11 research outputs found

    Aplicaci贸n de t茅cnicas geom谩ticas en el Smart Farming: Monitorizaci贸n de cultivos, determinaci贸n de biomasa y detecci贸n de enfermedades

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    En la presente tesis se pretende implementar las metodolog铆as empleadas actualmente en agricultura de precisi贸n, en el campo de la teledetecci贸n mediante sensores a茅reos no tripulados (UAV) para ayudar a los procesos de desarrollo rural en zonas que se encuentran en v铆as de desarrollo. Estas metodolog铆as comprender谩n tem谩ticas relacionadas con el an谩lisis de crecimiento en cuanto a generaci贸n de biomasa en cultivos de Ryegrass y Kikuyo, an谩lisis del estado de salud de plantaciones de lupino mediante su respuesta espectral y la detecci贸n de enfermedades en palma africana. Como resultados, se pudo detectar de forma temprana la afectaci贸n de Pudrici贸n de Cogollo (PC) en palma africana, determinar que tratamiento de desinfecci贸n de semilla para lupino es el m谩s adecuado en el control del desarrollo de la Antracnosis y evidenciar que el cultivo de Ryegrass Perenne es el que genera mejores rendimientos en la producci贸n de biomasa

    Estudio de las posibilidades de los datos abiertos enlazados (Linked Open Data) para la realizaci贸n de mashups de 谩mbito geogr谩fico.

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    La web ha sufrido una dr谩stica transformaci贸n en los 煤ltimos a帽os, debido principalmente a su popularizaci贸n y a la enorme cantidad de informaci贸n que alberga. Debido a estos factores se ha dado el salto de la denominada Web de Documentos, a la Web Sem谩ntica, donde toda la informaci贸n est谩 relacionada con otra. Las principales ventajas de la informaci贸n enlazada estriban en la facilidad de reutilizaci贸n, accesibilidad y disponibilidad para ser encontrada por el usuario. En este trabajo se pretende poner de manifiesto la utilidad de los datos enlazados aplicados al 谩mbito geogr谩fico y mostrar como pueden ser empleados hoy en d铆a. Para ello se han explotado datos enlazados de car谩cter espacial provenientes de diferentes fuentes, a trav茅s de servidores externos o endpoints SPARQL. Adem谩s de eso se ha trabajado con un servidor privado capaz de proporcionar informaci贸n enlazada almacenada en un equipo personal. La explotaci贸n de informaci贸n enlazada se ha implementado en una aplicaci贸n web en lenguaje JavaScript, tratando de abstraer totalmente al usuario del tratamiento de los datos a nivel interno de la aplicaci贸n. Esta aplicaci贸n cuenta adem谩s con algunos m贸dulos y opciones capaces de interactuar con las consultas realizadas a los servidores, consiguiendo un entorno m谩s intuitivo y agradable para el usuario. ABSTRACT: In recent years the web has suffered a drastic transformation because of the popularization and the huge amount of stored information. Due to these factors it has gone from Documents web to Semantic web, where the data are linked. The main advantages of Linked Data lie in the ease of his reuse, accessibility and availability to be located by users. The aim of this research is to highlight the usefulness of the geographic linked data and show how can be used at present time. To get this, the spatial linked data coming from several sources have been managed through external servers or also called endpoints. Besides, it has been worked with a private server able to provide linked data stored in a personal computer. The use of linked data has been implemented in a JavaScript web application, trying completely to abstract the internally data treatment of the application to make the user ignore it. This application has some modules and options that are able to interact with the queries made to the servers, getting a more intuitive and kind environment for users

