149 research outputs found

    GlomSpheres as a 3D co-culture spheroid model of the kidney glomerulus for rapid drug-screening

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    The glomerulus is the filtration unit of the kidney. Injury to any component of this specialised structure leads to impaired filtration and eventually fibrosis and chronic kidney disease. Current two and three dimensional (2D and 3D) models that attempt to recreate structure and interplay between glomerular cells are imperfect. Most 2D models are simplistic and unrepresentative, and 3D organoid approaches are currently difficult to reproduce at scale and do not fit well with current industrial drug-screening approaches. Here we report a rapidly generated and highly reproducible 3D co-culture spheroid model (GlomSpheres), better demonstrating the specialised physical and molecular structure of a glomerulus. Co-cultured using a magnetic spheroid formation approach, conditionally immortalised (CI) human podocytes and glomerular endothelial cells (GEnCs) deposited mature, organized isoforms of collagen IV and Laminin. We demonstrate a dramatic upregulation of key podocyte (podocin, nephrin and podocalyxin) and GEnC (pecam-1) markers. Electron microscopy revealed podocyte foot process interdigitation and endothelial vessel formation. Incubation with pro-fibrotic agents (TGF-β1, Adriamycin) induced extracellular matrix (ECM) dysregulation and podocyte loss, which were attenuated by the anti-fibrotic agent Nintedanib. Incubation with plasma from patients with kidney disease induced acute podocyte loss and ECM dysregulation relative to patient matched remission plasma, and Nintedanib reduced podocyte loss. Finally, we developed a rapid imaging approach to demonstrate the model’s usefulness in higher throughput pharmaceutical screening. GlomSpheres therefore represent a robust, scalable, replacement for 2D in vitro glomerular disease models

    Cystatin C and alpha-1-Microglobulin Predict Severe Acute Kidney Injury in Patients with Hemorrhagic Fever with Renal Syndrome

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    Puumala orthohantavirus causes hemorrhagic fever with renal syndrome (HFRS) characterized by acute kidney injury (AKI), an abrupt decrease in renal function. Creatinine is routinely used to detect and quantify AKI; however, early AKI may not be reflected in increased creatinine levels. Therefore, kidney injury markers that can predict AKI are needed. The potential of the kidney injury markers urea, cystatin C, α1-microglobulin (A1M) and neutrophil gelatinase-associated lipocalin (NGAL) to detect early AKI during HFRS was studied by quantifying the levels of these markers in consecutively obtained plasma (P) and urine samples (U) for 44 HFRS patients. P-cystatin C and U-A1M levels were significantly increased during early HFRS compared to follow-up. In a receiver operating characteristic (ROC) curve analysis, P-cystatin C, U-A1M and P-urea predicted severe AKI with area under the curve 0.72, 0.73 and 0.71, respectively, whereas the traditional kidney injury biomarkers creatinine and U-albumin did not predict AKI. Nearly half of the HFRS patients (41%) fulfilled the criteria for shrunken pore syndrome, which was associated with the level of inflammation as measured by P-CRP. P-cystatin C and U-A1M are more sensitive and earlier markers compared to creatinine in predicting kidney injury during HFRS

    Decreased CXCR1 and CXCR2 expression on neutrophils in anti-neutrophil cytoplasmic autoantibody-associated vasculitides potentially increases neutrophil adhesion and impairs migration

