11 research outputs found

    Procena težine oštećenja sluha kod obolelih od dijabetesa melitusa tip 2

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    Objective. The purpose of this study was to determine diabetes mellitus tip 2 influence on the incidence and severity of sensorineural hearing loss. Methods. The prospective case control study was done during 2013 among 132 patients, whose age range was 21-84 years, who were admitted to ENT department of the Health Center Kragujevac for evaluation of hearing loss. We performed detailed history, complete otorhinolaryngological examination including otoscopy, tympanometry and tonal liminal audiometry. All subjects were divided into two groups. The study group consisted of 67 patients with diabetes mellitus type 2 and the control group included age and gender matched subjects. We used tonal liminar audiometry for evaluation of the existence and the degree of hearing loss. The mean value obtained by tonal liminar audiometry at frequencies of 500, 1000, 2000 and 4000 Hz, greater than 25 dB was considered as a hearing loss. Data was statistically analyzed by using descriptive statistical methods, t-test and x2-test using standard statistical software package (SPSS for Windows, version 19.0). Results. There was sensorineural hearing loss in all patients with diabetes mellitus type 2. The frequency and degree of sensorineural hearing loss were statistically significantly higher in the group with diabetes mellitus patient compared to the control group (p lt 0.05). Conclusion. The results indicate that diabetes mellitus type 2 patients often have significant hearing loss, which is very easy to establish by using tonal liminar audiometry, suggesting that these patients should be referred to the assessment of the impairment.Cilj. Cilj stidije bio je da se utvrdi uticaj dijabetesa melitusa tip 2 na ispoljavanje i težinu senzorineuralnog oštećenja sluha kod obolelih u poređenju s kontrolnom grupom, jednakom po polu i uzrastu. Metode. Opservaciona prospektivna studija slučajeva i kontrola sprovedene su tokom 2013. godine na 132 ispitanika, uzrasta 21-84 godine, koji su zbog gubitka sluha pregledani na ORL odeljenju specijalističko-konsultativne službe Doma zdravlja Kragujevac. Kod ispitanika su primenjeni: detaljna anamneza, kompletan otorinolaringološki pregled, uključujući i otoskopiju, timpanometriju i tonalnu liminalnu audiometriju. Svi ispitanicipodeljeni su u dve grupe. Prvu grupu činilo je 67 ispitanika sa dijagnostikovanim dijabetesom melitusom tip 2, dok je u drugoj grupi, adekvatnoj po starosnoj i polnoj zastupljenosti, bilo 65 ispitanika, i ona je predstavljala kontrolnu grupu. Primenom tonalne liminalne audiometrije utvrđeni su postojanje i stepen oštećenja sluha. Srednja vrednost dobijenih rezultata, na frekvencijama 500, 1.000, 2.000 i 4.000 Hz, veća od 25 dB smatrana je oštećenjem sluha. Podaci su statistički obrađeni primenom deskriptivnog metoda, t-testa i x2-testa standardnim statističkim paketom (SPSS za Windows, verzija 19.0). Rezultati. Kod svih ispitanika obolelih od dijabetesa melitusa tip 2 postoji senzorineuralno oštećenje sluha. Uočeno je da kod obolelih od dijabetesa melitusa tip 2 postoji statističtí značajno povišena učestalost i težina senzorineuralnog ostećenja sluha (p lt 0,05) u odnosu na pripadnike kontrolne grupe. Zaključak. Dobijeni rezultati ukazuju na to da oboleli od dijabetesa melitusa tip 2 često imaju znatno oštećenje sluha koje je veoma jednostavno utvrditi tonalnom liminarnom audiometrijom i sugerišu da ove bolesnika treba upućivati na procenu stanja sluha

