14 research outputs found

    Development of human resources structure for health resort facilities of the Republic of Crimea

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    The subject matter of this study focuses on the laws and mechanisms of employment in various sectors of the labor market of the Republic of Crimea. The article is devoted to the research of staffing structure for the development of business activities in the Republic of Crimea, in particular, for the health resort complex, to identify priority areas of regional employment policy. The main hypothesis of the research is as follows: there is a discrepancy between the basic parameters of the Crimean labor market transformation and the educational system that makes their proper interaction impossible, causing inconsistencies between the needs and demands of the labor market and the level of training (in particular, in the health resort complex) and the formal qualification of graduates of educational establishments. The methodological framework of the research is based on a systemic approach in studying the labor market of the Republic of Crimea and the use of statistical methods of analysis of the labor market conjuncture. The study analyzed the dynamics of socio-economic development of the Crimean region. The Crimean regional labor market conjuncture was studied, allowing the identification of the main causes of the imbalances in the development of the labor market. The analysis was made with regard to the qualifications of medical professionals graduating from educational establishments and groups of factors affecting the staffing structure were properly identified. The study of reasons of the Crimean labor market discrepancies showed that the current imbalance was caused by both objective and subjective reasons. Priority directions for employment policies have been suggested for the health resort complex. Their implementation will make the stabilization of the situation related to medical staff possible, including for the health resort complex. Such steps will also help improve the potential of human resources, capable of providing highly professional services to holidaymakers; contribute to the effective solution of problems of development of the Republic of Crimea under new economic conditions.The research has been supported by the Russian Foundation for Basic Research and the State Council of Republic of Crimea within the framework of the Project 14-46-01016 r_yug_a (Regional projects)

    Creative human capital and assessment of its manifestation in organizational behavior in the context of digitalization higher education

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    Problem and aim. In the context of the digitalization organization management human creativity and its properties and evaluation have become the leading topic of modern research in the field of organizational behaviour and organizational development. This problem is multi-vector, it is considered in different branches of knowledge. Human capital (HC) is the most valuable resource of the digital society, and the creativity of HC is the driving force of scientific progress. This is especially relevant for the higher education system, since it is here that the foundations of professional competencies and personal characteristics of future labour market actors are laid. The purpose of the study is to identify the features of creative human capital and to consider the possibilities of assessing its manifestation in organizational behaviour in the context of digitalization of higher education. Researchmethods. It was used the methods of monographic and statistical analysis, as well as the author's methodology based on a modified system of indicators (R&D potential; innovation potential; creative potential). The methodology uses dynamic and equity coefficients in order to universalize the method and the possibility of evaluating creative HC for different objects and different conditions. The authors' methodology uses a modified system of indicators, which are presented in national statistical systems and which group dynamic and share coefficients according to their functional purpose. Results. The study is both theoretical and applied, as it contributes equally to the theory and practice of organizational behavior. In the theoretical part, the authors considered four key issues: 1) human capital and creativity; 2) the concept of creative HC in the digital economy; 3) key trends in the development of higher education in the global economy; 4) increasing role of creative HC in organizational behavior in the context of digitalization higher education and methods for its assessment. In the practical part, the authors set and realized the goal of developing a universal methodology for assessing creative HC. The calculations of creative HC use the example of the higher education sector in Russia and Belarus. Conclusion. The authors have developed a methodology that can be used can be used for different subjects (countries, supranational entities, regions, organizations) and in different conditions (for example, digitalization higher education). Based on the analysis of scientific works on modern forms of HC reproduction, the authors propose main directions for smart scenarios of the HC development, especially relevant for the higher education system. © 2023 LLC Ecological Help. All rights reserved.Russian Science Foundation, RSFThis work was supported by grant № 23-28-00853 of the Russian Science Foundation; 2022 contest “Conducting fundamental scientific research and exploratory scientific research by small separate scientific groups”; topic: “Mechanisms for the development of complex socio-economic systems in the new economic conditions: Union State of Russia and Belarus; research sector; higher education and the labor market in the digital economy”

    Экономическая эффективность внедрения технологии аутсорсинга персонала на ПАО «Богуславская суконная фабрика»

