47 research outputs found

    Optimalisasi Tingkat Pemanfaatan Fasilitas Dasar Dan Fungsional Di Pelabuhan Perikanan Samudera Nizam Zachman Jakarta Dalam Menunjang Kegiatan Penangkapan Ikan

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    Nizam Zachman Ocean Fishery Port Jakarta (PPSNZJ) is the center of fishing activities in Jakarta. This is supported by the location of its strategic location that has the potential to own a good fhishery resources. As Indonesia entered the ara of decentralization, each district is required to be able to support their own region to optimize the full potential of the area both real and non real sector. Therefore, in the fisheries sector, built Nizam Zachman Jakarta Ocean Fishery Port (PPSNZJ). The study aims to determinate the condition of facilities, to analyze the level of optimization, and analyze appropriate strategies to be applied in the development of PPSNZJ with current condition. The method used in this study was descriptive sampling and purposive sampling analysis of the utilization rate of facilities and SWOT analysis were used in this study. The result obtained that the existing facilities at the Nizam Zachman Jakarta Ocean Fishery Port (PPSNZJ) was still good condition and still proper to use, with the cruise line utilization rate 87%, 96% harbor pool, pier 110%, 129% TPI. From these result could be concluded than the optimization of basic facilities and fully functional facilities have not been utilized optimally. While the result obtained from the application of SWOT analysis S-O strategy (Strength-Opportunity) which means that the strategy in its application to use force to take advantage of an opportunity

    Pengaruh Suhu Dan Waktu Reaksi Pada Pembuatan Biodiesel Dari Minyak Jelantah

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    This study aimed to utilize waste cooking oil as raw material for biodiesel production and to study the influence of time and temperature of the transesterification reaction on the biodiesel production and its characteristics. The study was conducted by base transesterification with NaOH at a molar ratio of waste cooking oil to methanol 1:6. A combination of three levels of temperature (45⁰C, 55⁰C and 65⁰C) and three levels of reaction time (5 minutes, 10 minutes, and 30 minutes) was performed. Each treatment was conducted with 3 replications. The results showed that the yield of biodiesel was affected by temperature and reaction time. The optimum treatment combination was transesterification at temperature of 65⁰C and 30 minutes of reaction time, which produced 72,87 % methyl ester with a density of 0,85 g/ml, viscosity of 1,65 cSt and acid number of 0,07 %. Although the density and acid number of biodiesel produced met the biodiesel quality standards of Indonesia (SNI), it was not recommended to be used as fuel engine


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    Carrot (Daucus carota L.) is a plant which used as traditional medicine and one of its benefits isas diuretic. The research was aimed to find out diuretic effect of Carrot juice and relationship ofthe increases of Carrot juice (Daucus carota L.) concentration on white male mice strain Wistar(Rattus norvegicus). Fifteen mices were divided into five group of treatment, namely negativecontrol group (CMC 1% suspension), positive control group (furosemid suspension), 15%suspension of carrot juice group, 30% suspension of carrot juice group and 60% suspension ofCarrot juice group.The test of diuretic effect were conducted by calculate volume of excretedurine during 24 hours treatment. Data were analyzed using spss ver.19. The differences betweentreatments were analyzed using one way ANOVA.The result shows that suspension of Carrotjuice treatment increase urine volume. The increases of juice concentration shows better effect.Based on result, it can be concluded that Carrot juice possess diuretic effect (p<0,05), and thereare correlation between concentrations of Carrot juice to the increasing of urinevolume.Keywords : Carrot juice, diuretic effect, Rattus norvegicu

    Analisis Preferensi Konsumen Pengguna Jasa Maskapai Penerbangan Untuk Rute Semarang-Jakarta Dengan Metode Choice-based Conjoint (Full Profile)

