10 research outputs found

    Evaluasi Bahaya Gempa (Seismic Hazard) Dengan Menggunakan Metode Point Source Dan Penentuan Respons Spektra Desain Kota Kupang

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    The earthquake which occurred at a site is caused by the release of energy from theepicenter, which then propagate to the location of the earthquake. The amount of energy tothe location will affect the magnitude earthquake that occurred. Seismic hazard analysis is ananalysis of the influence of the release of energy from the epicenter of a particular location,which will result in ground motion parameters are useful for the design of the structure.Based on Standar Perencanaan Ketahanan Gempa untuk Struktur Bangunan Gedung(ISO - 1726 - 2002), the city of Kupang located within the boundary 4 with 0,20 g seismicresponse factor and region 5 with 0.25g earthquake response factor. However, within recentyears, occurred several times a quake with a magnitude of more than 8 on the Richter scale.Therefore, the need to do research on Seismic Hazard and determination of response spectradesign of the city of Kupang in order to know the value of Peak Ground Acceleration (PGA)*) Dosen Teknik Sipil FST Undana 42Kupang earthquake return period of 500 years and the response spectra for the city ofKupang.This research results an earthquake with return period of 500 years in Kupang city has aPeak Ground Acceleration (PGA), 0.2 g and has a duration of between 8 seconds and theresponse spectra for Kupang by using the maximum acceleration is 1961.33 mm/s2

    Pengaruh Penggantian Sebagian Agregat Halus Dengan Kertas Koran Bekas Pada Campuran Batako Semen Portland Terhadap Kuat Tekan Dan Serapan Air

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    Ketersedian material alam untuk konstruksi sangatlah terbatas, di lain pihak permintaan akanmaterial tersebut terus meningkat, sehingga perlu dicoba untuk menggunakan materialalternatif seperti memanfaatkan barang bekas yang sering menjadi sampah sebagai materialkonstruksi. Salah satu alternatif yang dicoba adalah kertas koran bekas sebagai materialtambahan dalam campuran batako semen portland untuk menggantikan sebagian pasir,sehingga dapat mengurangi pemakaian pasir dan diharapkan dapat mengurangi sampah sertadiperoleh batako semen portland yang memiliki bobot lebih ringan. Penelitian dilakukandengan membuat batako semen portland berlubang (hollow block) berdimensi 40 x 20 x 10cm yang terdiri dari batako semen portland normal (tanpa penggantian pasir dengan kertaskoran) dan batako semen portland dengan penggantian pasir dengan kertas koran masingmasingsebanyak 15%, 20%, 25% dan 30% volume pasir. Hasil penelitian menunjukanbahwa penambahan kertas koran bekas dalam campuran batako semen portland untukmenggantikan sebagian pasir mengakibatkan penurunan nilai kuat tekan dan peningkatannilai penyerapan air (absorpsi). Kuat tekan batako semen portland normal pada umur 28 hariadalah sebesar 6,71 MPa, nilai ini menurun menjadi berturut-turut sebesar 6,51 MPa, 5,90MPa, 5,08 MPa dan 4,51 MPa pada penambahan kertas koran sebesar 15%, 20%, 25% dan30% volume pasir sedangkan absorpsinya masing masing 8,43%, 8,72%, 9,18% dan 10,36%pada penambahan kertas koran berturut-turut sebesar 15%, 20%, 25% dan 30% volume pasir,lebih tinggi dari batako tanpa penambahan kertas yaitu 6.53

    Pengaruh Penambahan Cacahan Limbah Plastik Jenis High Density Polyethylene (Hdpe) Pada

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    Waste is a very complex problem in urban area. Plastic waste is increasing every year. Kupang with population of 291,794 people generate waste reaches 926 m3/day. Organic waste to 700 m3 and inorganic waste about 226 m3. Concrete is planned by strength quality 25 MPa. Based on the analysis in this study obtained that concrete flexural strength value increased due to the addition of HDPE plastic shredded into the concrete, with chopped levels are added to the concrete at 0%, 0.50% and 0.90% .0,70%. Flexural strength value of normal concrete without the addition of shredded plastic (0%) is 4.12 MPa, flexural strength of concrete with the addition of shredded plastic 0.50% is 4.30 MPa increased 4.37% from normal concrete flexural strength, flexural strength of concrete with the addition of shredded plastics 0.70% is 4.21 MPa increased 2.19% from the normal concrete flexural strength and flexural strength of concrete with the addition of shredded plastic 0.90% is 3.94 MPa decreased 3.64% of flexural strength normal concrete

