation).
Keywords : Katsuwonus pelamis, Sea Surface Temperature, Chlorophyll-a, Fishing Ground, MODIS Aqu
Children's ministry at church must be taken seriously by all related parties. Children should be taught to know God through effective Bible teaching. Designing instructional media at Sunday Schools is unavoidable. The purpose of this community service was to help the church use a traditional game, 'Menara Boy', to implement the meaning of Philippians 2:2 concerning teamwork to achieve a common goal and introduce the younger generation to traditional games. The community service was conducted in two phases: Bible teaching and implementation through playing the game. The result taught children to love and help each other as a family of God. This teaching was effectively implemented when playing 'Menara Boy'—based on the reflections at the end of the game, children admitted that their failure in the game was caused by focusing on themselves and failing to work with others as a team. Therefore, the community service team will recommend using other traditional games as instructional media if the game contains positive values according to the truth of God's Word.Pelayanan anak dalam gereja perlu mendapat perhatian yang serius dari semua pihak terkait. Anak-anak harus dididik untuk mengenal Allah melalui pembelajaran Alkitab yang efektif. Peningkatan media belajar di sekolah minggu menjadi kebutuhan yang tidak bisa dielakkan. Tujuan dari kegiatan pengabdian ini adalah menolong mitra memanfaatkan media permainan tradisional Menara Boy untuk mengimplemantasikan makna Filipi 2:2 tentang kerja sama mencapai tujuan bersama dan sekaligus memperkenalkan permainan tradisional pada generasi saat ini. Kegiatan pengabdian dilakukan dalam 2 bentuk yaitu pembelajaran Alkitab dan bermain permainan tradisional sebagai implementasinya. Hasilnya anak-anak sekolah minggu diajar untuk saling mengasihi dan tolong menolong di antara sesama saudara dalam Tuhan. Pembelajaran ini diimplementasikan dengan baik ketika bermain Menara Boy. Berdasarkan refleksi diakhir permainan, anak-anak mengakui bahwa kegagalan dalam permainan diakibatkan karena fokus pada diri sendiri dan gagal menjalin kerja sama sesama anggota kelompok. Dengan demikian tim pengabdi merekomendasikan untuk memanfaatkan permainan tradisional lainnya untuk digunakan sebagai media pembelajaran, tentunya permainan tradisional yang mengandung nilai positif yang sejalan dengan kebenaran Firman Allah
Adjoint bi-continuous semigroups and semigroups on the space of measures
For a given bi-continuous semigroup T on a Banach space X we define its
adjoint on an appropriate closed subspace X^o of the norm dual X'. Under some
abstract conditions this adjoint semigroup is again bi-continuous with respect
to the weak topology (X^o,X). An application is the following: For K a Polish
space we consider operator semigroups on the space C(K) of bounded, continuous
functions (endowed with the compact-open topology) and on the space M(K) of
bounded Baire measures (endowed with the weak*-topology). We show that
bi-continuous semigroups on M(K) are precisely those that are adjoints of a
bi-continuous semigroups on C(K). We also prove that the class of bi-continuous
semigroups on C(K) with respect to the compact-open topology coincides with the
class of equicontinuous semigroups with respect to the strict topology. In
general, if K is not Polish space this is not the case
A new MR-SAD algorithm for the automatic building of protein models from low-resolution X-ray data and a poor starting model
Determining macromolecular structures from X-ray data with resolution worse than 3 Å remains a challenge. Even if a related starting model is available, its incompleteness or its bias together with a low observation-to-parameter ratio can render the process unsuccessful or very time-consuming. Yet, many biologically important macromolecules, especially large macromolecular assemblies, membrane proteins and receptors, tend to provide crystals that diffract to low resolution. A new algorithm to tackle this problem is presented that uses a multivariate function to simultaneously exploit information from both an initial partial model and low-resolution single-wavelength anomalous diffraction data. The new approach has been used for six challenging structure determinations, including the crystal structures of membrane proteins and macromolecular complexes that have evaded experts using other methods, and large structures from a 3.0 Å resolution F1-ATPase data set and a 4.5 Å resolution SecYEG–SecA complex data set. All of the models were automatically built by the method to Rfree values of between 28.9 and 39.9% and were free from the initial model bias
Heterotic grouping based on combining ability for traits of interest,
in addition to plant performance and genetic relationship among
germplasm, would be useful in planning crosses in breeding programmes.
