154 research outputs found

    Cause or effect? A review of clinical data demonstrating beta cell dysfunction prior to the clinical onset of type 1 diabetes

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    BACKGROUND: Limited successes of conventional approaches to type 1 diabetes (T1D) prevention and treatment have highlighted the need for improved understanding of risk factors contributing to or hastening progression to clinical diagnosis. SCOPE OF REVIEW: This review summarizes beta cell function metabolic phenotyping data from clinical studies conducted in at-risk individuals before T1D onset and healthy controls. Data are drawn from studies comparing at-risk individuals who progress to T1D to at-risk individuals who do not progress to T1D, as well as from studies comparing at-risk individuals to controls without a T1D family history. MAJOR CONCLUSIONS: Rapid loss of beta cell insulin secretion occurs in the months immediately preceding clinical onset. However, evidence of beta cell dysfunction is present even years earlier. Comparisons to controls without a family history suggest that many individuals in families impacted by T1D have evidence of beta cell dysfunction, even individuals who are unlikely to develop clinical disease. These findings may mean that underlying metabolic beta cell dysfunction contributes to T1D development and may explain some of the heterogeneity observed in the disease

    Microrna 21 targets B Cell Lymphoma 2 (Bcl2) Mrna to increase beta cell apoptosis and exosomal Microrna 21 could serve as a biomarker of developing Type 1 Diabetes Mellitus

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    Indiana University-Purdue University Indianapolis (IUPUI)The role of beta cell miR-21 in Type 1 Diabetes (T1D) pathophysiology has been controversial. Here, we sought to define the context of beta cell miR-21 upregulation in T1D and the phenotype of beta cell miR-21 overexpression through target identification. Furthermore, we sought to identify whether circulating extracellular vesicle (EV) beta cell-derived miR-21 may reflect inflammatory stress within the islet during T1D development.. Results suggest that beta cell miR-21 is increased in in-vivo models of T1D and cytokine-treated cells/islets. miR-21 overexpression decreased cell count and viability, and increased cleaved caspase-3 levels, suggesting increased cell death. In silico prediction tools identified the anti-apoptotic mRNA B Cell Lymphoma 2 (BCL2) as a conserved miR-21 target. Consistent with this, miR-21 overexpression decreased BCL2 transcript and protein expression, while miR-21 inhibition increased BCL2 protein levels and reduced cleaved caspase-3 levels following cytokine-treatment. miR-21-mediated cell death was abrogated in 828/33 cells, which constitutively overexpress BCL-2. Luciferase assays suggested a direct interaction between miR-21 and the BCL2 3’untranslated region. With miR-21 overexpression, PRP revealed a shift of BCL-2 message toward monosome-associated fractions, indicating inhibition of BCL2 translation. Finally, overexpression in dispersed human islets confirmed a reduction in BCL2 transcripts and increased cleaved caspase 3 production. Analysis of EVs from human beta cells and islets exposed to cytokines revealed a 3-5-fold increase in miR-21. Nanoparticle tracking analysis showed no changes in EV quantity in response to cytokines, implicating specific changes within EV cargo as responsible for the miR-21 increase. Circulating EVs from diabetic non-obese diabetic (NOD) mice displayed progressive increases in miR-21 that preceded diabetes onset. To validate relevance to human T1D, we assayed serum samples collected from 19 pediatric T1D subjects at the time of diagnosis and 16 healthy controls. Consistent with our NOD data, EV miR-21 was increased 5-fold in T1D samples. In conclusion, in contrast to the pro-survival role reported in other systems, our results demonstrate that miR-21 increases beta cell death via BCL2 transcript degradation and inhibition of BCL2 translation. Furthermore, we propose that EV miR-21 may be a promising marker of developing T1D

