27 research outputs found

    Problem definisanja savremenog terorizma

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    For researchers of political phenomenons, one of the most attractive phenomenons in research has been modern terrorism. Moreover, the research and defining of terrorism is of first rate political significance, as the USA and a number of other states imperiled by terrorism are pointing out that the battle against terrorism is a first rate political goal for international community. However, still in international circles there has not been a definition of terrorism that would be accepted as a standard one, although within the OUN there have been some moves forward in that direction as far as time goes back. There are various reasons for that, and many among them are related to so-called problems in defining terrorism. Analysis of such problems has confirmed that terrorism indeed is a very complex and extremely developmental phenomenon which consists of a number of various forms in appearance. In addition, its defining has been obstructed by: ignorance and unfamiliarity of the phenomenon itself, its conceptual mesh with related models of political violence, arising of emotions while defining it, and, in particular, political interest of those who define it, as well as a number of other, less obvious, but not less important factors.Savremeni terorizam je jedan od najatraktivnijih fenomena za istraživače političkih pojava. Osim toga, istraživanje i definisanje terorizma je od prvorazredne političke važnosti budući da SAD i niz drugih zemalja koje su ugrožene terorizmom postavljaju pred međunarodnu zajednicu borbu protiv terorizma kao prvorazredni politički cilj. I pored toga, joÅ” nije međunarodno prihvaćena neka definicija terorizma kao opÅ”tevažeća, mada se u okvirima OUN već odavno radi na tome. Razlozi za to su brojni, a mnogi od njih spadaju u takozvane probleme definisanja terorizma. Analiza tih problema potvrđuje da je terorizam veoma složen i izrazito razvojan fenomen koji ima niz pojavno raznovrsnih formi, ali i to da njegovo definisanje ometaju: nepoznavanje fenomena, pojmovna isprepletenost sa srodnim oblicima političkog nasilja prisutnost emocija pri definisanju, a naročito politički interesi onih koji ga definiÅ”u, kao i niz drugih, manje uočljivih, mada ne i manje bitnih faktora

    Zdravstveni rizici od nedavnih migracija ka Evropi

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    Health risk from migration in Europe was not excessive in any period. Nevertheless, certain health risk still exist for domestic population as well as for the migrants themselves. That is primarily due to the fact that migrants legally residing in a country routinely avoid medical examinations and poor personal hygiene among some migrant, even when they are provided with accommodations that meet the necessary sanitary requirements. Therefore, today, health risks related to the migrants in Europe are higher for the migrants themselves than for the domestic populations. Although health risk related to migrants as a threat to public health, it is not high in Europe, it is still listed in official European documents as an important security challenge due to constant illegal influx of new migrants. There is also an ever present chance of revived and increased migrant flow caused by the real possibility of revival of old war conflicts as well as the eruption of the new ones in the Middle East and in Africa. Thus, preventing measures remain mandatory in all EU countries, as well as in other countries along the migrations' route including Serbia.

    Rodoljublje Nikole Tesle

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    In this paper it is shown that Nikola Tesla fostered unconflictual views of both patriotism and all humanity-related universalism, disprĀ­oving one-sided interpretations that had emphasized only one aspect of his views.Rad pokazuje da je Nikola Tesla nekonfliktno negovao i patriotizam i opÅ”tečovečanski univerzalizam, Å”to opovrgava jednostrane interpretacije koje su naglaÅ”avale samo jedan aspekt

    Određenje ekstremizma iz ugla teorije politike

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    In this article author defined the notion of extremism from the point of theory of politics, while emphasizing its original equivocation. Regarding the definition of extremism the theory of politics has not given significant contribution so far, and instead of it, it has limited itself on the commentaries and descriptions of extremism and its manifestations, objectives and participants. The author analyzed fundamental characteristics and causes of political extremism and its consequences on socio-political system from multidisciplinary point of view. Although it has been tolerated only as a marginal phenomenon in one society, as a rule, extremism has appeared in times of crisis and in such times it has been intensified to the point of being unbearable and unaccepted. In addition, extremism has been expressed in the form of militant exhibitionism, caused by fear of impersonality, to the point of negation of personal identity.U radu se određuje pojam ekstremizma iz ugla teorije politike i naglaÅ”ava njegova izvorna mnogoznačnost. U pogledu definisanja ekstremizma politička teorija nije do sada dala baÅ” preveliki doprinos viÅ”e se ograničavajući na komentare o ekstremizmu ili na opis njegovih manifestacija, ciljeva i aktera. Autor analizira sa multidisciplinarnog stanoviÅ”ta fundamentalne karakteristike političkog ekstremizma, njegove uzroke i konsekvence po druÅ”tveno-politički sistem. Iako je podnoÅ”ljiv samo dok je marginalna pojava u jednom druÅ”tvu, ekstremizam po pravilu korespondira sa kriznim vremenima i intenzivira svoje postojanje do granica nepodnoÅ”ljivog i neprihvaćenog. Ekstremizam se iskazuje i kao militantni egzibicionizam usled straha od bezličnosti i u krajnjem od poniÅ”tenja ličnog identiteta

