8 research outputs found


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    The impact of the COVID-19 pandemic that occurred in Indonesia caused the learning process in tertiary institutions to change. The learning process in tertiary institutions is required to be mastered in their respective homes. This has an impact on the learning process activities on campus which has 45.5 million students and students are one of the places prone to the spread of the COVID-19 virus. This study aims to determine the effect of using blended learning methods on student motivation in medical-surgical nursing courses during the COVID-19 pandemic. This type of research uses quantitative research with a cross-sectional design approach. The population in this study were all nursing diploma students totaling 160 people. The sample used was purposive sampling in which a sample determination technique was carried out by selecting a sample among the population according to what the researcher wanted as many as 67 people. This research was conducted in June-July 2022. Based on the results of the research conducted, it was found that there was an effect of using the blended learning method on student learning motivation in medical-surgical nursing courses during the COVID-19 pandemic with a p-value of 0.000. The use of blended learning methods can affect student learning motivation. The results of this study are expected to increase student motivation in attending lectures, especially medical-surgical nursing courses

    Edukasi Pemberian Jus Kulit Manggis Terhadap Kestabilan Kadar Glukosa Darah Pasien Diabetes Mellitus Tipe II

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    ABSTRAK Pasien Diabetes Tipe II ditandai dengan adanya peningkatan Kadar Glukosa dalam Darah. Xanton merupakan senyawa bioaktif pada kulit buah manggis yang diperkirakan mempunyai efek antidiabetes. Studi fitokimia telah menunjukkan bahwa mereka mengandung berbagai metabolit sekunder, seperti oksigen dan terprenilasi xanthones. Berdasarkan studi pendahuluan yang telah dilakukan di Wilayah Kerja Puskesmas Sibolangit dengan melakukan wawancara pada 10 orang penderita Diabetes Mellitus Tipe II, sebagian besar mengatakan jika kadar glukosa darah meningkat hanya meminum obat yang telah diberikan pihak Rumah Sakit dan tidak pernah mengetahui manfaat dari jus kulit manggis dapat mengatasi kestabilan kadar glukosa darah. Tujuan dari edukasi yang dilakukan adalah meningkatkan pengetahuan penderita Diabetes Mellitus Tipe II dalam pembuatan jus kulit manggis. Metode dalam pengabdian ini adalah dengan melakukan pendampingan cara pembuatan jus kulit manggis secara langsung oleh pengabdi. Sasaran dalam pengabdian ini adalah penderita Diabetes Mellitus Tipe II di Wilayah Kerja Puskesms Sibolangit. Setelah dilakukan penyuluhan dan pendampingan akan dievaluasi hasil edukasi yang telah diberikan dengan menggunakan kuesioner untuk mengevaluasi pengetahuan penderita Diabetes Mellitus Tipe II tentang manfaat jus kulit manggis untuk kestabilan Kadar Glukosa Darah setelah 1 minggu mengkonsumsi jus kulit manggis dan dievaluasi penurunan kadar glukosa darahnya. Hasil pengukuran pengetahuan penderita Diabetes Mellitus Tipe II sebelum dan sesudah edukasi meningkat sebesar 7,9. Kesimpulan evaluasi hasil kadar glukosa darah pasien Diabetes Tipe II mengalami penurunan yaitu rata-rata 2.00 mg/dl. Kata Kunci: Edukasi Pemberian Jus Kulit  Manggis, Pengetahuan, Kadar Glukosa Darah  ABSTRACT Type II Diabetes patients are characterized by an increase in blood glucose levels. Xanthones are bioactive compounds in mangosteen rind which are thought to have antidiabetic effects. Phytochemical studies have shown that they contain various secondary metabolites, such as oxygen and prenylated xanthones. Based on a preliminary study that was conducted in the Sibolangit Health Center Work Area by conducting interviews with 10 people with Type II Diabetes Mellitus, most said that if blood glucose levels increased, they only took the medicine that had been given by the hospital and never knew the benefits of mangosteen peel juice. stabilize blood glucose levels. The purpose of the education conducted is to increase the knowledge of Type II Diabetes Mellitus sufferers in making mangosteen rind juice. The method in this service is to provide assistance on how to make mangosteen peel juice directly by the servant. The targets in this service are people with Diabetes Mellitus Type II in the Working Area of the Sibolangit Health Center. After counseling and mentoring will be evaluated the results of the education that has been given using a questionnaire to evaluate the knowledge of Type II Diabetes Mellitus sufferers about the benefits of mangosteen peel juice for stability of blood glucose levels after 1 week of consuming mangosteen peel juice and evaluated for a decrease in blood glucose levels. The results of measuring the knowledge of people with Diabetes Mellitus Type II before and after education have increased of 7,9. The conclusion of the evaluation of the results of blood glucose levels in Type II Diabetes patients has decreased, namely an average of 2.00 mg/dl. Keywords: Education on Giving Mangosteen Peel Juice, Knowledge, Blood Glucose Level


