6 research outputs found

    A Research on Landscape Architecture Student Use of Traditional and Computer-Aided Drawing Tools

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    Objective: This study includes a survey study on the effectiveness of the landscape design process of traditional and computer aided drawing tools by landscape architecture students. The research hypothesis, the traditional drawing tools in the process of landscape design, continue to be used in certain parts of the process. However, the computer aided drawing tools are currently used more effectively and more frequently. Materials and Methods: In order to test this hypothesis, a questionnaire was applied to the students of the department of landscape architecture. In order to reveal the effectiveness of drawing tools in the design process, a total of 111 landscape architecture students took part in a survey which included 68 questions. As a result of the survey, students' attitudes towards drawing tools were revealed. The questionnaire consists of 21 multiple-choice question, 5 open-ended questions, and 42 questions on the ranking positive sentences by degrees. The data was evaluated using SPSS program (version 15.0). Man-Whitney U and Wilcoxon tests were applied in order to compare the two drawing tools according to the data of the 5th and 6th chapters and to reveal the differences in preference to gender discrimination. Results: The survey participants consisted of 72 females (64.9%) and 39 males (35.1%) students. The majority of the respondents with 53 people were from the third year, 5th semester students. Determining in which stages of the design process, which of the drawing tools they prefer to use. As a result of the survey, it was found that 91% of the students were more positive about computer aided drawing tools. Conclusion: According to the results of the survey, it is certain that the computer aided drawing tools are considered more favourable. However, 92,8% think that traditional drawing tools and computer aided drawing tools can be used together during the student design process

    Geleneksel ve bilgisayar destekli çizim araçlarının peyzaj mimarlığı tasarım sürecine etkileri üzerine bir araştırma

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    Gelişen teknolojiyle tasarım sürecinde kullanılan çizim araçları da giderek değişim göstermektedir. Geçmişten bugüne kullanılan geleneksel çizim araçlarına bir seçenek olan bilgisayar destekli çizim araçları tasarımcıya yeni olanaklar sunmaktadır. Bu yeni olanaklar tasarım sürecini etkileyici niteliktedir. Bu çalışma, geleneksel ve bilgisayar destekli çizim araçlarının peyzaj tasarımı sürecindeki etkinliğini araştırmaktadır. Bu bağlamda çalışma kapsamında, tasarım, tasarım süreci ve çizim araçları da incelenmiştir. Çizim araçlarının tasarım sürecindeki etkinliğini ortaya çıkarmak amacı ile toplam 111 peyzaj mimarlığı öğrencisine 68 soruluk anket uygulaması yapılmıştır. Anket çalışması sonucunda öğrencilerin çizim araçlarına karşı tutumları ortaya çıkarılmıştır. Tasarım sürecinin hangi aşamalarında hangi çizim araçlarını kullanmayı tercih ettikleri belirlenmiştir. Anket çalışması sonucunda öğrencilerin bilgisayar destekli çizim araçlarına daha olumlu baktıkları ortaya çıkmıştır. Anket çalışmasının ardından alan çalışmasının sınırları belirlenmiş ve uygulama 3. sınıf öğrencilerinden oluşan 73 kişilik grupla Proje II dersi kapsamında, 2010-2011 bahar yarıyılında gerçekleştirilmiştir. Çalışma süresince öğrencilerin tasarım aşamaları gözlem formları eşliğinde takip edilmiştir. Bunların yanı sıra öğrencilerin çizim araçlarına yaklaşımları gözlenmiştir. Çalışma sonucunda ortaya çıkan projeler çizim araçları kullanımları açısından değerlendirilmiştir. Alan çalışması sonunda yapılan değerlendirmede peyzaj tasarım sürecinde bilgisayar destekli çizim araçlarının geleneksel çizim araçlarına göre daha etkin olduğu ortaya çıkmıştır

    Computer Aided Drawing Programs in Interior Architecture Education

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    Interior architecture education has displayed much variability from the past to the present day. Additionally, computer-aided drawing systems have become an irreplaceable part of interior architecture education, as in all other design disciplines. The contribution of computers in education to the design process has created a process of, Hand drawing – Design – Design in computer environment – Product – Prototype. Currently, traditional drawing methods are used much less. Computer-aided drawing programs in universities display differences in terms of models and content. Additionally, the year and semester in which these lessons are taught are different in every university. In this context, this study deals with computer-aided drawing lessons in a total of 63 programs in 31 interior architecture departments and 32 interior architecture and environmental design departments in Turkey and the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus linked to the Council of Higher Education (YÖK) currently. This research was completed with the screening model. Data collection started in October 2020 and was completed at the end of 15 days. Screening was performed to learn which programs are taught in the programs in interior architecture and interior architecture and environmental design departments in different faculties. The software features of these programs were analyzed. The results of the study revealed the similarities of the different programs to each other

    Peyzaj tasarım öğrenimi sürecinde öğrencilerin çizim araçları kullanım tercihleri