    Tinjauan Kuat Lentur Balok Komposit Kayu

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    This research was use wood beam, reinforced concrete plate and nail as shear connector. Nail that used is artless nail and thread nail that public reside in marketing. the purpose of this research is to know bending strength of a composite beam of wood-concrete with shear connector artless nail and shear connector thread nail. The research was conducted at the Laboratory of Concrete Civil Engineering Department University of Nusa Cendana Kupang - NTT and Laboratory of Mechanical Engineering State Polytechnic of Kupang - NTT. From the results of research and analysis of the data obtained the maximum tension of composite beam with shear connector artless nail : maximum load as big as 40000 N; bending moments as big as 5.01 x106 Nmm; tension depresses as big as 29,327 N/mm2; contact surface-tension as big as 3,545 N/mm2; bending stress as big as 16,381 N/mm2; the shear stress as big as 6,325 N/mm2. Whereas the average test results of composite beams with shear connector thread nail is obtained by maximum load as big as 51667 N; bending moment as big as 6.47 x 106 Nmm ; tension depresses as big as 38,400 N/mm2; contact surface-tension as big as 4,624 N/mm2; bending stress as big as 21,205 N/mm2; the shear stress as big as 8,036 N/mm2

    Analisa Indeks Biaya Untuk Pekerjaan Beton Bertulang Dengan Menggunakan Metode Sni 7394-2008 Dan Lapangan (Studi Kasus Pada Proyek Pembangunan Asrama STIKES Chmk Tahap III)

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    The index cost affect the amount of unit price construction work. Cost index used in the calculation analysis of unit price refers to the Standar Nasional Indonesia (SNI). SNI describe about the average labor productivity in Indonesia. Labor productivity are different depend on work experience, cultural origins, and the others. This study was conducted to know the costs index of labor in Kupang by took one of case study on STIKES CHMK Dormitory Construction Project in third Phased. Cost index of reinforced concrete in this project, obtained by doingreal observation for the total of labor and time required to complete each item of reinforced concrete, especially the workfrom column,beam and plate and it began from the work of iron, formwork, casting up to demolition formwork.Then the observationsresult were analyzed descriptively. Based on the analysis result, the amount of the cost index is 0.0208 foreman: 0.0377 the head of handyman: 0.09929 handyman: 0.2502 worker to install 1m2 formwork, 0.0044 foreman: 0.0177 the head of handyman: 0.0268 handyman : 0.0796 worker to work 10 kg iron, and 0.0340 foreman: 0.0272 the head of handyman: 0.1427 handyman: 1.1888 worker to make 1m3concrete. This index used in the analysis of the differentation of labor presentage based on SNI and field method and continued with the calculation of unit price for each work item which used SNI and field method


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    This research was use wood beam, reinforced concrete plate and nail as shear connector. Nail that used is artless nail and thread nail that public reside in marketing. the purpose of this research is to know bending strength of a composite beam of wood-concrete with shear connector artless nail and shear connector thread nail. The research was conducted at the Laboratory of Concrete Civil Engineering Department University of Nusa Cendana Kupang - NTT and Laboratory of Mechanical Engineering State Polytechnic of Kupang - NTT. From the results of research and analysis of the data obtained the maximum tension of composite beam with shear connector artless nail : maximum load as big as 40000 N; bending moments as big as 5.01 x106 Nmm; tension depresses as big as 29,327 N/mm2; contact surface-tension as big as 3,545 N/mm2; bending stress as big as 16,381 N/mm2; the shear stress as big as 6,325 N/mm2. Whereas the average test results of composite beams with shear connector thread nail is obtained by maximum load as big as 51667 N; bending moment as big as 6.47 x 106 Nmm ; tension depresses as big as 38,400 N/mm2; contact surface-tension as big as 4,624 N/mm2; bending stress as big as 21,205 N/mm2; the shear stress as big as 8,036 N/mm2