3,509 research outputs found

    Supporting public availability and accessibility with Elvin: experiences and reflections.

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    We provide a retrospective account of how a generic event notification service called Elvin and a suite of simple client applications: CoffeeBiff, Tickertape and Tickerchat, came to be used within our organisation to support awareness and interaction. After overviewing Elvin and its clients, we outline various experiences from data collated across two studies where Elvin and its clients have been used to augment the workaday world to support interaction, to make digital actions visible, to make physical actions available beyond the location of action, and to support content and socially based information filtering. We suggest there are both functional and technical reasons for why Elvin works for enabling awareness and interaction. Functionally, it provides a way to produce, gather and redistribute information from everyday activities (via Elvin) and to give that information a perceptible form (via the various clients) that can be publicly available and accessible as a resource for awareness. The integration of lightweight chat facilities with these information sources enables awareness to easily flow into interaction, starting to re-connect bodies to actions, and starting to approximate the easy flow of interaction that happens when we are co-located. Technically, the conceptual simplicity of the Elvin notification, the wide availability of its APIs, and the generic functionality of its clients, especially Tickertape, have made the use of the service appealing to developers and users for a wide range of uses

    Anomalous thermal expansion in 1D transition-metal cyanides: what makes the novel trimetallic cyanide Cu1/3Ag1/3Au1/3CN behave differently?

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    The structural dynamics of a quasi-one-dimensional (1D) mixed-metal cyanide, Cu1/3Ag1/3Au1/3CN, with intriguing thermal properties is explored. All the current known related compounds with straight-chain structures, such as group 11 cyanides CuCN, AgCN, AuCN and bimetallic cyanides MxM’1-xCN (M, M’ = Cu, Ag, Au), exhibit 1D negative thermal expansion (NTE) along the chains and positive thermal expansion (PTE) perpendicular to them. Cu1/3Ag1/3Au1/3CN exhibits similar PTE perpendicular to the chains, however PTE, rather than NTE, is also observed along the chains. In order to understand the origin of this unexpected behavior, inelastic neutron scattering (INS) measurements were carried out, underpinned by lattice-dynamical density-functional-theory (DFT) calculations. Synchrotron-based pair-distribution-function (PDF) analysis and 13C solid-state nuclear-magnetic-resonance (SSNMR) measurements were also performed to build an input structural model for the lattice dynamical study. The results indicate that transverse motions of the metal ions are responsible for the PTE perpendicular to the chains, as is the case for the related group 11 cyanides. However NTE along the chain due to the tension effect of these transverse motions is not observed. As there are different metal-to-cyanide bond lengths in Cu1/3Ag1/3Au1/3CN, the metals in neighboring chains cannot all be truly co-planar in a straight-chain model. For this system, DFT-based phonon calculations predict small PTE along the chain due to low-energy chain-slipping modes induced by a bond-rotation effect on the weak metallophilic bonds. However the observed PTE is greater than that predicted with the straight-chain model. Small bends in the chain to accommodate truly co-planar metals provide an alternative explanation for thermal behavior. These would mitigate the tension effect induced by the transverse motions of the metals and, as temperature increases and the chains move further apart, a straightening could occur resulting in the observed PTE. This hypothesis is further supported by unusual evolution in the phonon spectra, which suggest small changes in local symmetry with temperature

    Lattice dynamics and negative thermal expansion in the framework compound ZnNi(CN)4 with 2-D and 3-D local environments

