92 research outputs found

    Scardinius Knezevici Bianco & Kottelat, 2005 and Alburnus scoranza Bonaparte, 1845: New species of ichthyofauna of Serbia and the Danube basin

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    Research into the ichthyofauna of the Vlasina Lake reservoir in south Serbia, which is part of the Danube basin, was carried out in 1993, 40 years after its formation. The results of the research reveal the presence of several species of fish belonging to the Adriatic and Aegean basin, such as Alburnus albidus, Rutilus basak, Scardinius graecus and Pachychilon macedonicus. These findings are of great importance from the aspect of conservation, because the species Scardinius graecus and Alburnus albidus are on the European list of endangered fish species. In the latest study of the Vlasina Lake reservoir ichthyofauna (70 years after its formation), the above-mentioned species were not found. However, the presence of naturalized populations of two species from the Adriatic basin were confirmed: Scardinius knezevici and Alburnus scoranza. These findings represent the first known areal expansion of these species, which are new to the ichthyofauna of Serbia, from the Adriatic into the Danube (Black Sea) basin

    The first record of Dixella aestivalis (Meigen, 1818) (Diptera: Dixidae) in Serbia

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    The meniscus midges Dixella aestivallis (Meigen, 1818) was recorded for the first time on the territory of Serbia. This species was found in the Karamejdan Lake on the territory of the protected nature reserve Pešter plateau, the highest Karst plateau of the Balkan Peninsula. The larva of D. aestivalis was detected in a locality with well-developed aquatic vegetation and high value of oxygen concentration. Dixella aestivalis is a eurytopic species, which prefers to live in different types of small stagnant waters. This study is a result of the ongoing monitoring of freshwater ecosystems. This finding is the starting point for further studies of these species in Serbia.Publishe

    Results of investigating the macroinvertebrate community of the Danube River on the sector upstream from the Iron Gate (km 1083-1071)

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    The present work cites results of investigating aquatic macroinvertebrates of the Danube River on the sector upstream from the Iron Gate (KM 1083-1071). The investigated part is interesting from the hydrobiological standpoint above all due to differences of faunal composition in relation to higher sections that could be expected in view of differences in overall characteristics of the river. A rich macroinvertebrate community (84 taxa) was observed. The diversity of taxa is primarily a result of habitat diversity within the given stretch. Oligochaeta and Mollusca were the principal components

    Results of investigating the macroinvertebrate community of the Danube River on the sector upstream from the Iron Gate (km 1083-1071)

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    The present work cites results of investigating aquatic macroinvertebrates of the Danube River on the sector upstream from the Iron Gate (KM 1083-1071). The investigated part is interesting from the hydrobiological standpoint above all due to differences of faunal composition in relation to higher sections that could be expected in view of differences in overall characteristics of the river. A rich macroinvertebrate community (84 taxa) was observed. The diversity of taxa is primarily a result of habitat diversity within the given stretch. Oligochaeta and Mollusca were the principal components.Cilj rada je da se prikažu rezultati istraživanja vodenih makroinvertebrata u sektoru uzvodno od Đerdapa (1083-1071 km). Istraživano područje interesantno je za hidrobiološka istraživanja, pre svega, zbog promena u strukturi faune u odnosu na gornji deo toka, što je i očekivano ako se uzmu u obzir promene opštih karakteristika reke u sektoru. Zabeleženo je raznovrsno naselje makroinvertebrata (84 taksona). Raznovrsnost faune posledica je, pre svega, diverziteta staništa u okviru istraživanog područja. Grupe Oligochaeta i Mollusca bile su najznačajnije komponente proučavane zajednice makro invertebrata.Part of the material originated from the Joint Danube Survey, a national progra

    Checklist of non-indigenous fish species of the River Danube

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    Twenty non-indigenous fish species were recorded in the Danube River. The manner of their introduction, vectors, pathways, as well as invasive status are discussed. The major modes of introduction and translocation were found to be aquaculture and fish stocking. The main environmental consequences of the spread of alien fish are related to changes in the structure and functioning of the fish community and to the introduction of non-indigenous parasites

    The first record of the Chinese pond mussel Sinanodonta woodiana (Lea, 1834) in Montenegro

