42 research outputs found

    Ring-like Oligomers of Synaptotagmins and Related C2 Domain Proteins

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    We recently reported that the C2AB portion of Synaptotagmin 1 (Syt1) could self-assemble into Ca2+-sensitive ring-like oligomers on membranes, which could potentially regulate neurotransmitter release. Here we report that analogous ring-like oligomers assemble from the C2AB domains of other Syt isoforms (Syt2, Syt7, Syt9) as well as related C2 domain containing protein, Doc2B and extended Synaptotagmins (E-Syts). Evidently, circular oligomerization is a general and conserved structural aspect of many C2 domain proteins, including Synaptotagmins. Further, using electron microscopy combined with targeted mutations, we show that under physiologically relevant conditions, both the Syt1 ring assembly and its rapid disruption by Ca2+ involve the well-established functional surfaces on the C2B domain that are important for synaptic transmission. Our data suggests that ring formation may be triggered at an early step in synaptic vesicle docking and positions Syt1 to synchronize neurotransmitter release to Ca2+ influx

    Structural basis for the clamping and Ca²⁺ activation of SNARE-mediated fusion by synaptotagmin

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    Synapotagmin-1 (Syt1) interacts with both SNARE proteins and lipid membranes to synchronize neurotransmitter release to calcium (Ca2+) influx. Here we report the cryo-electron microscopy structure of the Syt1–SNARE complex on anionic-lipid containing membranes. Under resting conditions, the Syt1 C2 domains bind the membrane with a magnesium (Mg2+)-mediated partial insertion of the aliphatic loops, alongside weak interactions with the anionic lipid headgroups. The C2B domain concurrently interacts the SNARE bundle via the ‘primary’ interface and is positioned between the SNAREpins and the membrane. In this configuration, Syt1 is projected to sterically delay the complete assembly of the associated SNAREpins and thus, contribute to clamping fusion. This Syt1–SNARE organization is disrupted upon Ca2+-influx as Syt1 reorients into the membrane, likely displacing the attached SNAREpins and reversing the fusion clamp. We thus conclude that the cation (Mg2+/Ca2+) dependent membrane interaction is a key determinant of the dual clamp/activator function of Synaptotagmin-1

    A seesaw model for intermolecular gating in the kinesin motor protein

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    Recent structural observations of kinesin-1, the founding member of the kinesin group of motor proteins, have led to substantial gains in our understanding of this molecular machine. Kinesin-1, similar to many kinesin family members, assembles to form homodimers that use alternating ATPase cycles of the catalytic motor domains, or “heads”, to proceed unidirectionally along its partner filament (the microtubule) via a hand-over-hand mechanism. Cryo-electron microscopy has now revealed 8-Å resolution, 3D reconstructions of kinesin-1•microtubule complexes for all three of this motor’s principal nucleotide-state intermediates (ADP-bound, no-nucleotide, and ATP analog), the first time filament co-complexes of any cytoskeletal motor have been visualized at this level of detail. These reconstructions comprehensively describe nucleotide-dependent changes in a monomeric head domain at the secondary structure level, and this information has been combined with atomic-resolution crystallography data to synthesize an atomic-level "seesaw" mechanism describing how microtubules activate kinesin’s ATP-sensing machinery. The new structural information revises or replaces key details of earlier models of kinesin’s ATPase cycle that were based principally on crystal structures of free kinesin, and demonstrates that high-resolution characterization of the kinesin–microtubule complex is essential for understanding the structural basis of the cycle. I discuss the broader implications of the seesaw mechanism within the cycle of a fully functional kinesin dimer and show how the seesaw can account for two types of "gating" that keep the ATPase cycles of the two heads out of sync during processive movement

    Prime movers : mechanochemistry of mitotic kinesins

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    Mitotic spindles are self-organizing protein machines that harness teams of multiple force generators to drive chromosome segregation. Kinesins are key members of these force-generating teams. Different kinesins walk directionally along dynamic microtubules, anchor, crosslink, align and sort microtubules into polarized bundles, and influence microtubule dynamics by interacting with microtubule tips. The mechanochemical mechanisms of these kinesins are specialized to enable each type to make a specific contribution to spindle self-organization and chromosome segregation

    In silico-designed lignin peroxidase from Phanerochaete chrysosporium shows enhanced acid stability for depolymerization of lignin

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    Background: The lignin peroxidase isozyme H8 from the white-rot fungus Phanerochaete chrysosporium (LiPH8) demonstrates a high redox potential and can efficiently catalyze the oxidation of veratryl alcohol, as well as the degradation of recalcitrant lignin. However, native LiPH8 is unstable under acidic pH conditions. This characteristic is a barrier to lignin depolymerization, as repolymerization of phenolic products occurs simultaneously at neutral pH. Because repolymerization of phenolics is repressed at acidic pH, a highly acid-stable LiPH8 could accelerate the selective depolymerization of recalcitrant lignin. Results: The engineered LiPH8 was in silico designed through the structural superimposition of surface-active site-harboring LiPH8 from Phanerochaete chrysosporium and acid-stable manganese peroxidase isozyme 6 (MnP6) from Ceriporiopsis subvermispora. Effective salt bridges were probed by molecular dynamics simulation and changes to Gibbs free energy following mutagenesis were predicted, suggesting promising variants with higher stability under extremely acidic conditions. The rationally designed variant, A55R/N156E-H239E, demonstrated a 12.5-fold increased half-life under extremely acidic conditions, 9.9-fold increased catalytic efficiency toward veratryl alcohol, and a 7.8-fold enhanced lignin model dimer conversion efficiency compared to those of native LiPH8. Furthermore, the two constructed salt bridges in the variant A55R/N156E-H239E were experimentally confirmed to be identical to the intentionally designed LiPH8 variant using X-ray crystallography (PDB ID: 6A6Q). Conclusion: Introduction of strong ionic salt bridges based on computational design resulted in a LiPH8 variant with markedly improved stability, as well as higher activity under acidic pH conditions. Thus, LiPH8, showing high acid stability, will be a crucial player in biomass valorization using selective depolymerization of lignin