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    ZnNi(CN)4 is a 3-D framework material consisting of two interpenetrating PtS-type networks in which tetrahedral [ZnN4] units are linked by square-planar [NiC4] units. Both the parent compounds, cubic Zn(CN)2 and layered Ni(CN)2, are known to exhibit 3-D and 2-D negative thermal expansion (NTE), respectively. Temperature-dependent inelastic neutron scattering (INS) measurements were performed on a powdered sample of ZnNi(CN)4 to probe phonon dynamics. The measurements were underpinned by ab-initio lattice dynamical calculations. Good agreement was found between the measured and calculated generalized phonon density-of-states, validating our theoretical model and indicating that it is a good representation of the dynamics of the structural units. The calculated linear thermal expansion coefficients are αa = -21.2 × 10-6 K-1 and αc = +14.6 × 10-6 K-1, leading to an overall volume expansion coefficient, αV of -26.95 × 10-6 K-1, pointing towards pronounced NTE behaviour. Analysis of the derived mode-Grüneisen parameters shows that the optic modes around 12 and 40 meV make a significant contribution to the NTE. These modes involve localised rotational motions of the [NiC4] and/or [ZnN4] rigid units, echoing what has previously been observed in Zn(CN)2 and Ni(CN)2. However, in ZnNi(CN)4, modes below 10 meV have the most negative Grüneisen parameters. Analysis of their eigenvectors reveals that a large transverse motion of the Ni atom in the direction perpendicular to its square-planar environment induces a distortion of the units. This mode is a consequence of the Ni atom being constrained only in two dimensions within a 3-D framework. Hence, although rigid-unit modes account for some of the NTE-driving phonons, the added degree of freedom compared with Zn(CN)2 results in modes with twisting motions, capable of inducing greater NTE

    Impact of an informed choice invitation on uptake of screening for diabetes in primary care (DICISION): trial protocol.

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    BACKGROUND: Screening invitations have traditionally been brief, providing information only about population benefits. Presenting information about the limited individual benefits and potential harms of screening to inform choice may reduce attendance, particularly in the more socially deprived. At the same time, amongst those who attend, it might increase motivation to change behavior to reduce risks. This trial assesses the impact on attendance and motivation to change behavior of an invitation that facilitates informed choices about participating in diabetes screening in general practice. Three hypotheses are tested: 1. Attendance at screening for diabetes is lower following an informed choice compared with a standard invitation. 2. There is an interaction between the type of invitation and social deprivation: attendance following an informed choice compared with a standard invitation is lower in those who are more rather than less socially deprived. 3. Amongst those who attend for screening, intentions to change behavior to reduce risks of complications in those subsequently diagnosed with diabetes are stronger following an informed choice invitation compared with a standard invitation. METHOD/DESIGN: 1500 people aged 40-69 years without known diabetes but at high risk are identified from four general practice registers in the east of England. 1200 participants are randomized by households to receive one of two invitations to attend for diabetes screening at their general practices. The intervention invitation is designed to facilitate informed choices, and comprises detailed information and a decision aid. A comparison invitation is based on those currently in use. Screening involves a finger-prick blood glucose test. The primary outcome is attendance for diabetes screening. The secondary outcome is intention to change health related behaviors in those attenders diagnosed with diabetes. A sample size of 1200 ensures 90% power to detect a 10% difference in attendance between arms, and in an estimated 780 attenders, 80% power to detect a 0.2 sd difference in intention between arms. DISCUSSION: The DICISION trial is a rigorous pragmatic denominator based clinical trial of an informed choice invitation to diabetes screening, which addresses some key limitations of previous trials.RIGHTS : This article is licensed under the BioMed Central licence at http://www.biomedcentral.com/about/license which is similar to the 'Creative Commons Attribution Licence'. In brief you may : copy, distribute, and display the work; make derivative works; or make commercial use of the work - under the following conditions: the original author must be given credit; for any reuse or distribution, it must be made clear to others what the license terms of this work are