    Hegelov doprinos političkoj teoriji u delu 'Estetika'

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    In this article author analyzed Hegel's contributions to political theory within a framework of his significant and extensive work Aesthetics. Although in this work Hegel did not decidedly define politics as illusion of art still it possible to think in this context on basis of Hegel's stance on art and politics in this and other work of this philosophical giant, and also on basis of analysis of other philosophers' works from this period or before it. On the basis of above mentioned, it is possible to claim that Hegel has such approach to politics as phenomenon, but that also he considers other political phenomenon in similar, theoretically discreet approach. Although politics as the art of illusion does not represent a part of aesthetics, it does provoke scientific interest. This article is written as some sort of contribution to the process of getting beyond a tension existing between aesthetics and politics for centuries, which is the process that has started since the middle of 18th century.U ovom članku se razmatra Hegelov doprinos političkoj teoriji u okvirima njegovog obimnog i veoma značajnog dela 'Estetika'. Iako Hegel nije u tom delu decidno definisao politiku kao iluziju umetnosti, ipak se može na osnovu njegovih razmiÅ”ljanja o umetnosti i politici u tom delu kao i drugim knjigama ovog filozofskog gorostasa, te na osnovu analize dela drugih filozofa koja su nastala u tom periodu, pa čak i pre njega, da je moguće govoriti o politici kao umetnosti iluzije i da Hegel ne samo da ima taj pristup politici kao fenomenu, nego i da na sličan, teorijski diskretan način razmatra i druge političke fenomene. Iako politika kao umetnost iluzije ne predstavlja deo estetike ona zaluđuje naučni interes. Članak je napravljen kao doprinos prevazilaženju napetosti između estetike i politike koja traje vekovima a koja se počela prevazilaziti polovinom 18. veka

    Politička misao Arhimandrita Jovana Rajića

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    This paper aims to shed some light on so far unexplored topic: the political thought of Jovan Rajić, the first Serbian author of the book about the history of the Serbian people. This will be done by analysis of his writings, as well as his actions which, in very specific social and political circumstances in Austria during second half of 18th century, undoubtedly had a political dimension. Rajić's aspiration to write the first history of Serbs was completely in line with political ambitions of Serbian people in Austria at that time. His political thought and works can be, from theoretical point of view, can be described, in short, as nationally and politically motivated Enlightenment, which was, by modernity of its political concept, completely embedded in Central European, and by form of writing in Russian political thought of his age. Considering its goals and actions, his political thought and works were a mixture of patriotism and loyalism.U radu se nastoji osvetliti, dosad kao poseban predmet naučnog istraživanja potpuno neobrađivana politička misao tvorca prve pisane istorije srpskog naroda Jovana Rajića, kako kroz analizu njegovih radova, tako i onih njegovih postupaka koji su u veoma specifičnim druÅ”tveno-političkim i istorijskim okolnostima u Austriji tokom druge polovine 18. veka nesporno imali i određenu političku dimenziju. Njegova politička misao i delo se sa teorijske tačke glediÅ”ta u najkraćem mogu oceniti kao nacionalno-politički motivisano prosvetiteljstvo koje je po modernosti teorijskog konstrukta potpuno pripadalo centralnoevropskoj, a po formi iskaza ruskoj političkoj misli njegove epohe, dok su po svojoj ciljnoj i akcionoj usmerenosti njegova politička misao i delo predstavljali meÅ”avinu patriotizma i lojalizma

    Odlazak velikog bogotražitelja i prosvetitelja

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    Migracije kao uzrok političkih anomalija u Evropi

