1,942 research outputs found

    Radical political unionism reassessed

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    Defections from European social-democratic parties and a resurgence of union militancy have prompted some to diagnose a new left-wing trade unionism across Europe. This comment on the article by Connolly and Darlington scrutinizes trends in France and Germany but primarily analyses recent developments in Britain. While there are some instances of disaffiliation from the Labour Party, support for electoral alternatives, growth in political militancy and emphasis on new forms of internationalism, these have been limited. There is insufficient evidence to suggest that we are witnessing the making of a new radical collectivism

    Mechanisms of growth inhibition of primary prostate epithelial cells following gamma irradiation or photodynamic therapy including senscence, necrosis, and autophagy, but not apoptosis

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    In comparison to more differentiated cells, prostate cancer stem-like cells are radioresistant, which could explain radio-recurrent prostate cancer. Improvement of radiotherapeutic efficacy may therefore require combination therapy. We have investigated the consequences of treating primary prostate epithelial cells with gamma irradiation and photodynamic therapy (PDT), both of which act through production of reactive oxygen species (ROS). Primary prostate epithelial cells were cultured from patient samples of benign prostatic hyperplasia and prostate cancer prior to treatment with PDT or gamma irradiation. Cell viability was measured using MTT and alamar blue assay, and cell recovery by colony-forming assays. Immunofluorescence of gamma-H2AX foci was used to quantify DNA damage, and autophagy and apoptosis were assessed using Western blots. Necrosis and senescence were measured by propidium iodide staining and beta-galactosidase staining, respectively. Both PDT and gamma irradiation reduced the colony-forming ability of primary prostate epithelial cells. PDT reduced the viability of all types of cells in the cultures, including stem-like cells and more differentiated cells. PDT induced necrosis and autophagy, whereas gamma irradiation induced senescence, but neither treatment induced apoptosis. PDT and gamma irradiation therefore inhibit cell growth by different mechanisms. We suggest these treatments would be suitable for use in combination as sequential treatments against prostate cancer

    Banks-Zaks fixed point analysis in momentum subtraction schemes

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    We analyse the critical exponents relating to the quark mass anomalous dimension and beta-function at the Banks-Zaks fixed point in Quantum Chromodynamics (QCD) in a variety of representations for the quark in the momentum subtraction (MOM) schemes of Celmaster and Gonsalves. For a specific range of values of the number of quark flavours, estimates of the exponents appear to be scheme independent. Using the recent five loop modified minimal subtraction (MSbar) scheme quark mass anomalous dimension and estimates of the fixed point location we estimate the associated exponent as 0.263-0.268 for the SU(3) colour group and 12 flavours when the quarks are in the fundamental representation.Comment: 33 latex pages, 25 tables, anc directory contains txt file with electronic version of renormalization group function

    Morphology and biomechanics of the nests of the Common Blackbird Turdus merula

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    Capsule Common blackbirds select different materials, with varying biomechanical properties, to construct different parts of their nest. Aims This study tested the hypothesis that outer components of a nest have a more structural role and so are stronger than materials used to line the cup. Methods Blackbird nests were measured prior to being dismantled to isolate structural components which were tested for mechanical strength and rigidity. Results Outer nest wall materials were significantly thicker, stronger and more rigid than materials in the inner structural wall or the cup lining. In the vertical plane materials used in the structural wall did not differ. By contrast, lining materials from the bottom of the nest cup were significantly thicker, stronger and more rigid than materials from the top of the cup. Conclusion Blackbirds use different materials in nest construction roles suited to their properties and so may be able to recognise the structural properties of these materials. Materials on the outside of the nest may have a key structural role during construction

    Scheme and gauge dependence of QCD fixed points at five loops

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    We analyse the fixed points of QCD at high loop order in a variety of renormalization schemes and gauges across the conformal window. We observe that in the minimal momentum subtraction scheme solutions for the Banks-Zaks fixed point persist for values of Nf below that of the MSbar scheme in the canonical linear covariant gauge. By treating the parameter of the linear covariant gauge as a second coupling constant we confirm the existence of a second Banks-Zaks twin critical point, which is infrared stable, to five loops. Moreover a similar and parallel infrared stable fixed point is present in the Curci-Ferrari and maximal abelian gauges which persists in different schemes including kinematic ones. We verify that with the increased available loop order critical exponent estimates show an improvement in convergence and agreement in the various schemes.Comment: 56 latex pages, 11 figures, 34 tables, anc directory contains pdf of additional tables, minor text addition

    Examining the Dynamic Structure of Daily Internalizing and Externalizing Behavior at Multiple Levels of Analysis

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    Psychiatric diagnostic covariation suggests that the underlying structure of psychopathology is not one of circumscribed disorders. Quantitative modeling of individual differences in diagnostic patterns has uncovered several broad domains of mental disorder liability, of which the Internalizing and Externalizing spectra have garnered the greatest support. These dimensions have generally been estimated from lifetime or past-year comorbidity patters, which are distal from the covariation of symptoms and maladaptive behavior that ebb and flow in daily life. In this study, structural models are applied to daily diary data (Median = 94 days) of maladaptive behaviors collected from a sample (N = 101) of individuals diagnosed with personality disorders. Using multilevel and unified structural equation modeling, between-person, within-person, and person-specific structures were estimated from 16 behaviors that are encompassed by the Internalizing and Externalizing spectra. At the between-person level (i.e., individual differences in average endorsement across days) we found support for a two-factor Internalizing-Externalizing model, which exhibits significant associations with corresponding diagnostic spectra. At the within-person level (i.e., dynamic covariation among daily behavior pooled across individuals) we found support for a more differentiated, four-factor, Negative Affect-Detachment-Hostility-Impulsivity structure. Finally, we demonstrate that the person-specific structures of associations between these four domains are highly idiosyncratic