    Functional Mobility Training With a Powered Knee and Ankle Prosthesis

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    Limb loss at the transfemoral or knee disarticulation level results in a significant decrease in mobility. Powered lower limb prostheses have the potential to provide increased functional mobility and return individuals to activities of daily living that are limited due to their amputation. Providing power at the knee and/or ankle, new and innovative training is required for the amputee and the clinician to understand the capabilities of these advanced devices. This protocol for functional mobility training with a powered knee and ankle prosthesis was developed while training 30 participants with a unilateral transfemoral or knee disarticulation amputation at a nationally ranked physical medicine and rehabilitation research hospital. Participants received instruction for level-ground walking, stair climbing, incline walking, and sit-to-stand transitions. A therapist provided specific training for each mode including verbal, visual, and tactile cueing along with patient education on the functionality of the device. The primary outcome measure was the ability of each participant to demonstrate independence with walking and sit-to-stand transitions along with modified independence for stair climbing and incline walking due to the use of a handrail. Every individual was successful in comfortable ambulation of level-ground walking and 27 out of 30 were successful in all other functional modes after participating in 1–3 sessions of 1–2 h in length (3 terminated their participation before attempting all activities). As these prosthetic devices continue to advance, therapy techniques must advance as well, and this paper serves as education on new training techniques that can provide amputees with the best possible tools to take advantage of these powered devices to achieve their desired clinical outcomes

    Modelling the genetic aetiology of complex disease: human-mouse conservation of noncoding features and disease-associated loci

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    Understanding the genetic aetiology of loci associated with a disease is crucial for developing preventative measures and effective treatments. Mouse models are used extensively to understand human pathobiology and mechanistic functions of disease-associated loci. However, the utility of mouse models is limited in part by evolutionary divergence in transcription regulation for pathways of interest. Here, we summarize the alignment of genomic (exonic and multi-cell regulatory) annotations alongside Mendelian and complex disease-associated variant sites between humans and mice. Our results highlight the importance of understanding evolutionary divergence in transcription regulation when interpreting functional studies using mice as models for human disease variants

    Large-scale implementation of disease control programmes: a cost-effectiveness analysis of long-lasting insecticide-treated bed net distribution channels in a malaria-endemic area of western Kenya-a study protocol.

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    Introduction Historically, Kenya has used various distribution models for long-lasting insecticide-treated bed nets (LLINs) with variable results in population coverage. The models presently vary widely in scale, target population and strategy. There is limited information to determine the best combination of distribution models, which will lead to sustained high coverage and are operationally efficient and cost-effective. Standardised cost information is needed in combination with programme effectiveness estimates to judge the efficiency of LLIN distribution models and options for improvement in implementing malaria control programmes. The study aims to address the information gap, estimating distribution cost and the effectiveness of different LLIN distribution models, and comparing them in an economic evaluation. Methods and analysis Evaluation of cost and coverage will be determined for 5 different distribution models in Busia County, an area of perennial malaria transmission in western Kenya. Cost data will be collected retrospectively from health facilities, the Ministry of Health, donors and distributors. Programme-effectiveness data, defined as the number of people with access to an LLIN per 1000 population, will be collected through triangulation of data from a nationally representative, cross-sectional malaria survey, a cross-sectional survey administered to a subsample of beneficiaries in Busia County and LLIN distributors’ records. Descriptive statistics and regression analysis will be used for the evaluation. A cost-effectiveness analysis will be performed from a health-systems perspective, and cost-effectiveness ratios will be calculated using bootstrapping techniques. Ethics and dissemination The study has been evaluated and approved by Kenya Medical Research Institute, Scientific and Ethical Review Unit (SERU number 2997). All participants will provide written informed consent. The findings of this economic evaluation will be disseminated through peer-reviewed publications

    Impact of informed-choice invitations on diabetes screening knowledge, attitude and intentions: an analogue study.