    Prikaz slučaja bolesnice sa laringealnim granulomom

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    The aim of this case report is to present the laryngeal granuloma in 23 year old female patient. Case outline: Te 23 year old female was admitted for examination, because of long lasting, progressive hoarseness. In anamnesis, we found that she has undergone general anesthesia for 8 times, in the early childhood. We performing direct laryngoscopy with complete otorhinolaryngologic examination, rigid endovideostroboscopy and the large granuloma of the larynx was found. Conclusions: Laryngeal granuloma of vocal cords affected mainly men, except for cases associated with laryngeal intubation. We should keep in mind that postintubation laryngeal granuloma might develop after tracheal intubation, so care must be taken to avoid the potential complication.Cilj ovog rada je da prikažemo slučaj granuloma larinksa kod bolesnice ženskog pola. Prikaz bolesnika: Bolesnica starosti 23 godine, javila se zbog dugotrajne, promuklosti. U anamnezi ove bolesnice dobijamo podatak da je kod nje, tokom ranog detinjstva 8 puta bila primenjena endotrahealna intubacija. Tokom dijagnostičke evaluacije primenjena je direktna laringoskopija, kompletan otorinolaringološki pregled i rigidnu endovideolaringostroboskopija i uočen je laringealni granulom. Zaključak: Laringealni granulom je benigni izraštaj koji je češći kod osoba muškog pola, osim u slučajevima kod kojih je primenjivana endotrahealna intubacija. Trebalo bi imati u vidu da bi laringealni granulom mogao da se razvije posle primene endotrahealne intubacije, pa treba preduzeti sve mere da bi se izbegla ova potencijalna komplikacija

    Faktori povezani s alergijskim rinitisom kod disfoničnih profesionalnih korisnika glasa

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    Objective. The aim of the present study was to investigate the frequency of allergic rhinitis in dysphonic professional voice users and to assess the correlation between allergic rhinitis and demographic characteristics (sex, ages and years in occupation) and presence of laryngopharyngeal reflux, as comorbidity health condition. Methods. A total of 104 male and female dysphonic patients who came to the Department of Otorhinolaryngology, Health Centre Kragujevac, Serbia because of the presence of dysphonia symptoms and who used their voice more than 4 hours per day at job were included in the study. The patients underwent rigid or transnasal fiberoptic laryngoscopy with videostroboscopy to assess the causes of dysphonia. Descriptive analysis, Pearson Chi-Square Tests and Binary Logistic regression were carried out using the SPSS 19.0 statistical software package. Results. Frequency of allergic rhinitis in dysphonic professional voice users was 44.2%. The patients were 1.1 times more likely to have allergic rhinitis with each passing year of life. Allergic rhinitis is with each year in occupation 0.89 times less frequent and 0.035 times less often in patients with laryngopharyngeal reflux. Conclusion. In dysphonic professional voice users, it has been found that allergic rhinitis occurs rarely with each year in occupation, which means that allergic rhinitis is not a predisposing factor for developing dysphonia, but year in occupation are a protective factor when it comes to the appearance of allergic rhinitis in the examined population.Cilj. Cilj ovog rada bio je da se analizira učestalost alergijskog rinitisa kod profesionalnih korisnika glasa sa disfonijom, kao i povezanost između alergijskog rinitisa, demografskih karakteristika (pol, starost i dužina radnog staža) i laringofaringealnog refluksa u ispitivanoj populaciji. Metode. U studiju su uključena ukupno 104 ispitanika muškog i ženskog pola, koji su upućeni u Odeljenje za otorinolaringologiju Doma zdravlja Kragujevac, Srbija, zbog prisustva simptoma disfonije, a zaposleni su na poslovima koji zahtevaju upotrebu glasa više od četiri sata dnevno. Kod ispitanika je primenjena rigidna endovideostroboskopija ili transnazalna fibrooptička laringoskopija da bi se utvrdio uzrok disfonija. Statistička obrada podataka učinjena je primenom deskriptivne metode, Pirsonovog x2 testa i binarne logističke regresije, korišćenjem standardnog statističkog softverskog paketa SPSS 13.0. Rezultati. U ispitivanoj populaciji alergijski rinitis, identifikovan je kod 44,2% profesionalnih korisnika glasa sa disfonijom. U populaciji obuhvaćenoj istraživanjem alergijski rinitis se sa svakom godinom života 1,1 puta češće ispoljava, dok se sa svakom godinom radnog staža 0,89 puta ređe dijagnostikuje. Kod ispitivanih disfoničnih profesionalnih korisnika glasa, kod kojih je ustanovljen laringofaringealni refluks, alergijski rinitis je 0,035 puta ređe prisutan. Zaključak. Kod disfoničnih profesionalnih korisnika glasa, ustanovljeno je da se alergijski rinitis ređe javlja sa svakom godinom radnog staža, što znači da alergijski rinitis nije predisponirajući faktor za nastanak disfonije, već su godine radnog staža protektivni faktor kada je u pitanju pojava alergijskog rinitisa u ispitivanoj populaciji