    Biomarkers of β-Cell Stress and Death in Type 1 Diabetes

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    The hallmark of type 1 diabetes (T1D) is a decline in functional β-cell mass arising as a result of autoimmunity. Immunomodulatory interventions at disease onset have resulted in partial stabilization of β-cell function, but full recovery of insulin secretion has remained elusive. Revised efforts have focused on disease prevention through interventions administered at earlier disease stages. To support this paradigm, there is a parallel effort ongoing to identify circulating biomarkers that have the potential to identify stress and death of the islet β-cells. Whereas no definitive biomarker(s) have been fully validated, several approaches hold promise that T1D can be reliably identified in the pre-symptomatic phase, such that either β-cell preservation or immunomodulatory agents might be employed in at-risk populations. This review summarizes the most promising protein- and nucleic acid-based biomarkers discovered to date and reviews the context in which they have been studied

    Biomarkers of islet beta cell stress and death in type 1 diabetes

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    Recent work on the pathogenesis of type 1 diabetes has led to an evolving recognition of the heterogeneity of this disease, both with regards to clinical phenotype and responses to therapies to prevent or revert diabetes. This heterogeneity not only limits efforts to accurately predict clinical disease but also is reflected in differing responses to immunomodulatory therapeutics. Thus, there is a need for robust biomarkers of beta cell health, which could provide insight into pathophysiological differences in disease course, improve disease prediction, increase the understanding of therapeutic responses to immunomodulatory interventions and identify individuals most likely to benefit from these therapies. In this review, we outline current literature, limitations and future directions for promising circulating markers of beta cell stress and death in type 1 diabetes, including markers indicating abnormal prohormone processing, circulating RNAs and circulating DNAs

    Fulvestrant treatment of precocious puberty in girls with McCune-Albright syndrome

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    BACKGROUND: McCune-Albright Syndrome (MAS) is usually characterized by the triad of precocious puberty (PP), fibrous dysplasia, and café au lait spots. Previous treatments investigated for PP have included aromatase inhibitors and the estrogen receptor modulator, tamoxifen. Although some agents have been partially effective, the optimal pharmacologic treatment of PP in girls with MAS has not been identified. The objective of this study was to evaluate the safety and efficacy of fulvestrant (Faslodex(TM)), a pure estrogen receptor antagonist, in girls with progressive precocious puberty (PP) associated with McCune-Albright Syndrome (MAS). METHODS: In this prospective international multicenter trial, thirty girls ≤ 10 years old with MAS and progressive PP received fulvestrant 4 mg/kg via monthly intramuscular injections for 12 months. Changes in vaginal bleeding, rates of bone age advancement, growth velocity, Tanner staging, predicted adult heights, and uterine and ovarian volumes were measured. RESULTS: Median vaginal bleeding days decreased from 12.0 days per year to 1.0 day per year, with a median change in frequency of -3.6 days, (95% confidence interval (CI) -10.10, 0.00; p = 0.0146). Of patients with baseline bleeding, 74% experienced a ≥50% reduction in bleeding, and 35% experienced complete cessation during the study period (95% CI 51.6%, 89.8%; 16.4%, 57.3%, respectively). Average rates of bone age advancement (ΔBA/ΔCA) decreased from 1.99 pre-treatment to 1.06 on treatment (mean change -0.93, 95% CI -1.43, -0.43; p = 0.0007). No significant changes in uterine volumes or other endpoints or serious adverse events occurred. CONCLUSIONS: Fulvestrant was well tolerated and moderately effective in decreasing vaginal bleeding and rates of skeletal maturation in girls with MAS. Longer-term studies aimed at further defining potential benefits and risks of this novel therapeutic approach in girls with MAS are needed. TRIAL REGISTRATION: NCT0027891

