253 research outputs found

    The compatibility analysis of subject matter description with basic competence at science textbook for 7th grade of junior high school

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    The aim of this research is to analyze the quality of science textbooks for 7th grade of Junior High School in Bandung City. This research use content analysis method and data analysis with quantitative descriptive analysis technique. The compatibility analysis of subject matter description with basic competence use instrument which adopted from the instrument of BSNP and based on three indicators, (1) completeness, (2) broadness, and (3) deepness. Completeness based on the presentation of subject matter, broadness based on the presentation of concept, definition, procedure, or example which support to the subject matter, and deepness based on subject matter explanation. The samples are one electronic textbook (BSE), be code in A and two non-electronic textbooks (non-BSE), be code in B and C. The samples selected by purposive sampling technique. Analysis result shows that the completeness of book A, B, and C are 100%, 96,15%, and 96,15% consecutively. The broadness of book A, B, and C are 100%, 88,46%, and 84,62% consecutively. The deepness of book A, B, and C are 92,31%, 88,46%, and 73,08% consecutively. So, book A (BSE) have better quality than book B and C (non-BSE)


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    Kuliah Kerja Nyata (KKN) ini bertujuan untuk meningkatkan empati dan kepedulian mahasiswa menanamkan nilai kepribadian yang tanggung jawab, kepemimpinan serta kekompakaan setiap tim dan memperkuat serta membangun jiwa masyarakat yang lebih peduli terhadap kelompok/kelembagaan yang baik dan benar serta berkualitas untuk menjadikan suatu kelompok tani yang tangguh.&nbsp

    Pemilihan Media Promosi STMIK Pelita Nusantara Medan dengan Metode Analytic Network Process (ANP)

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    Analytic Network Process (ANP) algorithm is used to find optimal alternatives from a set of alternatives with certain criteria. Selection or process is carried out by evaluating promotional media by distributing questionnaires to students to find out the media to be evaluated next by selecting 4 promotional media, determining criteria and sub criteria by distributing questionnaires to the Chairperson of STMIK Pelita Nusantara, Puket III Student and Promotion Section, and The Chairperson of the Promotion, then processes the data using Super Decisions Software 2.4.0. The highest rating results obtained from the analysis and discussion show that the Internet (0.329). from the results of the distributed questionnaire data processing to the management of STMIK Pelita Nusantara Medan, namely the Chairperson, the Third Bouquet and Promotion Section, and the Chairperson of Pelita Nusantara STMIK Promotion, and the application of the Analyst Network Process (ANP) method with the Super Decisions 2.4.0 Application producing cracking the highest media is the Internet (0.329), followed by School Visits (0.274), Radio (0.213), and Banners / Billboards (0.185)

    Sistem Informasi Penjualan pada Karo Rumah Mode di Simalingkar Berbasis Web

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    This study discusses the web-based sales information system at the Rumah Mode Karo store which has a collection of different men\u27s and women\u27s clothing products for sale. In addition to selling clothing collections, karo fashion houses also sell Tupperware. Karo Rumah Mode currently still sells directly and does not have a sales information system so that it causes problems such as recording the Karo Rumah Mode sales transaction data still manually, the store is difficult to control all products that have been sold and those that have not been sold, nor is the store know how much stock is still available for each type of product, who receives money on the sale of a product is also not well-documented and clear. Then from the problems that arise the proposed solution to overcome this problem is to build a sales information system that uses the PHP programming language and MYSQL as the database. The goal is a web-based information system that is built can make sales both online and directly in the store and facilitate users in sales transactions, report inventory and receipt of money against sales transactions are well-documented and clear. The method used in this study is literature study and interviews / case studies at fashion house karo stores

    Pembentukan Konsep Diri Orang dengan Hiv/aids (Odha) di Kota Pekanbaru dalam Perspektif Fenomenologi

