96 research outputs found

    Teoría del cine (Mesa redonda con Christian Metz y otros)

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    Metz, C.; Fano, M.; Simon, J.; Simsolo, N. (1978). Teoría del cine (Mesa redonda con Christian Metz y otros). La mirada. (1):31-39. http://hdl.handle.net/10251/41550.Importación Masiva3139

    Tissue-Specific Expression of Human Lipoprotein Lipase: EFFECT OF THE 3′-UNTRANSLATED REGION ON TRANSLATION

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    Lipoprotein lipase (LPL) is a central enzyme in lipoprotein metabolism and is expressed predominantly in adipose tissue and muscle. In these tissues, the regulation of LPL is complex and often opposite in response to the same physiologic stimulus. In addition, much regulation of LPL occurs post-transcriptionally. The human LPL cDNA is characterized by a long 3′-untranslated region, which has two polyadenylation signals. In this report, human adipose tissue expressed two LPL mRNA species (3.2 and 3.6 kb) due to an apparent random choice of sites for mRNA polyadenylation, whereas human skeletal and heart muscle expressed predominantly the longer 3.6-kb mRNA form. To determine whether there was any functional significance to this tissue-specific mRNA expression, poly(A)-enriched RNA from adipose tissue and muscle were translated in vitro, and the poly(A)-enriched RNA from muscle was more efficiently translated into LPL protein. The increased translatability of the 3.6-kb form was also demonstrated by cloning the full-length 3.2- and 3.6-kb LPL cDNA forms, followed by in vitro translation of in vitro prepared transcripts. To confirm that this increased efficiency of translation occurred in vivo, Chinese hamster ovary cells were transfected with the 3.2- and 3.6-kb LPL cDNAs. Cells transfected with the 3.6-kb construct demonstrated increased LPL activity and synthesis, despite no increase in levels of LPL mRNA. Thus, human muscle expresses the 3.6-kb form of LPL due to a non-random choice of polyadenylation signals, and this form is more efficiently translated than the 3.2-kb form

    Desde : hasta: diez años de producción TAS

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    Curaduría: Kekena Corvalán. La muestra que reúne los Trabajos de Albi y Simsolo (TAS) con curadurÌa de Kekena Corvalán es el resultado de la unión de un grupo de mujeres en repudio a la censura que impidió que “Ausencias”, la señora que espera sentada en un banco, formara parte de La Noche de los Museos 2017 en el Archivo Nacional de la Memoria (ANM Ex-Esma). En aquel octubre de 2017 en que, una institución pública decidió sin ningún reparo que la obra que remitía a Santiago Maldonado fuese retirada de la exposición, el colectivo de mujeres participantes levantó la muestra y el campo artístico se manifestó en repudio a la situación.Catálogos Arte en Fil

    Exercise increases endogenous urinary monoamine oxidase benzodiazepine receptor ligand inhibitory activity in normal children

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    This study shows that in normal children the stress of maximal exercise induced not only activation of the sympathetic nervous system but also an increased urinary output of both MAO inhibitory activity and [3H]flunitrazepam binding to rat cerebellar membranes inhibitory activity. © 1984