    The Role of Beta Cell Dysfunction in Early Type 1 Diabetes

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    Purpose of review: Emerging data have suggested that β-cell dysfunction may exacerbate the development and progression of type 1 diabetes (T1D). In this review, we highlight clinical and preclinical studies suggesting a role for β-cell dysfunction during the evolution of T1D and suggest agents that may promote β-cell health in T1D. Recent findings: Metabolic abnormalities exist years before development of hyperglycemia and exhibit a reproducible pattern reflecting progressive deterioration of β-cell function and increases in β-cell stress and death. Preclinical studies indicate that T1D may be prevented by modification of pathways impacting intrinsic β-cell stress and antigen presentation. Recent findings suggest that differences in metabolic phenotypes and β-cell stress may reflect differing endotypes of T1D. Multiple pathways representing potential drug targets have been identified, but most remain to be tested in human populations with preclinical disease. Summary: This cumulative body of work shows clear evidence that β-cell stress, dysfunction, and death are harbingers of impending T1D and likely contribute to progression of disease and insulin deficiency. Treatment with agents targeting β-cell health could augment interventions with immunomodulatory therapies but will need to be tested in intervention studies with endpoints carefully designed to capture changes in β-cell function and health

    Chronic high fat feeding restricts islet mRNA translation initiation independently of ER stress via DNA damage and p53 activation

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    Under conditions of high fat diet (HFD) consumption, glucose dyshomeostasis develops when β-cells are unable to adapt to peripheral insulin demands. Few studies have interrogated the molecular mechanisms of β-cell dysfunction at the level of mRNA translation under such conditions. We sought to address this issue through polyribosome profile analysis of islets from mice fed 16-weeks of 42% HFD. HFD-islet analysis revealed clear trends toward global reductions in mRNA translation with a significant reduction in the polyribosome/monoribosome ratio for Pdx1 mRNA. Transcriptional and translational analyses revealed endoplasmic reticulum stress was not the etiology of our findings. HFD-islets demonstrated evidence of oxidative stress and DNA damage, as well as activation of p53. Experiments in MIN-6 β-cells revealed that treatment with doxorubicin to directly induce DNA damage mimicked our observed effects in islets. Islets from animals treated with pioglitazone concurrently with HFD demonstrated a reversal of effects observed from HFD alone. Finally, HFD-islets demonstrated reduced expression of multiple ribosome biogenesis genes and the key translation initiation factor eIF4E. We propose a heretofore unappreciated effect of chronic HFD on β-cells, wherein continued DNA damage owing to persistent oxidative stress results in p53 activation and a resultant inhibition of mRNA translation

    Analysis of Incident DKA in the Indiana New Onset T1D Patient Population

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    Background/Objective: Diabetic ketoacidosis (DKA) is a life-threatening complication of type 1 diabetes (T1D) resulting from ketone body production and metabolic acidosis occurring due to insulin deficiency. We sought to define the occurrence of DKA amongst pediatric patients presenting with new-onset T1D in Indiana and to determine whether patterns of DKA were affected by the COVID-19 pandemic. Methods: This was a retrospective chart review for patients <18 years admitted to Riley Children’s Hospital with a clinical diagnosis of new onset T1D who had available chemistry values. Patients diagnosed from March 23- June 30, 2020 and over the same period in 2019 were included. DKA was classified as mild (bicarbonate 10-15 mmol/L) or severe (bicarbonate <10 mmol/L). Results: Ninety-four patients met inclusion criteria. The total number of incident T1D cases in 2019 and 2020 were similar (48 vs. 46, respectively). Similarly, there was no significant difference in rates of DKA (21 in 2019 vs. 25 in 2020; p>0.05). Of the 94 patients, 49% met criteria for DKA; 79% of cases were classified as severe and 21% as mild. More males were diagnosed with DKA in both 2019 and 2020 (61% of DKA cases). Non-Hispanic whites comprised 75% of all new onset T1D patients and no differences in race or ethnicity were present amongst those presenting in DKA. Conclusion: DKA was present in nearly half of all new onset pediatric T1D cases in Indiana in 2019 and 2020. There was no observed impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on T1D or DKA. Impact and Implications: DKA is common amongst pediatric patients with new onset T1D in Indiana. Prompt recognition of symptoms is needed to prevent this life-threatening complication of T1D