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    В цій статті досліджувалась діяльність ПАТ «Богуславська суконна фабрика», що спеціалізуються на випуску постільної білизни, пледів, ковдр, рушників, кухонного приладдя та інших видів домашнього текстилю. Визначені кадрові проблеми на підприємстві і виявлено доцільність залучення аутсорсингового персоналу різних категорій.This paper studied the activity of PJSC «Boguslavskaya cloth factory», specializing in the production of bedding, rugs, blankets, towels, kitchen utensils and other home textiles. Designated personnel problems at the company and found necessary to employ outsourcing personnel in different categories in two specific outsourcing services.В этой статье исследовалась деятельность ПАО «Богуславская суконная фабрика», специализирующиеся на выпуске постельного белья, пледов, одеял, полотенец, кухонных принадлежностей и других видов домашнего текстиля. Определены кадровые проблемы на предприятии и выявлено целесообразности привлечения аутсорсингового персонала различных категорий в двух специфических провайдеров аутсорсинговых услуг

    Подходы к планированию ресурсного обеспечения в управлении проектами

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    У статті розглянуто в якості інструменту управління проектами календарне планування ресурсів інвестиційного проекту з використанням діаграми Ганта і побудови структури декомпозиції робіт. Для опису застосування календарного планування ресурсів інвестиційного проекту запропоновано побудувати схему календарного планування фінансових ресурсів інвестиційно-будівельного проекту житлово-будівельної компанії.Such project management instrument as resource scheduling of investment project is discussed in the article. Laying the scheme of housing company investment-building project financial resource scheduling is submitted for description of the resource scheduling of investment project.В статье рассмотрено в качестве инструмента управления проектами календарное планирование ресурсов инвестиционного проекта с использованием диаграммы Ганта и построения структуры декомпозиции работ. Для описания применения календарного планирования ресурсов инвестиционного проекта предложено построить схему календарного планирования финансовых ресурсов инвестиционно-строительного проекта жилищно-строительной компании

    Economic-mathematical methods for evaluating the performance of corporate social responsibility

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    The aim of this paper is to examine the applying of economic-mathematical methods for evaluating the performance of corporate social responsibility in Ukraine. We identified a set of quantitative and qualitative indicators which can estimate the state of socially oriented business management. The results of the integral indicators calculating of socially oriented management allowed defining the coefficients which show the level of company’s reputation. The applying of fuzzy sets theory, methods of cointegration analysis, correlation analysis and multiple regression allowed evaluating the performance of corporate social responsibility. The most important activities which impact on the performance of corporate social responsibility are good business practice in relation to suppliers and other business partners, competency management system, charity, sponsorship activities and regional employment rate

    Structural development of health resort staff in the Republic of Crimea

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    The subject matter of the research is the laws and mechanisms of development of employment in various sectors of the labor market of the Republic of Crimea. The article investigates the regional staffing structure in the development of economic activities of the Republic of Crimea, in particular, the health resort institution to identify priorities for the implementation of employment policies in the region. The main hypothesis of the study: a mismatch of basic parameters of transformation of the labor market in the Republic of Crimea and the educational system produces dysfunctionality of their interaction, causes conflict between the needs and requirements of the labor market and the training level, particularly in the health resort institution, as well as dysfunctionality of formal qualifications of graduates. The methodological basis of the research is a systematic approach to the study of the labor market in the Republic of Crimea and the utilization of statistical methods for analyzing the labor market. In the study, the dynamics of socio-economic development of the Crimean region was analyzed. The labor market conditions in the Crimean region were investigated, which revealed the main causes of imbalances in the labor market development. The analysis of the training of medical students in institutions of higher education was held. Groups of factors affecting the staffing structure in the region were determined. Analysis of the causes of the labor market imbalances in Crimea showed that the existing imbalance was caused by both objective and subjective reasons. Priority lines in employment policy in the health resort institution have been proposed. Their implementation will help to stabilize the situation with the medical staff, including the health resort institution; to improve human resources personnel, capable to provide a high level of service to recreants; to promote problem solving in the development of the Republic of Crimea in the new economic conditions.Проанализирована динамика социально-экономического развития Крымского региона. Изучена конъюнктура рынка труда в Крымском регионе. Предложены приоритетные направления политики занятости в санаторно-курортном комплексе, реализация которых позволит стабилизировать положение с медицинскими кадрами, в том числе для санаторно-курортного комплекса. Рассмотрено кадровое ресурсосбережение в санаторно-курортном комплексе.The research has been supported by the Russian Foundation for Basic Research and the State Council of Republic of Crimea within the framework of the project 14-46-01016 r_yug_a "Regional projects"