2,088 research outputs found

    Statistical modelling of higher-order correlations in pools of neural activity

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    Simultaneous recordings from multiple neural units allow us to investigate the activity of very large neural ensembles. To understand how large ensembles of neurons process sensory information, it is necessary to develop suitable statistical models to describe the response variability of the recorded spike trains. Using the information geometry framework, it is possible to estimate higher-order correlations by assigning one interaction parameter to each degree of correlation, leading to a (2^N-1)-dimensional model for a population with N neurons. However, this model suffers greatly from a combinatorial explosion, and the number of parameters to be estimated from the available sample size constitutes the main intractability reason of this approach. To quantify the extent of higher than pairwise spike correlations in pools of multiunit activity, we use an information-geometric approach within the framework of the extended central limit theorem considering all possible contributions from higher-order spike correlations. The identification of a deformation parameter allows us to provide a statistical characterisation of the amount of higher-order correlations in the case of a very large neural ensemble, significantly reducing the number of parameters, avoiding the sampling problem, and inferring the underlying dynamical properties of the network within pools of multiunit neural activity.Instituto de Física de Líquidos y Sistemas BiológicosInstituto de Física La PlataConsejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnica

    Statistical modelling of higher-order correlations in pools of neural activity

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    Simultaneous recordings from multiple neural units allow us to investigate the activity of very large neural ensembles. To understand how large ensembles of neurons process sensory information, it is necessary to develop suitable statistical models to describe the response variability of the recorded spike trains. Using the information geometry framework, it is possible to estimate higher-order correlations by assigning one interaction parameter to each degree of correlation, leading to a (2^N-1)-dimensional model for a population with N neurons. However, this model suffers greatly from a combinatorial explosion, and the number of parameters to be estimated from the available sample size constitutes the main intractability reason of this approach. To quantify the extent of higher than pairwise spike correlations in pools of multiunit activity, we use an information-geometric approach within the framework of the extended central limit theorem considering all possible contributions from higher-order spike correlations. The identification of a deformation parameter allows us to provide a statistical characterisation of the amount of higher-order correlations in the case of a very large neural ensemble, significantly reducing the number of parameters, avoiding the sampling problem, and inferring the underlying dynamical properties of the network within pools of multiunit neural activity.Instituto de Física de Líquidos y Sistemas BiológicosInstituto de Física La PlataConsejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnica

    Stability of the replica symmetric solution for the information conveyed by by a neural network

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    The information that a pattern of firing in the output layer of a feedforward network of threshold-linear neurons conveys about the network's inputs is considered. A replica-symmetric solution is found to be stable for all but small amounts of noise. The region of instability depends on the contribution of the threshold and the sparseness: for distributed pattern distributions, the unstable region extends to higher noise variances than for very sparse distributions, for which it is almost nonexistant.Comment: 19 pages, LaTeX, 5 figures. Also available at http://www.mrc-bbc.ox.ac.uk/~schultz/papers.html . Submitted to Phys. Rev. E Minor change

    The spatial pattern of light determines the kinetics and modulates backpropagation of optogenetic action potentials

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    Optogenetics offers an unprecedented ability to spatially target neuronal stimulations. This study investigated via simulation, for the first time, how the spatial pattern of excitation affects the response of channelrhodopsin-2 (ChR2) expressing neurons. First we described a methodology for modeling ChR2 in the NEURON simulation platform. Then, we compared four most commonly considered illumination strategies (somatic, dendritic, axonal and whole cell) in a paradigmatic model of a cortical layer V pyramidal cell. We show that the spatial pattern of illumination has an important impact on the efficiency of stimulation and the kinetics of the spiking output. Whole cell illumination synchronizes the depolarization of the dendritic tree and the soma and evokes spiking characteristics with a distinct pattern including an increased bursting rate and enhanced back propagation of action potentials (bAPs). This type of illumination is the most efficient as a given irradiance threshold was achievable with only 6 % of ChR2 density needed in the case of somatic illumination. Targeting only the axon initial segment requires a high ChR2 density to achieve a given threshold irradiance and a prolonged illumination does not yield sustained spiking. We also show that patterned illumination can be used to modulate the bAPs and hence spatially modulate the direction and amplitude of spike time dependent plasticity protocols. We further found the irradiance threshold to increase in proportion to the demyelination level of an axon, suggesting that measurements of the irradiance threshold (for example relative to the soma) could be used to remotely probe a loss of neural myelin sheath, which is a hallmark of several neurodegenerative diseases

    Nutritional State Modulates the Neural Processing of Visual Motion

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    SummaryFood deprivation alters the processing of sensory information, increasing neural activity in the olfactory and gustatory systems in animals across phyla [1–4]. Neural signaling is metabolically costly [5–9], and a hungry animal has limited energy reserves, so we hypothesized that neural activity in other systems may be downregulated by food deprivation. We investigated this hypothesis in the motion vision pathway of the blowfly. Like other animals [10–17], flies augment their motion vision when moving: they increase the resting activity and gain of visual interneurons supporting the control of locomotion and gaze [18–21]. In the present study, walking-induced changes in visual processing depended on the nutritional state—they decreased with food deprivation and recovered after subsequent feeding. We found that changes in the motion vision pathway depended on walking speed in a manner dependent on the nutritional state. Walking also reduced response latencies in visual interneurons, an effect not altered by food deprivation. Finally, the optomotor reflex that compensates for visual wide-field motion was reduced in food-deprived flies. Thus, walking augmented motion vision, but the effect was decreased when energy reserves were low. Our results suggest that energy limitations may drive the rebalancing of neural activity with changes in the nutritional state

    A mathematical model of receptive field reorganization following stroke

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    Insufficient blood transport to neurons in the brain due to blocked or ruptured blood vessels (stroke) can lead to damage or death of cells, causing functional impairment. Intact neurons surrounding a stroke-like lesion have been shown to adapt to the damage by expanding their sensory receptive fields in the direction towards the lesion, thereby restoring information processing capacity within the cortex. We developed model of the effect of focal ischaemia on the performance of a neuronal population code, in order to study physiological parameters that could be influenced to enhance recovery from stroke. Our findings show that recovery of the accuracy of the population code is optimal by a specific amount of receptive field plasticity. This plasticity may be influenced by changing the level of gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA-ergic) inhibition in the areas surrounding the damaged tissue.Facultad de Ciencias Exacta
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