27 research outputs found
Persepsi Mahasiswa Keperawatan Tentang Eskalasi Tenaga Perawat
According to the Ministry of Health the number of nurse graduates per year is 46,865 people, the annual national need is 24,825, and the excess production of nurses is 11,067-22,060 per year. The increase in educational institutions has an impact on increasing graduates, nursing students are the generation of nurses, so this situation is very worrying to the nursing profession. The purpose of this study was to study the perceptions of Diploma 3 Nursing students at Bethesda Yakkum Yogyakarta Nursing School about the influence of nurses' workforce escalation. This study uses a Qualitative Design with a Phenomenology approach. The instruments used were human instruments with interview guidelines. The population was 61 Diploma 3 Nursing students in semester VI, samples were taken by purposive sampling of 5 participants. The analysis used is content analysis, and the triangulation technique used is source triangulation. This study shows students know the current condition of nurses, an increase in nurses makes students disappointed with the lecture process that has been undertaken, educational institutions increase so that graduates increase, but absorption is not optimal. This situation will result in unemployed nurses and nurses not working according to the profession. The hope of government students is to open up employment opportunities so nurses can contribute to the country in health development. Although students know about the escalation of nurses, but students are optimistic, confident in their abilities, will be entrepreneurial in health, and knowledge can be beneficial to the surrounding. Keywords: Nursing Students, Nurse Personnel, Nurse Escalatio
Dampak Kesehatan Kecanduan Permainan Pada Pemain Game Usia Muda : Tinjauan Sistematis
ABSTRACTGame addiction is an excessive use of the game for a long time. The World Health Organization has categorized game addiction as a mental disorder. The purpose of this study was to determine the factors that influence participants to play games, and determine the health effects of game addiction. This research was conducted on 18 to 21 April 2020 with the literature review method of the article on http://garuda.ristekdikti.go.id published in the period 2013 to 2019, according to the search there were 51 articles according to keywords and there were 14 selected articles. The results obtained by factors that influence participants to play games are there are facilities to play games at home, environmental influences, and the desire to play the game. Health effects that will arise are changes in diet and changes in sleep patterns that are not good, this will have a serious health impact on someone who is addicted to the game or gaming disorder if the behavior is maintained. For gamers to be able to limit the time to play the game a maximum of 1 hour a day, do not delay eating and drinking, do not delay urinating, and sleep at least eight hours a day.Keywords: Impact, health, addiction, gaming, adolescents
Pengelolaan Limbah Infeksius Rumah Tangga pada masa Pandemi COVID-19
Handling infectious waste is a major global concern for public health and the environment if improperly hands. Personal protective equipment used masks, gloves are the main contribution to the volume of waste. The purpose of this literature study is to discuss ways of handling infectious waste, household at the time of a pandemic COVID-19. The method used is a literature review. Literature in the form of national journals published from 2020 until 2021. The collection of literature using google scholar and http://garuda.ristekbrin.go.id/ database with the keywords "infectious waste COVID-19", "impact COVID-19", and "infectious waste householdâ€. The search results obtained 21 articles according to keywords. Once filtered using exclusion and inclusion criteria