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    Sinanodonta woodiana (Lea, 1834), Chinese pond mussel (Bivalvia: Unionoida: Unionidae) is one of the most invasive aquatic macroinvertebrate species found in Europe. We report the Chinese pond mussel for the first time in Montenegro, in August 2012, in Lake Šasko (Adriatic part of the Central Mediterranean subarea). One specimen of the Chinese pond mussel was observed in a habitat with a predominantly silt-clay substrate. The main pathway of species introduction was evaluated to be via fish stocking

    First record of Bothrioneurum vejdovskyanum Štolc, 1886 (Oligochaeta, Tubificidae) in Serbia

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    We report the discovery of Bothrioneurum vejdovskyanum Štolc, 1886 (Annelida: Oligochaeta: Tubificidae: Rhyacodrilinae) in Serbian freshwaters. Fifteen specimens were found in the middle course of the River Ibar (southern Serbia), at a locality where the macrolithal type of substrate and strong currents prevail. These organisms were found together with Stylodrilus heringianus (Claparede, 1862). They were among the most abundant Oligochaeta species. The species are described and its biology and distribution are discussed. The present record contributes to the knowledge on the general distribution of this rare species, particularly in the Balkans (southeastern Europe)

    Results of investigating the macroinvertebrate community of the Danube River on the sector upstream from the Iron Gate (km 1083-1071)

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    The present work cites results of investigating aquatic macroinvertebrates of the Danube River on the sector upstream from the Iron Gate (KM 1083-1071). The investigated part is interesting from the hydrobiological standpoint above all due to differences of faunal composition in relation to higher sections that could be expected in view of differences in overall characteristics of the river. A rich macroinvertebrate community (84 taxa) was observed. The diversity of taxa is primarily a result of habitat diversity within the given stretch. Oligochaeta and Mollusca were the principal components.Cilj rada je da se prikažu rezultati istraživanja vodenih makroinvertebrata u sektoru uzvodno od Đerdapa (1083-1071 km). Istraživano područje interesantno je za hidrobiološka istraživanja, pre svega, zbog promena u strukturi faune u odnosu na gornji deo toka, što je i očekivano ako se uzmu u obzir promene opštih karakteristika reke u sektoru. Zabeleženo je raznovrsno naselje makroinvertebrata (84 taksona). Raznovrsnost faune posledica je, pre svega, diverziteta staništa u okviru istraživanog područja. Grupe Oligochaeta i Mollusca bile su najznačajnije komponente proučavane zajednice makro invertebrata.Part of the material originated from the Joint Danube Survey, a national progra

    Comparison of the effectiveness of kick and sweep hand net and Surber net sampling techniques used for collecting aquatic macroinvertebrate samples

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    The objective of this work is to analyze the effectiveness of two widely used methods for collecting aquatic macroinvertebrate samples: the semiquantitative kick and sweep (K&S) and quantitative Surber net (SN) techniques. Based on our data, the methods were fully comparable as regards analysis of the macroinvertebrate metrics most often used in ecological status assessment (sensitivity/tolerance parameters), while K&S was found to be more successful in the evaluation of biodiversity. Thus, both methods could be used for routine monitoring of the status of water bodies, according to the recommendation of the EU Water Framework Directive, while for research, K&S is more advanced. K&S is also more effective timewise for material collecting. SN sampling is a quantitative method and could thus be used in studies of aquatic ecosystem productivity.Archives of Biological Sciences (2017), 69(2): 233-23

    Comparison of the effectiveness of kick and sweep hand net and surber net sampling techniques used for collecting aquatic macroinvertebrate samples

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    The objective of this work is to analyze the effectiveness of two widely used methods for collecting aquatic macroinvertebrate samples: the semiquantitative kick and sweep (K&S) and quantitative Surber net (SN) techniques. Based on our data, the methods were fully comparable as regards analysis of the macroinvertebrate metrics most often used in ecological status assessment (sensitivity/tolerance parameters), while K&S was found to be more successful in the evaluation of biodiversity. Thus, both methods could be used for routine monitoring of the status of water bodies, according to the recommendation of the EU Water Framework Directive, while for research, K&S is more advanced. K&S is also more effective timewise for material collecting. SN sampling is a quantitative method and could thus be used in studies of aquatic ecosystem productivity.The final publication is available at [http://www.serbiosoc.org.rs/arch/index.php/abs/article/view/731]Archives of Biological Sciences (2016), OnLine Firs