    Evaluaci贸n de los modelos digitales de terreno y geopotenciales en el Ecuador

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    Engineering uses digital elevation models to perform calculations and modeling phenomena, since it allows determining the scale at which they can be used and the quality of the by-products obtained. Two groups of models were evaluated, the digital terrain models (DTMs): Shuttle Radar Topography Mission (SRTM), ASTER Global Digital Elevation Map (ASTER GDEM), ALOS PALSAR and the DTM generated by the Instituto Geogr谩fico Militar del Ecuador (IGM), and the geopotential models (GMs): EGM96, EGM08 and the GM created by the IGM. For the evaluation, the geometric leveling points and ellipsoidal height raised in one of the IGM projects were used to determine atypical values, calculate the mean square error (RMSE) and define the precision and scale at which the different ones can be used. The heights between the DTMs were compared to know their difference. It was determined that the SRTM 30, ALOS PALSAR and IGM DMTs can be used for jobs that require an accuracy of less than 10 meters. The GM EGM08 together with high precision ellipsoidal heights could generate elevation models that can reach an accuracy of 1.25 meters, while the GMs EGM96 and IGM can generate models that achieve an accuracy of 2.5 meters. The ellipsoidal heights of the SRTM 30, ALOS PALSAR and IGM DTMs obtained with the EGM 96 and EGM 08 GMs can only be used in jobs that require an accuracy of less than 10 meters.Los trabajos de ingenier铆a utilizan los modelos digitales de elevaci贸n para realizar c谩lculos y modelar fen贸menos, conocer su precisi贸n permite determinar la escala de uso y la calidad de los subproductos que se obtienen. Existen modelos libres que son muy utilizados en la pr谩ctica, como es el caso de los modelos digitales del terreno (MDTs): Shuttle Radar Topography Mission (SRTM), ASTER Global Digital Elevation Map (ASTER GDEM), ALOS PALSAR, el MDT generado por el Instituto Geogr谩fico Militar del Ecuador (IGM) y los modelos geopotenciales (MGs): EGM96, EGM08 y el MG creado por el IGM. Se evaluaron los modelos utilizando los puntos de nivelaci贸n geom茅trica y altura elipsoidal levantados por el IGM. Se determinaron los valores at铆picos, se compararon las alturas entre los MDTs para conocer su diferencia, se calcul贸 el error cuadr谩tico medio (RMSE) y se defini贸 la precisi贸n y escala a la que se pueden emplear los diferentes modelos. Se concluy贸 que los MDTs SRTM 30, ALOS PALSAR e IGM pueden utilizarse para trabajos que requieran una precisi贸n inferior a los 10 metros. El MG EGM08 junto con alturas elipsoidales de alta precisi贸n podr铆an generar modelos de elevaci贸n que alcancen una precisi贸n de 1.25 metros, mientras que los MGs EGM96 e IGM pueden generar modelos que alcancen una precisi贸n de 2.5 metros. Las alturas elipsoidales de los MDTs SRTM 30, ALOS PALSAR e IGM obtenidos con los MGs EGM 96 y EGM 08 se pueden utilizar si se requiere una precisi贸n inferior a los 10 metros


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    La acumulaci贸n de sedimentos en la l铆nea costera a nivel mundial es una problem谩tica ambiental relacionada con la erosi贸n y dep贸sito del material s贸lido en ecosistemas marinos. A lo largo de los a帽os se ha utilizado el avance tecnol贸gico para la estimaci贸n de sedimentos en aguas superficiales en distintos puntos hidrogr谩ficos. Debido a la continua acumulaci贸n de dichas part铆culas suspendidas se producen cambios en la din谩mica fluvial de los r铆os, variando el equilibrio de los procesos fluviales y marinos as铆 como la morfolog铆a subacu谩tica. En el presente estudio se determinaron las zonas de mayor sedimentaci贸n litoral en el estuario del R铆o Chone, Bah铆a de Car谩quez, y se realiz贸 una predicci贸n del cambio en la din谩mica fluvial para el a帽o 2029. El proceso involucr贸 el procesamiento de im谩genes satelitales y m茅todos estad铆sticos como cadenas de Markov y Aut贸matas Celulares 煤tiles para realizar predicciones sobre coberturas vegetales, cambios de uso de suelo y aparici贸n de materiales sobre la superficie terrestre bas谩ndose en matrices como modelo predictivo. El resultado de este proceso fue la predicci贸n de sedimentos para el a帽o 2029, bas谩ndose en coberturas pertenecientes a los a帽os 2015 y 2019, donde se visualiza un aumento de s贸lidos suspendidos en el estuario del 4.45 km2 聽聽聽para el a帽o 2029 y un modelo de validaci贸n de sedimentos perteneciente al a帽o 2019 con un 铆ndice kappa del 78% de coincidencia. Se concluye que es factible identificar y predecir la acumulaci贸n y variaci贸n de sedimentos sobre la superficie reconociendo la din谩mica fluvial de los mismos para realizar predicciones mediante im谩genes satelitales

