5 research outputs found

    Compreendendo a atitude dos alunos de ISL frente à aprendizagem de vocabulário

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    The study investigates the attitudes of learners towards the importance of vocabulary and their choice of sources to learn new words. It chiefly explores the differences in attitudes and choices of learners by a survey which was conducted among 730 first-year engineering students of Anna University, India. The questionnaire had two different divisions, i.e., importance given to vocabulary learning and sources of new words. The sources of new words further had four sub-divisions based on language skills. The data were collected from students and statistically analysed to answer the research questions of the study. In general, the results show that students consider vocabulary as an important aspect of language learning. Students admit the importance of vocabulary to understand a text. Interestingly, gender influences the choice of sources to learn new words. Further, the medium of education also significantly influences learners’ attitudes and their choices of sources in vocabulary learning.Keywords: English in India, English language teaching, English vocabulary, learners’ attitude, learner differences, sources to learn vocabulary, vocabulary learning.O estudo investiga as atitudes dos alunos com relação à importância do vocabulário e a escolha de suas fontes para aprender novas palavras. Ele principalmente explora as diferenças nas atitudes e nas escolhas dos alunos por uma pesquisa que foi realizada com 730 estudantes do primeiro ano de engenharia da Universidade de Anna, na Índia. O questionário tinha duas divisões diferentes, ou seja, a importância dada à aprendizagem de vocabulário e fontes de novas palavras. As fontes de novas palavras tiveram mais quatro subdivisões com base em competências linguísticas. Os dados coletados são de estudantes e foram analisados estatisticamente para responder às perguntas do estudo de pesquisa. Em geral, os resultados mostram que os estudantes consideram vocabulário como um aspecto importante da aprendizagem de línguas. Os estudantes admitem a importância do vocabulário para compreender um texto. Curiosamente, o gênero influencia na escolha das fontes para aprender novas palavras. Além disso, o meio de educação também influencia significativamente as atitudes dos alunos e suas escolhas de fontes na aprendizagem de vocabulário.Palavras-chave: Inglês na Índia, Ensino da Língua Inglesa, vocabulário em inglês, atitude dos alunos, diferenças entre alunos, fontes para aprender vocabulário, aprendizagem de vocabulário

    Understanding the attitude of ESL learners to vocabulary learning

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    The study investigates the attitudes of learners towards the importance of vocabulary and their choice of sources to learn new words. It chiefly explores the differences in attitudes and choices of learners by a survey which was conducted among 730 first-year engineering students of Anna University, India. The questionnaire had two different divisions, i.e., importance given to vocabulary learning and sources of new words. The sources of new words further had four sub-divisions based on language skills. The data were collected from students and statistically analysed to answer the research questions of the study. In general, the results show that students consider vocabulary as an important aspect of language learning. Students admit the importance of vocabulary to understand a text. Interestingly, gender influences the choice of sources to learn new words. Further, the medium of education also significantly influences learners’ attitudes and their choices of sources in vocabulary learning.Keywords: English in India, English language teaching, English vocabulary, learners’ attitude, learner differences, sources to learn vocabulary, vocabulary learning.</p

    Kako se nastavnici koriste strategijama za usvajanje vokabulara kada poučavaju vokabular

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    The present study investigated the use of Vocabulary Learning Strategies (VLS) by Indian teachers in their classroom vocabulary instruction. It also examined the influence of gender and experience-related differences on their use of VLS in the classroom vocabulary instruction. The paper reports the results of data collected to identify the VLS used by them in their vocabulary instruction. T-test and one-way ANOVA were conducted to analyse and interpret the data. The results indicate that the teachers employ VLS, such as: guessing from the context to find the meanings of new words, group work to learn new words, and using new words in sentences to store them in memory. They also show that the teachers do not prefer VLS, such as: flashcards, L1 similarity used to find the meanings of new words, and the keyword method. Further, they reveal an experience-related difference in the teachers’ vocabulary instruction.U ovom se radu istražuje uporaba strategija za usvajanje vokabulara (SUV) među nastavnicima koji u Indiji poučavaju vokabular. Odnosi se također na to kako spolne i iskustvene razlike među nastavnicima utječu na njihovu uporabu SUV u učioničkom kontekstu. U radu su prikazani rezultati koji proizlaze iz identifikacije SUV koje rabe sami nastavnici kada poučavaju vokabular. Provedeni su T-test i jednosmjerna ANOVA da bi se dobiveni podaci analizirali i tumačili. Rezultati pokazuju da se nastavnici koriste SUV kao što su: pogađanje iz konteksta pri određivanju značenja novih riječi, grupni rad s ciljem usvajanja novih riječi i uporaba novih riječi u rečenicama radi njihova pamćenja. Istraživanje također pokazuje da nastavnici ne preferiraju sljedeće SUV: uporaba kartica, sličnost s J1 i metoda ključne riječi. Osim toga, otkriva iskustvene razlike među nastavnicima kada je riječ o poučavanju vokabulara