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    Amaç: Araştırma hipotezi, ‘Peyzaj tasarımında geleneksel çizim araçları sürecinbelli kısımlarında kullanılırken, bilgisayar destekli çizim araçlarının ise daha etkin vesık olarak kullanıldığını’ öngörmektedir.Materyal ve Yöntem: Çalışma 3. sınıf öğrencilerinden oluşan 73 kişiyle, Proje IIdersinde gerçekleştirilmiştir. Öğrencilerin 3 farklı projedeki tasarım aşamalarıhazırlanan gözlem formları eşliğinde takip edilmiş ve çizim araçlarına yaklaşımlarıgözlenmiştir. Sonuçta ortaya çıkan projeler çizim araçları kullanımları açısındandeğerlendirilmiştir.Araştırma Bulguları: Alan çalışmasında peyzaj tasarım sürecinde bilgisayardestekli çizim araçlarının geleneksel çizim araçlarına göre daha etkin olduğusaptanmıştır. Kullanılan çizim araçları analiz edildiğinde, 1.’ye göre 2.ve 3. projedebilgisayar destekli çizim araçları daha sık kullanılmıştır. Ayrıca 1. projenintamamlama süresi 6 haftayken, 2. ve 3. projede 4 haftadır. 3 ayrı projede, finalçalışmalarında sadece geleneksel çizim araçlarıyla çizilmiş proje teslim edenöğrenci sayısı yok denecek kadar azdır. Proje süresince haftaların ilerlemesiyleöğrencilerin çizim araçlarını kullanım tercihleri değişim göstermektedir.Sonuç: Tasarım sürecinde geleneksel çizim araçları kullanıldığı halde teslimprojelerinin tamamen dijital ortamda olduğu gözlenmiştir. Alan çalışmasından eldeedilen en önemli veri ise tüm tasarım süreci boyunca öğrencilerin bilgisayar destekliçizim araçlarına daha olumlu bakmaları ve daha çok tercih etmeleridir

    Exploring the Spatial Dimensions of Social Sustainability in the Workplace through the Lens of Interior Architects in Jordan

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    In both industry and academia, sustainability has become a priority in the interior design and architecture industry, having a significant impact on society. However, most recent studies on building sustainability focus mainly on environmental and economic issues, with social sustainability often being complicated and overlooked in relevant research. This paper argues that there is a need for workplace design guidance that prioritizes parameters at the intersection of twenty-first-century workforce–corporate interests, embodying the notion of social sustainability within the built environment. Through this perspective, the physical environment is considered the container of its social content, and its features and characteristics have a direct impact on the quality of life and work for office workers. Although international currents in the age of globalization have stimulated tangible progress in the context of sustainability, the interior design of most design and architecture offices in Jordan suffers from an underrepresentation of the distinctive features of socially sustainable, user-welcoming interior spaces and environments. The current study explores the experiences of interior design professionals in Jordan through four windows of “Physiological Health and Comfort”, “Efficiency and Ergonomics”, “Privacy and Social Interaction”, and “Spatial Organization (Design)” from a quantitative perspective. A survey was developed to investigate these criteria and was administered among 145 full-time design professionals working in offices in Amman, Jordan. The study aimed to investigate the experiences of these practitioners in relation to their office work environment, with a focus on exploring Indoor Environmental Quality (IEQ), Quality of Work Life (QWL), and Quality of Life (QoL) from the perspective of social sustainability. Descriptive statistics, correlations, and regression models were employed to analyze the survey data and evaluate the findings. Overall, the study highlights the need for theoretical and practical incentives to promote the adoption of socially sustainable development in workplace design, particularly in the context of interior design in Jordan. By focusing on the experiences of interior design professionals with their workplace environment, this study provides valuable insights for the development of workplace design guidelines that prioritize social sustainability parameters within the built environment

    Well-Being as an Effective Aspect in the Perception of Vital In-between Spaces within Art and Architecture Faculties

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    In recent years, well-being has become an increasingly important consideration integrated with functional aspects in the design of educational spaces due to its significant impact on the built environment. Although the features of educational spaces have been explored in a myriad of studies, the potential of in-between spaces has not been well explored. This paper reveals the significance of in-between spaces in educational buildings beyond their functional use as the fundamental circulation within a building, indicating that they also play a dynamic role through their design as elastic gathering spaces that encourage informal interactions and link users psychologically and visually, which affects their well-being. However, the potential of these spaces is often overlooked compared to the main educational spaces. Additionally, during the design process, there seems to be a tendency to reduce these spaces to a bare minimum, in favor of exploiting larger spaces, which shows that they are regarded as merely connecting points or transitional spaces. The research problem addressed here is the lack of a clear, adequate understanding of the effect of designing in-between spaces on the productivity and well-being of users, as there are no criteria regarding in-between space designs to enhance well-being. The current paper aims to evaluate the reality of the in-between space design within the art and architecture faculties of Jordanian universities according to the perception of faculty members and students based on well-being requirements. Accordingly, a survey was designed to address the 11 key criteria identified in the literature, including (1) physical features and visual appearance; (2) size and design of in-between spaces; (3) circulation and movement space zoning; (4) ergonomics and furnishing; (5) lighting; (6) colors and finishing; (7) acoustics; (8) heating, ventilation, and air conditioning; (9) visual communication and instructional tools; (10) social and cultural spaces; and (11) accessories. The paper utilizes a mixed approach through survey and observation, where the findings are analyzed from three case studies to reveal the dimensions that need to be taken into account and developed to meet the needs of users. The results of the study demonstrate that the specific dimensions of circulation and movement, ergonomics and furnishings, colors and finishing, and accessories must be taken into account to create an interactive environment that advances the educational process and therefore enhances productivity