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    BACKGROUND: Despite concerns that facilitating informed choice would decrease diabetes screening uptake, 'informed choice' invitations that increased knowledge did not affect attendance (the DICISION trial). We explored possible reasons using data from an experimental analogue study undertaken to develop the invitations. We tested a model of the impact on knowledge, attitude and intentions of a diabetes screening invitation designed to facilitate informed choices. METHODS: 417 men and women aged 40-69 recruited from town centres in the UK were randomised to receive either an invitation for diabetes screening designed to facilitate informed choice or a standard type of invitation. Knowledge of the invitation, attitude towards diabetes screening, and intention to attend for diabetes screening were assessed two weeks later. RESULTS: Attitude was a strong predictor of screening intentions (β = .64, p = .001). Knowledge added to the model but was a weak predictor of intentions (β = .13, p = .005). However, invitation type did not predict attitudes towards screening but did predict knowledge (β = -.45, p = .001), which mediated a small effect of invitation type on intention (indirect β = -.06, p = .017). CONCLUSIONS: These findings may explain why information about the benefits and harms of screening did not reduce diabetes screening attendance in the DICISION trial.RIGHTS : This article is licensed under the BioMed Central licence at http://www.biomedcentral.com/about/license which is similar to the 'Creative Commons Attribution Licence'. In brief you may : copy, distribute, and display the work; make derivative works; or make commercial use of the work - under the following conditions: the original author must be given credit; for any reuse or distribution, it must be made clear to others what the license terms of this work are

    Fast ScanNet : fast and dense analysis of multi-gigapixel whole-slide images for cancer metastasis detection

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    Lymph node metastasis is one of the most important indicators in breast cancer diagnosis, that is traditionally observed under the microscope by pathologists. In recent years, with the dramatic advance of high-throughput scanning and deep learning technology, automatic analysis of histology from whole- slide images has received a wealth of interest in the field of medical image computing, which aims to alleviate pathologists’ workload and simultaneously reduce misdiagnosis rate. However, automatic detection of lymph node metastases from whole-slide images remains a key challenge because such images are typically very large, where they can often be multiple gigabytes in size. Also, the presence of hard mimics may result in a large number of false positives. In this paper, we propose a novel method with anchor layers for model conversion, which not only leverages the efficiency of fully convolutional architectures to meet the speed requirement in clinical practice, but also densely scans the whole- slide image to achieve accurate predictions on both micro- and macro-metastases. Incorporating the strategies of asynchronous sample prefetching and hard negative mining, the network can be effectively trained. The efficacy of our method are corroborated on the benchmark dataset of 2016 Camelyon Grand Challenge. Our method achieved significant improvements in comparison with the state-of-the-art methods on tumour localization accuracy with a much faster speed and even surpassed human performance on both challenge tasks

    Profiling molecular and behavioral circadian rhythms in the non-symbiotic sea anemone Nematostella vectensis

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    © The Author(s), 2015. This article is distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License. The definitive version was published in Scientific Reports 5 (2015): 11418, doi:10.1038/srep11418.Endogenous circadian clocks are poorly understood within early-diverging animal lineages. We have characterized circadian behavioral patterns and identified potential components of the circadian clock in the starlet sea anemone, Nematostella vectensis: a model cnidarian which lacks algal symbionts. Using automatic video tracking we showed that Nematostella exhibits rhythmic circadian locomotor activity, which is persistent in constant dark, shifted or disrupted by external dark/light cues and maintained the same rate at two different temperatures. This activity was inhibited by a casein kinase 1δ/ε inhibitor, suggesting a role for CK1 homologue(s) in Nematostella clock. Using high-throughput sequencing we profiled Nematostella transcriptomes over 48 hours under a light-dark cycle. We identified 180 Nematostella diurnally-oscillated transcripts and compared them with previously established databases of adult and larvae of the symbiotic coral Acropora millepora, revealing both shared homologues and unique rhythmic genes. Taken together, this study further establishes Nematostella as a non-symbiotic model organism to study circadian rhythms and increases our understanding about the fundamental elements of circadian regulation and their evolution within the Metazoa.This work was supported by the Israel-US Binational Science Foundation to OL and AMT (Award 2011187). Additional support was provided by the WHOI Early Career Scientist Award to AMT
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