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    Pada pasien rawat inap, pemasangan infus atau kateter vena perifer merupakan prosedurinvasif yang paling sering dilakukan. Pasien yang menerima terapi intravena selamadirawat di rumah sakit diperkirakan sekitar setengah dari keseluruhan pasien. Lebih dari90% pasien di rumah sakit menerima terapi intra vena melalui beberapa alat intravena(Chang & Peng, 2018). Komplikasi yang paling sering terjadi akibat terapi intravena yangditandai dengan pembengkakan, kemerahan, infiltrasi (kebocoran cairan dari vena),demam, nyeri, infeksi kulit lokal, dan infeksi aliran darah adalah phlebitis (Mihala et al.2018). Kemenkes RI (2017) menyatakan bahwa phlebitis adalah ditemukannya tanda-tanda kemerahan seperti terbakar, adanya pembengkakan, adanya rasa sakit apabiladilakukan penekanan, adanya ulkus sampai eksudat purulen atau keluarnya cairan jikaditekan pada daerah lokal tusukan infus

    Sosialisasi Pentingnya Tetap Menerapkan Pola Hidup Sehat dalam Meningkatkan Sistem Imun

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    ABSTRAK Pola hidup sehat didapat dari mereka yang memperhatikan keadaan tubuhnya, rajin berolahraga, makan dan tidur yang cukup, hal ini menyebabkan tingkat kesehatan seseorang menjadi lebih baik, hal ini akan menjadikan kualitas hidup seseorang meningkat. Tujuan dari kegiatan pengabdian kepada masyarakat ini adalah membantu masyarakat Desa di Lingkungan XI Kelurahan Sei Agul, mengatasi persoalan-persoalan yang dihadapi saat ini dalam meningkatkan dan memelihara kesehatan dengan menerapkan pola hidup sehat. Metode yang akan digunakan dalam pengabdian masyarakat ini adalah melalui kegiatan penyuluhan agar masyarakat di Lingkungan XI Kelurahan Sei Agul dapat menerapkan pola hidup sehat. Selain itu, memberikan pelatihan-pelatihan dalam menjaga dan memelihara kesehatan tubuh agar terhindar dari berbagai macam penyakit (Public Healt Education). dari hasil pelatihan dan penyuluhan disimpulkan Hasil: masyarakat di lingkungan XI mengerti akan pentingnya menerapkan pola hidup sehat dalam meningkatkan system imun. Bahwa selama proses pelatihan masyarakat Lingkungan XI Kelurahan Sei Agul antusias mengikuti pelatihan. Saran: diharapkan dapat mengaplikasikan dalam kegiatan sehari-hari. Kata Kunci: Pola Hidup Sehat, Penyuluhan Kesehatan  ABSTRACT A healthy lifestyle is obtained from those who pay attention to the condition of their bodies, exercise diligently, eat and sleep enough, this causes a person's health level to be better, this will improve a person's quality of life. The purpose of this community service activity is to help village communities in the XI Sei Agul Village, overcome the problems they are currently facing in improving and maintaining health by adopting a healthy lifestyle. The method that will be used in this community service is through outreach activities so that people in the XI Sei Agul Subdistrict can adopt a healthy lifestyle. In addition, providing training in maintaining and maintaining a healthy body to avoid various diseases (Public Health Education). from the results of the training and counseling it was concluded Results: the community in the XI neighborhood understood the importance of adopting a healthy lifestyle in improving the immune system. Conclusion: that during the training process the people of the XI Neighborhood of the Sei Agul Village were enthusiastic about participating in the training. Suggestion: expected to be able to apply in daily activities. Keywords: Healthy Lifestyle, Health Educatio

    The Effect of Manggist Skin Juice on The Stability of Blood Sugar Levels in Diabetes Mellitus (DM) Patients

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    ABSTRACT Blood sugar level refers to the level of glucose in the blood. One that can maintain stable blood sugar levels is mangosteen peel juice, because mangosteen peel juice contains xantones and flavonoids that stabilize blood sugar levels. This study aims to determine the effect of mangosteen peel juice on the stability of blood sugar levels in diabetes mellitus patients at the Public Health Center Sibolangit. The design of this research is Quasi Experiment Design using One-group pretest posttest design. The sample in this study were 10 patients using purposive sampling. Data analysis used Paired Sample T-Test. The results showed that the P-value was 0.027 (P-value <0.05) so it could be concluded that there was an effect of giving mangosteen rind juice on the stability of blood sugar levels in diabetes mellitus patients at the Sibolangit Health Center. Mangosteen peel juice is one of the herbal medicines that can lower blood sugar levels in Diabetes Mellitus patients. Keywords: Juice Mangosteen Skin, The Stability of Blood Sugar Level

