110 research outputs found

    Unges arbejdsbegreb

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    På både arbejdsmarkedet og i en række samfundsmæssige organiseringer er der rift om de unge og usikkerhed om de unges krav til et fremtidigt arbejds. liv. Skal man søge at begrænse, styre og dirigere de unges valg? Skal man sætte sin lid til, at de unges orienteringer og krav er i overensstemmelse med tidens tand? Og hvorfor kan unge ledige ikke udfylde netop de huller på arbejdsmarkedet, der passer til deres kvalifikationsniveau? Artiklen søger at indkredse en forståelse af unges bevæggrunde og forventninger til arbejdet. Både unge i uddannelsessystemet, på arbejdsmarkedet og dem udenfor

    Unges arbejdsbegreb

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    På både arbejdsmarkedet og i en række samfundsmæssige organiseringer er der rift om de unge og usikkerhed om de unges krav til et fremtidigt arbejds. liv. Skal man søge at begrænse, styre og dirigere de unges valg? Skal man sætte sin lid til, at de unges orienteringer og krav er i overensstemmelse med tidens tand? Og hvorfor kan unge ledige ikke udfylde netop de huller på arbejdsmarkedet, der passer til deres kvalifikationsniveau? Artiklen søger at indkredse en forståelse af unges bevæggrunde og forventninger til arbejdet. Både unge i uddannelsessystemet, på arbejdsmarkedet og dem udenfor

    Assessment of personality-related levels of functioning:a pilot study of clinical assessment of the DSM-5 level of personality functioning based on a semi-structured interview

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    BACKGROUND: The personality disorder categories in the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders IV have been extensively criticized, and there is a growing consensus that personality pathology should be represented dimensionally rather than categorically. The aim of this pilot study was to test the Clinical Assessment of the Level of Personality Functioning Scale, a semi-structured clinical interview, designed to assess the Level of Personality Functioning Scale of the DSM-5 (Section III) by applying strategies similar to what characterizes assessments in clinical practice. METHODS: The inter-rater reliability of the assessment of the four domains and the total impairment in the Level of Personality Functioning Scale were measured in a patient sample that varied in terms of severity and type of pathology. Ratings were done independently by the interviewer and two experts who watched a videotaped Clinical Assessment of the Level of Personality Functioning Scale interview. RESULTS: Inter-rater reliability coefficients varied between domains and were not sufficient for clinical practice, but may support the use of the interview to assess the dimensions of personality functioning for research purposes. CONCLUSIONS: While designed to measure the Level of Personality Functioning Scale with a high degree of similarity to clinical practice, the Clinical Assessment of the Level of Personality Functioning Scale had weak reliabilities and a rating based on a single interview should not be considered a stand-alone assessment of areas of functioning for a given patient

    Hyper- and hypo-mentalizing in patients with first-episode schizophrenia: fMRI and behavioural studies

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    Background: Historically, research investigating neural correlates of mentalizing deficits in schizophrenia has focused on patients who have been ill for several years with lengthy exposure to medication. Little is known about the neural and behavioural presentations of theory-of-mind deficits in schizophrenia, shortly after the first episode of psychosis. Methods: We investigated social cognition in seventeen recently diagnosed first-episode schizophrenia (FES) patients with little or no exposure to antipsychotic medication and 1:1 matched healthy controls. We recorded behavioural and neural responses to the Animated Triangles Task (ATT), which is a non-verbal validated mentalizing task that measures the ascription of intentionality to the movements of objects. Results: FES patients under-interpreted social cues and over-interpreted non-social cues. These effects were influenced by current intelligence (IQ). Control group and FES neural responses replicated earlier findings in healthy adults. However, a region of anterior medial prefrontal cortex (amPFC) of FES patients showed a different response pattern to that of controls. Unlike healthy controls, patients increased activity in this social cognition region while studying ‘random’ movements of shapes, as compared to the study of movements normally interpreted as ‘intentional’. Conclusions: Mentalizing deficits in FES consists of hypo- and hyper-mentalizing. The neural pattern of FES patients is consistent with deficits in the ability to switch off mentalizing processes in potentially social contexts, instead increasing them when intentionality is not forthcoming. Overall, results demonstrate complexities of theory of mind deficits in schizophrenia that should be considered when offering social cognitive training programs