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    Introduction: In anti-neutrophil cytoplasmic autoantibody (ANCA)-associated vasculitides (AAV), persistent inflammation within the vessel wall suggests perturbed neutrophil trafficking leading to accumulation of activated neutrophils in the microvascular compartment. CXCR1 and CXCR2, being major chemokine receptors on neutrophils, are largely responsible for neutrophil recruitment. We speculate that down-regulated expression of CXCR1/2 retains neutrophils within the vessel wall and, consequently, leads to vessel damage.Methods: Membrane expression of CXCR1/2 on neutrophils was assessed by flow cytometry. Serum levels of interleukin-8 (IL-8), tumor necrosis factor alpha (TNF-α), angiopoietin 1 and angiopoietin 2 from quiescent and active AAV patients and healthy controls (HC) were quantified by ELISA. Adhesion and transendothelial migration of isolated neutrophils were analyzed using adhesion assays and Transwell systems, respectively.Results: Expression of CXCR1 and CXCR2 on neutrophils was significantly decreased in AAV patients compared to HC. Levels of IL-8, which, as TNFα, dose-dependently down-regulated CXCR1 and CXCR2 expression on neutrophils in vitro, were significantly increased in the serum of patients with active AAV and correlated negatively with CXCR1/CXCR2 expression on neutrophils, even in quiescent patients. Blocking CXCR1 and CXCR2 with repertaxin increased neutrophil adhesion and inhibited migration through a glomerular endothelial cell layer.Conclusions: Expression of CXCR1 and CXCR2 is decreased in AAV, potentially induced by circulating proinflammatory cytokines such as IL-8. Down-regulation of these chemokine receptors could increase neutrophil adhesion and impair its migration through the glomerular endothelium, contributing to neutrophil accumulation and, in concert with ANCA, persistent inflammation within the vessel wall. © 2012 Hu et al.; licensee BioMed Central Ltd.link_to_subscribed_fulltex

    Adiponectin reduces glomerular endothelial glycocalyx disruption and restores glomerular barrier function in a mouse model of type 2 diabetes

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    Adiponectin has vascular anti-inflammatory and protective effects. Although adiponectin protects against the development of albuminuria, historically, the focus has been on podocyte protection within the glomerular filtration barrier (GFB). The first barrier to albumin in the GFB is the endothelial glycocalyx (eGlx), a surface gel-like barrier covering glomerular endothelial cells (GEnCs). In diabetes, eGlx dysfunction occurs before podocyte damage; hence, we hypothesized that adiponectin could protect from eGlx damage to prevent early vascular damage in diabetic kidney disease (DKD). Globular adiponectin (gAd) activated AMPK signaling in human GEnCs through AdipoR1. It significantly reduced eGlx shedding and the TNF-α–mediated increase in syndecan-4 (SDC4) and MMP2 mRNA expression in GEnCs in vitro. It protected against increased TNF-α mRNA expression in glomeruli isolated from db/db mice and against expression of genes associated with glycocalyx shedding (namely, SDC4, MMP2, and MMP9). In addition, gAd protected against increased glomerular albumin permeability (Ps’alb) in glomeruli isolated from db/db mice when administered intraperitoneally and when applied directly to glomeruli (ex vivo). Ps’alb was inversely correlated with eGlx depth in vivo. In summary, adiponectin restored eGlx depth, which was correlated with improved glomerular barrier function, in diabetes

    An In Vitro Model of the Glomerular Capillary Wall Using Electrospun Collagen Nanofibres in a Bioartificial Composite Basement Membrane

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    The filtering unit of the kidney, the glomerulus, contains capillaries whose walls function as a biological sieve, the glomerular filtration barrier. This comprises layers of two specialised cells, glomerular endothelial cells (GEnC) and podocytes, separated by a basement membrane. Glomerular filtration barrier function, and dysfunction in disease, remains incompletely understood, partly due to difficulties in studying the relevant cell types in vitro. We have addressed this by generation of unique conditionally immortalised human GEnC and podocytes. However, because the glomerular filtration barrier functions as a whole, it is necessary to develop three dimensional co-culture models to maximise the benefit of the availability of these cells. Here we have developed the first two tri-layer models of the glomerular capillary wall. The first is based on tissue culture inserts and provides evidence of cell-cell interaction via soluble mediators. In the second model the synthetic support of the tissue culture insert is replaced with a novel composite bioartificial membrane. This consists of a nanofibre membrane containing collagen I, electrospun directly onto a micro-photoelectroformed fine nickel supporting mesh. GEnC and podocytes grew in monolayers on either side of the insert support or the novel membrane to form a tri-layer model recapitulating the human glomerular capillary in vitro. These models will advance the study of both the physiology of normal glomerular filtration and of its disruption in glomerular disease
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