    Penyuluhan Bantuan Hidup Dasar (BHD) dengan Resusitasi Jantung Paru (RJP) pada Masyarakat Di Puskesmas Tuntungan Medan

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    ABSTRAK Kondisi henti jantung dan henti napas bisa terjadi tiba-tiba dan ini bukanlah sesuatu yang diinginkan dan dapat terjadi dimanapun dan kapan saja. Oleh karena itu, masyarakat sudah seharusnya mampu melakukan tindakan bantuan hidup dasar (BHD) melalui tata laksana tindakan resusitasi jantung paru (RJP). Penatalaksanan tindakan RJP merupakan upaya pertolongan awal, juga berguna untuk mempertahankan aliran darah ke otak, jantung dan seluruh tubuh sehingga diharapkan masyarakat menjadi penyelamat pertama bagi korban yang mengalami kondisi henti jantung dan nafas disekitar kita. Tujuan pengabdian ini adalah masyarakat dapat mengetahui dan melakukan tindakantata laksana BHD dan RJP pada pengunjung dan pasien di Puskesmas Tuntungan Medan. Metode yang digunakan dengan ceramah, diskusi, praktek dan pembagian leaflet mengenai materi BHD dengan RJP yang dilakukan melalui 3 tahapan yaitu tahap persiapan, pelaksanaan dan evaluasi dengan jumlah peserta sebanyak 30 orang. Hasil yang didapatkan pada kegiatan penyuluhan yaitu peserta mampu memahami materi yang disampaikan dibuktikan dengan respon peserta penyuluhan sangat antusias dalam memperhatikan, memahami dan memperagakan tindakan. Penyuluhan terkait penatalaksanaan BHD untuk masyarakat menjadi pengubah cara pandang masyarakat tentang pentingnya memahami danmelaksanakan tindakan BHD dalam upaya mempertahankan dan menyelamatan kehidupan orang disekitar kita. Kata Kunci: Bantuan Hidup Dasar, Henti Jantung, Penyuluhan  ABSTRACT Cardiac arrest and respiratory arrest can occur suddenly and this is not something that is desired and can occur anywhere and anytime. Therefore, the community should be able to perform basic life support (BHD) through the management of cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR). CPR action management is an early aid effort, also useful for maintaining blood flow to the brain, heart and the whole body so that it is hoped that the community will become the first savior for victims who experience cardiac arrest and breathing conditions around us. The purpose of this service is that the community can know and perform BHD and CPR management actions on visitors and patients at Puskesmas Tuntungan Medan. The method used was lecture, discussion, practice and distribution of leaflets regarding BHD material with CPR which was carried out through 3 stages, namely the preparation, implementation and evaluation stages with a total of 30 participants. The results obtained in counseling activities are that participants are able to understand the material presented as evidenced by the response of counseling participants who are very enthusiastic in paying attention, understanding and demonstrating actions. Counseling related to BHD management for the community is a change in the community's perspective on the importance of understanding and implementing BHD actions in an effort to maintain and save the lives of people around us. Keywords:  Basic Life Support, Cardiac arrest, Counselin

    Hubungan Breastfeeding Father dan Tingkat Pengetahuan Suami terhadap Keberhasilan Asi Eksklusif pada Ibu yang Memiliki Bayi

