95 research outputs found

    Kehilangan Hara Pada Tanah Miring Hutan Primer Di Taman Nasional Dumoga - Bone, Sulawesi Utara

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    H. SIMBOLON 1988.Soil nutrients loss on a slope in the primary forest of Dumoga-Bone Nationat Park.North Sulawesi. Berita Biologi 3(8): 413 -417.The lost of soil nutriens in the lowland primary forest have beer studied in Lombongo,Dumoga-Bone National Park (North Sulawesi).The forest was dominated by Pometia pinnata with 25.71% of relative basal area.The forest canopy was built up by 368 trees per ha and the soil surface was covered by 353.92 g per m of litterfall (mean of fresh weight).The soil-and litterfall nutrient status of the study plots was less than that of the other primary tropical rain forests.Even though the soils were fully covered by litterfall, the erosion and leaching processes were still occurring.The leaching rate of the soil nutrients was 3.26% on C(the lowest rate) and 14.46% on P2Q5 (the highest rate),but no significant decrease on N was observed

    Hubungan Penguasaan Kosakata Dan Intensitas Menonton Berita Di Televisi Dengan Kemampuan Menulis Teks Berita Siswa Kelas VIII SMP Satu Atap Negeri 4 Pangururan Tahun Pembelajaran 2015/2016

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    Kosakata dan intensitas menonton berita di televisi dengan kemampuan menulis teks berita pada siswa kelas VIII SMPSatu Atap Negeri 4 Pangururan tahun pembelajaran 2015/2016.Populasi penelitian ini adalah seluruh siswa kelas VIII SMPSatu Atap Negeri 4 Pangururan tahun pembelajaran 2015/2016 yang berjumlah 90 orang.Sampel diambil dari populasi sebanyak 73 orang dengan teknik random sampling.Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah metode deskriptif korelasional.Instrumen yang digunakan untuk menjaring data adalah instrumen tes.Dalam hal ini, instrumen yang digunakan untuk menjaring data penguasaan kosakata adalah instrumen tes objektif.Instrumen yang digunakan untuk menjaring data intensitas menonton berita di televisi adalah instrument angket tertutup.Instrumen yang digunakan untuk menjaring data kemampuan menulis teks berita adalah instrumen tes penugasan menulis.Hasil penelitian menunjukkan empat hal. Pertama, penguasaan kosakata siswa tergolong kategori cukup ( = 64). Kedua, intensitas menonton berita di televisi siswa tergolong kategori sedang(= 59,46) (dalam rentang 41,5 – 81,5). Ketiga, kemampuan menulis teks berita siswa tergolong dalam kategori cukup ( = 66,5). Keempat, ada hubungan yang signifikan antara penguasaan kosakata dan intensitas menonton berita di televisi dengan kemampuan menulis teks berita siswa (Fhitung> Ftabel) dengan nilai Fhitung sebesar 35,6 dengan nilai determinasi 57,15. Ini berarti 57,15 % kemampuan menulis teks berita dipengaruhi oleh penguasaan kosakata dan intensitas menonton berita di televisi, sedangkan 42,85% dipengaruhi oleh faktor lain

    The Growth Dynamics on Tree Species of Fagaceae Family in a Tropical Montane Rain Forest of West Java, Indonesia

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    A one ha (100 x 100 m ) permanent plot each was established at sub-mountain (1000 m altitude) and mountain forests (1800 m altitude)in Gunung Halimun National Park,West Java in 1996.Both plots were monitored periodically in order to understand the population dynamics of tree species, an important aspect on understanding forest ecology.Number of individuals and total basal areas of Fagaceae species represented about 10 and 20.5% of total species in sub-mountain and 38 and 56.1% of total species in mountain forest.The distribution pattern of tree height(H, in m) of the similar diameter (D in cm) was consistently lower in mountain forest than of sub-mountain forest.The highest mortality index in sub-mountain and mountain forests was occurred on Lithocarpus sp.(ruui) and Castanopsis acuminatissima, respectively.As a whole, in both study sites, number of mortal individuals of all Fagaceae species during 1996-200 was higher than of recruit individuals.The growth and population dynamics of the Fagaceae species in both sites within 1996-2000 study periods were also discussed

    Vegetasi Dan Keadaan Tanah Hutan Lelofui Gunung Mutis, Soe-NTT

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    H. SIMBOLON & SUKENDAR. 1987. Vegetation and soil conditions of forest in Lelofui, Mount Mutis, Soe, East Nusa Tenggara. Suppl. Berita Biologi 3 : 6 - 10.Research on vegetation and soil conditions of forest in Lelofui, Mount Mutis, Soe East Nusa Tenggara has been done. The density of trees were 358 per nectar; height of canopies ranged between 25 m and 35 m with Eucalyptus urophylla as a dominance species.The relative basal area of E. urophylla was 72,82% which was greater than total basal area of remaining species.The others important species were Podocarpus imbricates, Ilex odorata and Acer niveum.The density of saplings were 708 per hectar.The dominant species of this sapling was Daphniphyllum laurinum with the relative basal area of 69,93% The height of sapling species were less then 10 m. The other important species of saplings were Scutellaria discolor and Acer niveum.The plot consisted of 17 species of trees and 9 species of saplings.This species composition was very small comparing to other tropical rain forests elsewhere.This small number of species composition is suggested not directly correlated with a soil fertility.Soil analisis form the plot showed that its properties was not so distinct from other tropical rain forest soil conditions

