21,219 research outputs found

    Vacuum-UV negative photoion spectroscopy of CH3F, CH3Cl and CH3Br

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    Using tunable vacuum-UV radiation from a synchrotron, negative ions are detected by quadrupolar mass spectrometry following photoexcitation of three gaseous halogenated methanes CH3_3X (X = F,Cl,Br). The anions X−^-, H−^-, CX−^-, CHX−^- and CH2_2X−^- are observed, and their ion yields recorded in the range 8-35 eV. The anions show a linear dependence of signal with pressure, showing that they arise from unimolecular ion-pair dissociation, generically described as AB + hvv →\rightarrow A−^- + B+^+ (+ neutrals). Absolute cross sections for ion-pair formation are obtained by calibrating the signal intensities with those of F−^- from both SF6_6 and CF4_4. The cross sections for formation of X−^- + CH3_3+^+ are much greater than for formation of CH2_2X−^- + H+^+. In common with many quadrupoles, the spectra of mm/zz 1 (H−^-) anions show contributions from all anions, and only for CH3_3Br is it possible to perform the necessary subtraction to obtain the true H−^- spectrum. The anion cross sections are normalised to vacuum-UV absorption cross sections to obtain quantum yields for their production. The appearance energies of X−^- and CH2_2X−^- are used to calculate upper limits to 298 K bond dissociation energies for Do^o (H3_3C-X) and Do^o (XH2_2C-H) which are consistent with literature values. The spectra suggest that most of the anions are formed indirectly by crossing of Rydberg states of the parent molecule onto an ion-pair continuum. The one exception is the lowest-energy peak of F−^- from CH3_3F at 13.4 eV, where its width and lack of structure suggest it may correspond to a direct ion-pair transition

    Optimising the assessment of cerebral autoregulation from black box models

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    Cerebral autoregulation (CA) mechanisms maintain blood flow approximately stable despite changes in arterial blood pressure. Mathematical models that characterise this system have been used extensively in the quantitative assessment of function/impairment of CA. Using spontaneous fluctuations in arterial blood pressure (ABP) as input and cerebral blood flow velocity (CBFV) as output, the autoregulatory mechanism can be modelled using linear and non-linear approaches, from which indexes can be extracted to provide an overall assessment of CA. Previous studies have considered a single – or at most a couple of measures, making it difficult to compare the performance of different CA parameters. We compare the performance of established autoregulatory parameters and propose novel measures. The key objective is to identify which model and index can best distinguish between normal and impaired CA. To this end 26 recordings of ABP and CBFV from normocapnia and hypercapnia (which temporarily impairs CA) in 13 healthy adults were analysed. In the absence of a ‘gold’ standard for the study of dynamic CA, lower inter- and intra-subject variability of the parameters in relation to the difference between normo- and hypercapnia were considered as criteria for identifying improved measures of CA. Significantly improved performance compared to some conventional approaches was achieved, with the simplest method emerging as probably the most promising for future studies

    A study of the usefulness of Skylab EREP data for earth resources studies in Australia

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    The cosmic evolution of radio-AGN feedback to z=1

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    This paper presents the first measurement of the radio luminosity function of 'jet-mode' (radiatively-inefficient) radio-AGN out to z=1, in order to investigate the cosmic evolution of radio-AGN feedback. Eight radio source samples are combined to produce a catalogue of 211 radio-loud AGN with 0.5<z<1.0, which are spectroscopically classified into jet-mode and radiative-mode (radiatively-efficient) AGN classes. Comparing with large samples of local radio-AGN from the Sloan Digital Sky Survey, the cosmic evolution of the radio luminosity function of each radio-AGN class is independently derived. Radiative-mode radio-AGN show an order of magnitude increase in space density out to z~1 at all luminosities, consistent with these AGN being fuelled by cold gas. In contrast, the space density of jet-mode radio-AGN decreases with increasing redshift at low radio luminosities (L_1.4 < 1e24 W/Hz) but increases at higher radio luminosities. Simple models are developed to explain the observed evolution. In the best-fitting models, the characteristic space density of jet-mode AGN declines with redshift in accordance with the declining space density of massive quiescent galaxies, which fuel them via cooling of gas in their hot haloes. A time delay of 1.5-2 Gyr may be present between the quenching of star formation and the onset of jet-mode radio-AGN activity. The behaviour at higher radio luminosities can be explained either by an increasing characteristic luminosity of jet-mode radio-AGN activity with redshift (roughly as (1+z) cubed) or if the jet-mode radio-AGN population also includes some contribution of cold-gas-fuelled sources seen at a time when their accretion rate was low. Higher redshifts measurements would distinguish between these possibilities.Comment: Accepted for publication in MNRA