    Compreendendo a atitude dos alunos de ISL frente à aprendizagem de vocabulário

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    The study investigates the attitudes of learners towards the importance of vocabulary and their choice of sources to learn new words. It chiefly explores the differences in attitudes and choices of learners by a survey which was conducted among 730 first-year engineering students of Anna University, India. The questionnaire had two different divisions, i.e., importance given to vocabulary learning and sources of new words. The sources of new words further had four sub-divisions based on language skills. The data were collected from students and statistically analysed to answer the research questions of the study. In general, the results show that students consider vocabulary as an important aspect of language learning. Students admit the importance of vocabulary to understand a text. Interestingly, gender influences the choice of sources to learn new words. Further, the medium of education also significantly influences learners’ attitudes and their choices of sources in vocabulary learning.Keywords: English in India, English language teaching, English vocabulary, learners’ attitude, learner differences, sources to learn vocabulary, vocabulary learning.O estudo investiga as atitudes dos alunos com relação à importância do vocabulário e a escolha de suas fontes para aprender novas palavras. Ele principalmente explora as diferenças nas atitudes e nas escolhas dos alunos por uma pesquisa que foi realizada com 730 estudantes do primeiro ano de engenharia da Universidade de Anna, na Índia. O questionário tinha duas divisões diferentes, ou seja, a importância dada à aprendizagem de vocabulário e fontes de novas palavras. As fontes de novas palavras tiveram mais quatro subdivisões com base em competências linguísticas. Os dados coletados são de estudantes e foram analisados estatisticamente para responder às perguntas do estudo de pesquisa. Em geral, os resultados mostram que os estudantes consideram vocabulário como um aspecto importante da aprendizagem de línguas. Os estudantes admitem a importância do vocabulário para compreender um texto. Curiosamente, o gênero influencia na escolha das fontes para aprender novas palavras. Além disso, o meio de educação também influencia significativamente as atitudes dos alunos e suas escolhas de fontes na aprendizagem de vocabulário.Palavras-chave: Inglês na Índia, Ensino da Língua Inglesa, vocabulário em inglês, atitude dos alunos, diferenças entre alunos, fontes para aprender vocabulário, aprendizagem de vocabulário

    Exploring the Vocabulary Learning Strategy Use of Teachers in Their Vocabulary Instruction/Kako se nastavnici koriste strategijama za usvajanje vokabulara kada poučavaju vokabular

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    The present study investigated the use of Vocabulary Learning Strategies (VLS) by Indian teachers in their classroom vocabulary instruction. It also examined the influence of gender and experience-related differences on their use of VLS in the classroom vocabulary instruction. The paper reports the results of data collected to identify the VLS used by them in their vocabulary instruction. T-test and one-way ANOVA were conducted to analyse and interpret the data. The results indicate that the teachers employ VLS, such as: guessing from the context to find the meanings of new words, group work to learn new words, and using new words in sentences to store them in memory. They also show that the teachers do not prefer VLS, such as: flashcards, L1 similarity used to find the meanings of new words, and the keyword method. Further, they reveal an experience-related difference in the teachers’ vocabulary instruction.U ovom se radu istražuje uporaba strategija za usvajanje vokabulara (SUV) među nastavnicima koji u Indiji poučavaju vokabular. Odnosi se također na to kako spolne i iskustvene razlike među nastavnicima utječu na njihovu uporabu SUV u učioničkom kontekstu. U radu su prikazani rezultati koji proizlaze iz identifikacije SUV koje rabe sami nastavnici kada poučavaju vokabular. Provedeni su T-test i jednosmjerna ANOVA da bi se dobiveni podaci analizirali i tumačili. Rezultati pokazuju da se nastavnici koriste SUV kao što su: pogađanje iz konteksta pri određivanju značenja novih riječi, grupni rad s ciljem usvajanja novih riječi i uporaba novih riječi u rečenicama radi njihova pamćenja. Istraživanje također pokazuje da nastavnici ne preferiraju sljedeće SUV: uporaba kartica, sličnost s J1 i metoda ključne riječi. Osim toga, otkriva iskustvene razlike među nastavnicima kada je riječ o poučavanju vokabulara