    Perhitungan Kerugian Infrastruktur dan Ekonomi Pasca Bencana Hidrometerologi

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    Assessment of post-disaster damage and losses is to as soon as possible measure the scale of the disaster's impact so that priority can be determined for handling and determining strategies for reconstruction and rehabilitation. In addition, the damage and loss assessment aims to estimate the benefits of the investment that will be allocated to the community and the development of areas affected by the disaster. However, it is difficult for government institutions to calculate post-disaster losses, which can lead to asymmetric information and budget abuse. Therefore, the document for calculating infrastructure and economic losses is important in providing fast and accurate information after a hydrometeorological disaste

    Analisis Beban Kerja Public Area Attendant di Hotel Aryaduta Pekanbaru

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    This research aims to determine the right number of employees which is Public Area Attendant ideal workload handled at Aryaduta Hotel Pekanbaru.This research was used descriptive quantitative method toexamined the issues. The sample in this research are 5 people and used census method. Data collection techniques in this study used observation, interviews and documentation. This research was used the exponent determinants technique (exponential smoothing), with two exponents in the human resources planning which consists of exponents workload in producing a product, as an analysis of the workload (work load analysis) and exponent of time (cycle time) to complete a product and to find the number of employees or staff that were ideal.Based on the research that has been done, for the whole of the results and from the calculation of ideal working time for the Public Area Attendant still need 1 person, that number must be filled by Aryaduta Hotel to cover their staff workload

    The Influence of Difference Temperature Against the Rate of Embryonic Development and Larval Abnormality of Cantik Grouper (Epinephelus SP.)

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    Cantikgrouper is the hybridization results grouper or cross-breeding between Epinephelus fuscoguttatus as a female and Epinephelus microdon as a male. The main barriers faced in the development of this commodity is still low levels of spawning up to seeding grouper. Based on the background, this study aimed to investigate optimum temperature observations against the rate of embryonic development Epinephelus sp.larvae. This study used the results of artificial spawning eggs.The fertilized eggs were incubated on six pieces of the container temperature treatment;each treatment there was repeated three times.The incubation temperature was kept on (A) 21-22°C; (B) 23-24°C; (C) 25-26°C; (D) 27-28°C; (E) 29-30°C; (F) 31-32°C. Results showed that eggswere incubated at a temperature of 21-22 ℃ embryonic development to a halt in the blastula, and temperature 23-24°C stalled on phasemyomere embryos. The low-temperature incubation period lasts a long time. Temperature 25-26°C needed 18 hours 6 minutes by 8.33% abnormality rate. Temperature 27-28°C needed 16 hours to hatch witha degree of abnormality of 7.6%. Temperature 29-30°C needed 15 hours 1 minute for the hatch tothe degree of abnormality of 5.33%. The 31-32°C temperature needed 14 hours 6 minutes to hatch witha degree of abnormality of 17.3%. The limits of tolerance for the incubation of the eggs ofcantik grouper (Epinephelusspp.) were 26-32°C.The best temperature of each treatment were obtained at a temperature of 29-30°C. Based on our results, it concluded that the changing temperature affected how long eggs could hatch

    Analisis Pola Sebaran Sedimen Tersuspensi Menggunakan Teknik Penginderaan Jauh Di Perairan Muara Sungai Banyuasin

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    TSS (Total suspended solid) adalah semua zat padat (pasir, lumpur, dan tanah liat) atau partikel-partikel yang tersuspensi dalam air berupa komponen biotik (fitoplankton, zooplankton, bakteri, fungi,dll), ataupun komponen abiotik (detritus dan partikel-partikel anorganik) yang masuk ke perairan melalui sungai menuju ke wilayah pesisir dan laut , dapat dilihat pengaruhnya secara langsung di perairan pesisir. Aktivitas manusia di hulu seperti illegal loging, pembuatan parit, transportasi, industri dan rumah tangga memberi sumbangan yang nyata terhadap peningkatan TSS di Muara Banyuasin. Penelitian analisis pola sebaran sedimen tersuspensi menggunakan teknik penginderaan jauh di perairan Muara Banyuasin telah dilaksanakan pada bulan April 2013 sampai dengan Oktober 2013. Data Landsat ETM 7 dikaji untuk memetakan sebaran TSS di Perairan Muara Banyuasin. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pola sebaran TSS insitu dan pendugaan, mengetahui algoritma TSS pendugaan yang sesuai di Muara Banyuasin dan mengaplikasikanya pada citra 31 Maret 2004, 29 Maret 2009 dan 24 Maret 2013. Pengolahan data citra landsat ETM 7 tanggal 9 April 2013 adalah untuk mengetahui pendugaan konsentrasi TSS dan mengolah data insitu yang diambil tepat saat perekaman citra. Konsentrasi TSS pendugaan diregresikan dengan data insitu. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan hasil dari regresi polynomial antara TSS pendugaan dan TSS insitu koefisien determinasi (R2) terbesar adalah 0,426 dihasilkan oleh algoritma Budhiman. berdasarkan data insitu menunjukkan konsentrasi TSS saat surut berkisar 40,33 mg/l-755,66 mg/l sedangkan saat pasang berkisar 113,44 mg/l-477,11 mg/l. Konsentrasi TSS pendugaan dalam kurun waktu 9 tahun (2004-2013) menunjukan bahwa terjadi peningkatan TSS di Muara Banyuasin
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