    Quantum confinement in Si and Ge nanostructures: Effect of crystallinity

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    We look at the relationship between the preparation method of Si and Ge nanostructures (NSs) and the structural, electronic, and optical properties in terms of quantum confinement (QC). QC in NSs causes a blue shift of the gap energy with decreasing NS dimension. Directly measuring the effect of QC is complicated by additional parameters, such as stress, interface and defect states. In addition, differences in NS preparation lead to differences in the relevant parameter set. A relatively simple model of QC, using a `particle-in-a-box'-type perturbation to the effective mass theory, was applied to Si and Ge quantum wells, wires and dots across a variety of preparation methods. The choice of the model was made in order to distinguish contributions that are solely due to the effects of QC, where the only varied experimental parameter was the crystallinity. It was found that the hole becomes de-localized in the case of amorphous materials, which leads to stronger confinement effects. The origin of this result was partly attributed to differences in the effective mass between the amorphous and crystalline NS as well as between the electron and hole. Corrections to our QC model take into account a position dependent effective mass. This term includes an inverse length scale dependent on the displacement from the origin. Thus, when the deBroglie wavelength or the Bohr radius of the carriers is on the order of the dimension of the NS the carriers `feel' the confinement potential altering their effective mass. Furthermore, it was found that certain interface states (Si-O-Si) act to pin the hole state, thus reducing the oscillator strength.Comment: arXiv admin note: substantial text overlap with arXiv:1111.201

    A Minimum-Labeling Approach for Reconstructing Protein Networks across Multiple Conditions

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    The sheer amounts of biological data that are generated in recent years have driven the development of network analysis tools to facilitate the interpretation and representation of these data. A fundamental challenge in this domain is the reconstruction of a protein-protein subnetwork that underlies a process of interest from a genome-wide screen of associated genes. Despite intense work in this area, current algorithmic approaches are largely limited to analyzing a single screen and are, thus, unable to account for information on condition-specific genes, or reveal the dynamics (over time or condition) of the process in question. Here we propose a novel formulation for network reconstruction from multiple-condition data and devise an efficient integer program solution for it. We apply our algorithm to analyze the response to influenza infection in humans over time as well as to analyze a pair of ER export related screens in humans. By comparing to an extant, single-condition tool we demonstrate the power of our new approach in integrating data from multiple conditions in a compact and coherent manner, capturing the dynamics of the underlying processes.Comment: Peer-reviewed and presented as part of the 13th Workshop on Algorithms in Bioinformatics (WABI2013

    The interaction between exchange rates and stock princes: An Australian context.

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    The aim of this paper is to examine the interaction between stock prices and exchange rates in Australia. During the period of the study, the value of the stock market increased by two-thirds and the Australian dollar exchange rate appreciated by almost one-third. The empirical analysis employed provides evidence of a positive co-integrating relationship between these variables, with Granger causality found to run from stock prices to the exchange rate during the sample period. Although commodity prices have not been included, the significance of the results lends support to the notion that these two key financial variables interacted in a manner consistent with the portfolio balance model, that is, stock price movements cause changes in the exchange rate. This challenges the traditional view of the Australian economy as export-dependent, and also suggests that the Australian stock market has the depth annd liquidity to adequately compete for both domestic and international capital against other larger markets

    Superpositions of the Orbital Angular Momentum for Applications in Quantum Experiments

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    Two different experimental techniques for preparation and analyzing superpositions of the Gaussian and Laguerre-Gassian modes are presented. This is done exploiting an interferometric method on the one hand and using computer generated holograms on the other hand. It is shown that by shifting the hologram with respect to an incoming Gaussian beam different superpositions of the Gaussian and the Laguerre-Gaussian beam can be produced. An analytical expression between the relative phase and the amplitudes of the modes and the displacement of the hologram is given. The application of such orbital angular momenta superpositions in quantum experiments such as quantum cryptography is discussed.Comment: 18 pages, 4 figures. to appear in Journal of Optics
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