obtained 8 articles in the review. The results of the reviews indicate the amount of medical waste during a pandemic COVID B3-19 increased, this infectious waste is classified as medical waste garbage hazardous and toxic materials or B3, medical waste originating from households and waste from health care facilities, the public has not fully known and yet do the processing infectious waste, household, then the lack of information regarding the effectiveness of the handling of infectious waste COVID-19. It is hoped that the health facilities and the community will be able to carry out burial procedures by Permenlhk Number P.56/Menlhk-Setjen/2015 concerning Procedures and Technical Requirements for Management of Toxic Hazardous Waste from Health Service Facilities and circular No. SE/MENLHK/PSLB3/3/2020 concerning Management of Infectious Waste (B3 Waste) and Household Waste from Handling Corona Virus Disease (COVID-19).Penanganan limbah infeksius merupakan perhatian global yang besar terhadap kesehatan masyarakat dan kelestarian lingkungan jika ditanganai secara tidak tepat. Alat pelindung diri, masker bekas, sarung tangan adalah kontribusi utama volume limbah. Tujuan studi literatur ini adalah untuk membahas cara penanganan limbah infeksius dan rumah tangga pada masa pandemi covid-19. Metode yang digunakan adalah literatur review. Literatur berupa jurnal Nasional yang diterbitkan dari tahun 2020 sampai 2021. Pengumpulan literatur menggunakan database google scholar dan http://garuda.ristekbrin.go.id/ dengan kata kunci “limbah infeksius covid-19â€, “dampak covid-19†dan “limbah rumah tanggaâ€. Hasil pencarian diperoleh 21 artikel sesuai kata kunci. Setelah disaring menggunakan kriteria inklusi diperoleh 8 artikel yang di review. Hasil review menunjukkan Pada masa pandemi Covid-19 belum sepenuhnya dilakukan sesuai persyaratan terutama pada praktik penyimpanan limbah B3. Masyarakat masih belum sepenuhnya mengetahui dan belum melakukan pengolahan limbah infeksius rumah tangga, minimnya infomasi mengenai timbulan limbah medis dan efektivitas penanganan limbah infeksius salah satu faktor yang berpengaruh terhadap penanganan limbah B3 Covid-19. Penanganan limbah dapat dilakukan dengan beberapa langkah yang mudah secara umum yaitu pemilahan, pewadahan, desinfeksi dan pelabelan. Kemudian penanganan lanjutan limbah infeksius yang telah melalui beberapa tahapan perlakuan disumbernya. Memberikan informasi kepada masyarakat dengan cara mengeedukasi masyarakat melalui penyuluhan lingkungan merupakan salah satu faktor penting dalam pengolaan sampah.
Kata Kunci: Covid-19, Limbah B3, Limbah infeksius rumah tangga, Pengelolaan limba
Efektivitas Cuci Tangan Menggunakan Sabun sebagai Upaya Pencegahan Infeksi : Tinjauan Literatur
Indonesia merupakan negara yang gencar melakukan peningkatan kesehatan masyarakat,
pemerintah mencanangkan program cuci tangan pakai sabun yang berguna meningkatkan
kebersihan sehingga terhindar dari penyakit. Tujuan penelitian ini yaitu untuk mengetahui
bagaimana efektifitas cuci tangan pakai sabun/hand hygiene dalam pencegahan infeksi. Metode
penelitian yang digunakan adalah literature review dengan mengambil sumber data pada jurnal
garuda ristekdikti yang diterbitkan dalam kurun waktu tahun 2015 sampai dengan 2020 yang
diunduh pada tanggal 3 Juli sampai 10 Juli 2020. Setelah dilakukan seleksi dan identifikasi sesuai
dengan kriteria inklusi, terdapat 8 artikel yang direview. Hasil penelitian didapatkan bahwa cuci
tangan pakai sabun/hand hygiene dalam pencegahan infeksi sangat efektif, terbukti bahwa cuci
tangan pakai sabun dapat menurunkan resiko infeksi. Cuci tangan pakai sabun merupakan pilar
dari sanitasi total berbasis masyarakat yang didalamnya terdapat cuci tangan enam langkah.
Penggunaan hand sanitizer dan sabun dapat menurunkan jumlah koloni bakteri pada tangan, dan
sanitizer yang mengandung alkohol 70% sangat efektif menurunkan jumlah kuman.