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    Airline services nowadays become one of the highly coveted options by many consumers for long-distance transportation. The increasing numbers of users makes airlines tightly compete each other to attract consumers\u27 interest. Thus, analysis to consumer preference has always been the starting point in market research as reference in creating new innovation. This research uses the choice-based conjoint analysis with the full profile as method of presentation. Conjoint analysis is a multivariate analysis method that can be used as a measurement for the level of preference. In the instrument, consumers were asked to choose one among three attribute combination of each choice set within 9 choice sets. Utility values were obtained by conditional logic model. The results show that for each attribute the order of preference is Price-Airport tax-Class-Facility. Judging from the value of its usefulness, the most preferred attribute by consumer is Airport tax and that Include is preferably from Exclude. For Price attribute, lower than 500 thousand rupiahs is the most preferred categories among others. In Class attribute, Business is more preferable than other categories. And for Facility attribute, entertainment is the most preferred one of other categories

    Multiple geographic origins of commensalism and complex dispersal history of black rats

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    The Black Rat (Rattus rattus) spread out of Asia to become one of the world's worst agricultural and urban pests, and a reservoir or vector of numerous zoonotic diseases, including the devastating plague. Despite the global scale and inestimable cost of their impacts on both human livelihoods and natural ecosystems, little is known of the global genetic diversity of Black Rats, the timing and directions of their historical dispersals, and the risks associated with contemporary movements. We surveyed mitochondrial DNA of Black Rats collected across their global range as a first step towards obtaining an historical genetic perspective on this socioeconomically important group of rodents. We found a strong phylogeographic pattern with well-differentiated lineages of Black Rats native to South Asia, the Himalayan region, southern Indochina, and northern Indochina to East Asia, and a diversification that probably commenced in the early Middle Pleistocene. We also identified two other currently recognised species of Rattus as potential derivatives of a paraphyletic R. rattus. Three of the four phylogenetic lineage units within R. rattus show clear genetic signatures of major population expansion in prehistoric times, and the distribution of particular haplogroups mirrors archaeologically and historically documented patterns of human dispersal and trade. Commensalism clearly arose multiple times in R. rattus and in widely separated geographic regions, and this may account for apparent regionalism in their associated pathogens. Our findings represent an important step towards deeper understanding the complex and influential relationship that has developed between Black Rats and humans, and invite a thorough re-examination of host-pathogen associations among Black Rats.Ken P. Aplin...Stephen C. Donnellan, Jeremy Austin...Julien Soubrier...Alan Coope

    Pengembangan Perangkat Pembelajaran Berdasarkan Pembelajaran Berbasis Masalah untuk Meningkatkan Kemampuan Komunikasi Matematis Siswa SMP Negeri 1 Gunung Malela Hal. 11-31

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    Tujuan penelitian ini adalah : (1) mendeskripsikan tingkat kemampuan komunikasi matematis siswa dalam pembelajaran berbasis masalah; (2) mendeskripsikan aktivitas aktif siswa selama proses pembelajaran dalam pembelajaran berbasis masalah dan (3) mendeskripsikan respon siswa terhadap komponen dalam proses pembelajaran berbasis masalah. Jenis penelitian ini adalah pengembangan. Populasi dalam penelitian ini adalah seluruh siswa SMP N 1 Gunung Malela, dan sampelnya dipilih secara acak yaitu VII-3 dan VII-4 yang masing- masing berjumlah 32 orang. Instrumen yang digunakan terdiri dari tes komunikasi matematik siswa yang berbentuk uraian. Instrumen tersebut dinyatakan telah memenuhi syarat validasi serta memiliki koefisien realibilitas pre-tes dan pos-tes 0,81 dan 0,62. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa: (1) tingkat ketercapaian kemampuan komunikasi matematis siswa dalam pembelajaran berbasis masalah yaitu secara klasikal sebesar 87,50% sedangkan peningkatan kemampuan komunikasi matematis siswa pada ujicoba I yaitu 2,73 meningkat menjadi 3,05 pada ujicoba II. Aspek kemampuan komunikasi matematis yang paling tinggi peningkatannya adalah pada aspek menggambar; (2) aktivitas aktif siswa selama proses pembelajaran dalam pembelajaran berbasis masalah sudah berada pada kriteria batasan keefektifan pembelajaran; dan (3) respon siswa terhadap komponen dalam proses pembelajaran berbasis masalah sudah menunjukkan respon yang positip.Peneliti menyarankan agar pembelajaran berbasis masalah menjadi alternatif bagi guru dalam meningkatkan kemampuan komunikasi matematis siswa