This study aimed at determining the combining abilities of selected
landraces for morphological and physiological traits under contrasted
environments and identifying the suitable heterotic grouping method for
superior hybrid production. For this purpose, nineteen accessions
representing different origins and population structure among West
African Sorghum Accessions Panel (WASAP) and two female lines, were
used in \uab\ua0Line x tester\ua0\ubb mating design to produce
thirty-eight (38) hybrids. Analysis of variance showed significant
general combining ability and specific combining ability effects for
grain weight, plant height, days to flowering, panicle length and
chlorophyll content implying existence of heterotic responses for these
traits. Both additive and non-additive gene effects were important in
controlling the inheritance of the traits. Parents K31.3, K37 and Ni331
were the best combiners for grain weight, providing the opportunity for
breeders to improve grain yield under diverse environments. AVG-1 x
K31.3 and AVG-1 x Tg148 were the superior hybrids. Combining ability
based heterotic grouping methods classified sorghum accessions into
four groups. The heterotic group\u2019s specific and general combining
ability (HSGCA) method was the suitable in predicting hybrid
superiority. This combining abilities based heterotic grouping study is
an additional tool that breeders could use to identify the best parents
for superior hybrids development in West Africa.La d\ue9termination des groupes h\ue9t\ue9rotiques bas\ue9e sur
les aptitudes \ue0 la combinaison des traits
d\u2019int\ue9r\ueat en plus des performances et des relations
g\ue9n\ue9tiques dans une collection est importante pour planifier
les croisements en s\ue9lection. Cette visait la d\ue9termination
des aptitudes \ue0 la combinaison des accessions locales pour
certains traits morphologiques sous environnements contrast\ue9s et
l\u2019identification de la meilleure m\ue9thode dans la
pr\ue9diction de la vigueur hybride. Dans cette perspective, dix-neuf
accessions repr\ue9sentant diff\ue9rentes origines et la structure
de la population d\u2019un panel ouest africain de sorgho (WASAP) et
deux m\ue2les st\ue9riles ont \ue9t\ue9 utilis\ue9s dans un
croisement \uab\ua0Line x tester\ua0\ubb pour produire
trente-huit hybrides F1, objet de cette \ue9tude. L\u2019analyse de
variance a indiqu\ue9 des effets significatifs de l\u2019aptitude
g\ue9n\ue9rale et sp\ue9cifique \ue0 la combinaison pour le
poids grain, la hauteur plante, la dur\ue9e semis floraison et la
concentration en chlorophylle traduisant l\u2019existence des
r\ue9ponses h\ue9t\ue9rotiques pour ces traits. Les effets
g\ue9niques additif et non-additif ont \ue9t\ue9 importants dans
le contr\uf4le de ces caract\ue8res. K31.3, K37 et Ni331
pr\ue9sentent les meilleures aptitudes g\ue9n\ue9rales \ue0 la
combinaison puis AVG-1 x K31.3 et AVG-1 x Tg148 ont \ue9t\ue9 les
meilleurs hybrides pour le poids grains. Ils constituent une
opportunit\ue9 pour l\u2019am\ue9lioration dans divers
environnements. Les diff\ue9rentes m\ue9thodes ont class\ue9 les
accessions de sorgho en quatre groupes. Le groupage bas\ue9 sur la
m\ue9thode HSGCA accroit l\u2019efficience en s\ue9lection de 15
%. Cette \ue9tude offre un outil d\u2019aide pour les
s\ue9lectionneurs dans le choix des meilleurs parents \ue0 croiser
pour la production des hybrides sup\ue9rieurs en Afrique de
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