    Beta cell extracellular vesicle miR-21-5p cargo is increased in response to inflammatory cytokines and serves as a biomarker of type 1 diabetes

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    AIMS/HYPOTHESIS: Improved biomarkers are acutely needed for the detection of developing type 1 diabetes, prior to critical loss of beta cell mass. We previously demonstrated that elevated beta cell microRNA 21-5p (miR-21-5p) in rodent and human models of type 1 diabetes increased beta cell apoptosis. We hypothesised that the inflammatory milieu of developing diabetes may also increase miR-21-5p in beta cell extracellular vesicle (EV) cargo and that circulating EV miR-21-5p would be increased during type 1 diabetes development. METHODS: MIN6 and EndoC-βH1 beta cell lines and human islets were treated with IL-1β, IFN-γ and TNF-α to mimic the inflammatory milieu of early type 1 diabetes. Serum was collected weekly from 8-week-old female NOD mice until diabetes onset. Sera from a cross-section of 19 children at the time of type 1 diabetes diagnosis and 16 healthy children were also analysed. EVs were isolated from cell culture media or serum using sequential ultracentrifugation or ExoQuick precipitation and EV miRNAs were assayed. RESULTS: Cytokine treatment in beta cell lines and human islets resulted in a 1.5- to threefold increase in miR-21-5p. However, corresponding EVs were further enriched for this miRNA, with a three- to sixfold EV miR-21-5p increase in response to cytokine treatment. This difference was only partially reduced by pre-treatment of beta cells with Z-VAD-FMK to inhibit cytokine-induced caspase activity. Nanoparticle tracking analysis showed cytokines to have no effect on the number of EVs, implicating specific changes within EV cargo as being responsible for the increase in beta cell EV miR-21-5p. Sequential ultracentrifugation to separate EVs by size suggested that this effect was mostly due to cytokine-induced increases in exosome miR-21-5p. Longitudinal serum collections from NOD mice showed that EVs displayed progressive increases in miR-21-5p beginning 3 weeks prior to diabetes onset. To validate the relevance to human diabetes, we assayed serum from children with new-onset type 1 diabetes compared with healthy children. While total serum miR-21-5p and total serum EVs were reduced in diabetic participants, serum EV miR-21-5p was increased threefold compared with non-diabetic individuals. By contrast, both serum and EV miR-375-5p were increased in parallel among diabetic participants. CONCLUSIONS/INTERPRETATION: We propose that circulating EV miR-21-5p may be a promising marker of developing type 1 diabetes. Additionally, our findings highlight that, for certain miRNAs, total circulating miRNA levels are distinct from circulating EV miRNA content

    Palmitate induces mRNA translation and increases ER protein load in islet β-cells via activation of the mammalian target of rapamycin pathway

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    Saturated free fatty acids (FFAs) have complex effects on the islet β-cell, acutely promoting adaptive hyperplasia but chronically impairing insulin release. The acute effects of FFAs remain incompletely defined. To elucidate these early molecular events, we incubated mouse β-cells and islets with palmitate and then studied mRNA translation by polyribosomal profiling and analyzed signaling pathways by immunoblot analysis. We found that palmitate acutely increases polyribosome occupancy of total RNA, consistent with an increase in mRNA translation. This effect on translation was attributable to activation of mammalian target of rapamycin (mTOR) pathways via L-type Ca(2+) channels but was independent of insulin signaling. Longer incubations led to depletion of polyribosome-associated RNA, consistent with activation of the unfolded protein response (UPR). Pharmacologic inhibition of mTOR suppressed both the acute effects of palmitate on mRNA translation and the chronic effects on the UPR. Islets from mice fed a high-fat diet for 7 days showed increases in polyribosome-associated RNA and phosphorylation of S6K, both consistent with activation of mTOR. Our results suggest that palmitate acutely activates mRNA translation and that this increase in protein load contributes to the later UPR
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