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    The problem faced by people with HIV / AIDS (ODHA) is not just a problem of decreasing physical condition but also social issues such as acceptance of negative labels and forms of discrimination from the social environment. Received the negative label ODHA affected how people living with HIV against him or himself. Self concept is the decisive factor in interpersonal communication, because everyone behaves in accordance with the concept itself. The purpose of this research was to determine how self-concept construck people with HIV / AIDS (ODHA) in Pekanbaru.This study was conducted from January to June 2015 at the Sebaya Lancang Kuning foundation Pekanbaru. This study used a qualitative research method with data collection techniques of observation, interviews, documentation. The object of this study is the concept of self-people living with HIV in the city of Pekanbaru with a phenomenological perspective. The number of informants in this study were as many as six people consisting of one founder of the foundation, 2 people patient of HIV / AIDS one other people who work in health and two people closest to people with HIV / AIDS. Subject retrieval using snow ball sampling technique. For data analysis techniques using the Miles and Huberman. To check the validity of the data, researchers used data triangulation techniqueThe results showed that the self-concept of ODHA in Pekanbaru city as a whole are at unfavorable category. This finding is supported by the fact that many people with HIV / AIDS really want to try to improve their behavior but their negative attitude of society to change the concept of people living with HIV themselves into a negative direction. Due to the worse is the cause of understanding themselves as individuals who are unwanted and may become a useful person who function normally in society makes people living with HIV have a negative self viewKeywords : ODHA, HIV/ AIDS, Social Patolog

    Citespong House Of Drug Rehabilitation Center

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    Narkoba seringkali disalahgunakan oleh banyak kalangan masyarakat. Ketergantungan pengguna narkoba ini sulit untuk disembuhkan, tidak hanya karena zat nikotin yang terkandung didalamnya tetapi juga lingkungan yang tidak sehat dan keinginan pengguna narkoba itu sendiri. Rehabilitasi narkoba menjadi sebuah wadah untuk memberikan pertolongan agar pengguna narkoba dapat sembuh. Namun, banyak rehabilitasi narkoba di Indonesia yang belum memperhatikan lingkungan sebagai faktor penting dalam proses penyembuhan. Therapeutic Environment adalah USAha penyembuhan pasien dengan menggunakan berbagai pengobatan melalui metode-metode medis, sosial, moral hingga lingkungan fisik. Pengaplikasian metode Therapeutic Environment diharapkan mampu mempengaruhi perilaku dan psikologi pengguna narkoba melalui perancangan ruang berbasis lingkungan

    Over-Sampling for Accurate Masking Threshold Calculation in Wavelet Packet Audio Coders

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    Many existing audio coders use a critically sampled discrete wavelet transform (DWT) for the decomposition of audio signals. While the aliasing present in the wavelet coefficients is cancelled in the decoder, these coders normally perform calculation of the simultaneous masking threshold directly on these aliased coefficients. This paper uses over-sampling in the wavelet packet decomposition in order to provide alias-free coefficients for accurate simultaneous masking threshold calculation. The proposed technique is compared with masking threshold calculation based upon the FFT and critically-sampled wavelet coefficients, and the results show that a bit rate saving of up to 16 kbit/s can be achieved using over-sampling

    Perancangan Dan Implementasi Kontroler PID Untuk Pengaturan Autonomous Car-Following Car

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    Pengiriman logistik ke daerah-daerah rawan bencana merupakan hal yang sangat sulit dilakukan, tentunya diperlukan pengetahuan mengenai kondisi medan jalan. Salah satu dampak yang utama adalah sulitnya melakukan manuver dalam pengendalian performansi truk logistik yang pada umumnya berupa truk-truk gandeng. Untuk membantu pengemudi truk dalam berkendara pada kondisi tersebut, dirancang sebuah prototype mobil mandiri (Autonomous Car) yang mampu melakukan manuver-manuver pergerakan secara sendirinya, salah satu manuver tersebut ialah Following Car. Dalam Tugas Akhir ini perancangan sistem yang akan dilakukan dengan memodelkan dua buah kendaraan mobil RC (remote control) yang bertindak sebagai follower dan leader car. Pengoperasian dari following car dilakukan dengan memodifikasi dari kendaraan RC-1, sedangkan RC-2 bertindak sebagai leader car yang dikondisikan secara manual. Dengan penerapan kontroler PID pada implementasi sistem didapatkan penurunan time settling menjadi 2,7 Detik dan peningkatan error steady state sebesar 2,44%. Pada implementasi diberikan kecepatan leader secara acak, dengan implementasi kontroler PID, kondisi jarak antara autonomous car dengan leader car masih dalam range keadaan ideal pada set point
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