68 research outputs found


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    The eukaryotic cell nucleus is composed by heterogeneous biological structures, such as the nuclear envelope (NE) and chromatin. At a morphological level, chromatin organization and its interactions with nuclear structures, such as nuclear lamina (NL) and nuclear pore complex (NPC), are suggested to play an essential role in the regulation of gene activity, which involves the packaging of the genome into transcriptionally active and inactive sites, bound to healthy cell proliferation and maintenance. However, the processes governing the relation between nuclear structures and gene regulation are still unclear. For this reason, the advanced microscopy methods represent a powerful tool for imaging nuclear structures at the nanometer level, which is essential to understand the effect of nuclear interactions on genome function. The nanometer information may be achieved either through the advanced imaging techniques in combination with fluorescence spectroscopy or with the help of super-resolution methods, increasing the spatial resolution of the conventional optical microscopy. In this thesis, I implemented a double strategy based on a novel FLIM-FRET assay and super resolution SPLIT-STED method for the investigation of the chromatin organization and nuclear envelope components (lamins and NPC) at the nanoscale, in combination with the phasor analysis. The phasor approach can be applied to several fluorescence microscopy techniques abled to provide an image with an additional information in a third channel. Phasor plot is a graphical representation, which decodes the fluorescence dynamics encoded in the image, revealing a powerful tool for the data analysis in time-resolved imaging. The Chapter 1 of the thesis is characterized by an Introduction, which provides an overview on the chromatin organization at the nanoscale and the description of the several advanced fluorescence microscopy techniques used for its investigation. They are broadly divided into two main categories: the advanced imaging techniques, such as Fluorescence Correlation Spectroscopy (FCS), single particle tracking (SPT) and Fluorescence Recovery After Photobleaching (FRAP), Forster Resonance Energy Transfer (FRET) and Fluorescence Lifetime Imaging Microscopy (FLIM) and the super-resolution techniques, which include Stimulated Emission Depletion (STED), Structured Illumination Microscopy (SIM) and single molecule localization microscopy (SMLM). Following, Chapter 2 focus on the capabilities of the phasor approach in time-resolved microscopy, as a powerful tool for the analysis of the experimental data. After a description of the principles of time-domain and frequency-domain measurements, in this section are explained the rules of the phasor analysis and its applications in different fluorescence microscopy techniques. In Chapter 3, I present a FRET assay, based on the staining of the nuclei with two DNA-binding dyes (e.g. Hoechst 33342 and Syto Green 13) by using frequency-domain detection of FLIM and the phasor analysis in live interphase nuclei. I show that the FRET level strongly depends on the relative concentration of the two fluorophores. I describe a method to correct the values of FRET efficiency and demonstrate that, with this correction, the FLIM-FRET assay can be used to quantify variations of nanoscale chromatin compaction in live cells. In Chapter 4, the phasor analysis is employed to the improvement of the resolving power of the super-resolution STED microscopy. I describe a novel method to investigate nuclear structures at the nanometer level, known as SPLIT (Separation of Photons by Lifetime Tuning), developed by my group in last years. By using the phasor approach, the SPLIT technique decodes the variations of spectroscopic parameters of fluorophores, such as lifetime and fluorescence intensity, due to the effect of the modulated depletion power of the STED technique, increasing the resolving power. In this chapter, I develop the concept of the SPLIT method modulating the excitation pattern during the image acquisition to overcome its limitation linked to the photobleaching effect and the signal-to-noise ratio

    Improving SPLIT-STED super-resolution imaging with tunable depletion and excitation power

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    Abstract The SPLIT approach is a simple and efficient way to improve the spatial resolution of a super-resolved STED multi-dimensional image, i.e. a STED image in which an additional dimension encodes spatial information. Recently, we have demonstrated that the SPLIT can be applied to multidimensional STED images obtained with tunable depletion power. In this SPLIT-STED implementation, the additional dimension is represented by the depletion power, a parameter that can be easily tuned on any STED microscope. In this work, we introduce a modified implementation in which we tune also the excitation power. The tuning of the excitation power is used to modulate the number of photons collected for each STED image. We show that the modified SPLIT-STED method produces an improvement of spatial resolution for very different tuning patterns of the excitation intensity, improving the versatility of the SPLIT-STED approach. Interestingly, we find that the extent of photobleaching can be modulated by the excitation pattern, as it depends on the simultaneous impact of high STED and excitation powers. Thus, the tuning of the excitation power can improve applicability of the method to live cell imaging, potentially minimizing the photobleaching of the fluorophores and the phototoxicity on the biological samples during a SPLIT-STED acquisition. We apply the modified SPLIT-STED method to super-resolution imaging of nuclear periphery, in both fixed and live cells

    Peak shape clustering reveals biological insights

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    Background: ChIP-seq experiments are widely used to detect and study DNA-protein interactions, such as transcription factor binding and chromatin modifications. However, downstream analysis of ChIP-seq data is currently restricted to the evaluation of signal intensity and the detection of enriched regions (peaks) in the genome. Other features of peak shape are almost always neglected, despite the remarkable differences shown by ChIP-seq for different proteins, as well as by distinct regions in a single experiment. Results: We hypothesize that statistically significant differences in peak shape might have a functional role and a biological meaning. Thus, we design five indices able to summarize peak shapes and we employ multivariate clustering techniques to divide peaks into groups according to both their complexity and the intensity of their coverage function. In addition, our novel analysis pipeline employs a range of statistical and bioinformatics techniques to relate the obtained peak shapes to several independent genomic datasets, including other genome-wide protein-DNA maps and gene expression experiments. To clarify the meaning of peak shape, we apply our methodology to the study of the erythroid transcription factor GATA-1 in K562 cell line and in megakaryocytes. Conclusions: Our study demonstrates that ChIP-seq profiles include information regarding the binding of other proteins beside the one used for precipitation. In particular, peak shape provides new insights into cooperative transcriptional regulation and is correlated to gene expression