    Procena težine simptoma alergijskog rinitisa vizuelnom analognom skalom

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    Objective. To examine the characteristics of patients with allergic rhinitis and assess the severity of symptoms by using a visual analog scale. Methods. A prospective study was carried out among allergic rhinitis patients, who were referred by the primary care physician to the ENT Department of Health Centre Kragujevac. The assessment of severity of symptoms was performed using visual analog scale (overall influence of all nasal or nasal and ocular symptoms, VAS score of 0 'nasal or nasal and ocular symptoms do not bother' to 10 'nasal or nasal and ocular symptoms are extremely bothered') during the first examination. Data was statistically analysed with descriptive statistical methods, t-test, x2 test and logistic regression using by standard statistical software package (SPSS for Windows, version 19.0). Results. Among our respondents there were 34.3% (37/108) males and 65.7% (71/108) females. Average age of all patients was 29 ± 15,1. Average duration of disease in the sample studied was 7,2 ± 16,2 years. The majority of our participants were classified as having moderate to severe persistent allergic rhinitis. Severity of disease has a greater impact on the VAS score of disease duration. Average VAS score of all participants were 6,9±4,2. It was found that the severity of the disease and the presence of ocular symptoms in patients with allergic rhinitis have an impact on the VAS score (p lt 0,0001) while the use of therapy and sensitization to inhalant allergens did not have such impact. Conclusion. Visual analog scale is a simple quantitative method to assess the severity of allergic rhinitis.Cilj. Proceniti težinu simptoma metodom vizuelne analogne skale kod obolelih od alergijskog rinitisa. Metode: Sprovedena je prospektivna studija u kojoj su analizirani oboleli od alergijskog rinitisa, koje su izabrani lekari upućivali na ORL odeljenje specijalističko-konsultativne službe Doma zdravlja 'Kragujevac'. Težina simptoma procenjena je vizuelnom analognom skalom (ukupan uticaj svih nazalnih ili nazalnih i okularnih simptoma, VAS skor od nula - 'nazalni ili nazalni i okularni simptomi uopšte ne smetaju', do 10 - 'nazalni ili nazalni i okularni simptomi izuzetno smetaju') prilikom prvog pregleda. Statistički značajnim smatrane su vrednosti za p lt 0,05. Podaci su statistički obrađeni primenom deskriptivnog metoda, t-testa, X2-testa i logističke regresije standardnim statističkim paketom (SPSS za Windows, verzija 19.0). Rezultati. Među našim ispitanicima bilo je 34,3% (37/108) osoba muškog pola, dok je osoba ženskog pola bilo 65,7% (71/108). Starost svih ispitanika bila je 29 ± 15,1. Prosečna dužina trajanja bolesti u ispitivanom uzorku bila je 7,2 ± 16,2 godine. Najviše ispitanika imalo je umereno do težak perzistentan oblik bolesti. Prosečna vrednost VAS skora za sve ispitanike bila je 6,9 ± 4,2. Primenom logističke regresije ustanovljeno je da težina bolesti ima veći uticaj na VAS skor od trajanja bolesti. Utvrđeno je da težina bolesti i prisustvo okularnih simptoma kod obolelih od alergijskog rinitisa ima veći uticaj na VAS skor (p lt 0,0001), dok primena terapije i senzibilizacija na inhalatorne alergene nema. Zaključak. Vizuelna analogna skala je jednostavan kvantitativan metod za procenu težine alergijskog rinitisa