Kata Kunci : CTPS, cuci tangan, hand hygiene, pencegahan infeksi
Indonesia merupakan negara yang gencar melakukan peningkatan kesehatan masyarakat, pemerintah mencanangkan program cuci tangan pakai sabun yang berguna meningkatkan kebersihan sehingga terhindar dari penyakit. Tujuan penelitian ini yaitu untuk mengetahui
bagaimana efektifitas cuci tangan pakai sabun/hand hygiene dalam pencegahan infeksi. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah literature review dengan mengambil sumber data pada jurnal garuda ristekdikti yang diterbitkan dalam kurun waktu tahun 2015 sampai dengan 2020 yang diunduh pada tanggal 3 Juli sampai 10 Juli 2020. Setelah dilakukan seleksi dan identifikasi sesuai dengan kriteria inklusi, terdapat 8 artikel yang direview. Hasil penelitian didapatkan bahwa cuci tangan pakai sabun/hand hygiene dalam pencegahan infeksi sangat efektif, terbukti bahwa cuci tangan pakai sabun dapat menurunkan resiko
infeksi. Cuci tangan pakai sabun merupakan pilar dari sanitasi total berbasis masyarakat yang didalamnya terdapat cuci tangan enam langkah. Penggunaan hand sanitizer dan sabun
dapat menurunkan jumlah koloni bakteri pada tangan, dan sanitizer yang mengandung alkohol 70% sangat efektif menurunkan jumlah kuma
Game addiction among adolescents and its’ health impacts
Online gaming is a self-entertaining activity and can be addictive. Game addiction has a negative impact. This study aimed to determine the health belief model of adolescent game disorders on health impacts. This study used a qualitative phenomenology method. Data obtained through semi-structured interviews. The sample consisted of six participants. The results showed thatall participants felt vulnerable to disease, then overall realized the dangers of playing games such as staying up late, delaying eating, and delaying urinating. Then all participants learn about the benefits of reducing playtime and understand the importance of rest. Overall, all participants had the same obstacles, namely the invitation to make friends, boredom, free time, fun playing games, and not control themselves and the trend of electronic sports. Then an action stimulus was obtained, namely that all participants experienced changes in sleep patterns. All participants were sure and wanted to change their habits and continue to try, but it wasn't easy. Suggestions for participants to maintain health by limiting their playing hours to at least one hour a day to meet their physical needs
Health risks can occur if people live close to the landfill. This study aims to determine the health problems of the people who live around the Piyungan landfill. Using a purposive sampling technique, this study involved six participants who lived around the Piyungan garbage dump. The instrument used was a human instrument with interview guidelines, as well as observation and content analysis. The results showed that all participants worked as scavengers and experienced symptoms of health problems. Health complaints felt by all participants were headache, cough, runny nose and shortness of breath. While 83% felt a sore throat, 66% felt itchy skin, and 50% complained of nausea. Continuous contact with garbage gives a high risk of experiencing health problems. It is hoped that people who work as scavengers at the Piyungan landfill can increase efforts to reduce health impacts by carrying out clean and healthy living behaviours such as washing hands before and after eating, changing work clothes every day, and using personal protective equipment, especially masks when working to minimize harmful gases. In the air enters the body.Keywords: Health problems, society, piyungan landfil
Peer review hasil karya ilmiah jurnal internasional - The Physical Health Impacts of Playing Habits Online Games on Students
Abstract: Online games are accessed via the internet , and online games can make someone forget the t ime and addicted. The World Health Organizat ion has categorized game addict ion as a mental disorder, and game addict ion has many adverse effects, primarily physical health. This study aims to determine the impact of physical health from the habit of playing online games. This study uses a qualitative method with a phenomenological approach. With the incidental sampling technique, this study involved six students who like to play online games. The instrument used was a human instrument with interview guidelines. The triangulation technique used was method t riangulat ion, namely, by using a gaming addict ion scale, and the analysis used was content analysis. All participants experienced online game addict ion (100%), then the health impacts of playing games were fatigue and feeling dizzy. Besides that, participants have the risk of gastritis and urinary tract infections because they often delay eat ing and delay urinat ing. When playing the game, the part icipants do not want to leave the game because they are not sat isfied and cannot cont rol themselves while playing the game. For part icipants to be able to prioritize physical needs such as rest , eat ,
drinking, and urinat ing and defecat ing, part icipants can limit their hours of playing games to a maximum of two hours a day to reduce the risk of harmful health impacts
Peer review hasil karya penciptaan sedehana - Leaflet Bahaya Kecanduan Permainan Gaming Disorder
Leaflet ini berisi tentang hasil penelitian yang dilakukan oleh penulis pada bulan Desember tahun 2020, kemudian juga terdapat pengertian tentang game online, pengertian kecanduan permainan, kriteria kecanduan permainan, serta angka kejadian kecanduan permainan di Indonesia. Selain itu didalam leaflet ini terdapat juga contoh kebiasaan orang yang kecanduan bermain game, kemudian dampak negatif dari kecanduan game yang terdiri dari dampak kesehatan, dampak sosial, dan dampak pendidikan, serta yang terakhir terdapat cara mengatasi kecanduan permainan