    AML1/ETO Oncoprotein Is Directed to AML1 Binding Regions and Co-Localizes with AML1 and HEB on Its Targets

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    A reciprocal translocation involving chromosomes 8 and 21 generates the AML1/ETO oncogenic transcription factor that initiates acute myeloid leukemia by recruiting co-repressor complexes to DNA. AML1/ETO interferes with the function of its wild-type counterpart, AML1, by directly targeting AML1 binding sites. However, transcriptional regulation determined by AML1/ETO probably relies on a more complex network, since the fusion protein has been shown to interact with a number of other transcription factors, in particular E-proteins, and may therefore target other sites on DNA. Genome-wide chromatin immunoprecipitation and expression profiling were exploited to identify AML1/ETO-dependent transcriptional regulation. AML1/ETO was found to co-localize with AML1, demonstrating that the fusion protein follows the binding pattern of the wild-type protein but does not function primarily by displacing it. The DNA binding profile of the E-protein HEB was grossly rearranged upon expression of AML1/ETO, and the fusion protein was found to co-localize with both AML1 and HEB on many of its regulated targets. Furthermore, the level of HEB protein was increased in both primary cells and cell lines expressing AML1/ETO. Our results suggest a major role for the functional interaction of AML1/ETO with AML1 and HEB in transcriptional regulation determined by the fusion protein

    Correlative Multi-Modal Microscopy: A Novel Pipeline for Optimizing Fluorescence Microscopy Resolutions in Biological Applications

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    The modern fluorescence microscope is the convergence point of technologies with different performances in terms of statistical sampling, number of simultaneously analyzed signals, and spatial resolution. However, the best results are usually obtained by maximizing only one of these parameters and finding a compromise for the others, a limitation that can become particularly significant when applied to cell biology and that can reduce the spreading of novel optical microscopy tools among research laboratories. Super resolution microscopy and, in particular, molecular localization-based approaches provide a spatial resolution and a molecular localization precision able to explore the scale of macromolecular complexes in situ. However, its use is limited to restricted regions, and consequently few cells, and frequently no more than one or two parameters. Correlative microscopy, obtained by the fusion of different optical technologies, can consequently surpass this barrier by merging results from different spatial scales. We discuss here the use of an acquisition and analysis correlative microscopy pipeline to obtain high statistical sampling, high content, and maximum spatial resolution by combining widefield, confocal, and molecular localization microscopy

    From Double-Strand Break Recognition to Cell-Cycle Checkpoint Activation: High Content and Resolution Image Cytometry Unmasks 53BP1 Multiple Roles in DNA Damage Response and p53 Action

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    53BP1 protein has been isolated in-vitro as a putative p53 interactor. From the discovery of its engagement in the DNA-Damage Response (DDR), its role in sustaining the activity of the p53-regulated transcriptional program has been frequently under-evaluated, even in the case of a specific response to numerous DNA Double-Strand Breaks (DSBs), i.e., exposure to ionizing radiation. The localization of 53BP1 protein constitutes a key to decipher the network of activities exerted in response to stress. We present here an automated-microscopy for image cytometry protocol to analyze the evolution of the DDR, and to demonstrate how 53BP1 moved from damaged sites, where the well-known interaction with the DSB marker γH2A.X takes place, to nucleoplasm, interacting with p53, and enhancing the transcriptional regulation of the guardian of the genome protein. Molecular interactions have been quantitatively described and spatiotemporally localized at the highest spatial resolution by a simultaneous analysis of the impairment of the cell-cycle progression. Thanks to the high statistical sampling of the presented protocol, we provide a detailed quantitative description of the molecular events following the DSBs formation. Single-Molecule Localization Microscopy (SMLM) Analysis finally confirmed the p53–53BP1 interaction on the tens of nanometers scale during the distinct phases of the response

    Novel Tools to Measure Single Molecules Colocalization in Fluorescence Nanoscopy by Image Cross Correlation Spectroscopy

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    Super Resolution Microscopy revolutionized the approach to the study of molecular interactions by providing new quantitative tools to describe the scale below 100 nanometers. Single Molecule Localization Microscopy (SMLM) reaches a spatial resolution less than 50 nm with a precision in calculating molecule coordinates between 10 and 20 nanometers. However new procedures are required to analyze data from the list of molecular coordinates created by SMLM. We propose new tools based on Image Cross Correlation Spectroscopy (ICCS) to quantify the colocalization of fluorescent signals at single molecule level. These analysis procedures have been inserted into an experimental pipeline to optimize the produced results. We show that Fluorescent NanoDiamonds targeted to an intracellular compartment can be employed (i) to correct spatial drift to maximize the localization precision and (ii) to register confocal and SMLM images in correlative multiresolution, multimodal imaging. We validated the ICCS based approach on defined biological control samples and showed its ability to quantitatively map area of interactions inside the cell. The produced results show that the ICCS analysis is an efficient tool to measure relative spatial distribution of different molecular species at the nanoscale

    FLIM-FRET of Chromatin in Live Cells using Two DNA-Binding Dyes

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    The structural state of DNA in mammalian nucleus of living cells corresponds to varying levels of chromatin organization, ranging from the nucleosomes to higher order structures. This varying degree of hierarchical compaction is integral to genome functions, allowing or preventing access to several genetic nuclear factors (epigenetic, replicative, and transcriptional)[Misteli T, Cell (2007)]. However, how the higher-order chromatin structures are formed and then behave in various cellular processes in live cells remains unclear
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