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    In this paper, author explores the reasons for modern massive migrations from the Middle East and Africa to Europe, and determines that main causes of migrations are: demographic explosion in some parts of the world, wars and possibility of social engineering. Based on content analysis of recent documentation, author establishes that on one hand there are unstoppable birth rates in Africa and in the Middle East, which are at the same time the poorest and the most turbulent areas of the world. At the same time, birth rates and population in Europe - the wealthiest and best governed continent, are in decline. Migrations are very encouraged by the fact that Africa, the Middle East and Europe share an extremely long continental and sea border. Most migrants come from the Middle East because wars are more important reason for migrations than demographic explosions, and in the Middle East there is still unfinished Arabian Spring, and, even worse, the number of wars and terrorist organizations in the same area is increasing. Iraq, Syria and Afghanistan are, practically, a single battlefield. Regarding artificial induction of the migrations, author asserts that it is a long known phenomenon. Today, it is a subversive method, mastered not only by the big, but also by many of the smaller military-intelligence systems, but its dimensions should not be overestimated. Paper also finds a number of political and other anomalies that have arisen in many EU countries. It analyzes late reaction of the EU institutions to challenges posed by migrations. Special attention is paid to those dimensions of the migrations that turn them into security challenge. Possible positive effects of the migrations are also analyzed. Paper focuses on relation of migrations and national interest of Serbia. Author determines that migrations are, to some extent, security challenge for Serbia, not only in terms of increased danger of terrorism, but also because of possible outbreak of regional conflicts. Also, Serbia, due to its relative economic underdevelopment and high unemployment does not have economic or, in general, national interest in keeping a certain number of migrants on its soil. In the authors opinion, the irregular migrations from the Middle East and Africa to Europe will continue in the distant future.Predmet analize u ovom radu su raznovrsne političke i druge anomalije koje su izazvane aktuelnim masovnim migracijama prema Evropi. Cilj rada je da se ispita osnovanost pretpostavki o pojavi velikog broja političkih i drugih anomalija u političkoj praksi viÅ”e zemalja Evropske unije, kao neadekvatne reakcije na migracionu krizu. Analizom sadržaja i uporedno-istorijskim metodom u radu se utvrđuje čitav niz ozbiljnih anomalija koje su se povodom migracija pojavile u mnogim zemljama EU, analizira se zakasnela reakcija institucija EU na izazove koje su migracije donele sa sobom, a naročita pažnja se obraća na one dimenzije migracija koje ih pretvaraju u bezbednosni izazov. Autor takođe analizira i moguće pozitivne ekonomske efekte migracija i utvrđuje moguće korisnike takvih efekata. Autor zaključuje da su migracije bezbednosni izazov i za Srbiju, i to ne samo u pogledu uvećanja opasnosti od terorizma, nego i zbog mogućnosti izbijanja regionalnih konflikata, i da bi najveća od svih anomalija bila ta da najsiromaÅ”nije zemlje Evrope, u koje spada i Srbija, snose najveći teret migracija, kao Å”to je za sada slučaj. Rad se zavrÅ”ava zaključkom o anomalijama koje su nastale u evropskoj praksi kao izrazu nesnalaženja i nedovoljne funkcionalnosti nekih zemalja članica, kao i o verovatnoći ponavljanja migracija u skoroj budućnosti, i njihovoj verovatnoj masovnosti i intenzitetu, do čega se doÅ”lo koriŔćenjem adekvatnih statističkih metoda, na osnovu uvida u recentnu građu o žariÅ”tima demografskih eksplozija i ratova na Bliskom istoku i u Africi, kao i o razlozima njihovog trajanja

    Za oslobađanje prava od politike - u prilog univerzalnoj pravdi

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    Kritički ogled o utvrđivanju vremena nastanka terorizma i njegovim pretečama

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    Though in political theory there is a broad conglomerate of suppositions on the time of its emergence, the terrorism as a modern phenomenon has existed since the 19th century only. In studying the terrorism as a complex form of political violence, particular confusion in establishing the cause of emergence of terrorism and its predecessors is brought in by those who come forth from ideological and religious positions, not from scientific or professional ones. As to 'the first terrorists', two types of mistakes are usually made. First - when some historical examples of some types of political violence, which are not terrorism, are uncritically quoted as a phenomenon of terrorism. Second, proceeding from the first one - when those are classified as terrorist predecessors who cannot be sometimes designated as such according to any terrorist characteristics. Particular attention is addressed to elaborating the organizations of Thuggee, assassins, and zealots, with the purpose of exemplifying the notion of terrorism.Iako u političkoj teoriji postoji Å”irok konglomerat pretpostavki o vremenu nastanka terorizma, on, kao moderan fenomen, postoji tek od 19. veka. U izučavanju terorizma kao složenog oblika političkog nasilja, posebnu zbrku u utvrđivanju uzroka, nastanka i njegovim pretečama unose oni koji nastupaju sa ideoloÅ”kih i religijskih pozicija, a ne sa naučnih ili stručnih. Kada je reč o 'prvim teroristima', prave se obično dve vrste greÅ”aka. Prva, kada se nekritički kao fenomen terorizma navode istorijski primeri neke vrste političkog nasilja koji nisu terorizam. Druga, koja proizilazi iz prve, kada se u preteče terorizma svrstavaju oni koji nisu, ponekad, ni po jednoj karakteristici terorizma njegove preteče. Posebna pažnja je posvećena elaboriranju organizacija - Taga, Asasina i Zilota radi egzemplarnog objaÅ”njenja pojma terorizma