2,295 research outputs found

    Saturated free fatty acids and apoptosis in microvascular mesangial cells: palmitate activates pro-apoptotic signaling involving caspase 9 and mitochondrial release of endonuclease G

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    BACKGROUND: In type 2 diabetes, free fatty acids (FFA) accumulate in microvascular cells, but the phenotypic consequences of FFA accumulation in the microvasculature are incompletely understood. Here we investigated whether saturated FFA induce apoptosis in human microvascular mesangial cells and analyzed the signaling pathways involved. METHODS: Saturated and unsaturated FFA-albumin complexes were added to cultured human mesangial cells, after which the number of apoptotic cells were quantified and the signal transduction pathways involved were delineated. RESULTS: The saturated FFA palmitate and stearate were apoptotic unlike equivalent concentrations of the unsaturated FFA oleate and linoleate. Palmitate-induced apoptosis was potentiated by etomoxir, an inhibitor of mitochondrial ÎČ-oxidation, but was prevented by an activator of AMP-kinase, which increases fatty acid ÎČ-oxidation. Palmitate stimulated an intrinsic pathway of pro-apoptotic signaling as evidenced by increased mitochondrial release of cytochrome-c and activation of caspase 9. A caspase 9-selective inhibitor blocked caspase 3 activation but incompletely blocked apoptosis in response to palmitate, suggesting an additional caspase 9-independent pathway. Palmitate stimulated mitochondrial release of endonuclease G by a caspase 9-independent mechanism, thereby implicating endonuclease G in caspase 9-indpendent regulation of apoptosis by saturated FFA. We also observed that the unsaturated FFA oleate and linoleate prevented palmitate-induced mitochondrial release of both cytochrome-c and endonuclease G, which resulted in complete protection from palmitate-induced apoptosis. CONCLUSIONS: Taken together, these results demonstrate that palmitate stimulates apoptosis by evoking an intrinsic pathway of proapoptotic signaling and identify mitochondrial release of endonuclease G as a key step in proapoptotic signaling by saturated FFA and in the anti-apoptotic actions of unsaturated FFA

    Doctor of Philosophy

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    dissertationHumans have lived at high altitude for hundreds of generations despite unavoidable challenges imposed by hypobaric hypoxia. The lower barometric pressure at high altitude reduces the number of oxygen molecules available in each breath of air, yet oxygen-dependent physiological processes must be maintained for survival. Cellular and system responses to hypoxic stress can result in altitude illness and may prove fatal in a small proportion of maladapted individuals. Native high-altitude populations, however, exhibit a unique suite of heritable traits that afford tolerance to hypoxia. Compared to lowland visitors and Andean highlanders, Tibetans exhibit lower hemoglobin (Hb) levels at high altitude, which tend to be similar to those expected under sea-level conditions. Such differences suggest this population has unique adaptations to their native environment. It has been hypothesized that genes specifically involved in the hypoxia inducible factor (HIF) pathway could underlie adaptive changes in high-altitude populations. Genome-wide analyses provide the first lines of evidence in support of genetic adaptation to high altitude. Three regions of the genome that contain genes associated with the human response to hypoxia show evidence of selection and are associated with decreased Hb levels, and two of these are also associated with metabolite levels. These phenotypic associations provide corroborative evidence for adaptive roles of genomic regions targeted by strong positive selection in Tibetans. iv While many of the same selection candidate genes are reported by studies of different Tibetan populations, some signals of selection and association are unique to particular groups. The genetic makeup of Tibetan groups located throughout the plateau is therefore important to consider in studies of high-altitude adaptation. Taken together, the data presented in this dissertation demonstrate that multiple genes are involved in Tibetan adaptation to high altitude. Some of these genes have been linked to hematological and metabolic phenotypes characterized thus far, providing further support for roles in physiological adaptation to this extreme environment. Studies aimed to identify associations between specific genetic variants, mechanisms, and phenotypes will help bridge the gap between genetic variation and organismal responses to hypoxia, and will have important implications for understanding human health and disease

