12 research outputs found

    Canada’s Participation in the Imperial Military Bodies in the First World War

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    Introduction. The paper is devoted to the participation of Canada in the creation and activities of the Imperial War Cabinet and two Imperial War Conferences of 1917 and 1918 to explain the evolution of the foreign and political status of Canada as a part of the British Empire after the end of the War. Methods and materials. The paper is based on the British and Canadian Parliamentary Debates, Reports, Minutes of Proceedings and Meetings of the Imperial War Conferences 1917/1918 and the Imperial War Cabinet. To study them, it uses the method of historical criticism of sources. The author also uses the historical-genetic, comparative and the narrative methods to investigate the causes, the process of creating and activities of imperial military bodies for the unified management of the war. Analysis. The paper analyzes the reasons for the creation of imperial military organizations in the British Empire during the war. It reveals the organizational and functional differences between the two imperial military bodies: Cabinet and Conference. The author studies the activities of imperial military bodies during the war in detail, determines the role of the Canadian delegation in this process. The article analyzes the decisions of the imperial military bodies, reveals their domestic and foreign policy consequences for Dominion of Canada. Results. Canada’s active participation in the creation and activities of the imperial military bodies during the First World War was one of the factors in the transformation of the Empire into the Commonwealth of Nations, the formation of its own national identity, political and foreign independence within the Empire

    A Functional Model for Data Analysis and Result Visualization

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    In several Web based applications (e-commerce, e- learning, digital libraries, etc.) one needs to display a dense array of information in a small amount of space (such as a screen) in a manner that communicates clearly and immediately. The information displayed is usually aggregates of results obtained through analysis of large amounts of data. We present a functional model that supports the data analysis and aggregation process, and a prototype that supports casual users in doing the following: (a) construct an analytic query visually, in an interactive manner, (b) visualize the aggregate result in a user selected mode (histogram, pie, etc.), (c) explore the query result by providing equivalent representations at different aggregation levels or for different parameter values selected by the user

    KP-LAB Knowledge Practices Laboratory -- Specification of end-user applications

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    deliverablesThe present deliverable provides a high-level view on the new specifications of end user applications defined in the WPII during the M37-M46 period of the KP-Lab project. This is the last in the series of four deliverables that cover all the tools developed in the project, the previous ones being D6.1, D6.4 and D6.6. This deliverable presents specifications for the new functionalities for supporting the dedicated research studies defined in the latest revision of the KP-Lab research strategy. The tools addressed are: the analytic tools (Data export, Time-line-based analyser, Visual analyser), Clipboard, Search, Versioning of uploadable content items, Visual Model Editor (VME) and Visual Modeling Language Editor (VMLE). The main part of the deliverable provides the summary of tool specifications and the description of the Knowledge Practices Environment architecture, as well as an overview of the revised technical design process, of the toolsÂ’ relationship with the research studies, and of the driving objectives and the high-level requirements relevant for the present specifications. The full specifications of tools are provided in the annexes 1-9