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    ABSTRACT Exclusive breastfeeding in Paya Mala Village, Sei Lepan District is still low. The low level of exclusive breastfeeding in Paya Mala Village, Sei Lepan District, is related to breastfeeding fathers and the husband's level of knowledge. This study aims to determine the relationship between breastfeeding father and the level of knowledge of husbands with the success of exclusive breastfeeding in mothers who have babies in the village of Paya Mala, Sei Lepan district. This type of research is analytic survey research with cross sectional design. The population in this study were all husbands of mothers who had babies in Paya Mala Village, Sei Lepan District, totaling 42 people with a total sampling of 42 people. Data collection with primary and secondary data and analyzed by chi Square statistical test with a confidence level of 95%. The results showed that there was a relationship between breastfeeding father and the success of exclusive breastfeeding in mothers who had babies in Paya Mala Village, Sei Lepan District, and there was a relationship between the husband's knowledge level and the success of exclusive breastfeeding in mothers who had babies in Paya Mala Village, Sei Lepan District. It is suggested that husbands in Paya Mala Village, Sei Lepan District, need to increase their knowledge about exclusive breastfeeding by following counseling held by health workers and seeking information about exclusive breastfeeding and for health workers in Paya Mala Village, Sei Lepan District, it is necessary to increase the understanding of mothers about exclusive breastfeeding and increase family support in an effort to increase exclusive breastfeeding.  Keywords: Breastfeeding Father, Knowledge, The Success of Exclusive Breastfeeding  ABSTRAK Pemberian ASI Eksklusif di Desa Paya Mala Kecamatan Sei Lepan masih rendah. Rendahnya pemberian ASI Eksklusif di Desa Paya Mala Kecamatan Sei Lepan terkait dengan breastfeeding father dan tingkat pengetahuan suami. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui hubungan breastfeeding father dan tingkat pengetahuan suami dengan keberhasilan ASI Eksklusif pada ibu yang memiliki bayi di Desa Paya Mala Kecamatan Sei Lepan. Jenis penelitian yang digunakan adalah penelitian survei analitik dengan desain cross sectional. Populasi dalam penelitian ini adalah seluruh suami dari ibu yang memiliki bayi di Desa Paya Mala Kecamatan Sei Lepan yang berjumlah 42 orang dengan total sampling sebanyak 42 orang. Pengumpulan data dengan data primer dan sekunder dan dianalisis dengan uji statistik chi Square dengan tingkat kepercayaan 95%. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa terdapat hubungan breastfeeding father dengan keberhasilan ASI Eksklusif pada ibu yang memiliki bayi di Desa Paya Mala Kecamatan Sei Lepan dan terdapat hubungan tingkat pengetahuan suami dengan keberhasilan ASI Eksklusif pada ibu yang memiliki bayi di Desa Paya Mala Kecamatan Sei Lepan. Disarankan kepada suami di Desa Paya Mala Kecamatan Sei Lepan perlu meningkatkan pengetahuan tentang pemberian ASI Eksklusif dengan mengikuti penyuluhan yang diadakan petugas kesehatan dan mencari informasi tentang ASI Ekslusif dan kepada tenaga kesehatan di Desa Paya Mala Kecamatan Sei Lepan perlu meningkatkan pemahaman ibu tentang pemberian ASI Eksklusif dan meningkatkan dukungan keluarga dalam upaya peningkatan pemberian ASI Eksklusif. Kata Kunci : Breastfeeding Father, Pengetahuan, Keberhasilan ASI Eksklusi

    Hubungan Peran Dosen Pengampu Mata Kuliah dengan Motivasi Belajar Mahasiswa Program Studi Sarjana Keperawatan

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    ABSTRACT Nursing education is an important process that every nurse must go through. For this reason, the first and most important step in the process of nursing professionalism in Indonesia is to organize nursing education as professional education. To educate the nation's life, the role of lecturers is needed to help parents in terms of knowledge, especially cognitive and facilitate the development of individual potential to be able to carry out self-actualization. One of the noble duties carried out by lecturers is not only to teach students but to encourage them to learn more. The purpose of this research is to find out the relationship between the role of the lecturer in charge of the course and the learning motivation of undergraduate nursing students at Audi Indonesia University. This research is a descriptive analytic study with a cross sectional approach. Data collection was carried out using total sampling technique with a sample size of 85 undergraduate nursing students. The study showed that the role of lecturers in nursing was in the very good category of 87.1%. The learning motivation of undergraduate nursing students at Audi Indonesia University is 63.5% of respondents in the high category. There is a significant relationship between the role of lecturers and the learning motivation of undergraduate nursing students at Audi Indonesia University (p value 0.001). Keywords : The Role of Subject Lecturers, Student Learning Motivation   ABSTRAK Pendidikan keperawatan merupakan satu proses penting yang harus dilalui oleh setiap perawat. Untuk itu langkah yang paling awal dan penting dilakukan dalam proses profesionalisme keperawatan di Indonesia adalah menata pendidikan keperawatan sebagai pendidikan  professional. Untuk mencerdaskan kehidupan bangsa, diperlukannya peran dosen membantu orang tua dalam hal pengetahuan terutama kognitif dan memfasilitasi berkembangnya potensi individu untuk bisa melakukan aktualisasi diri. Salah satu tugas mulia yang diemban dosen tidak hanya untuk mengajar mahasiswa tetapi lebih mendorong mereka untuk belajar. Peneliti ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui hubungan peran dosen pengampu mata kuliah dengan motivasi belajar mahasiswa sarjana keperawatan Universitas Audi Indonesia. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian sedkriptif analitik dengan pendekatan cross sectional. Pengambilan data dilakukan dengan teknik total sampling dengan jumlah sampel 85 mahasiswa sarjana keperawatan. Penelitian menunjukkan peran dosen sarjana keperawatan berada pada kategori sangat baik sebanyak 87,1%. Motivasi belajar mahasiswa sarjana keperawatan Universitas Audi Indonesia sebanyak 63,5% responden berada pada kategori tinggi. Ada hubungan bermakna antara peran dosen dan motivasi belajar mahasiswa sarjana keperawatan (p value 0,001). Kata Kunci: Peran Dosen Pengampu Mata Pelajaran, Motivasi Belajar Mahasisw