    A Follow-up Study of the 1962-66 Graduates Augustana Academy

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    The functions of the guidance program in today\u27s schools usually consist of five main services. They are: inventory, information, counseling, placement, and follow-up. This paper will center about the last of these services, namely, follow-up. The follow-up service is to education what the customer relations department is to merchandising by means of a continuing follow-up of former students, the educator learns of their .failures, problems, successes, and--most important--obtains their suggestions for improvement. The purpose of this investigation was to conduct a follow-up study of the 1962-66 graduates of Augustana Academy, Canton, South Dakota. Information concerning their evaluations of their former school, their opinions of it, and their_ present status were sought in this survey. At the present time, Augustana Academy is undergoing a retooling operation. With this in mind, it is necessary to evaluate the present curriculum and guidance services. The main purpose of this study was to aid in these revisions


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    AbstractGeneralized Geography is an impartial two-person game played on a digraph G=(V,A). In impartial Arc (Vertex) Geography, a token is initially placed on a special start vertex, and the players alternately move the token along unused arcs (vertices) of G. The player first unable to move loses and his opponent wins. The question of who wins these games IAG and IVG is known to be PSPACE-complete.Both impartial versions with two tokens on special start vertices are proved PSPACE-complete even for DAGs but polynomial for directed trees. The partizan variations, PAG and PVG, with one token per player are PSPACE-complete even for bipartite degree-restricted digraphs. They are NP-hard for DAGs, but polynomial for directed trees

    Violence à l’encontre du personnel des EMS et des CMS du Canton de Vaud

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    PrĂ©sentĂ© au Grand Conseil du Canton de Vaud lors de la sĂ©ance du 30 juin 2015, le postulat « Philippe Vuillemin et consorts – Pour une meilleure protection du personnel soignant en EMS » part du constat que, si la maltraitance des personnes ĂągĂ©es est dĂ©sormais reconnue et apprĂ©hendĂ©e par les diffĂ©rents acteurs concernĂ©s, celle Ă  l’égard des soignant-e-s et des personnels travaillant en Ă©tablissements mĂ©dico-sociaux (EMS) et dans les centres mĂ©dico-sociaux (CMS) est plus rarement Ă©voquĂ©e publiquement

    Les comportements face au VIH et autres IST des travailleuses et travailleurs du sexe en Suisse : EnquĂȘte SWAN 2016

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    Pour la premiĂšre fois en 2016, une enquĂȘte a Ă©tĂ© menĂ©e auprĂšs des travailleuses et des travailleurs du sexe (TS) exerçant en Suisse. Cette Ă©tude, nommĂ©e SWAN (Sex Workers ANswers), s’inscrit dans le dispositif de surveillance du VIH et des autres IST en Suisse, Ă©tabli par l’Office fĂ©dĂ©ral de la santĂ© publique. Les critĂšres d’inclusion pour participer Ă  cette enquĂȘte comprenaient toute personne (hommes, femmes, personnes transgenres et intersexe) ayant 18 ans ou plus et ayant eu des rapports sexuels en Ă©change d’argent au cours des douze mois prĂ©cĂ©dent l’enquĂȘte en Suisse. Deux stratĂ©gies complĂ©mentaires d’administration du questionnaire ont Ă©tĂ© mises en Ɠuvre : un questionnaire Internet auto-administrĂ© et un questionnaire disponible sur une tablette numĂ©rique administrĂ© soit en face-Ă -face soit par les TS seul-e-s. Le questionnaire Ă©tait entiĂšrement anonyme et les donnĂ©es ont Ă©tĂ© traitĂ©es de maniĂšre confidentielle. La plateforme Ă©lectronique d’hĂ©bergement du questionnaire Ă©tait dotĂ©e du « responsive design » (format du questionnaire s’adaptant automatiquement aux ordinateurs fixes, aux tablettes numĂ©riques et aux Smartphones) et le questionnaire Ă©tait disponible en sept langues : français, allemand, anglais, portugais, espagnol, roumain et hongrois. Le recrutement a principalement Ă©tĂ© rĂ©alisĂ© par l’intermĂ©diaire de professionnel-le-s du terrain (membres du rĂ©seau APiS, intervenant-e-s, mĂ©diateur et mĂ©diatrices, travailleurs et travailleuses sociaux) formĂ©-e-s Ă  l’utilisation de tablettes et Ă  la passation du questionnaire