    Optimisation de requêtes OLAP et visualisation des résultats

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    Nous explorons différents aspects des entrepôts de données et d’OLAP, le point commun de nos recherches étant le modèle fonctionnel pour l'analyse de données. Notre objectif principal est d'utiliser ce modèle dans l'étude de trois aspects différents, mais liés:- l'optimisation de requêtes par réécriture et la gestion du cache,- la visualisation du résultat d'une requête OLAP,- le mapping d'un schéma relationnel en BCNF vers un schéma fonctionnel. L'optimisation de requêtes et la gestion de cache sont des problèmes cruciaux dans l'évaluation de requêtes en général, et les entrepôts de données en particulier; et la réécriture de requêtes est une des techniques de base pour l'optimisation de requêtes. Nous établissons des conditions d'implication de requêtes analytiques, en utilisant le pré-ordre partiel sur l'ensemble de requêtes, et nous définissons un algorithme sain et complet de réécriture ainsi que une stratégie de gestion de cache optimisée, tous les deux basés sur le modèle fonctionnel.Le deuxième aspect important que nous explorons dans cette thèse est celui de la visualisation du résultat. Nous démontrons l'importance pour la visualisation de reproduire des propriétés essentielles de données qui sont les dépendances fonctionnelles. Nous montrons que la connexion, existante entre les données et leur visualisation, est précisément la connexion entre leurs représentations fonctionnelles. Nous dérivons alors un cadre technique, ayant pour objectif d'établir une telle connexion pour un ensemble de données et un ensemble de visualisations. En plus d'analyse du processus de visualisation, nous utilisons le modèle fonctionnel comme un guide pour la visualisation interactive, et définissons ce qu'on appelle la visualisation paramétrique. Le troisième aspect important de notre travail est l'expérimentation des résultats obtenus dans cette thèse. Les résultats de cette thèse peuvent être utilisés afin d’analyser les données contenues dans une table en Boyce-Codd Normal Form (BCNF), étant donné que le schéma de la table peut être transformé aisément en un schéma fonctionnel. Nous présentons une telle transformation (mapping) dans cette thèse. Une fois le schéma relationnel transformé en un schéma fonctionnel, nous pouvons profiter des résultats sur l'optimisation et la visualisation de requêtes. Nous avons utilisé cette transformation dans l’implémentation de deux prototypes dans le cadre de deux projets différents.In this thesis, we explore different aspects of Data Warehousing and OLAP, the common point of our proposals being the functional model for data analysis. Our main objective is to use that model in studying three different, but related aspects:- query optimization through rewriting and cache management,- query result visualization,- mapping of a relational BCNF schema to a functional schema.Query optimization and cache management is a crucial issue in query processing in general, and in data warehousing in particular; and query rewriting is one of the basic techniques for query optimization. We establish derivability conditions for analytic functional queries, using a partial pre-order over the set of queries. Then we provide a sound and complete rewriting algorithm, as well as an optimized cache management strategy, both based on the underlying functional model.A second important aspect that we explore in the thesis is that of query result visualization. We show the importance for the visualization to reflect such essential features of the dataset as functional dependencies. We show that the connection existing between data and visualization is precisely the connection between their functional representations. We then define a framework, whose objective is to establish such a connection for a given dataset and a set of visualizations. In addition to the analysis of the visualization process, we use the functional data model as a guide for interactive visualization, and define what we call a parametric visualization. A third important aspect of our work is experimentation with the results obtained in the thesis. In order to be able to analyze the data contained in a Boyce-Codd Normal Form (BCNF) table, one can use the results obtained in this thesis, provided that the schema of the table can be mapped to a functional schema. We present such a mapping in this thesis. Once the relational schema has been transformed into a functional schema, we can take advantage of the query optimization and result visualization results presented in the thesis. We have used this transformation in the implementation of two prototypes in the context of two different projects

    Pressure Flakers of Late Neolithic Forest Hunter-Gatherer-Fishers of Eastern Europe and Their Remote Counterparts

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    The remarkable group of tools was detected among the hunter-gatherer-fishers’ archaeological materials of the East European Plain central part dated around 3500–2700 BC. The so-called “crooked items” were initially interpreted as ritual phallic depictions, but now after conducting a more detailed analysis of their morphology, technology, and use-wear, it became clear that we deal with pressure flakers used to process flint tools. The most astonishing fact is that the straight parallel to these tools exists, coming from the opposite side of the globe, namely, the Bering Strait region – Kamchatka, Chukotka, and Alaska, where the same tools are known quite well both in archaeological and ethnographical collections. In this study, we discuss the results of use-wear analysis of both handles and removable tips from the Central Russian settlements of Moscow, Ivanovo, and Yaroslavl regions dated the second half of the fourth to the beginning of the third millennium BC