    Evaluaci贸n de los modelos digitales de terreno y geopotenciales en el Ecuador

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    Los trabajos de ingenier铆a utilizan los modelos digitales de elevaci贸n para realizar c谩lculos y modelar fen贸menos, conocer su precisi贸n permite determinar la escala de uso y la calidad de los subproductos que se obtienen. Existen modelos libres que son muy utilizados en la pr谩ctica, como es el caso de los modelos digitales del terreno (MDTs): Shuttle Radar Topography Mission (SRTM), ASTER Global Digital Elevation Map (ASTER GDEM), ALOS PALSAR, el MDT generado por el Instituto Geogr谩fico Militar del Ecuador (IGM) y los modelos geopotenciales (MGs): EGM96, EGM08 y el MG creado por el IGM. Se evaluaron los modelos utilizando los puntos de nivelaci贸n geom茅trica y altura elipsoidal levantados por el IGM. Se determinaron los valores at铆picos, se compararon las alturas entre los MDTs para conocer su diferencia, se calcul贸 el error cuadr谩tico medio (RMSE) y se defini贸 la precisi贸n y escala a la que se pueden emplear los diferentes modelos. Se concluy贸 que los MDTs SRTM 30, ALOS PALSAR e IGM pueden utilizarse para trabajos que requieran una precisi贸n inferior a los 10 metros. El MG EGM08 junto con alturas elipsoidales de alta precisi贸n podr铆an generar modelos de elevaci贸n que alcancen una precisi贸n de 1.25 metros, mientras que los MGs EGM96 e IGM pueden generar modelos que alcancen una precisi贸n de 2.5 metros. Las alturas elipsoidales de los MDTs SRTM 30, ALOS PALSAR e IGM obtenidos con los MGs EGM 96 y EGM 08 se pueden utilizar si se requiere una precisi贸n inferior a los 10 metros

    Disseminating Soil Alterations Using Geoportal on Natural Phenomena: The Case of Cotopaxi-Ecuador Volcano

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    The Cotopaxi Volcano is one of the most active stratovolcanoes in the world. It is located in the center of Ecuador, surrounded by densely populated cities as Latacunga, Machachi, or Sangoqu铆, in which the agricultural sector is very important for economic development. Ash emissions and phreatomagmatic eruptions characterized the eruptive process of Cotopaxi volcano in august 2015. A mineralogical study of the ashes showed the presence of heavy metals, which could have been transferred to the soil and could affect agricultural and livestock activities. To evaluate the relationship between the concentrations of Cd, Cu, Pb, Hg, Cr, Co, Ni, Zn and as between the soil, ash and the comparison with local regulations, three farms (Altamira farm, San Ramon farm and La Laguna farm) in the Canton of Mej铆a were defined as the study area. In those locations, the soil samples were georeferenced with a handheld GPS. The analysis was carried out before acid digestion (EPA 3050B1 method) in an ICP-OES and AMA 254 atomic absorption spectrophotometer. The metals analyzed were kept within limits defined in TULSMA Book VI: Annex 2 Soil Resource local regulations. In order to improve the visibility of the study, the presentation of the results was carried out in an open-access geoportal implemented in proprietary software. This geoportal allows the dynamic and interactive visualization of the different concentrations of heavy metals in their corresponding location

    Determining the Effects of Nanonutrient Application in Cabbage (<i>Brassica oleracea</i> var. <i>capitate</i> L.) Using Spectrometry and Biomass Estimation with UAV

