40 research outputs found

    Simcoal 2 and ABCsampler input files for the three models

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    This file contains the .est and .par input files used for simulating the genetic datasets used in this article. There are three different couples of .est/.par files, each of them being associated to one of the three models presented in the article (i.e. dendritic, lattice and circular models). The event at 40,000 generations before present (i.e. all genes in the network were send back to an unique deme at this date, considering a backwards in time timeframe), was used to uniformize coalescence times across simulations and models

    Best blast hits of each contig from the de novo assembly of L. burdigalensis to Danio rerio cDNA database

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    This excel file contains all the best blast hits of each contigs from the de novo assembly of Leuciscus burdigalensis to Danio rerio cDNA database (Danio_rerio.Zv9.73.cdna.all.fasta available at: ftp://ftp.ensembl.org/pub/release-77/fasta/danio_rerio/cdna/) using a 1e-10 e-value threshold. The excel file contains four sheets

    Simulated data from the NULL model

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    Parameter values and summary statistics for simulations generated under the NULL mode

    Simulated data from the gene-flow / habitat model

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    Parameter values and summary statistics for simulations generated under the gene-flow / habitat mode

    Simulated data from the habitat availability model

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    Parameter values and summary statistics for simulations generated under the habitat availability mode

    Simulated data from the gene-flow / colonization model

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    Parameter values and summary statistics for simulations generated under the gene-flow / colonization mode

    Simulated data from the habitat / colonization model

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    Parameter values and summary statistics for simulations generated under the habitat / colonization mode

    Simulated data from the gene-flow / habitat / colonization model

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    Parameter values and summary statistics for simulations generated under the gene-flow / habitat / colonization mode

    Simulated data from the colonization model

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    Parameter values and summary statistics for simulations generated under the colonization mode