    Značaj društvenih mreža kao digitalnih kanala komunikacije u srpskim bankama

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    Implementacija savremenih digitalnih tehnologija u bankarstvu, kao i integracija komunikacionih i prodajnih kanala predstavljaju značajne faktore poslovnog uspeha na bankarskom tržištu. Naime, prednosti digitalnog bankarstva su mogućnost optimizacije i standardizacije usluga, efikasniji pristup klijentu, a posledica toga je viši kvalitet isporuke i niži troškovi pružanja usluge. Način i oblik komunikacije prema sadašnjim i budućim klijentima često je odlučujući faktor u sticanju lojalnosti i povećanju baze klijenata, te digitalni komunikacioni kanali, a pre svih društvene mreže, imaju značajan trend rasta u modernom bankarstvu. Istraživanje, čiji su rezultati predstavljeni u ovom radu, imalo je za cilj da se istraže stavovi menadžera banaka vezani za uticaj društvenih mreža, kao digitalnih kanala komunikacije, na profitabilno poslovanje banaka u Srbiji. Rezultati istraživanja su pokazali da menadžeri smatraju da banke, u cilju povećanja tržišnog učešća i unapređenja odnosa sa klijentima, treba da kontinuirano ulažu resurse u edukaciju kako svojih zaposlenih, tako i svojih klijenata u segmentu digitalne komunikacije, a posebno u segmentu komunikacije na društvenim mrežama. Osim kontinuirane edukacije zaposlenih, banka treba da prati i implementira relevantne savremene tehnologije vezane za digitalne komunikacione platforme jer takav način poslovanja predstavlja nezaobilazni trend u savremenom bankarstvu

    Assessment of hearing loss severity in patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus

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    © 2016, Serbian Medical Society. All rights reserved. Objective. The purpose of this study was to determine diabetes mellitus tip 2 influence on the incidence and severity of sensorineural hearing loss. Methods. The prospective case control study was done during 2013 among 132 patients, whose age range was 21- 84 years, who were admitted to ENT department of the Health Center Kragujevac for evaluation of hearing loss. We performed detailed history, complete otorhinolaryngological examination including otoscopy, tympanometry and tonal liminal audiometry. All subjects were divided into two groups. The study group consisted of 67 patients with diabetes mellitus type 2 and the control group included age and gender matched subjects. We used tonal liminar audiometry for evaluation of the existence and the degree of hearing loss. The mean value obtained by tonal liminar audiometry at frequencies of 500, 1000, 2000 and 4000 Hz, greater than 25 dB was considered as a hearing loss. Data was statistically analyzed by using descriptive statistical methods, t- test and χ2-test using standard statistical software package (SPSS for Windows, version 19.0). Results. There was sensorineural hearing loss in all patients with diabetes mellitus type 2. The frequency and degree of sensorineural hearing loss were statistically significantly higher in the group with diabetes mellitus patient compared to the control group (p < 0.05). Conclusion. The results indicate that diabetes mellitus type 2 patients often have significant hearing loss, which is very easy to establish by using tonal liminar audiometry, suggesting that these patients should be referred to the assessment of the impairment

    Sugar Beet Pulp as Leuconostoc mesenteroides T3 Support for Enhanced Dextransucrase Production on Molasses

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    Sugar beet pulp (SBP) and molasses, as an agro industrial waste material, are produced in large amounts annually. Thus, a major challenge nowadays is to develop procedures that could increase the value of the generated waste. In this study, SBP as a support for cell immobilization and molasses as a source of nutrients were used for a dextransucrase (DS) production by Leuconostoc mesenteroides T3. The influence of SBP in native form (SBP-N) and after treatment with NaOH (SBP-NaOH) on DS production was investigated. The optimal medium composition for the maximum DS production was determined by varying the concentration of molasses, SBP, and sucrose. The maximum DS yield of 2.02 U/ml was obtained in the medium with 2.5 % of molasses, 2.5 % SBP-NaOH, and 4 % of sucrose concentration. Scanning electron microscopy (SEM) showed immobilization of Lc. mesenteroides T3 cells onto SBP-NaOH. According to the obtained results, the production of DS on molasses could be improved by using NaOH-treated SBP as a carrier for whole-cell immobilization. Our study reveals the basis for the development of process for DS production with additional reduction of expenses by using waste materials for obtaining the valuable biotechnological product

    Carboxymethyl cellulase production from a Paenibacillus sp.