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    Geospatial technologies are presented as an alternative for the monitoring and control of crops, as demonstrated through the analysis of spectral responses (SR) of each species. In this study, it was intended to determine the effects of the application of nanonutrients (Zn and Mn) in cabbage (Brassica oleracea var. capitate L.) by analyzing the relationship between the vegetation indices (VI) NDVI, GNDVI, NGRDI, RVI, GVI, CCI RARSa and the content of chlorophyll (CC), from two trials established in the field and in the greenhouse, together with the calculation of dry biomass production in the field through the use of digital models and its further validation. The results indicated that for greenhouse experiments no significant differences were found between the VIs in the implemented treatments, rather for their phenological states. Whereas in the field assays it was evidenced that there were significant differences between the VIs for the treatments, as well as for the phenological states. The SR issued in the field allowed the evaluation of the behavior of the crop due to the application of nanonutrients, which did not occur in the greenhouse, in the same way. The SR also enabled the spectral characterization of the crop in its phenological states in the two trials. All this information was stored in a digital format, which allowed the creation of a spectral library which was published on a web server. The validation of the dry biomass allowed, by statistical analysis, the efficiency of the method used for its estimation to be confirmed

    Spectral analysis of the phenological stages of Lupinus mutabilis through spectroradiometry and unmanned aerial vehicle imaging with different physical disinfection pretreatments of seeds

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    The economic and cultural importance of lupin has been identified in regions such as the alpine zone of Ecuador, where per capita consumption reaches 0.4鈥塳g per month. However, fungal pathogens affect lupin cultivation, causing considerable crop losses. In this study, Lupinus mutabilis Sweet plants started from seeds were analysed using remote sensing techniques, and different physical disinfection pretreatments were applied. A total of 6 samplings were conducted according to the phenological stages of the crop. A spectroradiometer and an unmanned aerial vehicle were used to generate vegetation indices based on the red, near-infrared and red-edge bands. Using SfM photogrammetry and RTK positioning, the vegetation index values were extracted from the orthophotos and statistically analysed. All the vegetation indices exhibited significant differences between phenological stages, but the differences between pretreatments were not as clear. The best pretreatment was determined to be drying the seeds at ambient temperature for 45鈥塵inutes

    Determination of Empirical Environmental Indices for the Location of Cemeteries鈥擜n Innovative Proposal for Worldwide Use

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    Cemeteries are a source of environmental contamination, as they hold hundreds of human corpses in different stages of decomposition. Therefore, the current research developed a new tool, which is easily applied, to determine the potential environmental contamination generated by current cemeteries within their ecosystems. The linear equations developed, with a number of variables between 10 and 3, allow for obtaining empirical indices to evaluate the suitability of a site, regardless of the geographical area in which it is located, through a variety of sources. In order to obtain the equations and, therefore, the indices, a hierarchy was performed using the Saaty matrix. With such a matrix, different ranges of affectation were established for each variable and relative values were assigned that cover all probabilities quantitatively, from the least probable to the most likely. With the linear equations, three verification runs were conducted, obtaining satisfactory results compared with the location map of cemeteries obtained in previous studies. These equations will constitute a tool of fundamental use for local governments, which will allow for the evaluation of existing cemeteries and use of the methodology described in preliminary analysis, to save resources and have a starting point for an efficient land use plan

    Proposal of an Initial Environmental Management and Land Use for Critical Cemeteries in Central Ecuador

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    Cemeteries are sites for the final disposal of human bodies that constitute a source of contamination of soil and water as a result of the cadaveric decomposition generated. The current research performed an initial study on the contamination of soil and water due to the influence of cemeteries and verified compliance with the legislation regulating land use and occupation of Central Ecuador (PUGS) with the aim of proposing an environmental and territorial solution to the problems generated by the mismanagement of cemeteries, through the physicochemical analysis of soil and water and studies of land use compatibility. The results indicate the tendency of contamination caused by the studied cemeteries, since the samples taken in both the rainy and dry season for the measurement of parameters BOD5, COD, DO, pH and electrical conductivity fail to meet the established requirements of the Ecuadorian and international environmental regulations. In addition, land use conflicts were encountered in the cemetery grounds. It is concluded that the existing cemeteries should be subjected to more detailed environmental analysis and subsequently should be treated as security landfills in the closure and post-closure stage. Also, it has been concluded that the cemeteries should not be located in urban or peri-urban areas