    The Origin of Minus-end Directionality and Mechanochemistry of Ncd Motors

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    Adaptation of molecular structure to the ligand chemistry and interaction with the cytoskeletal filament are key to understanding the mechanochemistry of molecular motors. Despite the striking structural similarity with kinesin-1, which moves towards plus-end, Ncd motors exhibit minus-end directionality on microtubules (MTs). Here, by employing a structure-based model of protein folding, we show that a simple repositioning of the neck-helix makes the dynamics of Ncd non-processive and minus-end directed as opposed to kinesin-1. Our computational model shows that Ncd in solution can have both symmetric and asymmetric conformations with disparate ADP binding affinity, also revealing that there is a strong correlation between distortion of motor head and decrease in ADP binding affinity in the asymmetric state. The nucleotide (NT) free-ADP (?-ADP) state bound to MTs favors the symmetric conformation whose coiled-coil stalk points to the plus-end. Upon ATP binding, an enhanced flexibility near the head-neck junction region, which we have identified as the important structural element for directional motility, leads to reorienting the coiled-coil stalk towards the minus-end by stabilizing the asymmetric conformation. The minus-end directionality of the Ncd motor is a remarkable example that demonstrates how motor proteins in the kinesin superfamily diversify their functions by simply rearranging the structural elements peripheral to the catalytic motor head domain

    Tubulin isoform composition tunes microtubule dynamics

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    Microtubules polymerize and depolymerize stochastically, a behavior essential for cell division, motility and differentiation. While many studies advanced our understanding of how microtubule-associated proteins tune microtubule dynamics in trans, we have yet to understand how tubulin genetic diversity regulates microtubule functions. The majority of in vitro dynamics studies are performed with tubulin purified from brain tissue. This preparation is not representative of tubulin found in many cell types. Here we report the 4.2Å cryo-EM structure and in vitro dynamics parameters of α1B/βI+βIVb microtubules assembled from tubulin purified from a human embryonic kidney cell line with isoform composition characteristic of fibroblasts and many immortalized cell lines. We find that these microtubules grow faster and transition to depolymerization less frequently compared to brain microtubules. Cryo-EM reveals that the dynamic ends of α1B/βI+βIVb microtubules are less tapered and that these tubulin heterodimers display lower curvatures. Interestingly, analysis of EB1 distributions at dynamic ends suggests no differences in GTP cap sizes. Lastly, we show that the addition of recombinant α1A/βIII tubulin, a neuronal isotype overexpressed in many tumors, proportionally tunes the dynamics of α1B/βI+βIVb microtubules. Our study is an important step towards understanding how tubulin isoform composition tunes microtubule dynamics

    Direct observation shows superposition and large scale flexibility within cytoplasmic dynein motors moving along microtubules

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    Cytoplasmic dynein is a dimeric AAA+ motor protein that performs critical roles in eukaryotic cells by moving along microtubules using ATP. Here using cryo-electron microscopy we directly observe the structure of Dictyostelium discoideum dynein dimers on microtubules at near-physiological ATP concentrations. They display remarkable flexibility at a hinge close to the microtubule binding domain (the stalkhead) producing a wide range of head positions. About half the molecules have the two heads separated from one another, with both leading and trailing motors attached to the microtubule. The other half have the two heads and stalks closely superposed in a front-to-back arrangement of the AAA+ rings, suggesting specific contact between the heads. All stalks point towards the microtubule minus end. Mean stalk angles depend on the separation between their stalkheads, which allows estimation of inter-head tension. These findings provide a structural framework for understanding dynein’s directionality and unusual stepping behaviour

    Structural determinants of microtubule minus end preference in CAMSAP CKK domains

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    CAMSAP/Patronins regulate microtubule minus-end dynamics. Their end specificity is mediated by their CKK domains, which we proposed recognise specific tubulin conformations found at minus ends. To critically test this idea, we compared the human CAMSAP1 CKK domain (HsCKK) with a CKK domain from Naegleria gruberi (NgCKK), which lacks minus-end specificity. Here we report near-atomic cryo-electron microscopy structures of HsCKK- and NgCKK-microtubule complexes, which show that these CKK domains share the same protein fold, bind at the intradimer interprotofilament tubulin junction, but exhibit different footprints on microtubules. NMR experiments show that both HsCKK and NgCKK are remarkably rigid. However, whereas NgCKK binding does not alter the microtubule architecture, HsCKK remodels its microtubule interaction site and changes the underlying polymer structure because the tubulin lattice conformation is not optimal for its binding. Thus, in contrast to many MAPs, the HsCKK domain can differentiate subtly specific tubulin conformations to enable microtubule minus-end recognition