    Violence Ă  l’encontre du personnel des Ă©tablissements mĂ©dico-sociaux et des centres mĂ©dico-sociaux du Canton de Vaud. SynthĂšse des rĂ©sultats

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    PrĂ©sentĂ© au Grand Conseil du Canton de Vaud lors de la sĂ©ance du 30 juin 2015, le postulat « Philippe Vuillemin et consorts – Pour une meilleure protection du personnel soignant en EMS » part du constat que, si la maltraitance des personnes ĂągĂ©es est dĂ©sormais reconnue et apprĂ©hendĂ©e par les diffĂ©rents acteurs concernĂ©s, celle Ă  l’égard des soignant-e-s et des personnels travaillant en Ă©tablissements mĂ©dico-sociaux (EMS) et dans les centres mĂ©dico-sociaux (CMS) est plus rarement Ă©voquĂ©e publiquement. Certain-e-s professionnel-le-s (par exemple : policier-Ăšre-s, enseignant-e-s, personnels des Ă©tablissements de santĂ©) prĂ©sentent des risques accrus d’ĂȘtre confrontĂ©s Ă  des actes de violence Ă  leur Ă©gard. Le travail isolĂ© et le contact avec des clients, en particulier lorsque ces derniers sont sous l’emprise de la drogue ou de l’alcool, quand ils sont connus pour avoir eu un passĂ© violent ou qu’ils souffrent de maladies pouvant ĂȘtre associĂ©es Ă  des comportements agressifs constituent ainsi des facteurs de risque. Le risque d’ĂȘtre confrontĂ© Ă  la violence ou Ă  des comportements agressifs concerne aussi les professionnel-le-s en contact avec des personnes atteintes dans leur santĂ©, Ă  domicile ou en institution. Des enquĂȘtes menĂ©es dans les Ă©tablissements mĂ©dico-sociaux (EMS) ou auprĂšs des professionnel-le-s du maintien Ă  domicile, Ă  l’étranger et en Suisse rapportent des taux relativement Ă©levĂ©s d’exposition Ă  la violence chez les soignant-e-s. On ne dispose en revanche d’aucune donnĂ©e concernant cette problĂ©matique pour la Suisse Romande ou pour le Canton de Vaud

    Giant Molecular Clouds are More Concentrated to Spiral Arms than Smaller Clouds

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    From our catalog of Milky Way molecular clouds, created using a temperature thresholding algorithm on the Bell Laboratories 13CO Survey, we have extracted two subsets:(1) Giant Molecular Clouds (GMCs), clouds that are definitely larger than 10^5 solar masses, even if they are at their `near distance', and (2) clouds that are definitely smaller than 10^5 solar masses, even if they are at their `far distance'. The positions and velocities of these clouds are compared to the loci of spiral arms in (l, v) space. The velocity separation of each cloud from the nearest spiral arm is introduced as a `concentration statistic'. Almost all of the GMCs are found near spiral arms. The density of smaller clouds is enhanced near spiral arms, but some clouds (~10%) are unassociated with any spiral arm. The median velocity separation between a GMC and the nearest spiral arm is 3.4+-0.6 km/s, whereas the median separation between smaller clouds and the nearest spiral arm is 5.5+-0.2 km/s.Comment: 11 pages, 3 figure