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    Cellulases are industrially important enzymes with a potential to convert cellulose into fermentable sugars. Novel bacterial isolate Paenibacillus sp. CKS1 was tested for cellulase activity and the optimal conditions for carboxymethyl cellulase (CMCase) production were determined. Maximum CMCase activity was obtained in the third passage of the bacterial culture after 3 days of incubation at 30 degrees C. Cellobiose and yeast extract was the optimal source of carbon and nitrogen for induction of CMCase activity. In addition, with initial pH 7 of the medium and 40 ml of working volume in 500 ml culture flasks with shaking at 150 rpm, the maximum CMCase activity in a crude culture supernatant reached value of 0.532 +/- 0.006 U/ml. For crude CMCase, optimal temperature was 50 degrees C and optimal pH 4.8, respectively. HPLC analysis confirmed the bacterium is capable to hydrolise CMC to glucose and other soluble sugars

    Utilization of agro-industrial by-products as substrates for dextransucrase production by Leuconostoc mesenteroides T3: process optimization using response surface methodology

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    Dextransucrase (DS) is a glucosyltransferase (E. C. that catalyzes the transfer of glucosyl residues from sucrose to dextran polymer and liberates fructose. This enzyme isassociated with a wide application range of dextran and oligosaccharides. DS production by Leuconostoc mesenteroidesT3 was optimized using a Central Composite Design under the Response Surface Methodology. Three variables were chosen for optimization: distillery stillage, sucrose and manganese concentration. The results showed that sucrose and manganese concentrations had a positive linear effect on DS production while all variable interactions (stillage-manganese, stillage-sucrose, and sucrose-manganese) had significant influences on the DS production. The maximal DS yield of 3.391 +/- 0.131 U cm-3, was obtained in the medium with 64.33 % distillery stillage concentration, 5.30% sucrose concentration and 0.022 % manganese concentration. Our study revealed the potential of distillery stillage combined with sugar beet molasses, supplemented with sucrose and manganese to be employed as a valuable medium growth for lactic acid bacteria and production of DS. Also, taking into consideration the origin of the substrates, utilization of industrial by-products in this way has a great environmental relevance and is in accordance with circular economy

    Cytotoxicity of palladium(II) complexes with some alkyl derivates of thiosalicylic acid. Crystal structure of the bis(S-butyl-thiosalicylate)palladium(II) complex, [Pd(S-bu-thiosal)(2)]

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    The spectroscopically predicted structure of the obtained bis(S-butyl-thiosalicylate)palladium(II) complex, [Pd(S-bu-thiosal)(2)], was confirmed by an X-ray structural study. The asymmetric unit of [Pd(S-bu-thiosal)(2)] consists of neutral complex molecules, where the Pd(II) ion is placed in a cis-square-planar coordination environment formed by O and S atoms of two deprotonated S-butyl-thiosalicylic acid ligands. The cytotoxic effects of the S-alkyl (R = benzyl (L1), methyl (L2), ethyl (L3), propyl (L4) and butyl (L5)) derivatives of thiosalicylic acid and the corresponding palladium(II) complexes are reported here. The analysis of cancer cell viability showed that all the tested complexes are cytotoxic to human colon carcinoma cells (HCT-116 and CaCo-2) and human lung carcinoma epithelial cells (A549). The antitumor activities of the above mentioned Pd(II) complexes are higher in comparison to the corresponding ligands. (C) 2015 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved