3,525 research outputs found

    Molecular Characterization of Extended-Spectrum beta-Lactamase-Producing Escherichia coli and Clones Causing Extraintestinal Infections in Humans. Animals as Reservoir of High-Risk E. coli Clones Pathogenic for Humans

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    Escherichia coli is the leading cause of urinary tract and bloodstream infections in humans and animals. The treatment of these infections has been seriously complicated by the appearance of multidrug-resistant isolates and especially by the rapid dissemination of extended-spectrum betalactamase- producing E. coli (ESBLEC). The present doctoral thesis includes six studies in which we evaluated the prevalence, the phenotypic and the genotypic characteristics of sequence type 131 (ST131) strains and other high-risk clones among E. coli strains isolated from patients with extraintestinal infections. We also study animals (pigs and dogs) as reservoirs for ST131 strains and other high-risk clones

    Le traitement pulpaire des dents permanentes immatures

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    Chez l'enfant, il est courant de rencontrer des lésions carieuses ou traumatiques sur les dents permanentes immatures. Leur conservation sur l'arcade est alors un enjeu primordial pour le chirurgien-dentiste. Deux cas de figures se présentent : soit la dent présente une pulpe vivante, auquel cas l'objectif principal est d'obtenir une édification radiculaire physiologique avec fermeture complexe de l'apex. Le recours aux thérapeutiques d'apexogénÚse est alors nécessaire. Soit la dent présente une pulpe nécrosée, l'édification radiculaire non physiologique est obtenue grùce à des techniques d'apexification. Plus récemment, l'approche de la pulpe nécrosée par une technique de revascularisation permet d'obtenir un développement radiculaire physiologique. Cet ouvrage à visée pédagogique est le résultat d'une longue recherche faisant la synthÚse des données actuelles présentes dans la littérature

    A classification of neighborhoods around leaves of a singular foliation

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    We classify singular foliations admitting a given leaf and a given transverse singular foliation.Comment: 42 pages in total; v2 contains several corrections and an image for depicting parallel transport around holes; thanks to all the commentators on our work, we are grateful for the suggestions

    Conflict in cross-functional IT project teams: The amplifying roles of functional background diversity

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    Conflicts pervade IT project teams and can be detrimental to team performance. Team diversity affects conflicts and team performance but its role is ambivalent. The moderating role of functional background diversity (FBD) on conflicts and team performance is explored via a hierarchical linear modelling analysis of 200 participants from 41 cross-functional IT project teams. Results corroborate the complexity of relationships between diversity, conflict, and performance by showing that the effect of FBD is contingent on the type of conflicts: FBD does not heighten the adverse effect of relationship conflicts on team performance, but it does amplify the detrimental effect of task conflicts. The study provides evidence that diversity attributes can play a moderating rather than a direct or mediating role on team performance. Moreover, the study’s systematic and combined application of several conceptual and methodological recommendations addresses limitations of past studies and underscores the importance of adopting a more nuanced and rigorous approach to examining diversity in teams

    Biomarkers of coronary endothelial health: correlation with invasive measures of collateral function, flow and resistance in chronically occluded coronary arteries and the effect of recanalization

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    Objectives: In the presence of a chronically occluded coronary artery, the collateral circulation matures by a process of arteriogenesis; however, there is considerable variation between individuals in the functional capacity of that collateral network. This could be explained by differences in endothelial health and function. We aimed to examine the relationship between the functional extent of collateralization and levels of biomarkers that have been shown to relate to endothelial health. Methods: We measured four potential biomarkers of endothelial health in 34 patients with mature collateral networks who underwent a successful percutaneous coronary intervention (PCI) for a chronic total coronary occlusion (CTO) before PCI and 6-8 weeks after PCI, and examined the relationship of biomarker levels with physiological measures of collateralization. Results: We did not find a significant change in the systemic levels of sICAM-1, sE-selectin, microparticles or tissue factor 6-8 weeks after PCI. We did find an association between estimated retrograde collateral flow before CTO recanalization and lower levels of sICAM-1 (r=0.39, P=0.026), sE-selectin (r=0.48, P=0.005) and microparticles (r=0.38, P=0.03). Conclusion: Recanalization of a CTO and resultant regression of a mature collateral circulation do not alter systemic levels of sICAM-1, sE-selectin, microparticles or tissue factor. The identified relationship of retrograde collateral flow with sICAM-1, sE-selectin and microparticles is likely to represent an association with an ability to develop collaterals rather than their presence and extent


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    Abish Aynur, Modality in Kazakh as spoken in China

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    Cet ouvrage est issu de la thĂšse de doctorat de l’auteure, soutenue Ă  l’universitĂ© d’Uppsala en 2014, sous la direction d’É. CsatĂł-Johanson. La premiĂšre partie, de 164 pages, constitue l’étude proprement dite : celle-ci est suivie d’un long appendice (89 pages) qui contient le corpus exploitĂ© par l’auteure : neuf textes originaux, de longueur variable (4 Ă  77 énoncĂ©s). Les textes enregistrĂ©s, qui sont tous des monologues, sont transcrits, annotĂ©s et traduits (en anglais) par l’auteure. Enregi..

    Deutsche Arbeitskosten im europĂ€ischen Vergleich: Nur geringer Anstieg. Auswertung der aktuellen Eurostat-Statistik fĂŒr 2008

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    Im Jahr 2008 sind die Arbeitskosten in Deutschland zwar stĂ€rker als in den Vorjahren gestiegen, ihr Zuwachs blieb aber erneut hinter der Entwicklung fast aller ĂŒbrigen europĂ€ischen LĂ€nder zurĂŒck. Dadurch wurde fĂŒr sich genommen die internationale WettbewerbsfĂ€higkeit weiter gestĂ€rkt, was zum deutschen LeistungsbilanzĂŒberschuss beitrug. Die Arbeitskosten in Deutschland liegen im verarbeitenden Gewerbe mit 32,50 Euro je Stunde mitten in der oberen HĂ€lfte der LĂ€nder des Euroraums, wĂ€hrend im privaten Dienstleistungssektor mit 26 Euro je Stunde gerade der Euroraumdurchschnitt erreicht wird. Über die Vorleistungsverflechtung und die Verwendung der vergleichsweise niedrigen Arbeitskosten im Dienstleistungssektor verbessert die deutsche Industrie ihre Wettbewerbsposition erheblich.In 2008 labour costs in Germany increased more pronouncedly than in previous years, but again developed poorly compared to other European countries. This provoked a further improvement of Germany's international competitiveness, resulting in current account surpluses. German labour costs in the manufacturing sector of 32.50 Euro per hour rank in the upper middle of the Euro Area. In the service sector, only 26 Euro per hour are paid, which is about the average in the Euro area. The availability of relatively cheap services inputs increases the competitiveness of Germany's industry even further
