53 research outputs found

    Deep Learning Relevance: Creating Relevant Information (as Opposed to Retrieving it)

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    What if Information Retrieval (IR) systems did not just retrieve relevant information that is stored in their indices, but could also "understand" it and synthesise it into a single document? We present a preliminary study that makes a first step towards answering this question. Given a query, we train a Recurrent Neural Network (RNN) on existing relevant information to that query. We then use the RNN to "deep learn" a single, synthetic, and we assume, relevant document for that query. We design a crowdsourcing experiment to assess how relevant the "deep learned" document is, compared to existing relevant documents. Users are shown a query and four wordclouds (of three existing relevant documents and our deep learned synthetic document). The synthetic document is ranked on average most relevant of all.Comment: Neu-IR '16 SIGIR Workshop on Neural Information Retrieval, July 21, 2016, Pisa, Ital

    Entropy and Graph Based Modelling of Document Coherence using Discourse Entities: An Application

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    We present two novel models of document coherence and their application to information retrieval (IR). Both models approximate document coherence using discourse entities, e.g. the subject or object of a sentence. Our first model views text as a Markov process generating sequences of discourse entities (entity n-grams); we use the entropy of these entity n-grams to approximate the rate at which new information appears in text, reasoning that as more new words appear, the topic increasingly drifts and text coherence decreases. Our second model extends the work of Guinaudeau & Strube [28] that represents text as a graph of discourse entities, linked by different relations, such as their distance or adjacency in text. We use several graph topology metrics to approximate different aspects of the discourse flow that can indicate coherence, such as the average clustering or betweenness of discourse entities in text. Experiments with several instantiations of these models show that: (i) our models perform on a par with two other well-known models of text coherence even without any parameter tuning, and (ii) reranking retrieval results according to their coherence scores gives notable performance gains, confirming a relation between document coherence and relevance. This work contributes two novel models of document coherence, the application of which to IR complements recent work in the integration of document cohesiveness or comprehensibility to ranking [5, 56]

    Near-optimal adjacency labeling scheme for power-law graphs

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    An adjacency labeling scheme is a method that assigns labels to the vertices of a graph such that adjacency between vertices can be inferred directly from the assigned label, without using a centralized data structure. We devise adjacency labeling schemes for the family of power-law graphs. This family that has been used to model many types of networks, e.g. the Internet AS-level graph. Furthermore, we prove an almost matching lower bound for this family. We also provide an asymptotically near- optimal labeling scheme for sparse graphs. Finally, we validate the efficiency of our labeling scheme by an experimental evaluation using both synthetic data and real-world networks of up to hundreds of thousands of vertices

    Neural Speed Reading with Structural-Jump-LSTM

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    Recurrent neural networks (RNNs) can model natural language by sequentially 'reading' input tokens and outputting a distributed representation of each token. Due to the sequential nature of RNNs, inference time is linearly dependent on the input length, and all inputs are read regardless of their importance. Efforts to speed up this inference, known as 'neural speed reading', either ignore or skim over part of the input. We present Structural-Jump-LSTM: the first neural speed reading model to both skip and jump text during inference. The model consists of a standard LSTM and two agents: one capable of skipping single words when reading, and one capable of exploiting punctuation structure (sub-sentence separators (,:), sentence end symbols (.!?), or end of text markers) to jump ahead after reading a word. A comprehensive experimental evaluation of our model against all five state-of-the-art neural reading models shows that Structural-Jump-LSTM achieves the best overall floating point operations (FLOP) reduction (hence is faster), while keeping the same accuracy or even improving it compared to a vanilla LSTM that reads the whole text.Comment: 10 page

    Modelling Sequential Music Track Skips using a Multi-RNN Approach

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    Modelling sequential music skips provides streaming companies the ability to better understand the needs of the user base, resulting in a better user experience by reducing the need to manually skip certain music tracks. This paper describes the solution of the University of Copenhagen DIKU-IR team in the 'Spotify Sequential Skip Prediction Challenge', where the task was to predict the skip behaviour of the second half in a music listening session conditioned on the first half. We model this task using a Multi-RNN approach consisting of two distinct stacked recurrent neural networks, where one network focuses on encoding the first half of the session and the other network focuses on utilizing the encoding to make sequential skip predictions. The encoder network is initialized by a learned session-wide music encoding, and both of them utilize a learned track embedding. Our final model consists of a majority voted ensemble of individually trained models, and ranked 2nd out of 45 participating teams in the competition with a mean average accuracy of 0.641 and an accuracy on the first skip prediction of 0.807. Our code is released at https://github.com/Varyn/WSDM-challenge-2019-spotify.Comment: 4 page

    Near Optimal Adjacency Labeling Schemes for Power-Law Graphs

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    An adjacency labeling scheme labels the n nodes of a graph with bit strings in a way that allows, given the labels of two nodes, to determine adjacency based only on those bit strings. Though many graph families have been meticulously studied for this problem, a non-trivial labeling scheme for the important family of power-law graphs has yet to be obtained. This family is particularly useful for social and web networks as their underlying graphs are typically modelled as power-law graphs. Using simple strategies and a careful selection of a parameter, we show upper bounds for such labeling schemes of ~O(sqrt^{alpha}(n)) for power law graphs with coefficient alpha;, as well as nearly matching lower bounds. We also show two relaxations that allow for a label of logarithmic size, and extend the upper-bound technique to produce an improved distance labeling scheme for power-law graphs

    Unsupervised Semantic Hashing with Pairwise Reconstruction

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    Semantic Hashing is a popular family of methods for efficient similarity search in large-scale datasets. In Semantic Hashing, documents are encoded as short binary vectors (i.e., hash codes), such that semantic similarity can be efficiently computed using the Hamming distance. Recent state-of-the-art approaches have utilized weak supervision to train better performing hashing models. Inspired by this, we present Semantic Hashing with Pairwise Reconstruction (PairRec), which is a discrete variational autoencoder based hashing model. PairRec first encodes weakly supervised training pairs (a query document and a semantically similar document) into two hash codes, and then learns to reconstruct the same query document from both of these hash codes (i.e., pairwise reconstruction). This pairwise reconstruction enables our model to encode local neighbourhood structures within the hash code directly through the decoder. We experimentally compare PairRec to traditional and state-of-the-art approaches, and obtain significant performance improvements in the task of document similarity search.Comment: Accepted at SIGIR'2