    Self-organization of healthy lifestyle by students in moscow bi-region

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    The study aims to reveal factors facilitating healthy lifestyle of modern students. This article presents the findings obtained in the case study “Our health” carried out in Moscow bi-region in October 2019. A group of researchers from Plekhanov Russian University of Economics surveyed students using online questionnaire method (N=2600). According to the findings, the widely-recognized health promotion activities are regular exercise, Sport classes at university, mental exercise, walks in the fresh air, listening to music. Some unconventional activities, for instance, walking upstairs, dancing and spending time on a hobby, also gained approval. The respondents showed little concern with oriental health-promoting activities and healing methods. Basically, most students prefer dynamic exercise to static one. Young adults rarely visit doctors or use medication. The respondents are not concerned much about their mental health, and thus, rarely apply for professional psychological help. The majority of the respondents value long and steady relations and speak against casual sexual relations, which proves their awareness on sexually transmitted disease prevention. In conclusion, we need to draw attention to certain discrepancy between intended value-based orientation towards healthy lifestyle and its translation into action

    Replication data for: Enhanced clot growth rate before cycle of in vitro fertilization decreases probability of pregnancy

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    Here we deposit the data on coagulation assays results of 125 patients enrolled in the study by Balandina et al. "Enhanced clot growth rate before cycle of in vitro fertilization decreases probability of pregnancy

    Occurrence of Calcium Oscillations in Human Spermatozoa Is Based on Spatial Signaling Enzymes Distribution

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    In human spermatozoa, calcium dynamics control most of fertilization events. Progesterone, present in the female reproductive system, can trigger several types of calcium responses, such as low-frequency oscillations. Here we aimed to identify the mechanisms of progesterone-induced calcium signaling in human spermatozoa. Progesterone-induced activation of fluorophore-loaded spermatozoa was studied by fluorescent microscopy. Two computational models were developed to describe the spermatozoa calcium responses: a homogeneous one based on a system of ordinary differential equations and a three-dimensional one with added space dimensions and diffusion for the cytosolic species. In response to progesterone, three types of calcium responses were observed in human spermatozoa: a single transient rise of calcium concentration in cytosol, a steady elevation, or low-frequency oscillations. The homogenous model provided qualitative description of the oscillatory and the single spike responses, while the three-dimensional model captured the calcium peak shape and the frequency of calcium oscillations. The model analysis demonstrated that an increase in the calcium diffusion coefficient resulted in the disappearance of the calcium oscillations. Additionally, in silico analysis suggested that the spatial distribution of calcium signaling enzymes governs the appearance of calcium oscillations in progesterone-activated human spermatozoa

    KP-LAB Knowledge Practices Laboratory -- Specifications for the Knowledge Matchmaker (V.2.0), the Knowledge Synthesizer (V.1.0) and the Analytical and Knowledge Mining Services (V.1.0)

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    deliverablesThis deliverable presents specifications of three components responsible for advanced manipulation with the knowledge stored in the KP-Lab Semantic Web Knowledge Middleware (SWKM). It starts with motivating scenarios defined within various Working Knots (WKs), extracting relevant functional requirements and mapping them on the high-level requirements, of particular driving objectives and user tasks (described in deliverable [D2.4]). The first component is Knowledge Matchmaker (V2.0), which utilizes various text mining, information extraction, and heuristic methods for advanced access to and manipulation with shared knowledge artefacts according to the explicit meaning of artefacts expressed by their textual content, as well as metadata, including semantic tagging. This second version presents a set of completely new services supporting miscellaneous functionalities such as support for semantic tagging process, search for similar artefacts, information extraction capabilities, as well as recommendation services. Next two components are completely new. The Knowledge Synthesizer (V1.0) can be used to combine information found in multiple sources; this feature is necessary to allow automated merging of the conceptualizations modeled in independently edited conceptualizations. The Analytical and Knowledge Mining Services (V1.0) provide means for analyzing participation and activities within past or running knowledge creation processes, as well as for support of knowledge evolution analysis (e.g. via identification of critical patterns in selected knowledge creation processes)